SCIENTIFIC CURRICULUM VITAE MARIA MANUELA ESTEVEZ PINTADO PERSONAL DATA AND EDUCATION Scientific CV Manuela Pintado PERSONAL DATA Full name: Maria Manuela Estevez Pintado National identity card:7720221 Birth place and date:Freixo de Espada à Cinta 25‐06‐1966 Nationality: Portuguese Institutional address: Escola Superior de Biotecnologia ‐ Universidade Católica Portuguesa Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida 4200‐072 Porto Portugal Living address: Rua Padre Andrade e Silva, 1250, 1º Dto 4445‐243 Gondomar Portugal Contact data: Phone: +351225580097 MBPhone: +351933305043 Fax: +35122509035 Email: [email protected] Internet address (url): EDUCATION 1991 ‐ B.Sc. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences ‐ Clinical Analysis specialty, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Portugal. 1992 ‐ B.Sc. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences ‐ Pharmacy specialty, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Portugal. 1993 ‐ Curricular part of the MSc on Food Science and Engineering from the Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal 1999 ‐ Ph.D. degree in Biotechnology, field of Food Science and Engineering, Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal 1999‐2002 Pos‐doc position in Food Science and Engineering, Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal 2010/2011 PRIZES AND AWARDS Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 2010 Honorable Mention for his work entitled Characterization of peptides derived from hydrolysis of whey proteins with enzymes from Cynara cardunculus for incorporation into functional drinks and Beverage Institute for Health ‐ IBESA 2007 Prémio de Elevado Mérito no decurso da Bolsa IBESA com o trabalho de investigação “Estudo de novos peptídeos provenientes do glicomacropeptídeo com actividade biológica para incorporação em bebidas funcionais” Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde – IBESA 2007 Prémio de Elevado Mérito no decurso da Bolsa IBESA com o trabalho de investigação “Incorporação de probióticos em sumos de fruta: optimização da metodologia de microencapsulação e sua caracterização tecnológica e funcional Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde – IBESA 2006 Prémio de Excelência no decurso da Bolsa iBeSa com o trabalho “Caracterização das actividades biológicas de extractos peptídicos, obtidos a partir de proteínas do soro, para incorporação em bebidas” Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde – IBESA 2006 Prémio de Excelência no decurso da Bolsa iBeSa com o trabalho “Microencapsulação de agentes probióticos para aplicação em sumos”. Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde – IBESA 2003 Bolsa de viagem à Holanda Fundação Caloust Gulbenkian 2000 Bolsa de viagem aos Estados Unidos América Fundação Caloust Gulbenkian 1997 Bolsa de viagem à Bélgica Fundação Caloust Gulbenkian 1997 FAB Young Scientist Award 1997 Organising Committee of Forum for applied biotechnology 1997 Best poster award Comité Científico da GLUPORTwo‐2º Congresso Internacional do Grupo de Química dos Glúcidos da Sociedade 1996 Bolsa de viagem aos Estados Unidos América FLAD‐Fundação Luso‐Americana para o Desenvolvimento 1995 Bolsa de viagem à Hungria Fundação Caloust Gulbenkian 1991 Prémio "Sociedade Farmacêutica Lusitana" para a melhor média final do curso de Ciências Farmacêutica Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto PREVIOUS AND CURRENT SCIENTIFIC AND/OR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Current Institutional Position: 2005‐ Assistant Professor in Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Porto, Portugal Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 2009‐ Board member of Associated Laboratory CBQF ‐ Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Porto, Portugal 2011‐ Senior Research responsible for Scientifi Services with industry Other relevant activities: 2013‐ Vice‐President of European Chitin Society 2013‐ Chair of 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society. 5‐8th May, Porto. Portugal. 2012 – Invited Professor by UFPB, Areia, Brasil. 04-15 February. 2011 – (June) Lecturer in Technology and sensory quality of Cheese integrated in Curso 50 +, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. 2011 (April) ‐ Invited Professor in Curso de Alimentos funcionais in Pós‐Graduação em Ciências da Nutrição e Pós‐Graduação em Ciências e Tecnologia de Alimentos, João Pessoa, Brasil 2011‐ Responsible for Scientific Services with companies in the Associated Laboratory CBQF ‐ Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Universidade Católica Portuguesa 2010 Invited Chairman in XVIII International Conference on Bioencapsulation Porto, Portugal in Session 5 Food and Feed. October. 2009‐2010 Invited Professor in Pós‐Graduated Course on Food Safety, Dairy Technology, Universidade dos Açores 2010 Invited Specialist in the Dairy Panel of North Portugal Sector/Galiza Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia 2009/2010 Evaluator of projects submitted to FOOD AND FOOD INDUSTRIES RESEARCH PROGRAMME ‐ ALIA. Edition 2009 ANR ‐ Agence Nationele de la Recherche, France 2008/2010 Evaluator of National Projects submitted to QREN. ADI ‐ Agência de Inovação programs 2008‐Present – Coordenator of the course o Food and Health – New Functional Foods integrated in Summer Courses of Católica 2008 Scientific adviser of Galiza R&D Technologic Center, Lugo, Spain Aula de produtos Lácteos, Lugo, Spain 2007/2009 Coordinator of the course Clinic Analyses on Health Technology of Instituto de Ciências da Saúde Instituto de Ciências de Saúde ‐ Universidade Católica Portuguesa Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 2007/ Present Invited Referee of manuscripts in Food Chemistry (40 art), Charbohydrate Polymers (3), Journal of Food Science (8 art), Journal of Applied Microbiology (8 art), Food and Bioprocessing and Technology (6 art), Letters in Applied Microbiology (3 art), Analytica Chemica Acta (3 art), J. Food Microbiology (5), Journal od Dairy cience (4), The open Clinical Chemistry Journal (1), Chemical Engineering Research and Design (1), Bioresource Technology (1), Advances in Colloid and Interface Science (1); 2006/2008 Invited Professor in Master ‐ Inovation in Functional Foods, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. 2005/ Present PhD Examiner (8) and Master (14). 2005/Present Lecturer in disciplines: Clinic Microbiology I e II, Microbiology and Health, Immunology and Health Microbiology in Master on Microbiology and colaboration on Biotechnology Topics. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa 2005/2007 Scientific adviser on Biotechnology in “CITEVE Textils – Technology Center of Textiles 2004 Invited Professor on Master in HIV Infection – Module Opportunistic Pathogenics ‐ Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa 2004/2007 Comission Member of EUROPEL – Association of European Dairy Teachers EUROPEL 2004/2006 Comission Member of RIICAL – Ibero‐American Dairy Research net 2003/2008 Panel Coordinator of Dairy Sensorial Analyses, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa 2002/2005 Senior Research, Coordinator of the Task Force of Dairy Association to Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa 2002/2006 Invited Teacher on Clinic Nutrition Master ‐ Module “Actual themes on Probiotic Nutrition, Imunomodulation, Faculdade de Nutrição, Universidade do Porto 2000/2009 Invited Professor on the courses of the Technician School on the modules of Microbiology and Environment (ETGI), Escola Tecnológica e de Gestão Industrial, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa 1999/2002 Pos‐Doc on Food Biotechnology, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa 1996/1999 Expert Teacher on Dairy and Biochemistry in ETGI – Technological School and Industrial Management, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa 1993/2005 Invited Assistant in the Disciplines: Microbiology, Clinical Microbiology, Microbiology and Health and Immunology, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 1993/1999 PhD Student, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa 1991/1992 Specialist in Clinical Analyses Lab of Dra. Armanda Morais, Porto. 1992/1993 Research Assistant – Scholarship PEDIP, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa RESEARCH INTERESTS Research interests include Biotechnology and Biochemistry ‐ carry out research in a range of key technologies for the production, characterization, and preservation of industrially/traditionally processed products. The research can be summarized into: (i) development and validation of bioactivity and safety of functional ingredients (biopeptides, antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics and functional polysaccharides) and study applications on the development of novel functional foods (ii) by‐product upgrading through fermentation and extraction processes aiming to obtain high‐added value products (iii) microbiology and biochemistry in dairy field, including key technologies for the production, characterization, and safety issues of industrially/traditionally processed dairy products and (iv) development and characterization of new enzymes and study of new biotechnological applications and finally (v) application of the above research developments to other Biotechnological fields SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES SUPERVISIONS MASTER PROGRAMMES 1. Study of the skin microflora in normal and atopic individuals by phenotypic and genotypic methods. Duarte Nuno de Almeida R. F. Lemos. University of Cranfield. Defense in September 2008. 2. Avaliação da actividade antifúngica de extractos vegetais aquosos. Mestrado em Microbiologia. Inês Abrantes Cravo Roxo. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica. Defense December, 2008. 3. Valorization of by‐product of grape marc: potential functional ingredients for the food industry. Case study: application in bakery. Ana Carla Ribeiro Borralho Oliveira. Master in Food Science and Technology, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica. Defense in July, 2010 4. Tombocitopenia and platelet levels in HIV patients. Master in HIV infection / AIDS. Clara Alexandra Fernandes Dias de Barros. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica. Defense in April, 2010 5. Occurrence and characterization of Staphylococcus species isolated from a cheese dairy plant. José C. Soares. Master in Biology. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto. Defense in January 2010 Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 6. Composite microcapsules for delivery of sensitive food ingredients; Oxidative stability of lipids encapsulated with soy protein and maltodextrins. Master in Food Science and Technology. Joana Inácio. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica. Defense Decembre 2011. 7. Study of prebiotic and antioxidant properties of extract of yacon root (Smallanthus sonchifolia). Mestrado em Microbiologia. Sérgio Sousa. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica. Defense: Decembre 2011. 8. New applications of antioxidants in the Food Industry ‐ Impact on industry and the consumer. Joana Teresa Rodrigues Martins. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica. Defense: Decembre 2011. 9. Study of the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of extract of Mentha Cervinia. Joana Rocha. Master in Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica. Defense: Novembre 2011. 10. Antimicrobial action of chitosan on anaerobic bacteria that cause periodontitis. Eduardo Costa. Master in Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense: Decembre 2011 11. Synthetic dye decolourising yeasts for application in wastewater treatment plants. Ana Silva. Master in Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense: Decembre 2011. 12. Selection of potentially probiotic strains of native flora of fruits. Vanessa Raquel Gonçalves Barbosa. Master in Applied Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. International Erasmus co‐supervision: Juan Miguel Rodriguez, Universidad Complutense; Madrid. Defense Decembre 2011 13. Analysis of antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of extracts from fruits and leaves of Bilberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), contextualized with a milk matrix. Sara Silva. Master in Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense December 2012. 14. Mucoadhesive chitosan nanoparticles for daptomycin delivery in ocular treatment of bacterial endophthalmitis ‐ Development, characterization and in vitro evaluation. Master in Microbiology. Nadia Silvia Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense July 2012. 15. Formulation and characterization of polyphenol loaded nanoparticles. Studies on their viability and stability. Master in Applied Microbiology. Débora Campos, Escola superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense in March 2013. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 16. Production and characterisation of hydrophobins with potential for oral medicine applications. Master in Applied Microbiology. Catarina Fardilha, Escola superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Writting. 17. Aplicação do quitosano no controlo de infecções fúngicas por dermatófitos Master in Applied Microbiology. Ana Lopes, Escola superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Writting. 18. Isolation and identification of microorganisms responsible for biodeterioration in contemporary art paintings. Margarida Rossi. Master in Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Writing. 19. Production and characterization of new oligosacharides with prebiotic activity. Maria Inês Montenegro. Master in Applied Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. International Erasmus co‐supervision: Teresa Requena. CIALCSIC‐ Madrid. Under development. 20. Effect of chitosan and antimicrobial bioactive peptides on Helycobater pylori. Adriana Pereira. Master in Applied Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Under developement. 21. Modulation of daptomycin delivery in ocular mucosa by encapsulation into alginate/chitosan nanoparticles. Joana Costa. Master in Biomedical Engineering. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Under developement. 22. Development and characterization of novel functional products using acorns from Quercus ilex and Quercus suber. Rosário Costa. Master in Applied Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Under development. 23. Study of biodiversity among fungal strains isolated from atopic dermatitis patients: effect of chitosan. Rute Lagoa. Mestrado em Microbiologia Aplicada da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. 24. Optimization of enzyme production in bioreactor lenhinolitics by a strain of Bjerkandera sp. ‐ Utilization of waste agro‐forestry. Liliana Sofia Santos Cardoso. Master in Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica. Pause. 25. Assessment of genetic diversity of norovirus by electrophoresis in denaturing gradient gel (DGGE). Gonçalo Manuel Moreira Leite. Master in Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica.Pause. Co‐supervision 1. Caracterização genotípica de enzimas β‐lactamases de espectro expandido (ESBL) em Escherichia coli e Klebsiella pneumoniae isoladas de doentes transplantados renais. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado Francisco Teixeira de Melo Fontes de Carvalho. Master in Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense October 2010. 2. Ecological characterization of the microorganisms present in bacterial vaginosis. Débora Salgueiro da Silva. Master in Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense in July 2012. 3. Perfil microbiológico e resistência bacteriana das hemoculturas da unidade de cuidados intensivos da unidade local de saúde do alto‐minho. Ana Catarina Garcez. Master in Microbiology. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense February 2013. 4. Efeitos da associação probiótico/extrato de Caulerpa mexicana como tratamento em modelos de colite e sepse experimental. Hylarina Montenegro Diniz Silva. Master in Functional and Structural Biology. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Defense April 2013. DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES SUPERVISION 1. Production and characterization of bioactive chitooligosaccharides. João Carlos Azevedo Cruz Gonçalves Fernandes. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. March 2011 2. Vincenza Ferraro. Innovative solutions for extracting high value natural compounds from fishery by‐products. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense December 2011. 3. Selection and characterization of enterococci with probiotic properties isolated from traditional Portuguese cheeses. Lígia L. Pimentel. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense in April 2013. 4. Food safety in ewe’s dairy products derived from extensive agricultural systems. Vanessa de Matos Ralha. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense until june 2013. 5. Isabel Maria Franco. Study of the Impact of chemical anchors on the sensory flavours of major traditional ovine cheeses. Defense until June 2013. 6. Studies on essential oils from native Portuguese aromatic plants: extraction, chemical, sensorial and biological characterization and improvement of stability via microencapsulation. Sandra Santos. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Writting. 7. Alterações pós‐colheita de fitoquímicos funcionais em mirtilo. Daniela de Vasconcelos Teixeira Aguiar da Costa. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Writting. 8. Antimicrobial activity, mechanism of action and safety of extracts of wild mushrooms from Northeast Portugal on multidrug‐resistant bacterial species isolated in a hospital. Maria Scientific CV Manuela Pintado José Gonçalves Alves. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa Started in January 2011. 9. “Preservation of nutritional and functional properties of fresh and processed fruit with emphasis on phytochemicals”. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa Ana Lúcia da Silva Oliveira. Started in April 2011. 