A Digital Hadron Calorimeter for the future International Linear Collider Abstract The International Linear Collider (ILC) is the upcoming collider generation which should push forward the high energy physics towards new frontiers. To face the challenge, it requires the upgrade of the detector standards used in high energy physics. New calorimeter technology needs to be developed . The SiD detector concept is one of the foreseen solutions to track the particles and discriminate their momentum. Its capabilities will be based on silicon detectors highly segmented. A digital hadronic calorimeter (DHCAL) will be part of the SiD detector. It is planned to consist on stainless steel layers to develop hadronic showers spaced by active volumes, where the particles will deposit their energy, and a solid state readout. A cm2 readout cells together with a maximum of 8 to 10 mm thickness of the active volume is assumed to guarantee excellent imaging capabilities. The technology to be used in the active cells of the DHCAL is still an open issue and several solutions compete. When considering large areas, a possible solution could be the thick Gas Electron Multiplier (THGEM). THGEMs are considerable easier to manufacture as the process is reduced to mechanical hole drilling on a PCB followed by Cu-etching of the rims. Hence, they are more cost effective, robust and resistant to damages induced by discharges. This work presents the first beam tests of a THGEM based prototype for DHCAL in order to evaluate the feasibility of minimum ionizing particles (MIP) detection by a THGEM architecture within the requirements imposed by the SiD detector concept. Carlos Azevedo, Ana Silva, Fábio Pereira, Pedro Correia, Lara Carramate, Ismael Castro, Luis Moutinho, Anabela Ribeiro, Daniel Covita, João Veloso Department of Physics (I3N/FSCOSD), University of Aveiro in collaboration with University of Coimbra, Dept Phys, Portugal Weizmann Inst Sci, Dept Particle Phys, Israel University of Texas at Arlington, Dept Phys, USA The SiD detector The SiD is composed by: a vertex and tracking system at the center; an electromagnetic calorimeter to provide information about neutral particles; a hadronic calorimeter to related the energy deposition of the charge particles with the paths identified by the tracker; and a muon calorimeter. The goal is to achieve excellent tracking capabilities together with outstanding energy jet resolution (< 3-4%). The DHCal based in silicon detectors and high granularity should provide excellent imaging capabilities and energy resolution. The DHCal is planned to be about 1 m thick, where 8 to 10 mm thick active cells are spaced by 20 mm thick stainless steel layers to stop hadronic showers Fig 4 / Pulse height distributions obtained with discrete electronics for muons by using a single 0.8 mm THGEM (left); and pions when employing a single 0.4mm THGEM structure (right). New goal: 40x40 cm2 detector HCal R=2591 mm Ecal R=1250 mm Fig 1 / A possible configuration of the SID detector concept: Quater section view where the different detector shells are show (left); Inner section with the tracker, the elecromagnetic calorimeter, the hadronic calorimeter and the solenoid (center); deteailed section view of the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeter (right). THGEM based prototype The measurements took place during two weeks at the CERNSPS/H4 beam line which can provide muons and pions up to 150 GeV.c-2. Four different detector geometries were tested by using THGEMs 0.4 mm and 0.8 mm thick. Single and double THGEM geometries were tested. Fig 2 / Schematic of one of the single THGEM configurations (left) and double THGEM configuration (right) tested. Experimental Results (in-beam) Fig 5 / Pictures of the new 40x40 cm² detector during the assembly: the pixelated anode (left) and the installed THGEM (right). A new detector with 40x40cm² was recently assembled being the firsts tests in course. It is expectable to go for a test beam in October/November 2014 using the new SRS electronic chain. Conclusion It was demonstrate that is possible to use a THGEM based detector for hadronic calorimetry with a thickness bellow 8 mm. The first prototypes with 10x10 cm² shown detection efficiencies around 95% at stable operating conditions both for mouns and pions. Although the achievable gain was rather moderate (~1000), to avoid discharges and keep the detector stable, the signals were unambiguously separated from the electronically noise with the characteristic Landau distribution well defined. A new step forward was achieve by building and assembly a 40x40cm² detector which should go to CERN for a test beam before the end of the year. References Fig 3 / Efficiency study performed with muons at a flux of about 2-3kHz.cm -1 for a single THGEM architecture (left) and a double THGEM configuration (right). . ILC 2007, arXiv:0712.2356v1 SiD Letter of Intent 2009, arXiv:0911.0006v1 A. White, J. Instrum. 5 (2010) P01005 A. White, arXiv:1006.3503v1 (2010) F. Sauli, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 386 (1997) 531 D. Freytag et al., IEEE Nucl. Sci Symp. Conf. Rec. (2008) 3447 R. Chechik et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 535 (2004) 303 A. Breskin et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 598 (2009) 107 P. Peskov et al., J. Instrum. 5 (2010) P1100 L. Arazi et al., J. 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