CENTRO DE LINGUÍSTICA DA UNIVERSIDADE NOVA DE LISBOA Sub-Unit 4 — Philology and Historical Linguistics Sub-project ‘Philology and Historical Linguistics: Primary Sources for the History of the Portuguese Language (PHILOLOGIA)’ Principal Investigator: Dr António H. F. P. A. Emiliano http://www.fcsh.unl.pt/philologia/index.html • [email protected] Veterum sequentes exempla quod firmum ac stabile fieri uoluimus kartis et litteris mandamus. [IAN/TT, Mosteiro de Arouca, m. 4, n.º 28, a.D. 1178] SUB-PROJECT: PHILOLOGIA — PHILOLOGY AND HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS ANNUAL REPORT (2006) Subproject title PO: Filologia e Linguística Histórica: Edição e Estudo de Fontes para a História da Língua Portuguesa EN: Philology and Historical Linguistics: Primary Sources for the History of the Portuguese Language Short title PHILOLOGIA Main scientific area PO: Ciências da Linguagem EN: Language Sciences Principal investigator António Henrique de Figueiredo Pedro de Albuquerque Emiliano Summary of results (as of March 2006) INTRODUCTORY REMARK: As of March 2005 several tasks of this subproject are explicitly included in the manifesto of the autonomous project THE ORIGINS OF THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE: DIGITIZATION, EDITION AND LINGUISTIC STUDY OF CHARTERS FROM THE 9th-10th CENTURIES (Ref. POCI/LIN/58815/2004). This will entail slight changes in future reports in the tasks' descriptions and goals. Those tasks that are common to both projects will be mentioned in the annual reports of both projects, because some of the funding of Sub-unit 4 has been allocated to the ORIGINS budget. The delays in the arrival of the funds from FCT resulted in a considerable delay in the completion of several goals for 2004 and 2005. Several of the tasks were therefore not completed or developed according to plan during this triennium. Task #1 – criteria and guidelines for palaeographic and normalized editions: creation of detailed reports containing the discussion of criteria and guidelines for publishing medieval documents, illustrated with 20-30 Medieval Portuguese texts STATUS: in progress COMMENTS: several reports containing criteria and guidelines for the editon and publication of medieval texts have already been produced and posted at the CLUNL website. A general document or handbook containing guidelines and editorial procedures for the transcription and edition of medieval documents must yet must be produced. The reports that have already been written and posted on the CLUNL website are being merged, and additional material is being compiled. The guidelines must crucially refer to texts written in the Visigothic script. The final version will not be completed before 2007. Task #2 – transcription of select Medieval Portuguese texts in palaeographic and normal formats STATUS: in progress [behind schedule] COMMENTS: transcription of 9th-10th centuries Latin-Portuguese documents is in progress an in schedule with the autonomous project ORIGINS OF THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE (POCI/LIN/58815/2004) — which is an off-shoot of this subproject. Transcription of documents from the Chancery of King D. Afonso III is behind schedule — awaiting digitization of the mansucript. Transcription of other texts, namely non-dispositive documents from the 12th and 13th centuries is in progress and in schedule. Task #3 – graphemic study of Latin-Portuguese and Old Portuguese documents STATUS: suspended [behind schedule] COMMENTS: so far only a few documents have been subjected to a thorough graphemic analysis; this task crucially requires the completion of Tasks #1, #2, and #4. Task #4 – photography of manuscripts in 9x12cm slide format and digitization of slides with high-resolution scanner STATUS: test phase complete; replaced by High Resolution Direct Digitization COMMENTS: several images of medieval manuscripts in 9x12cm slide format were commissioned from the National Archive of Torre do Tombo in 2004 and 2005, and were then digitized with a high resolution professional flat-bed scanner, and were printed in large-sized colour-proofs. Although these images were of high quality, we realized that color control quality and digital resolution was however not up to the highest standards or the requirements of a philological project. This task was therefore abandoned and replaced by High Resolution Direct Digitization (HRDD). The first campaign of digitization of documents from 12th and 13th centuries was prepared in late 2005, and took place on the last half of March 2006. 41 manuscripts were digitized (recto and verso). The image files were captured with a computerized Sinar camera and were exported by the application Sinar CaptureShop to .tif format. Image resolution ranges from 520 to 678 dpi (according to the size of the manuscript). File sizes range from 8x5.334Kpixels (produced with 16 shots) to 13x10Kpixels (produced with 16 shots per quadrant = 64 shots). All images were produced with 16-bit colour depth per channel (48 bits). The photographer is Dr David Cooper, an Oxford-based leading expert and pioneer on digital photography of manuscripts. Task #4 of the subproject philologia is currently being carried out in parallel with the autonomous project ORIGINS OF THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE (ref. POCI/LIN/58815/2004). The groundwork for the first ever Portuguese Archive of High Resolution Digital Images of Medieval manuscripts is thus lain. Also an unprecedented collaboration with a Portuguese university and the National Archive of Torre do Tombo was begun: because of this collaboration which involves several departments at the National Archive, a number of badly damaged and endangered charters were repaired and restored by the Conservation Departament. We have also been able to implement a routine of procedures that encompass the examination, restoration, formal description and digitization of manuscripts. We are also collaborating with the Archive in developing their database of manuscripts. PUBLICATIONS 2005 