10. Development and characterization of functional ingredients through valorization of spent brewer yeast: peptide concentrates and β‐glucans with biological activities. Maria Manuela Amorim. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa Started in January 2012. DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES CO‐SUPERVISION 1. Characterization of whey protein concentrates obtained by different membrane techniques. Justyna Zulewska. Institute of Dairy Science and Technology Development (Olsztyn, Poland). Defense 2005. 2. Antioxidants in herbal teas as functional ingredients: extraction, characterization, bioavailability, activity and applications. Maria e Silva Gião. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. September 2010. 3. Use of whey protein matrices as food vectors for probiotic bacteria. Ana Raquel M. F. M. Madureira. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. September 2010. 4. Study of novel bacterial enzymes for applications in the wool industry. Ana Catarina Gonçalves Carvalho Queiroga Santos. Isntituto Superior Técnico and Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. March 2012 5. Production and characterization of biopeptides via hydrolysis of bovine, caprine and ovine whey proteins by cardosins. Tânia Tavares. Ph.D. thesis in Technological and Engineering Sciences, specialization in Biochemical Engineering at Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology (ITQB) of the New University of Lisbon and at Biotechnology School of Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal. December 2011. 6. Development and characterization of bioactive edible, whey protein films and coatings, to improve quality and safety of food products. Óscar Leandro da Silva Ramos. Ph.D. thesis in Technological and Engineering Sciences, specialization in Biochemical Engineering at Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology (ITQB) of the New University of Lisbon and at Biotechnology School of Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal. December 2011. 7. Innovative solutions for extracting high value natural compounds from Ginjinha. Simge Day. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense until December 2013. 8. Study of production of exopolyssacharides by probiotic strains. Ana Isabel Pintado. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Defense until December 2013. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 9. Products with antibacterial activity of natural origin: characterization applicability to pharmaceutical and food areas. Fabiana Raquel Gouveia Pinto Nevado Branquinho. Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto. Writting. 10. Antioxidant containing chitosan nanomedicines for the prevention and treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy. Sara Isabel Macedo Baptista da Silva. Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto. Starting in February 2010. PÓS‐DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES SUPERVISION 1. Impact of processing in the functional and quality properties of pos‐harvest fruits and vegetables. Idalina Goreti Maia Machado. Grant from KBBE 2011.2.4‐01 ‐ Project number 289719 “COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO ENHANCE QUALITY AND SAFETY OF READY TO EAT FRESH PRODUCTS” – financed be 7FP7. June 2012‐May‐2015. 2. Up‐grading of by‐products from Cassava and Yam production. Clara Piccirillo. Grant from FP7/ KBBE‐2011.2.5‐02 – GRATITUDE ‐ REDUCING POST‐HARVEST LOSSES FOR INCREASED FOOD SECURITY”. May 2012‐March‐2013. 3. New tools applied to the study of consumer market. Mónica Queiroz. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Grant from CNP, Brazil. In progress. April 2011‐12 months. 4. New tools applied to the study of consumer market. Mónica Queiroz. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Grant from CNP, Brazil. In progress. April 2011‐12 months. 5. . Production and evaluation of new prebiotics with improved properties from Cashew gum. Beatriz Gullón Estévez intitulada. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. March 2012‐ March 2015 6. A new approach to making cheese from goat's milk under the influence of insertion of the milk of other species. Rita Queiroga. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Grant from CNP, Brazil. February ‐ December 2010. 7. Synthesis, characterization, biological properties and bioavailability of modified low molecular weight chitosan. Alejandra Cardelle Cobas. Grant from Ministerio de Ciencia y tecnologia Española, Spain. October 2010 ‐ September 2012. 8. Evaluation of stability and toxicity of nanoparticles as delivery systems of bioactive substances in dairy products. Ana Raquel Mendes Ferreira Monteiro Madureira. Grant from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia. May 2011 ‐ April 2017. 9. Innovative biotechnology applications for cultural heritage preventive conservation‐ controlled release systems for anti‐fungal compounds. Grant from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia. Patrícia Raquel Fernandes de Melo Moreira da Costa. June 2011 ‐ May 2014. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado PÓS‐DOCTORAL CO‐SUPERVISION 1. Valorization of high added value compounds from by‐products. Matteo Polleti. October 2007‐December 2008. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. 2. Identificação e caracterização de defeitos microbiológicos em queijos de ovelha de pasta semi‐mole feitos com leite cru. Camino Fontán. October 2006‐June 2008. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. 3. The impact of genetic polymorphisms on milk from native Portuguese ovine breeds, and on cheese manufactured therefrom. Maria Rosário Marques. October 2006‐June 2008. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. 4. Innovative applications of filamentous fungi and ligninolytic enzymes in textile industries. Patrícia R. F. M. Moreira. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. October 2006 ‐ March 2010. 5. Evaluation of biological activities of chitosan as functional component in bioactive textiles directed to atopic dermatitis. Freni Tavaria. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. October 2006 ‐ March 2010. SUPERVISION IN SANDWISH PROGRAMES PH D AND MASTERS Pos‐Doc Programs 1. Effects of fungal and crustacean chitosan on morphology and ultrastructure of phytopathogens fungi. Prof. Dr. Marcos Antonio Barbosa de Lima, Depto. de Biologia ‐ Área de Microbiologia. Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. September 2012 to January 2013. PhD Programs 1. Revalorización de sub‐productos de la industria horchatera: caracterización y aplicación en alimentos” Elena Sánchez Zapata, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. October 2009 to January 2010. 2. Quantificação e identificação de carotenoides, flavonoide e ácido fenólico em fruto do género Spondias do Semiárido Brasileiro. Perla Joana Souza Gondim. Centro de Ciência Agrária, Univeridade Federal de Paraíba, Areia. May to September, 2011. 3. Produção e aplicação de bioprotetor com quitosana fúngica na nutrição e conservação de alimentos. Sebastião da Silva Júnior‐ UFRPE ‐ Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. Setembro a Dezembro 2011. Master Programs 1. Aspectos Tecnológicos que envolvem a qualidade do queijo. Bárbara do Nascimento. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Grant from CNP, Brazil. April ‐ October 2010. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado RESEARCH GRANTS SUPERVISION 2010/2012 Research Scholarship integrated in the scientific project ‐ QREN ‐ ADI 11531 ‐ “ACTIPEP: Production of new biologically active peptide extracts from the hydrolysis of sub‐dairy and brewing industry for the development of new functional ingredients”. Manuela Amorim, BsC Microbiology. 2009/2011 Research Scholarship integrated in the scientific project ‐ QREN ‐ ADI 3436 “FRUTAMAIS ‐ Preservation of functional, nutritional and organoleptic properties of fruits and foods derived”. Ana Oliveira, BsC Biology. 2009/2012 Research Scholarship integrated in the scientific project ADI 3474 ‐ “QUITORAL: Development of new formulations of chitosan with applications in oral medicine”. Manuela Aguiar da Costa. BsC Microbiology. 2009‐2010.Fernando Oliveira. Efeito dos quitosanos na Agregação Plaquetária. Research Scholarship integrated in Bolsa de Iniciacão à Investigação financiada pela FCT. 2008‐2009.Lourenço Castro. Efeito dos quitosanos na hemostase primária e secundária. Research Scholarship integrated in Bolsa de Iniciacão à Investigação financiada pela FCT. 2010 ‐ Research Scholarship integrated in the scientific project “Study of textiles with antimicrobial action on the skin flora "‐ funded by the National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN). José Carvalho Soares. BsC Biology. 2008/2010 Research Scholarship integrated in the scientific project PROBIOCAPS – “Microencapsulation technology adapted for probiotic bacteria: production and improving the stability and functionality in different vectors”. Sérgio C Sousa, BsC Microbiology. 2008 ‐ Bolsa de investigação atribuída pelo IBESA: Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde com o trabalho de investigação. “Caracterização de peptídeos obtidos a partir da hidrólise de proteínas do soro com enzimas de Cynara cardunculus, em relação às suas actividades biológicas com o objectivo de incorporação em bebidas funcionais. Bolseira Tânia Tavares. Aluna Doutoramento. 2008 ‐ Bolsa de investigação atribuída pelo IBESA: Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde com o trabalho de investigação. “Caracterização da composição e actividade biológica de extractos de Quercus spp., para incorporação em bebidas funcionais” Bolseiro André Magalhães Brandão Borges. 2008 ‐2010 Bolsa de Investigação integrada no projecto PROBIOCAPS – Tecnologia de microencapsulação adaptada para bactérias probióticas: produção e melhoramento da estabilidade e funcionalidade em diferentes vectores. Bolseiro: Sérgio C Sousa, Licenciatura Microbiologia 2008 ‐2009 Bolsa de Técnica de Investigação integrada no projecto CHEESAROMA – caracterização e identificação de componentes voláteis associados às características sensoriais dos principais Scientific CV Manuela Pintado queijos tradicionais de ovelha. Bolseira: Zita Emanuela de Sá Veloso Martins, Licenciatura em Ciências da Nutrição. 2008 ‐2009 Bolsa de Técnica de Investigação integrada no projecto BIOTEX ‐ Bioactive Textiles using functional biopolymers. Bolseira: Izabela Luísa Reis. Licenciatura em Microbiologia. 2008 ‐2009 Bolsa de Técnica de Investigação integrada no projecto MILKFILM ‐ developMent and characterIzation of bioactive miLK protein edible coats and FILMs. Bolseira: Joana Odília. Licenciatura em Microbiologia. 2007 ‐ Bolsa de investigação atribuída pelo IBESA: Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde com o trabalho de investigação “Estudo de novos peptídeos provenientes do glicomacropeptídeo com actividade biológica para incorporação em bebidas funcionais” Bolseira: Tânia Tavares. Aluna Doutoramento. 2007 ‐ Bolsa de investigação atribuída pelo IBESA: Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde com o trabalho de investigação. “Caracterização de extractos de Quercus spp., ricos em antioxidantes com actividade biológica, para incorporação em bebidas funcionais. Bolseiro André Magalhães Brandão Borges. 2006 ‐ Bolsa de investigação atribuída pelo IBESA: Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde com o trabalho de investigação “Incorporação de probióticos em sumos de fruta: optimização da metodologia de microencapsulação e sua caracterização tecnológica e funcional”. Bolseira: Joana Inácio Licenciatura em Microbiologia 2006 ‐ Bolsa de investigação atribuída pelo IBESA: Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde com o trabalho de investigação “Caracterização das actividades biológicas de extractos peptídicos, obtidos a partir de proteínas do soro, para incorporação em bebidas” Bolseira: Tânia Tavares. Aluna Doutoramento 2006 ‐ Bolsa de Técnico de Investigação integrada no projecto MILKFILM – developMent and characterIzation of bioactive miLK protein edible coats and FILMs. Bolseiro: Óscar Ramos, Licenciatura em Microbiologia. 2006 ‐ Bolsa de Técnico de Investigação integrada no projecto BIOTEX ‐ Bioactive Textiles using functional biopolymers. Bolseiro: João Fernandes, Licenciatura em Microbiologia. 2006 ‐ Bolsa de Técnica de Investigação integrada no projecto CHEESAROMA – caracterização e identificação de componentes voláteis associados às características sensoriais dos principais queijos tradicionais de ovelha. Bolseira: Isabel Franco, Licenciatura em Engenharia Alimentar. 2005 ‐ Bolsa de investigação atribuída pelo IBESA: Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde com o trabalho de investigação “Microencapsulação de agentes probióticos para aplicação em sumos”. Bolseira Joana Inácio. Licenciatura em Microbiologia 2003/2004 ‐ Bolsa de Técnica de Investigação integrada no projecto MICROCHEESE: MICRostructure of pOrtuguese CHEESEs. Bolseira: Mª Silva Gião, Licenciatura em Engenharia Alimentar. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 2003/2004 ‐ Bolsa de Técnica de Investigação integrada no projecto MICROCHEESE: MICRostructure of pOrtuguese CHEESEs. Bolseira: Cláudia I. D. Pereira, Licenciatura em Microbiologia. 2003/2004 ‐ Bolsa de Técnica de Investigação integrada no projecto MICROCHEESE: MICRostructure of pOrtuguese CHEESEs. Bolseira: Ana R. M. Ferreira, Licenciatura em Microbiologia. 2003/2004 ‐ Bolsa de Investigação integrada no projecto MICROCHEESE: MICRostructure of pOrtuguese CHEESEs. Bolseira: Maria Teresa Braga, Licenciatura em Bioquímica. 2003/2004 ‐ Bolsa de Investigação atribuída por IBESA – Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde por concurso do trabalho intitulado “Caracterização de antioxidantes durante o processo de fabrico da cerveja: análise qualitativa e quantitativa”. Bolseira: Mª Silva Gião, Licenciatura em Engenharia Alimentar. 2003/2004 ‐ Bolsa de Investigação atribuída por IBESA – Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde por concurso do trabalho intitulado “O Papel dos Antioxidantes na Cerveja: Aspectos Nutricionais e Funcionais”. Catarina Queiroga, Licenciatura em Microbiologia. 2003/2004 ‐ Bolsa de Investigação atribuída por IBESA – Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde por concurso do trabalho intitulado “Microencapsulação de Ingredientes Funcionais em Sumos de Frutas”. Bolseiro: Sérgio Maia, Aluno Finalista da Licenciatura de Microbiologia. 2002/2003 Bolsa de Investigação integrado no projecto IMPROVEMENT: melhoramento de queijos, modificados enzimaticamente, no sentido da sua funcionalidade. Mª Silva Gião, Licenciatura em Engenharia Alimentar. 2002/2003 Bolsa de Investigação integrada no projecto IMPROVEMENT: melhoramento de queijos, modificados enzimaticamente, no sentido da sua funcionalidade. Bolseira: Catarina C. R. Barbosa, Licenciatura, Licenciatura em Microbiologia. 2002/2003 Bolsa de Investigação integrada no projecto PROCHEESE: queijo probiótico a partir de soro lácteo com produção de exopolissacárido in situ. Bolseira: Cláudia I. D. Pereira, Licenciatura em Microbiologia. 2002/2003 Bolsa de Investigação integrada no projecto PROCHEESE: queijo probiótico a partir de soro lácteo com produção de exopolissacárido in situ. Bolseira: Ana R. M. Ferreira, Licenciatura em Microbiologia. 2002/2003 Bolsa Técnica de Investigação integrado no projecto ENTEROCOCOS: aprofundamento do conhecimento sobre o papel desempenhado por enterococos no fabrico e na maturação natural de queijos tradicionais portugueses. Susana Mª A. Miranda, Técnica nível III. 2002/2003 Bolsa Técnica de Investigação integrado no projecto ENTEROCOCOS: aprofundamento do conhecimento sobre o papel desempenhado por enterococos no fabrico e na maturação natural de queijos tradicionais portugueses. Ana V. A. Ferreira, Técnica nível III. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado Supervising Training Periods. European Programs 2008/2009 Erasmus: Synthetic dye decolourising yeasts for application in wastewater treatment plants. Barbara Kwiatkowska. Undergraduate Project in Biotechnology (Socrates‐ Erasmus). Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal and University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Polony 2003 Characterization of antioxidants throughout the manufacture of beer: extraction, qualitative and quantitative analyses. Zlatina Asenova Genisheva, University of Food Technology ‐ (Smolian, Bulgária). Granted by ERASMUS. 2003 Studies on the proteolytic system and the proteolysis products of Enterococcus strains isolated from Terrincho cheese. Snezhana Ivanova Ganeva, University of Food Technology ‐ (Smolian, Bulgária). Granted by ERASMUS. 2001 Microstructure of Portuguese cheeses. Geert Visser, do Groenhorst College (Ede, The Netherlands). Granted by Sócrates Programm. 2000 Development of Requeijão with added probiotic culture – preliminary experiments. Justyna Zulewska, do Institute of Dairy Science and Technology Development, Olsztyn, Poland. Granted by Sócrates Programm. Supervising Training National Programs 2008/2009 Professional Training. André Borges Financed by Instituto de Emprego 2008/2009 Professional Training. Manuela Amorim Financed by Instituto de Emprego. 2006/2007 Professional Training. Susana Miranda. Financed by Instituto de Emprego. 2005/2006 Professional Training. José Soares. Financed by Instituto de Emprego. 2004/2005 Professional Training. Ana Vera Ferreira. Financed by Instituto de Emprego. 2004/2005 Professional Training. Joana Carvalho. Financed by Instituto de Emprego. INTERVENTION ON THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY 2010/2011 SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS COORDENATION/PARTICIPATION 1. Institutional coordination: QUAFETY ‐ COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO ENHANCE QUALITY AND SAFETY OF READY TO EAT FRESH PRODUCTS. The project 7FP ‐ Collaborative Project Small or medium‐scale Focused research project. 2012‐2015. 360,000.00. