THE UNITED NATIONS 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 3rd Annual Meeting of the Emerging PRME Chapter Iberian Porto Business School, February 1st, 2016 DAY 1 08:30 – 09:00 30m 09:00 – 09:15 15m 09:15 – 09:45 30m 09:45 – 11:15 1h30 11:15 – 11:30 15m 11:30 – 12:30 1h00 12:30 – 13:00 30m 13:00 – 14:00 1h00 14:00 – 16:00 2h00 16:00 – 16:15 15m 16:15 – 17:45 1h30 17:45 – 18:00 15m Registration The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations Welcome speech by the President of the Supervisory Council of PBS Outcomes of the PRME Global Forum 2015 The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development The role of the Academia in helping attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 (by the representative of PRME Secretariat) Representative(s) of The UN Global Compact PT & ES Representatives from 2-3 companies sharing their experiences (10-minute speeches + Q&A) Coffee break Mini-workshop Group activity involving all stakeholders present at the meeting: «What (else) can/should business schools do to address the SDGs and help corporations comply with the SDGs?» Brief presentation of conclusions of the mini-workshop Session wrap-up & closing Lunch break The Emerging PRME Chapter Iberian Brief introduction by the PT/ES representatives Follow-up on current projects within the Emerging PRME Chapter Iberian Coffee break Formally establishing the PRME Chapter Iberian Discussion (and potential plenary approval) of the formal launch of the PRME Chapter Iberian, including the presence of a representative of the PRME Secretariat Closing session by the Dean of PBS After the end of the meeting, we may have the opportunity to attend an informal session with one of the speakers of the ‘PBS Grand Conference’ that will take place on the following day (Feb 2nd), together with the rest of the PBS community. DAY 2 (Optional) Preferred Rate of 390 Eur/Pax for PRME school/UN representatives who participate in the meeting on Feb 1st 14:00 – 19:00 Porto Business School Grand Conference @ Casa da Música LEADING FOR TOMORROW AND BEYOND FRANS JOHANSSON | Unpredictable World: The Art Of Seizing Opportunities KEVIN ROBERTS | Unparalleled: Leadership In The Age Of Now ALAIN DE BOTTON | Going Beyond: The Power Of Thinking And The New Models Of Learning A AGENDA 2030 DAS NAÇÕES UNIDAS PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL 3º Encontro Anual do PRME Capítulo Ibérico Emergente Porto Business School, 1 de Fevereiro de 2016 Vivemos uma era desafiante, em que assistimos a mudanças extremas e a cenários de risco em diversos contextos geográficos, em vertentes sociais, económicas, políticas, tecnológicas ou ambientais. Problemas como a pobreza e a fome, a degradação do ambiente e as alterações climáticas, a falta de acesso a água potável e a outras infra-estruturas básicas, ou ainda a falta de acesso a sistemas de educação e de saúde, são exemplos flagrantes dos desafios mais básicos e mais complexos com que se depara a Humanidade. No ano 2000, a Organização das Nações Unidas traçou uma agenda denominada “Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio” (Millennium Development Goals), através da qual se estabeleceu um conjunto de metas para o ano 2015 e foi possível monitorizar a evolução de diferentes indicadores relativos a temas de âmbito social, económico e ambiental. Em 2015, o balanço apurado relativamente a vários dos objetivos é francamente positivo, mas há também várias situações em que os avanços foram muito ténues e outras em que houve uma degradação face à situação inicial. Entretanto, nos últimos anos também foram surgindo novas circunstâncias e novos desafios, pelo que acaba de ser formalizada a uma nova agenda para 2030 com os “Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável” (Sustainable Development Goals), a qual é ainda mais abrangente, mais detalhada e mais ambiciosa. Neste contexto, o papel dos gestores como agentes de mudança é determinante, pelo impacto potencial que podem ter dentro das suas organizações, nas comunidades alargadas em que se inserem, nas cadeias de valor e nos mercados em que atuam. De facto, a nova agenda para 2030 irá depender, não apenas de políticas determinadas ao mais alto nível, mas também, e essencialmente, de compromissos fortes por parte de instituições e empresas, e de um conjunto de novas atitudes e valores a título coletivo e individual. As escolas de Gestão têm, pois, um desafio acrescido ao assumirem a missão de formar gestores e apoiar o desenvolvimento das organizações, por um lado respondendo a necessidades presentes e conhecidas, e por outro lado, abrindo os horizontes para o futuro e para novos paradigmas, ajudando a encontrar o melhor equilíbrio entre a Ambição e a Responsabilidade. É esse o desafio da Sustentabilidade com que nos deparamos hoje! Esta reflexão aberta sobre a Agenda 2030 da ONU para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, que contará com oradores e participantes oriundos do mundo empresarial e do mundo académico, terá lugar na Porto Business School, no dia 1 de fevereiro de 2016, entre as 09h00 e as 13h00. Este evento decorrerá no âmbito do 3º Encontro Anual do PRME Capítulo Ibérico Emergente de escolas de gestão (um encontro restrito), a ter lugar durante a tarde do mesmo dia, entre as 14h00 e as 18h00. THE UNITED NATIONS 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 3rd Annual Meeting of the Emerging PRME Chapter Iberian Porto Business School, February 1st, 2016 We live in a challenging era in which we see extreme changes and risk scenarios in varied geographical contexts and across social, economic, political, technological and environmental dimensions. Problems such as poverty and hunger, degradation of the environment, climate change, and the lack of access to clean water, education and health systems, and other basic infrastructures are blatant examples of the most basic and most complex challenges mankind is facing. In the year 2000, the United Nations outlined an agenda under the name “Millennium Development Goals” through which a set of objectives for the year 2015 was established and the progress on different indicators related to social, economic, and environmental issues could be monitored. As of 2015, the balance ascertained regarding several of the goals is frankly positive; but, there are also several situations in which the improvements were very slight and others in which there was degradation vis-à-vis the initial situation. At the same time, in recent years, new circumstances and new challenges have emerged. Therefore, a new agenda for 2030 has just been formalised with the “Sustainable Development Goals,” which are even more comprehensive, detailed, and ambitious. In this context, the role of managers as change agents is decisive due to the potential impact they have within their organisations, the broader community, and the value chains and markets in which they operate. In fact, the new agenda for 2030 will depend not only on policies determined at the highest level, but also on strong commitments by institutions and companies. Additionally, it will depend on a set of new attitudes and values at a collective and individual level. Management schools, therefore, have an accrued challenge when they undertake the mission to train managers and support the development of organisations. On one hand they must answer to present and acknowledged needs. On the other, they must open the horizons for the future and for new paradigms by helping to find the best trade-off between Ambition and Responsibility. That is the Sustainability challenge we face today! This open reflection on the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, which will count on speakers and participants from all over the business and academic worlds, will take place at Porto Business School on February 1st, 2016 between 09:00 and 13:00. This event will be held within the scope of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Emerging PRME Chapter Iberian for Management schools (a restricted meeting), which will take place during the afternoon that same day, between 14:00 and 18:00.