1. Expected indicators (2005) A - Publications Books Chapters in books Papers in international journals Papers in national journals B - Communications In international meetings In national meetings C - Reports D - Organization of seminars and conferences E - Advanced Training PhD Theses Master Theses Others F - Models G - Software H - Pilot Plants I - Prototypes J - Patents K - Others: Archive of digital images of medieval mss Expected 1 1 0 0 Completed 4 2 2 0 2 0 1 1 4 3 0 1* 1 0 1 0 0 1* * in progress 2. List of publications (2005) • Books Banza, Ana Paula, (in press, 2006) [accepted 2003, proofread 2004]. «A Representação dos motivos que tive para me parecerem prováveis as Proposições de que se trata» de Padre António Vieira: Edição crítica, estudo introdutório, notas e glossários, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional / Casa da Moeda Banza, Ana Paula / Espírito Santo, Arnaldo / Pimentel, Cristina (in press, 2006) [accepted 2004]. Sermões, de Padre António Vieira: Edição crítica, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional / Casa da Moeda, 1.º Volume Banza, Ana Paula / Espírito Santo, Arnaldo / Pimentel, Cristina (in progress). Sermões, de Padre António Vieira, edição crítica de Arnaldo Espírito Santo, Cristina Pimentel e Ana Paula Banza, 2º. Vol., Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda (to be published in 2006) • Chapters in books Emiliano, António 2005. "A documentação latino-portuguesa dos séculos IX-X e as origens da escrita portuguesa medieval: considerações gerais e preliminares", in FERNÁNDEZ CATÓN, José María, Ed., Orígenes de las Lenguas Romances en el Reino de León. Siglos IX-XII, León: Centro de Estudios e Investigación «San Isidoro» / Caja España de Inversiones / Archivo Histórico Diocesano (Fuentes y Estudios de Historia Leonesa 103 &104), Vol. II, 589 – 616 Emiliano, António 2005. "Representational models vs. operational models of literacy in Latin-Romance legal documents (with special reference to Latin-Portuguese texts)", in WRIGHT, Roger / RICKETTS, Peter, Eds. Studies in Romance languages dedicated to Ralph Penny, Newark: Juan de la Cuesta Monographs (Hispanic Monographs, Estudios Lingüísticos Nº 7, Homenajes Nº 24), 17 – 58, by invitation of Professor Roger Wright • Dissertations Pedro, Susana (in progress). O género diplomático “notícia” na documentação portuguesa medieval (sécs. IX- XIV): caracterização tipológica e estudo paleográfico, doctoral dissertation to be submitted to Universidade de Lisboa, under the supervision of Dr Bernardo de Sá Nogueira (foreseen date of conclusion 2007). • Papers in international scientific periodicals with referees Emiliano, António 2005. "A edição e interpretação da documentação antiga de Portugal: problemas e perspectivas da Filologia Portuguesa face ao estudo das origens da escrita em Português", in Aemilianense. Revista Internacional sobre la génesis y los orígenes históricos de las lenguas romances, 1 (2004): 33–63, by invitation of Professor Claudio García Turza Emiliano, António 2005. "A reply to Prof. AlbertoVàrvaro’s ‘Nota’ published in Medievo Romanzo XXVII, fascicolo II", Medievo Romanzo 28 [2004]: 444 – 452 Emiliano, António / Brocardo, Teresa (in press) [accepted 2001, proofread 2003]. “Considerações sobre a edição de fontes para a história da língua portuguesa”, in Santa Barbara Portuguese Studies 6, by invitation of the editors, Professors Harvey Sharrer and Eduardo Paiva Raposo • Papers in international conference proceedings Banza, Ana Paula 2005. “A «Retórica cativa» – Vieira e a Inquisição”, in Die Rhetorik António Vieiras, Akten der Sektion “António Vieira und die portugiesische Rhetorik des 17. Jahrunderts” beim V. Deutschen Lusitanistentag, Rostock (25-28 September 2003), hrsg. von Alberto Gil und Werner Thielemann, Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag, 3 – 12 Banza, Ana Paula 2005. “O manuscrito autógrafo: janela indiscreta sobre a intimidade do autor?”, 2005, Gramática e Humanismo, Actas do Colóquio de Homenagem a Amadeu Torres, Faculdade de Filosofia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Braga, 2005, vol. I, pp. 247-256 Banza, Ana Paula (in press) [accepted 2000]. “Da História do futuro à Clavis Prophetarum: A grande Obra incompleta”, in Actas do Congresso Internacional «Quinhentos Anos de Língua Portuguesa no Brasil» (Universidade de Évora, 2000) Emiliano, António (in progress). “Latim bárbaro: facts and assumptions behind a philological myth (remarks on the latinity of 10th-century Portuguese dated documents)”, presentation to the Eighth International Late and Vulgar Latin Conference, St Catherine's College Oxford, 6 – 9 September 2006, by invitation of the convenors Emiliano, António (in preparation). “A produção documental proto-portuguesa do séc. XII e a chamada “produção primitiva” portuguesa do séc. XIII: continuidade ou ruptura? (algumas considerações gerais sobre o desenvolvimento da língua notarial portuguesa dos sécs. XII-XIII)” [provisional title], presentation to the International Colloquium «Internacional Reinos, lenguas y dialectos en la Edad Media ibérica. La construcción de la identidad», Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 16 – 17 November 2006, by invitation of the convenors • Papers in national conference proceedings Pedro, Susana (in press) [accepted 2005]. "Análise paleográfica das anotações marginais e finais no ‘Cancioneiro da Ajuda‘", in RAMOS, Maria Ana / AMADO, Teresa, Eds. Proceedings of «Colóquio Cancioneiro da Ajuda (1904-2004), Lisboa, 11-13 de Novembro de 2004, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa», by invitation of the convenors and editors • Reports Emiliano, António (in progress). Critérios para a realização de edições interpretativas de fontes medievais para a história da língua portuguesa (v.3), (Guidelines for the normalized transcription and edition of medieval primary sources for the History of the Portuguese Language), complete revision of v.2.1 (2002), to be completed in late 2006 / early 2007; to be published in book format Æ 2006/04/30