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado Institutional coordination: Gratitude ‐ Gains from Losses of Root and Tuber Crops. The project 7FP ‐ Collaborative Project Small or medium‐scale Focused research project. 2011‐ 2014. 192 000. Co‐coordenation of NANODAIRY ‐ nanoparticles as vehicles for polyphenol compounds for dairy matrices: stability, bioavailability and toxicity evaluation (PTDC/AGR‐ ALI/117808/2010). Approved for funding by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) (ca. 173000 euros). Institutional coordination: Internal coordination: FRUTACTIVA ‐ Development of bioactive ingredients from non‐traditional tropical fruits (native and exotic) of Ibero‐America: identification, evaluation, production and safety 2011‐2014). Ibero‐American Science and technology for development CYTED. Institutional coordination: Functional Foods for Neuroprotection: a role for Hypericum perforatum (Hyper‐Food), "(2010‐2013), funded by FCT, Foundation for Science and Technology in its component OE and program RACING ‐ Factors Operational Programme ERDF competitiveness in its component. PTDC/AGR‐ALI/105169/2008. Participated in the development and assembly of the project. Scientific coordination: INNOVATION WITH BLUEBERRY‐MYRTILLUS (2010‐13), funded by the Innovation Agency (ADI) integrated in the program NSRF ‐ Co‐promotion program in 126,351 euros. 7. Scientific coordination: Internal coordination: ACTIPEP ‐ Production of new biologically active peptide extracts from the hydrolysis of sub‐dairy and brewing industry for the development of new functional ingredients (2010‐12), funded by the Innovation Agency (ADI ) integrated in the program NSRF ‐ Co‐promotion program in 114,236 euros. 8. Scientific coordination: Internal coordination: ValorPeixe‐Valuation of Byproducts and Wastewater Industry Canned Fish (2010‐13), funded by the Innovation Agency (ADI) integrated in the program NSRF ‐ Co‐promotion program in 165,000 euros. 9. Institutional co‐cordination: Healthy Milk: Key components of milk hygiene from farm to consumer. (2011‐14). Funded by Leonardo da Vinci ‐ Transfer of Innovation. 51520.00 euros. 10. Institutional coordination: AFTER ‐ African Food Tradition Revisited by research. The project 7FP ‐ Collaborative Project Small or medium‐scale Focused research project. 2010‐ 2014. 192 000. 11. Institutional coordination: IBEROFUN‐Incorporation of new food ingredients as a Contribution to the promotion of health and / or prevention of diseases of the Latin American population. REF: 110AC0386. (2009‐2013). Ibero‐American Program of Science and Technology para el desarrollo CYTED. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 12. Scientific coordination: FRUTAMAIS ‐ Preservation of functional, nutritional and organoleptic properties of fruit and food products (2009‐13), funded by the Innovation Agency (ADI) integrated in the program NSRF ‐ Co‐promotion program in 245,000 euros. 13. Active Participation: iCOD ‐ Inovadoras tecnologias para valorização de subprodutos do processamento de bacalhau. (2010‐12), NSRF Program ‐ Project co‐promotion ‐ ADI. 148,000 euros. 14. Scientific coordination: QUITORAL‐Development of new formulations of chitosan with applications in oral medicine. (2009‐2012). NSRF Program ‐ Project co‐promotion ‐ ADI. 178,000 euros. 15. Co‐coordenation: QI2Learn – Quadros Interactivos para Aprender. (2010‐2012). Funded by the Innovation Agency (ADI) integrated in the program NSRF ‐ Co‐promotion program 195.618,54 16. Institutional coordination: 2nd‐DERM ‐ The textile technology for health: functional textiles as a form of prevention and control of immunological diseases of the forum (atopic dermatitis), funded by the Innovation Agency (ADI) integrated in the program NSRF – Individual Project (2008 to 31 ‐ 2010). 17. Institutional coordination: MPV Dairy Simulator ‐ Virtual Modular and portable Dairy Simulator. (2008 to 09‐2010), funded by the Leonardo da Vinci ‐ Lifelong Learning Programme ‐ Transfer of Innovation. 33,110 euros. 18. Active Participation: INSOLEX ‐ Innovative Solutions for Extracting High Value Natural Compounds. FP6 RTN (Research Training Network) ‐ MRTN‐CT‐2006‐036053. 2006‐2010. 19. Project Coordination: New antihypertensive ingredients from whey proteins. Cooperation Agreement FCT / CSIC, (2008‐02‐2010). Transnational Cooperation Project 2007PT0033. Also coordinated the development and assembly of the project. 7500 Euros. 20. Coordination International Conference of Functional Foods. FACC‐Project Support Fund for the Scientific Community (May 2008) sponsored by: Foundation for Science and Technology. 21. Institutional coordination: Catsensor‐Development of a new fiber optic biosensor for determination of catecholamines (2008‐12), funded by FCT, Foundation for Science and Technology ‐ POCI: Operational Programme for Science and Innovation in 180,000 euros. 22. Institutional coordination: Probiocaps‐microencapsulation technology adapted for probiotic bacteria: production and improving the stability and functionality in different vectors, (2008‐12), funded by FCT, Foundation for Science and Technology ‐ POCI: Operational Programme for Science Innovation and 190,000 euros. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 23. Coordination: Cheesecover ‐ Desenvolvimento e caracterização de novos revestimentos e filmes comestíveis para queijos, com propriedades antimicrobianas e de permeabilidade melhoradas, (2007‐08), financiado pela AdI: Agência de Inovação ‐ Programa IDEIA Apoio à Investigação e ao Desenvolvimento Empresarial Aplicado‐ I&D em 246.000 euros. 24. Coordination: SaberFuncionais ‐ Desenvolvimento de um portal e conteúdos de Banda larga para disseminação e dinamização da informação sobre produtos funcionais na Indústria, junto dos profissionais e do consumidor em geral (2007‐08), financiado por Programa Operacional Sociedade do conhecimento em 238.909.00 €. 25. Institutional co‐coordination: EULAFF ‐ European Federation of Biotechnology Latin America Action on Functional Foods (2006‐09), financiado Framework Programme 6, Food Quality and Safety (Specific Support Action) em 285.000 euros. 26. Participation: e ‐ Dairy Farm (2006 até 09‐2008), financiado pelo Programa Leonardo da Vinci ‐ Lifelong Learning Programme ‐ Transfer of Innovation. 27. Institutional coordination: Extravida ‐ Obtenção e caracterização de extractos de plantas aromáticas, enriquecidos em Antioxidantes com actividade biológica, para incorporação bebidas funcionais, (2006‐08), financiado pela AdI: Agência de Inovação ‐ Programa IDEIA Apoio à Investigação e ao Desenvolvimento Empresarial Aplicado‐ I&D em consórcio. 138.000euros. 28. Institutional coordination:‐ Coordenação interna: Proyecto de Investigación precompetitiva A.1.2 "Valorización de subproductos de la industria láctea y para el diseño de alimentos para grupos vulnerables". (2005‐2009). Programa iberoamericano de ciencia y tecnologia para el desarrollo CYTED. 29. Coordination: MILKFILM ‐ developMent and characterIzation of bioactive miLK protein edible coats and FILMs (2004‐07), financiado pela FCT: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ‐ POCI: Programa Operacional de Ciência e Inovação em 90.000 euros. 30. Co‐coordination:: CHEESAROMA ‐ caracterização e identificação de componentes voláteis associados às características sensoriais dos principais queijos tradicionais de ovelha. (2004‐ 07), Financiado pela FCT: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ‐ POCI: Programa Operacional de Ciência e Inovação em 85.000 euros. 31. Coordination: SIMBIOSE: Fusão de Competências Trans‐Fronteiriças na Habilitação do Sector Agro‐Alimentar (2004‐06), financiado pelo Programa INTERREGSUBPROGRAMA: 1 ‐ Norte de Portugal ‐ Galiza ‐ em 466.960 euros. 32. Institutional coordination: Coordenação interna: BIOTEX ‐ Bioactive Textiles using functional biopolymers. (2004‐07), financiado pela FCT: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ‐ POCI: Programa Operacional de Ciência e Inovação em 80.000 euros. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 33. Institutional coordination: GOBLUE: Biotecnologia aplicada ao Processamento (2004‐06), financiado pela AdI: Agência de Inovação ‐ Programa IDEIA Apoio à Investigação e ao Desenvolvimento Empresarial Aplicado ‐ I&D em consórcio em 649.015 euros. 34. Co‐coordination: ECOSEGURANÇA: Improvement of ECO‐Eficiency and safety in systems of traditional production and novel at small dairy farm. (2003‐06), financiado pelo Programa AGRO ‐ Medida 8.1 ‐Desenvolvimento Experimental e Demonstração (DE&D) em 133.300 euros. 35. Co‐coordination: BAGAÇO ‐By‐product up‐grading, originated from processing of wine. (2003‐06), Financiado pelo Programa AGRO ‐ Medida 8.1 ‐Desenvolvimento Experimental e Demonstração (DE&D) em 133.300 euros. 36. Co‐coordination:CHEESEPACK: Caracterização e desenvolvimento de embalagens adaptadas a queijos de pasta mole e semi‐mole (2003‐05), financiado pela AdI: Agência de Inovação ‐ POCTI: Programa Operacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação ‐ I&D em consórcio em 222 597euros. 37. Coordination: PLUS ‐ HISLACTO ‐ Projecto piLoto para cUrSo de formação de HIgiene no Sector de Leite e lACTicínios ‐ da produçãO à transformação (2003‐05), financiado pelo LEONARDO DA VINCI‐ Programa comunitário de acção em matéria de formação profissional em 263 939 euros. 38. Co‐coordination: PROBIOSSORO: utilização de matrizes obtidas a Partir do lactossoRo para incorpOração de estirpes proBIÓticas, como proceSSo de valORização daquele subprodutO (2002‐05), financiado pela AdI: Agência de Inovação ‐ POCTI: Programa Operacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação ‐ I&D em consórcio em 485.702 euros. 39. Institutional co‐coordination: COMT‐HUM: Caracterização das interacções de novos inibidores da catecol‐O‐metiltransferase com a forma solúvel da enzima humana. (2002‐ 05), Financiado pela AdI: Agência de Inovação ‐ POCTI: Programa Operacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação ‐ I&D em consórcio em 1081.925 euros. 40. Institutional co‐coordination: Utilização de tecnologias de membrana para a melhoria da qualidade higiénica dos leites crus de ovelha/cabra e para a minimização do impacte ambiental dos efluentes de queijaria (2002‐04), financiado pelo Programa AGRO ‐ Medida 8.1 ‐Desenvolvimento Experimental e Demonstração (DE&D) em 196 711 euros. 41. Institutional co‐coordination: Co‐coordenação interna: ANTIOXIDANTES: ANTIOXidantes naturais nas InDústrias Agro‐alimeNTares ‐ Extracção e proceSsamento (2002‐04), financiado pelo Ministério da Economia ‐ POE: Programa Operacional da Economia ‐ medida de apoio à dinamização dos sistemas tecnológico, da formação e da qualidade e subcontatado em 283.855 euros. 42. Co‐coordination: PROCHEESE: PRObiotic CHEese from whEy with in Situ‐generated Exopolysaccharide (2000‐03), financiado pela FCT: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ‐ POCTI: Programa Operacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação em 324 220 euros. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 43. Co‐coordination: MICROCHEESE: MICRostructure of pOrtuguese CHEESEs (2000‐ 03), financiado pela FCT: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ‐ POCTI: Programa Operacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação em 244.164 euros. 44. Co‐coordination: ENTEROCOCCUS ‐ Deepening the knowledge on the role of enterococci, from manufacture through maturation of traditional cheeses (2000‐03), financiado pela FCT: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ‐ POCTI: Programa Operacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação em 161 487 euros. 45. Co‐coordination: Amélioration de la qualité hygiénique de produits laitiers traditionnels par l'emploi de levains lactiques producteurs de bacteriocines (2000‐02), financiado pelo ICCTI: Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional ‐ Cooperação Bilateral Portugal / Marrocos em 2 982 euros. 46. Co‐coordination: Recovery of proteins and production of food gum from milk whey (1996‐ 98), financiado pela JNICT: Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica em 29 429 euros. 47. Co‐coordination: Coordenação interna: PAMAF/ IED nº 3025 " Melhoramento do Processo de Produção de Queijo Serra da Estrela ". O referido projecto contou com 7 Instituições participantes: ESAC; DRABL; ESB/UCP; Centro de Neurociências U.C.; ANCOSE; INIA/NTLD; DRABI. 1995‐1998. 48. Co‐coordination: GANIMEDES: Gestão e vAlorização Nacional, por vIa Microbiana Específica, De Efluentes de Soro (1995‐97), financiado pelo LIFE: DG XI ‐ Instruments in Environmental and International Affairs (EU) em 746 859 euros. 49. Co‐coordination: Characterization of the proteins in ewe´s milk (1992‐93), financiado pela FLAD ‐ Fundação Luso‐Americana para o Desenvolvimento em 16 381 euros. 2010/2011 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS PATENTS International Application No.: PCT/IB2011/051811 ‐ Extracts bioactive peptides obtained via hydrolysis of whey proteins with enzymes from Cynara cardunculus. M. M Pintado, Tânia Tavares, M. Amorim, Rui Barros, J. E. Carvalho F. X. Malcata, I. Recio, M. Ramos. Universidade Católica Portuguesa, SIAL and ESAC. 26‐04‐2011. National Invention Patent No. 105073 ‐ Extracts bioactive peptides obtained via hydrolysis of whey proteins with enzymes from Cynara cardunculus. M. M Pintado, Tânia Tavares, M. Amorim, Rui Barros, J. E. Carvalho F. X. Malcata, I. Recio, M. Ramos. Universidade Católica Portuguesa, SIAL and ESAC. 26‐04‐2010. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado National Invention Patent No. 105146. High value added extracts pre‐Ginjinha Obtained from by‐ products: stems and leaves and Their Possible applications ". M. M Pintado, S. Dimirey, C. Priccirillo, M. J. M. N. Faria, P. Castro. Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Frutóbidos. 08‐06‐ 2010. National Invention Patent No. 105852. Edible coating for food. M. M Pintado, Óscar Ramos; Joana Odilia, Fátima Pocas, F. X. Malcata, José A. Lopes da Silva, Catarina Ferreira Ivone Delgadillo. Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Universidade de Aveiro.11‐09‐2010. National Invention Patent No. 105976. Composição oral que compreende quitosano como agente antimicrobiano. M. M Pintado, Eduardo Costa, Freni Tavaria, Raquel Madureira, Alejandra Cardelle, Irene Pina Vaz, Joana Barros, Manuel Fontes de Carvalho, Acácio Rodrigues, Cidália Vaz, Betina Cristovão, Rui Barros. Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Universidade do porto and Biotrument. 28‐10‐2011 National Invention Patent No. 105949. Método de obtencão de materiais à base de hidroxiapatite a partir de fonte natural". M. M Pintado, C. Priccirillo, P. Castro, Ruben Jorge, Isabel Braga da Cruz, Paula Silva, João Vieira. Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Wedotech and Pascoal. 19‐10‐2011 CHAPTERS IN BOOKS 1. Pimentel, L. L., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X., Tenreiro, R., Semedo‐Lemsaddek, T. & Barreto‐Crespo, M. T. (2012) Introduction: A Journey To The World Of Enterococcus. In Enterococcus and Safety, T. Semedo‐Lemsaddek, M. T. Barreto‐Crespo and Rogério Tenreiro (Eds). Series Advances in Food Safety and Food Microbiology, Sant'Ana, A.S. and Franco, B.D.G.M. (Eds), Chapter 1, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, NY, USA 2. Costa, P., Rocha‐Santos, T., Gomes, A.M., Pintado, M.M., Sousa, S., Amaral, H., Silva, P., Freitas, A.C. Immobilization and microencapsulation of probiotics. In Probiotic Bacteria: Fundamentals, Therapy and Technological Aspects. Silva PS, Freitas AC (Ed). Pan Stantford Publishers Pte. Ldt., Singapore. In press. ISBN: 978‐98‐1441‐162‐2, 2013 3. Freitas, A.C., Rodrigues, D., Sousa, S., Pintado, M.M., Gomes, A.M. Food as vehicles of probiotics. In Probiotic Bacteria: Fundamentals, Therapy and Technological Aspects. Silva PS, Freitas AC (Ed). Pan Stantford Publishers Pte. Ldt., Singapore. In press. ISBN: 978‐98‐ 1441‐162‐2, 2013. 4. Pintado, M.M., Gomes, A.M., Freitas, A.C. Probiotics and their therapeutic role. In Probiotic Bacteria: Fundamentals, Therapy and Technological Aspects. Silva PS, Freitas AC (Ed). Pan Stantford Publishers Pte. Ldt., Singapore. In press. ISBN: 978‐98‐1441‐162‐2, 2013. 5. Gomes, A.M., Pintado, M.M., Freitas, A.C., Silva, J.P. Gastrointestinal tract: microflora and transit aspects. In Probiotic Bacteria: Fundamentals, Therapy and Technological Aspects. Silva PS, Freitas AC (Ed). Pan Stantford Publishers Pte. Ldt., Singapore. In press. ISBN: 978‐ 98‐1441‐162‐2, 2013. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 6. Pintado, M.M., Gomes, A.M., Freitas, A.C. Probiotic bacteria: from science to consumers benefit. In Probiotic Bacteria: Fundamentals, Therapy and Technological Aspects. Silva PS, Freitas AC (Ed). Pan Stantford Publishers Pte. Ldt., Singapore. In press. ISBN: 978‐98‐1441‐ 162‐2, 2013. 7. Tobaldi, D., Pullar, R.C., Piccirillo, C., Castro, P.M.L., Pintado, M.M., Seabra, M.P., Labrincha, J.A. Titania nanostructures for environmental remediation. In Handbook in Functional Nanomaterials. Nova Science Publishers, accepted. 8. Piccirillo, C., Pintado, M.E., Castro, P.M.L. Hydroxyapatite and calcium phosphates from marine sources: extraction and characterisation. In Marine Biomaterials (Isolation, Characterisation and Applications), pp. 29‐44. CRC‐Taylor & Francis, in press. 9. Madureira, A. R., Gomes, A., Pintado, M. (2013). Functional foods. In Özer, B. (Ed.), Recent Advances in Dairy Microbiology and Biochemistry. Hampshire: Science Publishers, CRC Press. 10. Madureira, A. R., Gomes, A., Sarmento, B. & Pintado, M. (2011). Applications of Nanotechnology in Food Processing – Focus on Delivery Systems for Bioactive Compounds. In Z. Bartul & J. Trenor (Eds.), Advances in Nanotechnology (chapter 10). New York: Nova Publishers. 11. Sara Baptista da Silva, Sandra Borges, Manuela Pintado, Bruno Sarmento. (2013). Formulation of essential oils in pharmaceutical dosage forms ‐ biopharmaceutics and therapeutic potentials in Advances in Essential Oils: Trends and Applications. 12. Sara Baptista da Silva, Sandra Borges, Óscar Ramos, Manuela Pintado, Domingos Ferreira, Bruno Sarmento. (2012). Treating retinopathies: Nanotechnology as a tool in protecting antioxidants agents in Systems Biology of Free Radicals and Antioxidants. Springer‐Verlag (Germany). 13. Sara Baptista da Silva, João Fernandes, Freni Tavira, Manuela Pintado, Bruno Sarmento. (2011). The potential of chitosan in drug delivery systems. In Focus on Chitosan Research, Edited by Arthur N. Ferguson and Amy G. O'Neill, Nova Publishers, ISBN: 978‐1‐61324‐454‐ 8. 14. Tavaria, F. K., Fernandes, J. C., Santos‐Silva, A., Baptista da Silva, S., Sarmento, B. and Pintado, M. M. (2011). Biological activities of chitin, chitosan and respective oligomers. In Focus on Chitosan Research, Edited by Arthur N. Ferguson and Amy G. O'Neill, Nova Publishers, ISBN: 978‐1‐61324‐454‐8. 15. R. Madureira, L. L. Pimentel, M. Silva Gião, F. X. Malcata, A. M. P. Gomes, M. M. E. Pintado. Ingredientes Funcionales: Obtención, Bioactividad, Biodisponibilidad Y Seguridad. Avances en la investigacion de la alimentacion funcional I Jornada CYTED‐IBEROFUN sobre alimentación‐salud, mexico‐2010. Ed. Javier Fontecha. ISBN es: 978‐84‐96023‐89‐5. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 16. Vincenza Ferraro, Isabel B. Cruz, Jorge Ruben Ferreira, Francisco X. Malcata, Paula Castro, M. Manuela Pintado. 2010. Characterization of Soluble Nitrogen and Muscle Proteins in Wastewater Throughout the Salting Process of Codfish (Gadus morhua). In 13TH International Conference on process integration, modelling and optimisation for energy saving and pollution reduction, Vol. 21, pp. 839‐834. Eds: Klemes JJ; Lam HL; Varbanov PS. Book Series: Chemical Engineering Transactions . 17. Ana M. Gomes, Ana R. Madureira, Ana I. Pintado, Maria M. Pintado, M. E., F. Xavier Malcata. 2010. Technology and stability of probiotic and prebiotic whey dairy products, in Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods: Technology, Stability and Benefits to Human Health. (Chapter 9), Editor(s): Nagendra P. Shah, Adriano Gomes da Cruz and Jose de Assis Fonsecca Faria, ISBN: 978‐1‐61728‐825‐8. Nova Publishers. 18. Ana M. Gomes, Manuela E. Pintado, and F. Xavier Malcata. 2009. Probiotics in Handbook of Dairy Foods Analysis Editor(s): Leo M.L. Nollet, University College Ghent, Applied Engineering Sciences, Belgium; Fidel Toldra, Instituto de Agroquímica y Technología de Alimentos (CSIC), Valencia, Spain 19. Madureira, A. R., Pintado, A. I., Gomes, A. M. P. & Malcata, F. X., Pintado, M. E.,. 2009. Recuperación y revalorización del lactosuero para la producción de nuevos productos con propiedades funcionales, Em Funcionalidad de productos lácteos, Editor(s): Javier Fontecha, Isidra Recio, Ana M.R. Pilosof , (Chapter 15), España: CEE Limencop, S.L. 20. Maria de Fátima Poças and Manuela Pintado. 2009. Packaging and the shelf life of cheese in Food Packaging and Shelf Life: A Practical Guide in Packaging and the Shelf Life of Cheese. Editor(s): Gordon L. Robertson, Food Packaging Environment, Hope Island, Australia. CRC Press 21. George Kalantzopoulos, Manuela Pintado, & Ana Gomes. Exploitation of microorganisms by the food and beverage industry. Chapter 11. In: food safety: a practical and case study approach. Editor(s): Anna Mcelhatton, Richard Marshall, 2008. 22. Ana Gomes, Manuela E. Pintado, & F. Xavier Malcata. Pathogenicity, commensalism, and the beneficial microorganisms Chapter 12. In: food safety: a practical and case study approach. Editor(s): Anna Mcelhatton, Richard Marshall. 2008 PAPERS IN INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS WITH REFEREES 1. Alves, M J, Ferreira, I C F R, Froufe, H J C , Abreu R M V, Martins, A and Pintado, M. 2013. Antimicrobial activity of phenolic compounds identified in wild mushrooms, SAR analysis and docking studies. Journal of Applied Microbiology (in press). doi:10.1111/jam.12196 2. Silva, S B, Oliveira, A, Ferreira, D. Sarmento, B, Pintado, M E. 2013. Development and Validation Method for Simultaneous Quantification of Phenolic Compounds in Natural Extracts and Nanosystems. Phytochemical Analysis (in press) DOI 10.1002/pca.2446 Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 3. Costa EM, Silva S, Madureira AR, Cardelle‐Cobas A, Tavaria FK, Pintado MM. 2013. A novel direct contact method for the assessment of the antimicrobial activity of dental cements. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 93, 3, 168‐172. 4. Costa EM, Silva S, Tavaria FK, Pintado MM. 2013. Study of the effects of chitosans upon Streptococcus mutans adherence and biofilm formation. Anaerobe, 20, 27‐31. DOI: 10.1016/j.anaerobe.2013.02.002 5. Tavaria FK, Costa EM, Pina‐Vaz I, Carvalho MF, Pintado MM. 2013. A quitosana como biomaterial odontológico: estado da arte. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica, 29, 1, Pages 110‐120. 6. Piccirillo, C; Pereira, S I A; Marques, A P G C, Piccirillo, C; Pereira, S I A; Marques, A P G C; Pullar, R C; Tobaldi, D M; Pintado, M E; Castro, P M L. 2013. Bacteria immobilisation on hydroxyapatite surface for heavy metals removal. Journal of environmental management, 121 87‐95. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.02.036 7. Madureira, A R.; Soares, J C.; Amorim, M M; Tavares, T, Gomes, A M, Pintado, M M, Malcata, F X . 2013. Bioactivity of probiotic whey cheese: characterization of the content of peptides and organic acids. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93, 6, 1458‐ 1465. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.5915 8. Piccirillo, C; Demiray, S; Silva Ferreira, A C, Ferreira, ACS, Pintado, ME, Castro, PML. 2013. Chemical composition and antibacterial properties of stem and leaf extracts from Ginja cherry plant. Industrial Crops and Products, 43, 562‐569. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2012.08.004 9. Alves‐Silva, J. M., Santos, S. M. D., Pintado, M. E., Pérez‐Álvarez, J. A., Juana Fernández‐ López, J., Viuda‐Martos, M. 2013. Chemical composition and in vitro antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant properties of essential oils obtained from some herbs widely used in Portugal. Food Control, 32, 2, 371‐378. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2012.12.022 10. Silva, J P, Sousa, S C; Costa, P; Cerdeira, E, Amaral, M H; Lobo, J S; Gomes, A M, Pintado, M M, Rodrigues, D, Rocha‐Santos, T, Freitas, A C. 2013. Development of probiotic tablets using microparticles: viability studies and stability studies. AAPS Pharm. Sci. Tech., 14, 1, 121‐127. DOI: 10.1208/s12249‐012‐9898‐9 11. Giao, M S, Pereira, C I, Pintado, M E, Malcata, F X. 2013. Effect of technological processing upon the antioxidant capacity of aromatic and medicinal plant infusions: From harvest to packaging. Lwt‐Food Science and Technology, 50, 1, 320‐325. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2012.05.007 12. Ferraro, V., B. Cruz, I., Ferreria Jorge, R., E. Pintado, M., Castro M.L., P. 2013. Effect of physical parameters on the adsorption of the borderline amino acids glycine, lysine, taurine and tryptophan upon Amberlite XAD16 resin. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 58, 707‐717. DOI 10.1021/je301206r. 13. Ferraro, V., Carvalho, A.P., Piccirillo, C., Santos, M., Castro, M.L.P., Pintado, M.E. 2013. Extraction of high added value biological compounds from sardine, sardine‐type fish and mackerel canning residues ‐ A review. Materials Science and Engineering C, 33, 3111‐3120. DOI 10.1016/j.msec.2013.04.003. 14. Piccirillo, C, Silva, M F, Pullar, R C, da Cruz, I B, Jorge, R, Pintado, MME, Castro, PML 2013. Extraction and characterisation of apatite‐ and tricalcium phosphate‐based materials from cod fish bones. Materials Science & Engineering C‐Materials For Biological Applications, 33, 1, 103‐110. DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2012.08.014 15. Balcao, V M, Costa, C I, Matos, C M, Moutinho, C G, Amorim, M, Pintado, M E, Gomes, A P, Vila, M M, Teixeira, J A. 2013. Nanoencapsulation of bovine lactoferrin for food and Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 2, 425‐431. DOI: biopharmaceutical applications. Food Hydrocolloids, 32, 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2013.02.004 16. Guedes, A. C., Gião, M.S., Matias, A.A., M. Nunes, A.V., Pintado, M.E., M. Duarte, C.M., Malcata, X. F. 2013. Supercritical fluid extraction of carotenoids and chlorophylls a, b and c, from a wild strain of Scenedesmus obliquus for use in food processing. Journal of Food Engineering, 116, 2, 478‐482. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2012.12.015 17. Marques C., Amorim M. M, Pereira J. O., Pintado M.E., Moura D, Calhau C., Pinheiro H. Bioactive Peptides: Are There More Antihypertensive Mechanisms Beyond Ace Inhibition?. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 18 ( 30 ): 4706‐13. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365‐2672.2012.05347.x 18. Ramos, O L., Reinas, I, Silva, S I, Fernandes, J. C., Cerqueira, M. A., Pereira, R. N., Vicente, A. A., Poças, M. F., Pintado, M. E., & Malcata, F. X. 2013. Effect of whey protein purity and glycerol content upon physical properties of edible films manufactured therefrom. Food Hydrocolloids, 30 (1), 110‐122. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2012.05.001 19. Alves, M. J.; Ferreira, I.; Martins, A.; Pintado, Pintado, M.E.. 2012. Antimicrobial activity of wild mushrooms extracts against clinical isolates resistant to different antibiotics. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 113 (2): 466‐75. doi:10.1111/j.1365‐2672.2012.05347.x 20. Alves, M. J.; Ferreira, I. C. F. R.; Dias, J., Teixeira, V. Martins, A.; Pintado, Pintado, M.E.. 2012. A Review on Antimicrobial Activity of Mushroom (Basidiomycetes) Extracts and Isolated Compounds. Planta Med, 78: 1707–1718. DOI‐0032‐ 1315370 21. Ramos, O. L., Silva, S. I., Soares, J. C., Fernandes, J. C., Poças, M. F., Pintado, M. E., & Malcata, F. X. 2012. Features and performance of edible films, obtained from whey protein isolate formulated with antimicrobial compounds. Food Research International 45, 351‐ 361. 22. Ramos, O. L., Fernandes, J. C., Silva, S. I., Pintado, M. E., & Malcata, F. X. 2012. Edible films and coatings from whey proteins: a review on formulation, and on mechanical and bioactive properties. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 52, 533‐552. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2010.500528. 23. Ramos, O. L., Pereira, J. O, Silva, S. I., Amorim, M. M, Fernandes, J. C., Lopes‐da‐Silva, J. A, Pintado, M. E., & Malcata, F. X. 2012. Effect of composition of commercial whey protein preparations upon gelation at various pH values. Food Research International, 48, 681‐689. 24. Ramos, O. L., Pereira, J. O, Silva, S. I., Fernandes, J. C., Franco, M. I., Lopes‐da‐Silva, J. A., Pintado, M. E., & Malcata, F. X. (2012). Evaluation of antimicrobial edible whey protein isolate coatings to improve the storability of Saloio cheese. Journal of Dairy Science, 95, 6282‐6292. doi: 10.3168/jds.2012‐5478 25. Ramos, O. L., Santos, A. C., Leão, M. V., Pereira, J. O., Silva, S. I., Fernandes, J. C., Franco, M. I., Pintado, M. E., & Malcata, F. X. (2012). Antimicrobial activities of edible coatings prepared from whey protein isolate, and formulated with various antimicrobial agents: in vitro studies. International Dairy Journal, 25, 132‐141. 26. Campos, D. A. Ribeiro, A. C. Costa, E. M., Fernandes, J. C., Tavaria, F. K., Araruna, F.B., Eiras, C., Eaton, P. Leite, J. R. S. A., Pintado, M. E. 2012. Study of Antimicrobial Activity and Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging of the Action Mechanism of Cashew Tree Gum. Journal of Carbohydrate Polymers, 90, 270– 274. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2012.05.034 Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 27. Silva NC, Sarmento B, Pintado M. 2013. The importance of antimicrobial peptides and their potential for therapeutic uses in ophthalmology. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents; 41 (1): 5‐10. doi:10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2012.07.020 28. Santos, M., Piccirillo, C., Kalogerakis, N., Castro, P.M.L., Pintado M.E. 2012. Bioconversion of oleuropein into hdroxytyrosol by lactic acid bacteria. World J. Microb. Biotech. 28(6):2435‐2340, 2012. DOI:10.1007/s11274‐012‐1036‐z 29. Queiroga, R. C. R. E.; Santos, B. M.; Gomes, A. M. P.; Monteiro, M. J.; Teixeira, S. M.; Souza, E. L.; Pereira, C. J. D.; Pintado, M. M. E. 2013. Nutritional, textural and sensory properties of Coalho cheese made of goats, cows milk and their mixture. LWT ‐ Food Science and Technology 50 (2013) 538‐544. (10.1016/j.lwt.2012.08.011) 30. Queiroga, A. C., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2013. Wool‐associated proteolytic bacteria, isolated from Portuguese Merino breed. Small Ruminant Research, 109, 1, 38‐46. DOI: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2012.09.005 31. Fernandes, J.C., Eaton, P., Franco, I., Ramos, O.S., Sousa, S., Nascimento, H., Gomes, A., Santos‐Silva, A., Malcata, F.X., Pintado, M.E. 2012. Evaluation of chitoligossacharides effect upon probiotic bacteria. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 50, (1) 148‐152. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2011.10.011) 32. Fernandes, J. C., Sereno, J., Garrido, P., Parada, B. Cunha, M. F. X., Reis, F., Pintado, M. E. and Santos‐Silva, A. 2012. Inhibition of Bladder Tumor Growth by Chitooligosaccharides in an Experimental Carcinogenesis Model Mar. Drugs, 10(12), 2661‐2675. doi:10.3390/md10122661 33. Borges, S., Barbosa, J., Camilo, R., Carvalheira, A., Silva, J., Sousa, S., Gomes, A.M., Pintado, M.M., Silva, J.P., Costa, P., Amaral, M.H., Teixeira, P., Freitas, A.C. Effects of encapsulation on the viability of probiotic strains exposed to lethal conditions. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 47 : 416‐421, 2012. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365‐2621.2011.02855.x) 34. Sousa, S., Gomes, A.M., Pintado, M.M., Malcata, F.X., Silva, J.P., Sousa, J.M., Costa, P., Amaral, M.H., Rodrigues, D., Rocha‐Santos, T.A.P., Freitas, A.C. 2012. Encapsulation of probiotic strains in plain or cysteine‐supplemented alginate improves viability at storage below freezing temperatures. Eng. Life Sci. 12 : 1‐9, 2012. (doi: 10.1002/elsc.201200007) 35. Sánchez‐Zapata, E., Fernández‐López, J., Pérez‐Alvarez, J.A., Soares, J., Sousa, S., Gomes, A.M.P., Pintado, M.M.E. In vitro evaluation of “orchata” co‐products as carbon source for probiotic bacteria growth. Food Bioprod. Process. doi: 36. Rodrigues, D., Sousa, S., Gomes, A.M., Pintado, M.M., Silva, J.P., Costa, P., Amaral, M.H., Rocha‐Santos, T.A.P., Freitas, A.C. 2012. Storage stability of Lactobacillus paracasei as free cells or encapsulated in alginate‐based microcapsules in low pH fruit juices. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 5: 2748‐2757. [doi:10.1007/s11947‐011‐0581‐z] 37. Oliveira A., Pintado M., Almeida D. P.F., 2012. Phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of peach as affected by pasteurization and storage duration. LWT ‐ Food Science and Technology 49: 202‐207. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2012.07.008 38. Oliveira A., Pintado M., Almeida D. P. F., (2012). Auditing functional phytochemicals during fruit processing. Fruit processing, 6‐9. 39. Tavaria, F.; Soares, J.; Reis, I.; Paulo, M.; Malcata, F.; Pintado, M. M. 2012. Chitosan: Antimicrobial action upon staphylococci after impregnation onto cotton fabric. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 112, 1034‐1041. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365‐2672.2012.05274. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 40. Costa, E M; Silva, S; Pina, C; Tavaria, F K; Pintado, M M. 2012. Evaluation and insights into chitosan antimicrobial activity against anaerobic oral pathogens. Anaerobe, 18, 305‐309. DOI: 10.3168/jds.2012‐5478 41. Pimentel, L L.; Matto, J; Malcata, F X, Pintado, M M, Saarela, M. 2012. Survival of potentially probiotic enterococci in dairy matrices and in the human gastrointestinal tract. International Dairy Journal, 27 (1‐2), 53‐57. DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2012.07.008 42. Queiroga, A. C., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. (2012). Potential use of wool‐associated Bacillus species for biodegradation of keratinous materials. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 70, 60‐65. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2011.12.013 43. Queiroga, A. C., Pintado, M. E. & Malcata, F. X. 2012. Search for novel proteolytic enzymes aimed at textile and agro‐industrial applications: an overview of current and novel approaches. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 30, 154‐169. DOI: 10.3109/10242422.2012.650856 44. Queiroga A. C.; Pintado M. E.; Malcata F. X. 2012. Use of response surface methodology to optimize protease synthesis by a novel strain of Bacillus sp isolated from Portuguese sheep wool. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 113, 36‐43. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365‐2672.2012.05300.x 45. Silva, LIB, Gomes, AM, Pintado, MM, Pinheiro, H, Moura, D, Freitas, AC, Rocha‐Santos, TAP, Pereira, ME., Duarte, AC. 2012. Optical Fiber Bioanalyzer Based on Enzymatic Coating Matrix for Catecholamines and Their Metabolites Assessment in Patients With Down Syndrome. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 12 (1), 76‐84. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2011.2127471. 46. Pina‐Vaz I, Barros J, Noites R, Villa‐Vigil A, Pintado M, Carvalho MF. 2011. Estratégias anti‐ microbianas na prevenção e tratamento da infecção oral. Revista Europea de Odontoestomatologia. Publicado el: 30/05/2011 10:53:04 47. Tavares, T. G., Amorim, M., Gomes, D., Pintado, M. E., Pereira, C. D., and Malcata, F. X. 2012. Manufacture of bioactive peptide‐rich concentrates from whey: characterization of pilot process. Journal of Food Engineering, 110, 547‐552. doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2012.01.009. 48. Gião M. S., Gomes S., Madureira A. R., Faria A., Pestana D., Calhau C., Pintado M. E., Azevedo I., and Malcata F. X. 2012 Effect of in vitro digestion upon the antioxidant capacity of aqueous extracts of Agrimonia eupatoria, Rubus idaeus, Salvia sp. and Satureja Montana. Food Chemistry, 131, 3, 761‐767. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.09.030 49. Santos, B. M.; Oliveira, M. E. G.; Pintado, M. M. E.; Sousa, Y. R. F.; Madureira, A. R. M. F. M.; Souza, E. L.; Gomes, A. M. P.; Queiroga, R. C. R. E. 2011 Caracterização físico‐química e sensorial de queijo de coalho produzido com mistura de leite de cabra e de leite de vaca. Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 70, 302‐310. 50. Soares, J. C., Moreira, P. R., Queiroga, A. C., Morgado, J., Malcata, F. X., Pintado, M. E. 2011. Application of immobilized enzyme technologies for the textile industry: a review. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 29 (6), 223‐237. DOI: 10.3109/10242422.2011.635301. 51. Tavares, T. G., Monteiro, K. M., Possenti, A., Pintado, M. E., Carvalho, J. E. & Malcata, F. X. 2011. Antiulcerogenic activity of peptide concentrates obtained from hydrolysis of whey protein brought about by proteases from Cynara cardunculus. International Dairy Journal, 21, 934‐939. DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2011.06.004 52. Tavares, T. G., Contreras, M. M., Amorim, M., Martín‐Álvarez, P. J., Pintado, M. E., Recio, I. & Malcata, F. X. (2011). Optimization, by response surface methodology, of degree of hydrolysis, antioxidant and ACE‐inhibitory activities of whey protein hydrolyzates obtained with cardoon extract. International Dairy Journal, 21, 926‐933. DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2011.05.013. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 53. Tavares, T. G., Contreras, M. M., Amorim, M., Pintado, M. E., Recio, I. & Malcata, F. X. (2011). Novel whey‐derived peptides with inhibitory activity against angiotensin‐converting enzyme: in vitro activity and stability to gastrointestinal enzymes. Peptides, 32, 1013‐1019. DOI: 10.1016/j.peptides.2011.02.005 54. Fernandes, JC; Borges, M, Nascimento, H, Bronze‐da‐Rocha, E, Ramos, OS, Pintado, ME, Malcata, FX, Santos‐Silva, A. 2011. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of chitooligosaccharides upon lymphocytes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Vol 49, (3), 433‐438. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2011.05.032 55. Ferraro, V., Cruz, I. B., Jorge, R. F., Pintado, M. E. & Castro, P. 2011. Solvent extraction of sodium chloride from codfish (Gadus morhua) salting processing wastewater. Desalination. Vol 281, 42‐48. DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2011.07.038. 56. Pina‐Vaz I, Barros J, Noites R, Villa‐Vigil A, Pintado M, Carvalho MF. 2011. Estratégias anti‐ microbianas na prevenção e tratamento da infecção oral. Revista Europea de Odontoestomatologia. 57. Rodrigues, D., Sousa, S., Rocha‐Santos, T., Gomes, A. M., Pintado, M. M, Malcata, F. X.,Silva, J. P., Sousa Lobo, J. M., Costa, P., Amaral, M. H. & Freitas, A. C. (2011). Influence of L‐cysteine, oxygen and relative humidity upon survival throughou storage of probiotic bacteria in whey protein‐based microcapsules. International Dairy Journal, 21: 969‐976. DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2011.05.005. 58. Silva, L., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Pinheiro, H., Moura, D., Freitas, A., Rocha‐Santos, T., Pereira, M. & Duarte, A. (2011). Assessment of catecholamines and their metabolites in patients with Down syndrome by optical fiber biosensor. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 99: 1. 59. Soares, J., Marques, R., Tavaria, F., Pereira, J. & Pintado, M. 2011. Biodiversity and characterization of Staphylococcus species isolated from a small manufacturing dairy plant in Portugal. International Journal of Food Microbiology 146(2): 123‐129. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2011.02.008 60. Da Silva, S., Costa, J., Pintado, M., Ferreira, D. & Sarmento, B. (2011). Antioxidants in the Prevention and Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy ‐ A Review. Journal of Diabetic Metabolics 1:111. doi:10.4172/2155‐6156.1000111. 61. Madureira, A. R., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. P. & Malcata, F. X. (2011). Incorporation of Probiotic Bacteria in Whey Cheese: Decreasing the Risk of Microbial Contamination. Journal of Food Protection, 74: 1194‐1199. DOI: 10.4315/0362‐028X.JFP‐10‐217 62. Madureira, A. R., Amorim, M., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. P. & Malcata, F. X. (2011). Protective effect of whey cheese upon probiotic strains exposed to simulated gastrointestinal conditions. Food Research International, 44 (1): 465. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2010.09.010 63. Madureira, A. R. Brandão, T. Gomes, A. M., Pintado, M. E. & Malcata, F. X. (2011) Technological Optimization of Manufacture of Probiotic Whey Cheese Matrices. Journal of Food Science, 76: E203‐E211. DOI: 10.1111/j.1750‐3841.2010.02008.x 64. S. Demiray, C. Piccirillo, C.L. Rodrigues, M.E. Pintado, P.M.L. Castro: 2011 "Extraction of valuable compounds from Ginja cherry by‐products: effect of the solvent and antioxidant properties." Waste Biomass Valoriz., 2(4), 365. 65. Ferraro, V., Cruz, I. B., Jorge, R. F., Malcata, F. X., Castro, P. M. L. & Pintado, M. E. 2011. Characterization of high added value compounds in wastewater throughout the salting process of codfish (Gadus morhua). Food Chemistry, 124: 1363‐1368. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.07.090 Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 66. Madureira, A. R., Pintado, A.I., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. P. & Malcata, F. X. (2011). Rheological, textural and microstructural features of probiotic whey cheeses. LWT ‐ Food Science and Technology, 44: 75‐81. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2010.06.030 67. Rodrigues, D., Rocha‐Santos, T., Sousa, S., Gomes, A. M., Pintado, M. M., Malcata, F. X., Sousa Lobo, J. M., Silva, J. P., Costa, P., Amaral, M. H. & Freitas, A. C. (2011). On the viability of five probiotic strains when immobilised on various polymers. International Journal of Dairy Technology International 64(1): 137‐144. DOI: 10.1111/j.1471‐0307.2010.00627.x 68. Ferraro, V. Cruz, I. B., Jorge, R. F., Malcata, F. X., Pintado, M. E. & Castro, P. M. L. (2010). Valorisation of natural extracts from marine source focused on marine by‐products: A review. Food Research International, 43, 2221‐2233. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2010.07.034 69. Gião M. S., Pestana D., Faria A., Guimarães J. T., Pintado M. E., Calhau C., Azevedo I., & Malcata F. X. (2010). Effects of extracts of selected medicinal plants upon hepatic oxidative stress. Journal of Medicinal Food, 13: 131‐136. DOI: 10.1089/jmf.2008.0323 70. Madureira, A. R., Tavares, T. S., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. P. & Malcata, F. X. (2010). Invited review: Physiological properties of bovine whey peptides. Journal of Dairy Science, 93: 437‐455. DOI: 10.3168/jds.2009‐2566 71. Piccirillo, C. Demiray, S., Franco, A. R. Castro, P. M. L. & Pintado, M. E. (2010). High added‐ value compounds with antibacterial properties from ginja cherries by‐products. Waste Biomass Valor, 1: 209‐217. 72. Fernandes, J., Spindola, H., Sousa, V., Santos‐Silva, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. & Carvalho, F. (2010). Anti‐inflammatory activity of chitooligosaccharides in vivo. Marine Drugs, 8: 1763‐1768. DOI: 10.3390/md8061763 73. Fernandes, J., Nascimento, H., Gião, M., Ramos, O., Belo, L., Santos‐Silva, A., Pintado, M. & Malcata, F. (2010). Antioxidant activity of chitooligosaccharides upon two biological systems: Erythrocytes and Bacteriophages. Carbohydrate Polymers, 79: 1101‐1106. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2009.10.050 74. Ferraro, V, Cruz, I B, Ruben, R F, Malcata, F X, Castro, P M L, Pintado, M E E. 2010. Characterisation of Soluble Nitrogen and Muscle Proteins in Wastewater Throughout the Salting Process of Codfish (Gadus morhua). 13th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation For Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 21, 829‐834. DOI: 10.3303/CET1021139 75. Fernandes, J. C., Tavaria, F. K., Fonseca, S. C., Ramos, O. S., Pintado, M. E. & Malcata, F. X. (2010). In Vitro Screening for Antimicrobial Activity of Chitosans and Chitooligosaccharides, Aiming at Potential Uses in Functional Textiles. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20:311‐318. DOI: 10.4014/jmb.0904.04038 76. Fernandes, J., Eaton, P., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2009. Study of the antibacterial effects of chitosans on Bacillus cereus (and its spores) by atomic force microscopy imaging and nanoindentation. Ultramicroscopy, 109, 854‐860. DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2009.03.015 77. Gião M. S., Leitão I., Pereira A., Borges A. B., Guedes C. J., Fernandes J. C., Belo L., Santos‐ Silva A., Hogg T. A., Pintado M.E., and Malcata F. X. 2010. Plant aqueous extracts: Antioxidant capacity via haemolysis and bacteriophage P22 protection. Food Control 21: 633‐ 638. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2009.08.014 78. Gião, M., Pereira, C. I., Fonseca, S. C. Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2009. Effect of particle size upon the extent of extraction of antioxidant power from the plants Agrimonia eupatoria, Salvia sp. and Satureja Montana. Food Chemistry, 117, 412‐416. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.04.020 Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 79. Gião, M., Borges, A., Guedes, C., Hogg, T. A. Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2009. Determination of Antioxidant Capacity Using the Biological System Bacteriophage P22/Bacterium Salmonella typhimurium. J. Agric. Food Chem., 57, 22‐25. DOI: 10.1021/jf802185k 80. Monteiro, M., Pintado, M.E, Shadforth, I., Malcata, F., Moreira. P.R.2009. Development of a workflow for generic protein sequence analysis using Taverna Workbench software. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5518, 1118‐1124. 81. Pintado, A., Pinho, O., Ferreira, I., Pintado, M., Gomes, A., Malcata, F. 2008. Microbiological, biochemical and biogenic amine profiles of Terrincho cheese manufactured in several dairy farms. International Dairy Journal, 18, 631‐640. DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2007.11.021 82. Polliti, M., Castro, P. Pintado, M. Zloh, M Heinric, M. 2009. Direct metabolic fingerprinting of commercial herbal tinctures by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Phytochemical Analysis. 20: 328 ‐ 334. DOI: 10.1002/pca.1131 83. Eaton, P., Fernandes, J., Pereira, E., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2008. Atomic force microscopy study of the antibacterial effects of chitosans on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Ultramicroscopy, 108: 1128‐1134. DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2008.04.015 84. Fernandes, J., Eaton, P, Nascimento, H, Belo, L, Rocha, S, Vitorino, R, Amado, F, Gomes, J, Santos‐Silva, A. Pintado, M, Malcata, F X 2008. Effects of Chitooligosaccharides on Human Red Blood Cell Morphology and Membrane Protein Structure. Biomacromolecules 9 (12), 3346‐3352. DOI: 10.1021/bm800622f 85. Fernandes, J., Tavaria, F., Soares, J., Ramos, O., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2008. Antimicrobial effects of chitosans and chitooligosaccharides, upon Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in food model systems. Food Microbiology, 25: 922‐928. DOI: 10.1016/ 86. Sousa, S, Rodrigues, C, Tavaria, F, Giao, M, Malcata, X, Pacheco, M, Gomes, A, Pintado, M. 2008. Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolia) Tuber Flour. Proceedings of the Xiv Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International, 135‐140. 87. Madureira, A., Soares, J., Freitas, A., Pintado, M., Gomes, A., Malcata, F. 2008. Sweet whey cheese matrices inoculated with the probiotic strain Lactobacillus paracasei LAFTI® L26. Le lait, 88, 649‐665. DOI: 10.1051/dst:2008026 88. Gião, M. S., González‐Sanjosé, M. L., Muñiz, P., Rivero‐Pérez, M. D., Kosinska M., Pintado M., Malcata, F. X. 2008. Protection of deoxyribose and DNA from degradation by using aqueous extracts of several wild plants. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture 88: 633‐640. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.3128 89. Politi, M., Rodrigues, C., Gião, M., Pintado, M., Castro, P. 2008. Antioxidant Principles and Volatile Constituents from the North‐western Iberian mint "erva‐peixeira", Mentha cervina. Natural Product, 1‐4. 90. Gião, M., González‐Sanjosé, M., Rivero‐Pérez, M., Pereira, C., Pintado, M.,and Malcata F. X. 2007. Infusions of Portuguese Medicinal Plants: Dependence of Final Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolic Content on Extraction Features. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture 87:2638‐2647. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.3023 91. Guimarães, C. M., Martinez S. S., PintadoA. I., Gião M. S., Pintado M. E., Bento L. S., MalcataF. X. 2007. Antioxidant activity‐including protective effect against DNA oxidative damage, of sugar molasses. Journal of Food Science, 72 (1), C39‐C43. DOI: 10.1111/j.1750‐ 3841.2006.00231.x Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 92. Madureira, A., Pereira, C., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F 2007. Bovine whey proteins ‐ Overview on their main biological properties. Food Research International, Volume 40, Issue 10, Pages 1197‐1211. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2007.07.005 93. Pimentel, L., Semedo, T., Tenreiro, R., Crespo, M., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2007. Assessment of Safety of Enterococci Isolated throughout Traditional Terrincho Cheesemaking: Virulence Factors and Antibiotic Susceptibility". Journal of Food Protection vol 70(9): 2161‐2167. 94. Pestana, Diego; Giao, Maria S.; Faria, Ana, A, Calhau, C, Pintado, ME, Malcata, FX, Azevedo, I. 2007. Effects, following ingestion of Savory (Satureja montana L.) and Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) water infusions, upon mice liver oxidative status. Free Radical Research, 41, S47‐ S48. 95. Gomes, S, Giao, M, Ferreira, GS, Giao, Ferreira, A. C; Pintado, ME, Malcata, FX. 2007 Solid phase extraction of polyphenols with antioxidant activity from herbal infusions. Free Radical Research, 41 Pages: S30. 96. Queiroga, A.C., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2007. Novel microbial‐mediated modifications in wool. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 40 1491‐1495. 97. Pantaleao, I., Pintado, M., Poças, M. 2006. Evaluation of two packaging systems for regional cheese. Food Chemistry, 102, 481‐48. 98. Madureira, A., Pereira, C., Truszkowskab, K., Gomes, A.M., Pintado, M.E. and Malcata F. 2005. Survival of probiotic bacteria in a whey cheese vector submitted to environmental conditions prevailing in the gastrointestinal tract. International Dairy Journal, 15, 921‐927. DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2004.08.025 99. Madureira, A., Gião, M., Pintado, M., Gomes, A., Freitas, A., Malcata, F. 2005. Incorporation and survival of probiotic bacteria in whey cheese matrices. Journal of Food Science 70, 160‐ 165. 100. Malcata, F., Gomes, A., Pintado, M. 2005. Functional dairy foods ‐ an overview. Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science 33, 1‐12. 101. Pinho, O., Pintado, A., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F., Ferreira, I. 2004. Interrelationships among microbiological, physicochemical, and biochemical properties of Terrincho cheese, with emphasis on biogenic amines. Journal of Food Protection, 67, 2779‐ 85. 102. Pintado, M., Malcata, F.X., Morgado, J., Vieira, A. 2003. Biotecnologia um desafio de sucesso na indústria têxtil. Perfil, 4, 40‐48. 103. Pintado, M. E., Macedo, A., Malcata, F. 2001. Review: technology, chemistry and microbiology of whey cheeses. Food Science and Technology International, 7, 105‐116. 104. Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2000. Optimization of modified atmosphere packaging with respect to physicochemical characteristics of Requeijão. Food Research International, 33, 821‐832. 105. Pintado, M., Pintado, A., Malcata, F. 2000. Protein and proteolytic characterization of ovine, caprine and bovine wheys. Bioprocess Engineering, 23, 275‐282. 106. Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2000. Optimization of modified atmosphere packaging with respect to physicochemical characteristics of Requeijão. Food Research International, 33, 821‐832. 107. Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2000. Characterization of whey cheese packaged under vacuum. Journal of Food Protection, 63, 216‐221. 108. Pintado, M. E., Pintado, A. I. E., Malcata, F. X. 1999. Fate of nitrogen during metabolism of whey lactose by Rahnella aquatilis. Journal of Dairy Science, 82, 2315‐2326. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 109. Pintado, M. E., Pintado, A. I. E., Malcata, F. X. 1999. Controlled whey protein hydrolysis using two alternative Proteases. Journal of Food Processing Engineering, 42, 1‐ 13. 110. Pintado, M. E. and Malcata, F. X. 1999. The effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the microbial ecology in Requeijão. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 24, 107‐124. 111. Pintado, M. E., Pintado, A. I. E., Malcata, F. X. 1999. Production of polysaccharide by Rahnella aquatilis using whey as feedstock Journal of Food Science, 64, 348‐352 112. Pintado, M. E., Lopes da Silva, J. A., Malcata, F. X. 1999. Comparative characterization of whey protein concentrates from ovine, caprine and bovine breeds. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technologie, 32, 231‐237. 113. Pintado, M. E. and Malcata, F. X. 1999. Studies on genetic ‐lactoglobulin from milk of native Portuguese?‐lactalbumin and variants of ovine and caprine breeds. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 34, 245‐251. 114. Pintado, M. E. e Malcata, F. X. 1999. Estudos descritivos e tecnológicos sobre Requeijão: caracterização e conservação. Boletim de Biotecnologia, 62, 19‐26. 115. Freitas, A. C., Pintado, A. I. E., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 1998. Organic acids produced by lactobacilli, enterococci and yeasts isolated from Picante cheese. European Food Research and Technology, 209, 434‐438. 116. Freitas, A. C., Pintado, A. I. E., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 1998. Role of microflora of Picante cheese on proteolysis and lipolysis. International Dairy Journal, 9, 593‐603 117. Pintado, M. E., Pintado, A. I. E., Lopes da Silva, J. A., Malcata, F. X. 1998. Rheological characterization under shear of a fraction of polymer produced via fermentation of whey‐ related media by Rahnella aquatilis. Carbohydrate Polymers, 37, 1‐6. 118. Pintado, M., Malcata, F. X. 1996. Effect of thermal treatments on the protein profile of whey from ovine and caprine milk throughout lactation. International Dairy Journal, 6, 497‐518. 119. Pintado, M., Malcata, F. X. 1996. Optimization of protein precipitation in acid whey obtained from small ruminants milk. Journal of Food Processing Engineering, 19, 457‐467. 120. Pintado, M., Lopes da Silva, J. A and Malcata, F. X. 1996. Characterization of requeijão and technological optimization of its manufacture process. Journal of Food Engineering, 30, 363‐376. 121. Pintado, M. E., Lopes da Silva, J. A., Fernandes, P., Malcata, F. X., Hogg, T. 1996. Microbiological and rheological studies on Portuguese kefir grains. International Journal of Food Science and Tecnology, 31, 15‐26. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS BY INVITATION 1. Pintado, M. E. 2013. Aplicação de agentes naturais na promoção da segurança e qualidade do alimento. Os Compostos Naturais aplicáveis na Indústria Alimentar, Aplicáveis a Produtos de Origem Animal. 29th May, Abrantes, Portugal. 2. Pintado, M. E. 2013. Aplicação de ingredientes funcionais oportunidades e desafios. Os Compostos Naturais aplicáveis na Indústria Alimentar, Aplicáveis a Produtos de Origem Vegetal. 15th May, Cantanhede, Portugal. 3. Pintado, M. E. 2013. Universidade e Indústria: Inovação e Desenvolvimento. XII Congresso de Nutrição. 16‐17 May. Lisbon, Portugal. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 4. Pintado, M. E. 2013. Valorização de subprodutos através da extração ou processos de fermentação. XXIII Semana Ciências da Nutrição. 17‐18 April. Porto, Portugal 5. Pintado, M. E. 2013. Como escolher, valorizar e saborear à mesa o melhor queijo Português. Feira regional do Queijo Serra da Estrela, 9‐10 February, Fornos de Algodres. 6. Hogg, T. and Pintado. M.E. 2012. Pintado. M.E. 2012. Food: Trends and Opportunities for Innovation. Seminário Investigação e Inovação para o Setor Agroalimentar. 30th November. Porto, Portugal 7. Pintado, M. E. 2012. Sensory Analysis and Portuguese Consumer Acceptability of Bissap Hibiscus Drinks with African Origin. Pre‐event EFFoST ‐ Generating and sharing knowledge on traditional African food products for mutual benefits for the consumers of Africa and Europe Sensory studies and process re‐engineering. 20th November, Montpellier, France. 8. Pintado. M.E. 2012. How to choose, appreciate and taste the best Portuguese cheeses“Tertúlias na Biotecnologia”. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica do Porto desvenda mitos e realidades. 2 October. 9. Gomes, A. and Pintado. M.E. 2012. “Functional foods, probiotics and health benefits: Myths and Reality”? “Tertúlias na Biotecnologia”. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica do Porto desvenda mitos e realidades. 31th May. 10. Pintado, M. E. 2012. Valorisation of by‐products from the food industry: obtaining value‐ added ingredients. COBEQ 2012. XIX Congresso de Engenharia Química. 8‐10 September. 11. Pintado, M. E. 2012. Valorization of agriculture byproducts: an integrated process. 16th Edition of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops. Abeokuta, Nigeria. 24‐27 September. 12. Pintado, M. E. 2012. New Product Development: Collaboration University / Industry. Workshop “Apoio à Inovação no Sector Agro‐alimentar”. Porto, Portugal. 25 September. 13. Pintado, M. E. 2012. Peptide extracts obtained by hydrolysis of yeast and milk proteins and functional activities. Seminário: Ingredientes bioactivos y alimentos funcionales en Iberoamérica, 25‐26 Junho, 2012, Habana, Cuba. 14. Pintado, M. E. 2012. Probiotics as therapeutics: scientific evidence for clinical na aplicações. 1º Encontro de Biotecnologia Microbiana e Farmacêutica. Faculdade de farmácia do porto. 25 de Maio. 15. Pintado, M. E. 2012. Natural antimicrobial solutions ‐ Sources, Effectiveness and Application ". Universidade de Piaui, Parnaiba. Fevereiro 2012 16. M. Pintado. Dermal microbiome. Workshop DERMATITE ATÓPICA: Novas Fronteiras. Hospital da CUF, Porto.18 de Novembro de 2011. 17. New developments in proteins and peptides. II Jornadas de Ciência Alimentar. 17 a 18 de Outubro 2011. UTAD. Vila Real. 18. M. Pintado and J. C. Soares, M. R. Marques, F. K. Tavaria, J. O. Pereira. Biodiversity and characterization of Staphylococcus species isolated from a small manufacturing dairy plant in Portugal. 4th International Congress on Food and Nutrition 3rd SAFE Consortium International Congress on Food Safety. 12‐14th October 2011, Istanbul ‐ Turkey. 19. M. Pintado. "A visão de uma Entidade do Sistema Científico (ESB‐UCP) na participação em projectos europeus em colaboração com a indústria". Workshop sobre as oportunidades de financiamento no Tema KBBE do 7º PQ de I&DT PORTUGAL FOODS ‐ Pólo de Competitividade Agro‐Alimentar, 25 Julho 2011. 20. S. Silva, R. Morais and M. M. Pintado. 2011. Valorização de subprodutos: As potencialidades das folhas e do mirtilo seco. 1 de Julho, 4ª Edição da Feira do Mirtilo Sever do Vouga. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 21. Costa D. V. T. A., Pintado M., Almeida D. P. F. (2011). Conservação da Qualidade Funcional do Mirtilo. 1 de Julho, 4ª Edição da Feira do Mirtilo Sever do Vouga. 22. M. Pintado. Novos desenvolvimentos em proteínas e péptidos. X Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação | II Congresso Ibero‐Americano de Nutrição, que decorreu nos passados dias 12 e 13 de Maio de 2011. Lisboa. Portugal 23. M. Pintado. Biotecnologia na Saúde Alimentos Funcionais. Roteiro da Ciência. 14 Janeiro de 2011. Porto, Portugal 24. M. Pintado. Valorização de leite de pequenos ruminantes na produção de queijo: do tradicional à inovação. "XI Simposio Iberoamericano sobre Conservación y Utilización de Recursos Zoogenéticos", (17‐19)‐11‐2010. João Pessoa, Brasil. 25. M. Pintado. Estudios de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos WORKSHOP PROYECTO REAL: FORMACIÓN E I+D EN EL SECTOR LÁCTEO. 26‐27 de Setembro. Lugo. Espanha 26. Pintado, M. 2010. Os benefícios do Mirtilo. Feira do Mirtilo. 3rd July. Sever do Vouga. Portugal 27. Pintado, M. 2010. Alimentos Funcionais. Seminário Alimentação e Saúde. Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Saúde Do Porto. Porto, Portugal. 2nd July. 28. Pintado, M. 2010. Alimentos Funcionais. III Conferência Nacional de Segurança Alimentar. 3‐4th March. Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. 29. Pintado, M. 2010. Ingredientes Funcionales: Obtención, bioactividad, biodisponibilidad y seguridad. Jornadas sobre "alimentacion y salud". 27‐29 March Universidad autónoma metropolitana, Ciudad de México, México. 30. Fernandes, J., Santos‐Silva, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2009. Biological properties and potential applications of chitosan oligomers in Polymers in Medicine and Biology:, June 14‐ 17, Santa Rosa, USA. 31. Soares, J., Marques, R., Tavaria, F., Malcata, F., Pintado, M. 2009. Characterization of Staphylococcus strains collected throughout the production chain of a ewe’s milk cheese dairy plant. 14th European Congress on Biotechnology,September, 13‐16, Barcelona, Espanha 32. Moreira, P.R., Silva, A.R.S., Vaz, M.J.S., Soares, J., Tavaria, F.K., Malcata, F.X., Pintado, M.E. 2009. Screening on solid media of yeast isolates from tradicional cheese and wastewater treatment plants for dye‐decolorizing activity. XVII Jornadas de Biologia de Leveduras Nicolau van Uden, June 19‐20. Braga, Portugal, 21 Monteiro, M.B., Pintado, M.E., Shadforth, I., Xavier Malcata, F., Moreira. P.R. 2009. Development of a workflow for generic protein sequence analysis using Taverna Workbench software. 3rd International Workshop on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (IWPACBB'09), June 10‐12. Salamanca, Spain, 22 Pintado, M. 2009. Cenário dos queijos DOP Portugueses no contexto da Legislação Europeia. I Encontro da Cadeia Produtiva de Queijo Coalho do Nordeste ‐ Indicacão Geográfica, Qualidade e Segurança. 26 e 27 de Novembro de 2009. Fortaleza, Brasil. 23 Pintado, M., Gomes, A. 2009. Micróbios – para que vos quero? CONVERSAS COM QUEIJO integrado em Tr3s dias com Queijo". Agrovouga 09. Aveiro. Portugal 24 Pintado. M. 2009. Ingredientes Funcionais. 1ªs Jornadas da Licenciatura em Ciências da Nutrição do Instituto das Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz. 27‐29th March. Instituto das Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz, Costa da Caparica. Portugal. 25 Pintado. M. 2009. Qualidade Sensorial dos Queijos. “Semana Rural da AEESAV” ‐ Qualidade Alimentar. 18th May. Viseu, Portugal 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Scientific CV Manuela Pintado Pintado. M. 2009. O ambiente na transmissão da infecção. Infecção associada à prestação de cuidados de saúde. 29th July. Hospital da Prelada. Porto, Portugal Pintado. M. 2009. Nutracêuticos vs alimentos funcionais. Conferência integrada no Seminário Ordem dos Farmacêuticos. 20 May. Porto, Portugal Pintado. M. 2009. O papel da Biotecnologia no desenvolvimento de novos antimicrobianos para a flora oral. Jornadas de Microbiologia e suas aplicações clínicas. 23th January. Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Porto, Portugal. Pintado, M. 2009. Cenário dos queijos DOP Portugueses no contexto da Legislação Europeia. I Encontro da Cadeia Produtiva de Queijo Coalho do Nordeste ‐ Indicacão Geográfica, Qualidade e Segurança. 26 ‐ 27th, November. Fortaleza, Brasil. Pintado. M. 2009. O Poder anti‐oxidante do Mirtilo. Feira do Mirtilo. 3‐5 July. Sever do Vouga, Portugal. Tavares, T. G., Pintado, M. E., Récio, I., Carvalho J. E., Pilosof A. Dias Pereira C. e Malcata, F. X. 2009. Caracterização das actividades biológicas de extractos peptídicos obtidos por hidrólise de proteínas do soro, para incorporação em bebidas funcionais – Jornadas iBeSa 2009. February 4‐5, IBMC. Porto, Portugal. Bertoldo, M. T., Sousa, S., Gomes, A., Malcata, F., Pintado, M. 2008. Whey protein/cmc coacervates and yacon as functional ingredients: properties and applications. International Functional Foods Conference, 6‐8 May. Porto, Portugal Pintado, M. 2008. Ingredientes Funcionais. VII Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação, 30th May. Lisbon, Portugal. Pintado, M. 2008. Curso de formação em alimentos funcionais organizado pela FIPA‐ Federação de Indústrias Portuguesa Alimentares Porto ‐ 10 July,. Porto, Portugal. Pintado, M. 2008. ALIMENTOS E SÁUDE – OS NOVOS ALIMENTOS FUNCIONAIS. Jornadas da Alimentação. FIPA. 29th October. Porto, Portugal 36 Pintado, M. 2008. Aplicações tecnológicas de peptídeos bioactivos. ITAL, 27‐29th December. Campinas, Brasil. 37 Tavares, T., Recio, I., Carvalho, J., Pereira, C., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2008. Biological properties of whey peptides generated via catalysis with Cynara cardunculus – Internacional Functional Foods Conference ‐ Cyted/Eulaff – May 6‐8. Porto, Portugal. 38 Tavares, T., Pintado, M., Récio, I. e Malcata, F. X. 2008. Estudo de novos péptidos provenientes do glicomacropéptido com actividade biológica para incorporação em bebidas funcionais. Jornadas iBeSa 2008, February 14th. Leça do Balio, Portugal 39 Malcata, F., Pintado, M. 2007. Aplicações da Biotecnologia no Quotidiano: Novas Tecnologias na Indústria de Lacticínios. 7ª edição das Jornadas do DEQ ‐ "Da Ciência ao Engenho ‐ New Tech on DEQ. 6th November. Porto, Portugal. 40 Malcata, F., Gomes, A., Pintado, M. 2007. Use of dairy products as vectors for promotion of health: Selected examples. Indian Conference of Technology of Dairy Foods. 17th November. Nova Deli. India. 41 Gião M. S., Borges A., Guedes C., Hogg T. A., Pintado M. E. and Malcata F. X. 2007. “Antioxidant capacity of medicinal plants in the bacteriophage P22 / Salmonella typhymurium system”, III Simposio Internacional de Química, 5‐8 June. Sta. Clara, Cuba Pinto, J., Sousa, S., Fernandes, J., Pintado, M., Gomes, A., Malcata, F. 2007. Evaluation of Prebiotic Potential of Chitooligosaccharides. 8th International Conference of The European Chitin Society, 8‐11 September. Antalya, Turkey. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Scientific CV Manuela Pintado Pintado, M. 2007. Alergias alimentares Mecanismos Biológicos. Seminário de Alergias Alimentares. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia. 4th June, Porto, Portugal. Pintado, M. 2007. Novos desafios no desenvolvimento de Alimentos Funcionais. II Congresso Científico AEFFUP – Qualidade para um futuro de excelência. 31th October, Porto, Portugal. Pintado, M., Tavares, T. G., Recio, I., Quirós. 2007. JIPCA IV. Production and characterization of bioactive peptides obtained via hydrolysis of whey proteins by cardosins. 9th July. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pintado. M. 2007. Plants with antioxidant functional properties. 2007. Functional food and medicinal products developments from Amazonian Crops”. 03‐05 December. Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Queiroga, A.C., Pintado M. M., Malcata, F.X. 2007. Aplicability, on the wool industry, of proteases produced by several strains isolated from Portuguese Merino Wool. RELATENZ 07 ‐ International Conference on Enzyme Technology, June 20‐23. Varadero, Cuba. Tavaria, F., Reis, I., Paulo, M., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Effect of chitosans on skin‐ borne microorganisms. 8th International Conference of the European Chitin Society – EUCHIS’07, 8‐11 September. Antalya, Turkey. Malcata, F. X., Gomes, A., Pintado, M. 2006. Quality and authenticity of Portuguese traditional cheeses: impact upon valorisation thereof. I Congresso IberoAmericano sobre Seguridad Alimentaria. “De la granja a la mesa, ida y vuelta”. CIBSA 2006. 8‐10 May. Sevilla, Spain. Pantaleao, M.I., Silva, S., Ramiro, M.L., Pintado, M.M., Poças, M.F. 2006. Cheesepack ‐ Characterization and development of a packaging system to a regional Portuguese cheese – Results of a Consortium project. Traditional Food Processing and Technological Innovation in the Peripheral Regions, Algarve University, May. Faro, Portugal. Pintado. M. 2006. Alergias alimentares Mecanismos Biológicos. Seminário de Alergias Alimentares. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia. 30th June. Porto, Portugal. Pintado. M. 2006. Whey cheeses: an old matrix for new functional solutions. 1as Jornadas Internacionales de Productos Lácteos Funcionales, 13‐15 September. Madrid, Spain. Tavares, T., Pintado, M. E., Récio, I., Pinheiro H., Dias Pereira, C., Malcata, F. X. 2006. Caracterização das actividades biológicas de extractos peptídicos, obtidos a partir das proteínas do soro, para incorporação em bebidas – Jornadas iBeSa 2006, February, FM‐UP. Porto, Portugal. Guedes, C., Gião, M., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2005. Total antioxidant activity of intra‐ and extra‐cellular extracts, and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of microalgae and cyanobacteria”. EFFoST Annual Meeting –INTRAFOOD 2005: innovations in traditional foods. October. Valencia, Spain Madureira, A. R., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. P., Malcata, F. Xavier. 2005. Matrizes de soro enquanto veículos para bactérias probióticas. Jornadas de Biotecnologia, 12‐14 October. Porto, Portugal. Pintado, M. 2005. Biotecnologia Aplicada ao Sector Têxtil. Inovação no sector têxtil e do vestuário, ideias e oportunidades.CITEVE., 15 February. Famalicão, Portugal. Pintado, M. 2005. Aplicações das proteínas do soro. Seminário de Filtración Selectiva en La industria Láctea. Aula de Produtos Lácteos, 21, July. Lugo, Spain. Pintado, M., Gomes, A., Carvalho, J., Ralha V. e Malcata. 2005. F. X. ECOSEGURANÇA: “Promoção da eco‐eficiência e segurança em sistemas de produção tradicionais e 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Scientific CV Manuela Pintado inovadores à escala da exploração agrícola”: Objectivos e evolução. Jornadas ANCOSE 2005. 16 December, Oliveira do Hospital. Portugal Zulewska, J., Pintado, M., Gomes, A., Malcata, F. 2005. Development of whey cheese ‐ REQUEIJÃO ‐ with added probiotic bacteria. PROEUHEALTH. Roadshow 3 guthealth support. April 1, Warsow, Poland. Pintado, M. 2004. Alimentos funcionais. III Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação da APN. Aveiro, Portugal. Pintado, M. 2004. Enterococos – do alimento à clínica. 2º Sympósio de análises clínicas e saúde pública da faculdade de ciências da saúde da universidade Fernando Pessoa “a microbiologia nas análises clínicas”. Universidade Fernando Pessoa, September 22th. Porto, Portugal. Pintado, M. 2004. Toxi‐infecção Alimentar ‐ sintomatologia. Palestra – Segurança Alimentar no Ambiente Doméstico. Câmara Municipal de Gondomar. Setembro 22, Gondomar, Portugal. Pintado, M. 2004. Seminario Internacional “La Formación en Industrias Lácteas: Retos en la Sociedad de la Información” 17 ‐ 19 November. Lima, Peru. Pintado, M., Gomes. A., F. X. Malcata. 2004. Functional Foods – more than nutrition. Conference of Food Science. February. Olstyn, Poland. Pintado, M. 2003. Alimentos funcionais e saúde. Jornadas de Biotecnologia. Escola Superior de Biotecnologia. May. Porto, Portugal. Pintado, M. 2002. Probióticos/ Imunomodulação. VI Curso de Pós‐Graduação em Nutrição Entérica e Parentérica. March 18‐19. Porto, Portugal. Balcão, V., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2001. Dairy industry and environment, 8th Egyptian Conference of Dairy Science and Technology, Cairo, Egipto, 3 a 5 de Novembro Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F.X. 2001. Microrganismos probióticos em alimentos: aplicações em queijo e requeijão. MICRO'2001 ‐ Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia. December 5‐8. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 68 Pintado, M., Malcata, F.X. 2001. A valorização por via microbiana dos efluentes de soro lácteo. Comunicação oral apresentada em Tratamento e Valorizaçã0 de Soro Lácteo, September 27, Porto, Portugal. 69 Pintado, M., Malcata, F. X. 1999. Use of proteins and lactose from whey. Comunicação apresentada nas II Jornadas de Engenharia Biológica / I Encontro de Jovens Biotecnólogos, May 4‐6. Braga, Portugal. 70 Pintado, M., Pintado A. I. E., Malcata F. X. 1999. Requeijão tradicional: caracterização e melhoramento do processo de fabrico enquanto vector de intervenção ambiental sustentável. Congresso Internacional de Ambiente‐Desenvolvimento Sustentável às Portas do Terceiro Milénio, November 25‐27. Castelo Branco, Portugal OTHER ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Machado, I., Amaro, A., Carvalho, S., Poças, M. F., Vasconcelos, M. and Pintado, M. 2013. Respiration rate and functional quality of rocket leaves as affected by passive modified atmosphere packaging. XI International Controlled and Modified Atmosphere Research Conference ‐ CaMa2013. Trani (Italy). 3‐7 June. 2. D. Campos, C. Piccirillo, R.C. Pullar, P.M.L. Castro, M.M. Pintado. 2013. Methylcellulose Films Containing Natural Extracts: Antibacterial Properties. The International Association Scientific CV Manuela Pintado for Food Protection hosted IAFP's European Symposium on Food Safety 15‐17 May 2013 in Marseille, France. 3. Costa, E.M.; Silva, S.; Cardelle‐Cobas, A.; Madureira, A.R.; Tavaria, F.K.; Pintado, M.M. 2013. Chitosan In Oral Health: A Proof Of Concept. 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society. 5‐8th May, Porto. Portugal. 4. Cardelle‐Cobas, A., Madureira, A. R., Costa, E., Tavaria, F.K., Pintado, M. E. “Development of oral films containing chitosan”. 11th International Hydrocolloids Conference Biofunctionality and Technofunctionality of Hydrocolloids. The Stewart Center, Purdue University, Indiana, May 2012 5. Piccirillo, C., Demiray, S., Silva Ferreira, A.C., Pintado, M.M.E., Castro, P.M.L. (2012). Composition and antibacterial properties of extracts of agricultural by‐products. WastEng12, Porto, 9‐13 September, Portugal. 6. Madureira, A. R., Gomes, A.M.P., Pintado, M.E., Malcata, F.X. (2012). Formulação de um alimento probiótico à base de soro lácteo. III Jornadas de ciência alimentar. Universidade de Trás‐os‐Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal: 16‐17 Outubro. 7. Freitas, M. Q., Franco, M. I., Teixeira¸ S., Silva, A. P., Monteiro, M. J., Cisséc, M., Pallet, D. , Bennett, B., Bechoff, A., Tomlins, K. and Pintado, M.E.. 2012. Descriptive sensory analysis and Portuguese consumer acceptability of Bissap Hibiscus drinks with African origin. IUFOST‐ 16th world Congress of Food Science and technology. Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil, 5‐9 August. 8. Costa D. V. T. A., Pintado M. M., Almeida D. P. F. Postharvest ethylene application affects anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity of blueberry cultivars. 10 th International Symposium on Vaccinium and other superfruits. Maastricht, 17‐22 June 2012. 9. Oliveira A., Pintado M., Almeida D. P. F., (2012), Desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de auditoria nutricional ao processamento do morango, IV Colóquio Nacional da Produção Pequenos Frutos, Faro, Portugal, 20‐21 Abril. 10. Lopes, C., Oliveira, A., Pintado, M., Almeida, D. P.F. 2012. Nutritional Audit of peach and strawberry preparates for dairy applications. 11º Encontro Quimica Dos Alimentos, Bragança (Portugal), 16 a 19th September. 11. Oliveira, A., Pintado, M. E. & Almeida, D. 2012. Desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de auditoria nutricional ao processamento do morango. IV Colóquio Nacional da Produção de Pequenos Frutos. Faro, 21 e 22 de Abril. 12. Costa, E. M.; Pina, C.; Sousa, J. C.; Teixeira, P. C. ; Tavaria, F.K.; Pintado, M.M. Effect of sub‐ MIC concentrations of chitosan on Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilm formation. International Conference on Antimicrobial Research, 3‐5 Novembro, 2011, Valhadolid, Espanha. 13. Costa, E. M.; Pina, C.; Sousa, J. C.;Teixeira, P. C.; Tavaria, F.K.; Pintado, M.M. Evaluation of chitosan to control biofilm formation by oral pathogens. BioMicroWorld 2011; Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain; 14‐16 September 2011 14. S. Silva, M. Coelho, A. Borges, E. M. Costa, A. S. Rodrigues and M. M. Pintado. Characterization of the total phenolic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of acorn extracts (from Quercus ilex and Quercus suber). BioMicroWorld 2011; Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain; 14‐16 September 2011 15. Oliveira; M. Pintado; D. Almeida. 2011. Phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of strawberry as affected by freezing and pasteurization. 5th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH). 17‐20 October. Barcelona, Spain. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 16. Oliveira; M. Pintado; D. Almeida. 2011. Phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of peach as affected by pasteurization and freezing. Fruit and Vegetable Processing. 18‐21 April. Avignon, France. 17. Costa, E. M.; Pina, C.; Sousa, J. C.; Teixeira, P. C. ; Tavaria, F.K.; Pintado, M.M. 2010. Effect of sub‐MIC concentrations of chitosan on Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilm formation. International Conference on Antimicrobial Research, 3‐5 Novembro, Valhadolid, Espanha 18. Ramos, O. S., Fernandes, J. C., Delgado, T., Pereira, J., Reinas, I., Lopes da Silva, J. A., Poças, M. F., Pintado, M. E. & Malcata, F. X. (2010). Effect of chitooligosaccharide on the barrier and mechanical properties of films manufactured using whey protein isolate and concentrate at different contents of glycerol. MATBIM 2010 ‐ First International Meeting on Material/Bioproduct Interactions, 3‐5 March, Paris, France. 19. Almeida, D., Cardoso, M., Cerdeira, A., Borges, A., Gião, M. and Pintado, M. 2010. Antioxidant Activity of Pulp and Peel Apples Extracts Evaluated by Bacteriophage and DNA Protection Methods. IHC 2010 Lisboa, 22‐28 Agosto, 2010, Lisboa, Portugal 20. Borges, A., Silva, S., Coelho, M., Gião, M, Rodrigues, A., Pintado, M. 2010. Characterization of Biological Properties and Toxicity of Quercus Extracts. IHC 2010 22‐28 Agosto, 2010, Lisboa, Portugal 21. Cudell, A., Rossi, M., Moreira, P., Martins, A., Carballo, J., Malcata, F.X., Pintado, M.E. and Calvo, A. 2010. Problemas de conservación en pintura contemporánea: estudio de dos pinturas de Pedro Cabrita Reis com contaminación por microorganismos. 11ª Jornada de Conservación de Arte Contemporáneo, February 18‐19. Madrid, Spain. 22. Silva, J., Sousa, S., Costa, P., Cerdeira, E., Amaral, M., Sousa Lobo, J., Gomes, AM., Pintado, M., Malcata, FX., Rodrigues, D., Rocha‐Santos, TAP., Freitas, AC. 2010. Development of probiotic tablets: Viability studies. 2nd Conference Innovation in Drug Delivery: From preformulation to development through innovative evaluation process, October 3‐6, Aix‐ en‐Provence, France. 23. Fernandes, J., Eaton, P., Ramos, O., Nascimento, H., Borges M., Belo, L., Santos‐Silva, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, FX. 2009. Bioactive properties of chitooligosaccharides. EUROCARB 2009 (15th European Carbohydrate Symposium), July 19‐24. Vienna, Austria. 24. Fernandes, J., Borges M., Nascimento, H., Bronze, E., Ramos, O., Belo, L., Pintado, M., Malcata, FX Santos‐Silva, A. 2009. Evaluation of the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of chitooligosaccharides upon human lymphocytes, in 9th International Conference of the European Chitin Society, May 23‐26. Venice, Italy. 25. Monteiro, M., Pintado, M., Shadforth, I., Malcata, F., Moreira, P. 2009. Development of a workflow for generic protein sequence analysis using Taverna Workbench software. 3rd International Workshop on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (IWPACBB'09). June 10‐12. Salamanca, Spain. 26. Silva, A., Vaz, M., Soares, J., Tavaria, F., Malcata, F., Pintado, M., Moreira, P. 2009. Screening of yeast isolates from cheese and wastewater treatment plants for dye‐ decolorizing activity in solid media. XVII Jornadas de biologia de leveduras. June, 19‐20. Braga, Portugal. 27. Fernandes, J., Eaton, P., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2008. Study of antibacterial effects of chitosans upon vegetative and spore forms of Bacillus by atomic force microscopy imaging and nanoindentation, in International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference, June 22‐24, Seattle, USA. 28. Fernandes, J., Borges, S., Ribas, T., Tavaria, F., Lopes da Silva, J., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2006. Effect of Chitosans and Chitoligosaccharides upon Growth of Microorganisms Scientific CV Manuela Pintado Contaminating Foods, 53rd Annual Meeting International Association for Food Protection, August 13‐16. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 29. Queiroga, C., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2006. Catalytic activities of novel microbial enzymes aimed at application in the wool industry, no 4th INTB, 4 ‐ 7 June, Seul, South Korea 30. Maia, S., Braga, T., Gomes, AM., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2005. Microencapsulation of PUFAs omega‐3 (w‐3) via several encapsulation agents: considerations on viability and microstructure. 4th Nizo Dairy Conference. Prospects for Health, Well‐being and Safety. 15‐ 17 June. Papendal, Netherlands. 31. Pimentel, L., Pintado, M., Gomes, A., Mättö, J., Saarela, M., Malcata, FX. 2005. Survival of potentially probiotic enterococci in the GI tract. 4th Nizo Dairy Conference. Prospects for Health, Well‐being and Safety. 15‐17 June. Papendal, Netherlands. 32. Pantaleão, I., Pintado, M., Poças, M.F.F. 2005. Development of a tailor‐made active packaging system for cheese II. EFFoST 2005 ‐ Innovations in Traditional Foods, October. Valence, Spain. 33. Ralha, V., Pintado, M., Belo, C., Malcata, F. 2005. Microbiologic differences in ewe milk and traditional cheese manufactured therefrom, associated with supplementation and lambing season. III Jornadas Ibéricas de Raças Autóctones e Produtos Tradicionais. November 25‐ 26. Elvas, Portugal 34. Pintado, M. E., Pintado, A. I. E., Malcata, F. X. 1998. Influence of salt content, degree of proteolysis and aeration on the production of a polymer via fermentation of whey‐related media by Rahnella aquatilis. IV Iberian Congress on Biotechnology ‐ I Ibero‐American Meeting on Biotechnology. July 12‐14. Guimarães, Portugal. 35. Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 1995. Influência dos parâmetros tecnológicos na composição química do Requeijão. 2º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, July 19‐21. Aveiro, Portugal. POSTERS IN CONFERENCES 1. Amorim, M., Odila, J., Araújo, F., Gullón, B., Pintado, M. 2013. Prebiotic Properties of Brewer Yeast Cell Wall Fractions. Probiotics, Prebiotics, and the Host Microbiome: The Science of Translation’’ Conference, held at the New York Academy of Sciences Conference Center, June 12‐15, 2013. 2. Ana Raquel Madureira, Eveline Menin, Mariana Antunes, Ana Gomes, Manuela Pintado. 2013. Influence of polyphenol rich herbs in representative gut bacterial species. Probiotics, Prebiotics, and the Host Microbiome: The Science of Translation’’ Conference, held at the New York Academy of Sciences Conference Center on June 12‐15, 2013. 3. Cardelle‐Cobas, A., Montenegro, M.I., Gullón, B., Gullón, P., Tavaria, F., Pintado. M.M.E. 2013. Modified chitooligosaccharides by maillard reaction inhibit adhesion of enteropathogenic bacteria to mucin. Probiotics, Prebiotics, and the Host Microbiome: The Science of Translation’’ Conference, held at the New York Academy of Sciences Conference Center on June 12‐15, 2013. 4. Gullón, B., Gullón, P., Cardelle‐Cobas, A., Montenegro, M.I., Tavaria, F., Gomes, A. M. Pintado. M.M.E. 2013. Antiadhesive Properties Assessment of Prebiotic Oligosaccharides Derived from Agroindustrial Hemicellulosic Wastes. Probiotics, Prebiotics, and the Host Microbiome: The Science of Translation’’ Conference, held at the New York Academy of Sciences Conference Center on June 12‐15, 2013. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 5. Gullón, P., Gullón, B., Cardelle‐Cobas, A., Montenegro, M.I., Tavaria, F., Gomes, A. M. Pintado. M.M.E. 2013. Protective activity assessment of hemicellulosic oligosaccharides in lactobacillus survival under simulated gastrointestinal conditions. Probiotics, Prebiotics, and the Host Microbiome: The Science of Translation’’ Conference, held at the New York Academy of Sciences Conference Center on June 12‐15, 2013. 6. C. Piccirillo, V. Ferraro, Tim Hogg, K. Tomlins, M.M. Pintado. 2013. Cassava and Yam Production in Developing Countries: Safety Assessment. The International Association for Food Protection hosted IAFP's European Symposium on Food Safety 15‐17 May 2013 in Marseille, France. 7. José C. Soares, Cristina Lopes, Inês C. Oliveira, Freni K. Tavaria, André Moreira, Luís Delgado, Manuela E. Pintado. 2013. Characterization of staphylococcal skin microbiota in patients with atopic dermatitis and in normal subjects. Microbiome and Host Health. 12–14 May 2013. Lisbon, Portugal. 8. A. Cardelle‐Cobas, A. I. Ruiz‐Matute, A. B. García‐Bermejo, F. K. Tavaria, N. Corzo, M. Pintado. 2013. Influence of the Degree of Substitution in the Functional and Antimicrobial Properties of Chitosan Derivatives Obtained by Reductive Alkylation with Lactose. 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society. 5‐8th May, Porto. Portugal. 9. Lima, M. A.B. Stamford, T.L.M. Sarmento, B.F.C.C., Pintado, M. E. 2013. Effects of Chitosan and Oligochitosan on Ultrastructure of Botritis cinerea. 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society. 5‐8th May, Porto. Portugal. 10. Alejandra C. Cobas, Freni K. Tavaria*, Patrícia J. Reis and Manuela E. Pintado 2013. Antimicrobial and antifungal in vitro evaluation of chitosan‐impregnated gutta percha points. 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society. 5‐8th May, Porto. Portugal. 11. Carvalho, V., Chatelain, P., Costa, M., Sarmento, B., Stamford, N., Vasconcelos, M. and Pintado, M.E. 2013 Chitosan‐Induced Effects On Mineral Accumulation And Plant Growth In Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society. 5‐8th May, Porto. Portugal. 12. Silva, M. N., Carvalho, V., Sarmento, B., Pintado, M. E., Stamford, N. and Vasconcelos, M. W. 2013. Effect of A Chitosan‐Enriched Biofertilizer On Induced Resistances Against The Pinewood Nematode, Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus. 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society. 5‐8th May, Porto. Portugal. 13. Sara Baptista da Silva, Manuela Amorim, Pedro Fonte, Raquel Madureira, Domingos Ferreira, Manuela Pintado, Bruno Sarmento. 2013. Chitosan Nanocarriers For Rosmarinic Acid Drug Delivery. 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society. 5‐8th May, Porto. Portugal. 14. Campos, D., Madureira, R., Gomes, A., Sarmento, B., Pintado, M. 2013. Optimization of the production of chitosan nanoparticles loaded with polyphenols and herbal extracts for food incorporation. 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society. 5‐8th May, Porto. Portugal. 15. R. Madureira, A. Cardelle‐Cobas, E. Costa, F. K. Tavaria., M. E. Pintado. 2013. Oral care chitosan strips – in vivo antimicrobial tests and consumer acceptance. 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society. 5‐8th May, Porto. Portugal. 16. Costa, E.M.; Silva, S.; Cardelle‐Cobas, A.; Madureira, A.R.; Tavaria, F.K.; Pintado, M.M. 2013. Evaluation Of The Antimicrobial Activity Of Chitosan‐Based Dental Cement. 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society. 5‐8th May, Porto. Portugal. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 17. Ferreira, D., Moreira, D., Costa, E., Silva, S., Pintado, M.E. and Couto, J.A. 2013. The Antimicrobial Action Of Chitosan Against Brettanomyces/Dekkera. 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society. 5‐8th May, Porto. Portugal. 18. Gullón, B.; Gullón, P.; Cardelle‐Cobas, A.; Tavaria, F.; Pintado, M. M.; Gomes, A. M.; Alonso, J. L.; Parajó, J. C. 2012. Assessment of the Bifidogenic Potential of Arabinoxylooligosaccharides derived from Wheat Bran. Poster presented in 10th Meeting of the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics. Corck, Irland. 29 September‐1st October. 19. Gullón, P., Gullón, B.; Cardelle‐Cobas, A.; Tavaria, F.; Pintado, M. M.; Gomes, A. M.; Alonso, J. L.; Parajó, J. C. 2012. Prebiotic Potential of Oligosaccharides derived from Wheat Bran. Poster presented in 10th Meeting of the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics. Corck, Irland. 29 September‐1st October. 20. Freitas, M. Q., Franco, M. I., Teixeira¸ S., Silva, A. P., Monteiro, M. J., Cisséc, M., Pallet, D. , Bennett, B., Bechoff, A., Tomlins, K. and Pintado, M.E. 2012. Application of a Check‐All‐ That‐Apply Question to the Characterization of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. drinks with African origin. 2012 EFFOST Annual Meeting, A Lunch Box For Tomorrow: An Interactive combination of integrated analysis and specialized knowledge. Montpellier França. 20‐23 November. 21. Silva A.P, Franco, M. I., Freitas M. Q.1., Monteiro, M. J, Cisséc, M., Pallet, D., Bennette, B., Tomlins, K., Pintado M., M. Sottomayor. 2012. Acceptability factors for a traditional african bissap juice in european context. EFFOST Annual Meeting, A Lunch Box For Tomorrow: An Interactive combination of integrated analysis and specialized knowledge. Montpellier França. 20‐23 November. 22. Alves, M. J., Marques, A., Ferreira, I. C.F.R., Martins, A., Pintado, M.E. 2012. Propriedades antimicrobianas de extratos e compostos fenólicos de cogumelos silvestres contra Neisseria gonorrhoeae. 11º Encontro Quimica Dos Alimentos, Bragança (Portugal), 16 a 19th September. 23. Oliveira, A.; Alexandre, E.; Coelho, M.; Pintado, M. E., Almeida, D. P. F. 2012. Strawberry yogurt incorporation effects on the phytochemical composition. Chemical Reactions in Foods VII, Praga, Républica Checa, 14‐16 November.. 24. Coelho, M.; Oliveira, A.; Gomes, H.; Alexandre, E.; Almeida, D. P. F.; Pintado, M.E.. 2012. pH effects on the phytochemical composition and antioxidante activity of processed peach. 4th EucheMs Chemistry Congress. Prague, Czech republic. August 26‐30 25. Costa, D. V. T. A., Pintado, M. M., Almeida, D. P. F. 2012. Effect of atmosphere composition on commercial, phytochemical, and sensory quality of two cultivars of Northern highbush blueberry. Lleida, 1‐4 October. 26. Costa, D. V. T. A., Pintado, M. M., Almeida, D. P. F. 2012. Evolução pós‐colheita da qualidade fitoquímica e comercial de três cultivares de mirtilo. IV Colóquio Nacional da Produção de Pequenos Frutos. Faro, 21 e 22 de Abril. 27. Branquinho, R., Pintado, M. M. E. and Peixe, L. 2012. Clonality and protein diversity of Bacillus pumilus isolates from different sources and geographic regions. International Congress on Natural Products Research– New York. 28. Pereira, J.O., Amorim, M. and Pintado, M.E. 2012. Bioactive peptides incorporated in calcium alginate microcapsules: stability under simulated gastrointestinal digestion. South‐ American Symposium on Microencapsulation. April 30 ‐ May 2, Limeira, Brazil. 29. Cardelle‐Cobas, A., Martins, M., Gullón, B., Gullón, P., Tavaria, F. K., Pintado, M.E. 2012. Influence of chitooligosaccharide derivatives obtained by Maillard reaction on the growth Scientific CV Manuela Pintado of probiotic bacteria. 2012 ISAPP Student and Fellows Association (SFA) Conference. Cork, Ireland, September 29th‐October 2nd. 30. Gullón, B., Gullón, P., Cardelle‐Cobas, A., Tavaria, F. K., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A., Parajó, J. C., Alonso, J. L. 2012. Assessment of bifidogenic potential of wheat bran‐derived arabinooligosaccharides. 2012 ISAPP Student and Fellows Association (SFA) Conference. Cork, Ireland, September 29th‐October 2nd 2012. 31. Gullón, P., Gullón, B., Cardelle‐Cobas, A., Tavaria, F. K., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A., Alonso, J. L., Parajó, J. C. Prebiotic potential of oligosaccharides derived from wheat bran.2012. ISAPP Student and Fellows Association (SFA) Conference. Cork, Ireland, September 29th‐October 2nd 2012 32. Silva, S.; Costa, E.M.; Pereira, M. F.; Morais, M.R.; Pintado, M.E. 2012. Impact of processing upon dry blueberry fruit aqueous extracts. Seminário: Ingredientes bioactivos y alimentos funcionales en Iberoamérica, Cuba, 25‐26 Junho. 33. Silva S, Costa EM, Pereira MF, Costa MR, Oliveira AS, Pintado ME. 2012. Production and Characterization of phenolic‐rich, aqueous extracts of dry fruit and leaves from Vaccinium corymbosum L. Chemical Reactions in Foods VII, Praga, Républica Checa, 14‐16 Novembro. 34. Silva S, Costa EM, Pereira MF, Costa MR, Oliveira AS, Pintado ME. 2012. Study of the antioxidant capacity, anthocyanin content and phenolic composition of blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) from four different cultivars. Chemical Reactions in Foods VII, Praga, Républica Checa , 14‐16 Novembro. 35. Silva S, Costa EM, Costa MR, Pereira MF, Morais RM, Pintado ME. 2012. A comparative analysis of antibiofilm properties of crude blueberry extracts against MRSA and MSSA Biofilms 5, Paris, França ,10‐12 Dezembro. 36. Costa, EM, Silva, S, Tavaria, FK, Pintado MM. 2012. Insights into the effect of chitosan upon biofilm formation of several oral pathogenic microorganisms. Biofilms 5, Paris, França,10‐ 12 Dezembro. 37. Campos, D., Madureira A. R., Gomes, A. M. P., Sarmento, B., Pintado, M. E. (2012). Use of carnauba wax for the formulation of rosmarinic acid loaded solid lipid nanoparticles. South‐ American Symposium on Microencapsulation April 30 ‐ May 2, 2012, Limeira, Brazil. 38. Campos, D., Madureira A. R., Gomes, A. M. P., Sarmento, B., Pintado, M. E. (2012). Formulation and characterization of loaded rosmarinic acid solid lipid nanoparticles. NanoFormulation2012, Barcelona, Spain. 39. Nascimento, B.M.S., Queiroga, R. C. R. E., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. P., Souza, E. L., e Oliveira, E.G., Madureira, A. R., SOUSA, Y. R. F. (2012). Quality and acceptance of goat milk coalho cheese with inclusion of cow milk. 16th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, August 5‐9th, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil. 40. Sousa, S., Rodrigues, C., Pinto, A.L., Brandão, T.M.R.S., Silva, J., Pintado, M.M., Silva, C.L.M. Morais, A.M.M.B., Teixeira, P., Almeida, D., Gomes, A. (2012). Survival of Lactobacillus strains when in contact with fruit pulps. 2012 EFFoST Annual Meeting. Montpellier, France. 20‐23 November. (Poster P2.46) 41. Fonseca, S.C., Jacome, S. R., Pinheiro, M.R. Alves, L. Noronha, J. Silva, G. Almeida, S.D. Todorov, M. Pintado, A. Gomes, A. M. M. B. Morais, M. Vaz‐Velho, P. Teixeira. 2012. Application of nisin and chitosan as antimicrobial agents in traditional cured and smoked “Alheira. II International Conference on Antimicrobial Research ‐ ICAR2012, 21‐23 Novembro, Lisboa. 42. Freixo, R., Brandão, T. M.R. S., Silva, J., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Silva, C. L., Morais, A. M. M. B., Teixeira, P. 2012. Optimization of spray‐drying of strawberry juice. 2012 EFFOST Annual Scientific CV Manuela Pintado Meeting, A Lunch Box For Tomorrow: An Interactive combination of integrated analysis and specialized knowledge, 20‐23 de Novembro, Le Corum, Montpellier, França. 43. Queiroga, R.C.R.E., Nascimento, B.M.S., Gomes, A.M.P., Souza, E.L., Pereira, C.J.D., Pintado, M.E. 2012. Physicochemical properties and texture of Coalho cheese prepared with cow's mil and goat's milk during storage. XI International Congress of goat. Gran Canária. 44. Ferraro, V., Castro, M.L.P, Pintado, M.E. 2012. Extraction of collagen, collagen hydrolysates and gelatin from sardine, sardine‐type fish and mackerel scales discarder along the canning process. Ingredientes Bioativos y Alimentos Funcionales en Iberoamerica, 25 e 26 de Junio de 2012, CUBA. Conferência da rede IBEROFUN‐CYTED, Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia Y TECnologia para el desarrollo. 45. Portela, A., Rodrigues, E., Vieira, J., Martins, R., Piccirillo, C., Pintado, M.M.E., Castro, P.M.L., Moura, S., Antunes, F., Batista, I.I.R., Braga da Cruz, I., Jorge, R.M.F., Oliveira, T.A.C. (2012). Agro‐food waste valorization: from cod fish waste to food and biomaterials.” WastEng12, Porto, 9‐13 September, Portugal. 46. Piccirillo, C., Pereira, S.I., Marques, A.P.G.C., Pullar, R.C., Pintado, M.M.E., Castro, P.M.L. (2012). Wastewater treatment using fish by‐products. WastEng12, Porto, 9‐13 September, Portugal. 47. Portela, A., Piccirillo, C., Antunes, F., Braga da Cruz, I., Vieira, J., Pintado, M.M.E., Castro, P.M.L., Moura, S., Oliveira, T. (2012) Valorization of cod fish processing by‐products. Kimeraa Network Event, Forum Mar, Leça da Palmeira, 10 May, Portugal. 48. Silva, P. R. Moreira, T. R. S. Brandão and M. Pintado. Use of a modified gompertz equation to model synthetic dye decolourization by yeasts in liquid media. Poster presentation in Microbiotec`11, December, 1‐3, Braga, Portugal. 49. Macedo, M.A.A.P.T.;Correia, M.A.M.; Cardelle‐Cobas, A. and Pintado, M.E. Synthesis, water solubility, antioxidant activity and antimicrobial capacity of Schiff base chitosan derivatives. Poster presentation in Microbiotec`11, December, 1‐3, Braga, Portugal. 50. Santos, S. D. Ressurreição, S. M., Santos, P., Rocha, J, Silva, Silva, S.2, Aida M.1, Pintado, MME. Antimicrobial Activity and Chemical Composition of Coriandrum sativum, Ocimum minimum, Petroselium sativum and Pterospartum tridentatum. Poster presentation in Microbiotec`11, December, 1‐3, Braga, Portugal. 51. José C. Soares, Freni K. Tavariaa Cristina Lopes, Rosa Silva, Vera Oliveira, José Morgado, Luís Delgado, Manuela M. Pintado. Characterization of Staphylococcus strains obtained from individuals with atopic dermatitis. Poster presentation in Microbiotec`11, December, 1‐3, Braga, Portugal. 52. Costa, EM, Tavaria, FK, Vaz, PI, Fontes, M, Pintado, ME. Development and activity of a chitosan based mouthwash Poster presentation in Microbiotec`11, December, 1‐3, Braga, Portugal. 53. Ana Raquel Madureira, Ana Maria Pereira Gomes, Bruno Sarmento, Manuela Pintado. Interactions between dairy proteins and rosmarinic acid: effects on the antioxidant activity. Poster presentation in Microbiotec`11, December, 1‐3, Braga, Portugal. 54. Alves, M.J, Martins, A., Ferreira, I. C. F. R., Pintado, M. Screening of the antimicrobial activity of wild mushrooms phenolic extracts against clinical isolates. Poster presentation in Microbiotec`11, December, 1‐3, Braga, Portugal. 55. J. Odila Pereira, M. Amorim and Manuela E. Pintado (2011). Potential prebiotic effect of whey protein and spent brewer yeast hydrolisates by enzymes of Cynara cardunculus extract. Poster presentation in Microbiotec`11, December, 1‐3, Braga, Portugal. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 56. Branquinho, R. Amorim, M.M. (2); Novais, A. (1); Pintado, M.M., Peixe, L. Characterization of antibiotic susceptibility profile and of ?‐lactamase genes content in Bacillus pumilus from different sources. Poster presentation in Microbiotec`11, December, 1‐3, Braga, Portugal. 57. N. Silva, B. Sarmento, M. Pintado. Mucoadhesive chitosan nanoparticles for daptomycin delivery in ocular treatment of bacterial endophthalmitis ‐ Development, characterization and in vitro evaluation. 2011. 3rd Congress of the Portuguese Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences/9th Spanish‐Portuguese Conference on Controlled Drug Delivery. 13, 14 e 15, de Outubro. Auditorium of Association of Portuguese Pharmacies, Porto. 58. José C. Soares, Freni K. Tavaria, Cristina Lopes, Rosa Silva, Vera Oliveira, José Morgado, Luís Delgado and Manuela M. Pintado. Biodiversity and characterization of Staphylococcus species isolated from individuals presenting Atopic Dermatitis. Reunião Anual. XXXII. SPAIC‐ Sociedade Portuguesa de Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica. 1 a 3 de Outubro de 2011. Porto, 59. Piccirillo, M.M.E. Pintado, P.M.L. Castro, R.C. Pullar, I. Braga da Cruz, R. Jorge: "Production of apatites and calcium phosphate from fish by‐products. "Materials Science and Technology 2011, Columbus, 16‐20 October 2011, United States. 60. S. Silva, R. M. Morais, M. M. Pintado. Analysis of the antimicrobial properties of hidroethanolic extracts of Vaccinium corymbosum berries and leaves. International Symposium on Functional Foods ‐ Prague, Czech Republic. , 5‐7 October 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. 61. R. Barbosa1, A.L. Pinto1, A. Gomes1, D.P.F. Almeida1,2, J. Rodriguez3, M. Pintado. Selection of potentially probiotic strains among native flora from fruits. International Symposium on Functional Foods ‐ Prague, Czech Republic. , 5‐7 October 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. 62. Queiroga, R. C. R. E. ; Santos, B. M. ; Souza, E. L. ; Marinho, R. M. ; Monteiro, M. J.; Teixeira, S. M. ; Gomes, A. M. P. ; Pintado, M. M. E. (2011). Avaliação sensorial de queijo coalho de leite de cabra com adição de leite de vaca. In: 9 SLACA ‐ Simposío Latino Americano de Ciência de Alimentos, , Campinas/SP. Anais do 9 SLACA ‐ Simposío Latino Americano de Ciência de Alimentos, 2011. 63. Santos, B. M. ; Queiroga, R. C. R. E. ; Souza, E. L. ; Monteiro, M. J. ; Gomes, A. M. P.; Pintado, M. M. E. . (2011). Comportamento lipídico de queijos coalho de leite de cabra com inclusão de vaca ao longo do armazenamento. In: 9 SLACA ‐ Simpósio Latino Americano de Ciência de Alimentos, Campinas/SP. Anais do 9 SLACA ‐ Simpósio Latino Americano de Ciência de Alimentos, 2011. 64. D. Rodrigues, S. Sousa, R.G. Barbosa, A.M. Gomes, M.M Pintado, J. P.Silva, P. Costa, M.H. Amaral,T. Rocha‐Santos, A. C. Freitas. Incorporation of L. paracasei in low pH fruit juices and its storage stability as free cells or encapsulated in alginate based microcapsules. International Symposium on Health Benefits of foods‐ From Emerging Science to Innovative Products, Prague, Czech Republic, 5‐7 October 2011. 65. Sandra D. Santos, Sandrine da Ressurreição, Rui F. Marques, Jorge M.S. Rocha, Aida M. da Silva1, Manuela E. Pintado. 2011. Encapsulation of essential oils from aromatic plants to use in food systems. 11th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR 2011. September 5‐7th, Lisboa. 66. Costa; M. Pintado; D. Almeida. 2011. Changes in phenolics during storage of blueberry cultivars. 5th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH). 17‐20 October. Barcelona, Spain. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 67. Sandra D. Santos, Sandrine da Ressurreição, Rui F. Marques1, Jorge M.S. Rocha, Aida M. da Silva1, Manuela E. Pintado. 2011. Essential oils encapsulated in cyclodextrins and fresh aromatic plants applied to dairy products. 11st Iberian Meeting on Natural Bioactives Entrapment for the Food Industry. May12‐13, 2011, Lisboa. 68. Baptista da Silva S., Amorim M., Oliveira A., Ramos O., Pintado M., Ferreira D., Sarmento B. Antioxidant Activity Of Rosmarinic Acid Encapsulated Into Chitosan Nanoparticles. 10th International Conference of the European Chitin Society, Saint‐ Petersburg, Russia. Maio 2011 69. Baptista da Silva S., Amorim M., Oliveira A., Ramos O., Pintado M., Ferreira D., Sarmento B. Encapsulation of rosmarinic acid into chitosan nanoparticles. I Simpósio Nacional de Nanociência e Nanotecnologia Biomédica, Lisbon, Portugal. Maio 2011 70. Ana Raquel Madureira, Tânia Tavares, Manuela Amorim, Ana Gomes, Manuela Pintado, F. Xavier Malcata. Probiotic whey cheese matrices: a potential functional food. Functional Food Congress, Las vegas 2011 71. Maria Manuela Amorim and Maria Manuela Pintado. Spent Brewer´s Yeast Hydrolysate as a Source of Potential Functional Ingredients. Functional Foods Congress, Las Vegas April, 2011 72. Borges, A., Gião, M., Pintado, M. 2010. Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolic Content of Aqueous Extracts of Dried Blueberries. IHC 2010, August 22‐28. Lisbon, Portugal. 73. Borges A, Silva S, Coelho M, Gião M, Rodrigues AS, Pintado MM. Caracterization of Biological Properties and toxicity of Quercus extracts ‐ International Horticultural Congress, Lisboa, Agosto 2010 74. Ramos, O. S., Fernandes, J. C., Pintado, M. E., & Malcata, F. X. (2010). Development of antimicrobial edible coats designed for cheese applications. IUFoST: 15th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, 22‐26 August, Cape Town, South Africa. 75. Ramos, O. S., Pintado, M. E., & Malcata, F. X. (2010). Assessment of antimicrobial activity of edible coatings and films manufactured from whey protein isolate, for eventual use in cheese wrapping. EFFoST Annual Conference Food and Health, 10‐12 November, Dublin, Ireland. 76. Borges, S., Barbosa, J., Camilo, R., Carvalheira, A., Sousa, S., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Silva, J., Costa, P., Amaral, M., Silva, J., Teixeira, P., Freitas, A. 2010. Effects of encapuslation on the viability of probiotic strains exposed to lethal conditions. 1st International Congress on Food Technology, November 3‐6. Antalya, Turkey 77. Branquinho, R., Pintado, M., Peixe, L.2010. Diversity of non ribosomal lipopeptides in Bacillus pumillus from different sources. ICAR November Valladolid, Spain 78. Fernandes, J.C., Cardelle‐Cobas, A., Pintado, M., Corzo, N. 2010. In vitro transport evaluation of chitooligosaccharides mixtures through intestinal epithelia by SEC‐HPLC. 28th International Symposium on Chromatography, September 12‐16, Valencia, Spain. 79. Fernandes, J., Spindola, J., Sousa, V., Pintado, M., Carvalho, J., Malcata, F., Santos‐Silva, A. 2010. Anti‐inflammatory activity of chitooligosaccharides in vivo, assessed by carrageenan‐ induced paw edema method, in 4th SPB Clinical Biochemistry Workshop, January 29, Faro, Portugal 80. Rodrigues, D., Sousa, S., Rocha‐Santos, T., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F., Silva, J., Sousa Lobo, J., Costa, P., Amara, M., Freitas, A. 2010. Encapsulation protective effect upon viability of probiotic bacteria throughout storage and gastrointestinal tract. 1st International Congress on Food Technology, November 3‐6. Antalya, Turkey Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 81. Silva, J., Sousa, S., Costa, P., Cerdeira, E., Amaral, M., Sousa Lobo, J., Gomes, A Pintado, M., Malcata, F., Rodrigues, D., Rocha‐Santos, T., Freitas, A. 2010. Development of probiotic tablets: Viability studies. October 3‐6. Aix‐en‐Provence, France. 82. Sousa, S., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Silva, J., Costa, P., Amaral, M., Rocha‐Santos, TAP., Rodrigues, D., Freitas, A. 2010. Effect of storage conditions on stability of free and encapsulated ‐ in plain or cysteine‐supplemented alginate, Lactobacillus acidophilus Ki. XVIII International Conference on Bioencapsulation, 1‐2 October, Porto, Portugal. 83. . M. Santos, C. Piccirillo, P.M.L. Castro, M. M.E. Pintado: "Oleuropein bioconversion into indroxytyrosol by Lactobacillus strain."CHISA 2010, Prague, 28 August ‐ 1 September 2010, Czech Republic. 84. Piccirillo, S. Demiray, A.R. Franco, P.M.L. Castro, M.E. Pintado: "High added‐value compounds with anti‐oxidant and antibacterial properties from Ginja cherries by‐ products."WastEng10, Beijing, 17‐19 May 2010, China. 85. Sousa, S., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F., Silva, J., Sousa Lobo, J., Costa, P., Amaral, M., Bahia, M., Rocha‐Santos T, Rodrigues, D., Freitas, A. 2010. Effect of storage temperature upon viability of free and calcium alginate encapsulated Lactobacillus casei. 15th IUFoST Congress, August 22 ‐ 26. Cape Town, South África. 86. Sousa, S., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F., Silva, J., Sousa Lobo, J., Costa, P., Amaral, M., Bahia, M., Rocha‐Santos T, Rodrigues, D., Freitas, A. 2010. Effect of storage conditions on stability of free and encapsulated ‐ in plain or cysteine‐supplemented alginate, Bifidobacterium animalis BB‐12®. Anaerobe 2010, 10th Biennale Congress of the Anaerobic Society of America, July 7‐10. Philadelphia, USA. 87. Costa, E.M.;Pina,C.;Sousa, J.C.2;Tavaria, F.; Pintado, M. Effect of chitosan on Anaerobic Bacteria. Anaerobe2010, 7‐10 de Julho de 2010, Filadélfia, EUA 88. Tavares, T., Monteiro, K., Possenti, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F., Carvalho, J. 2010. Antiulcerative properties of bovine whey hydrolysates brought about by Cynara cardunculus proteases ‐ 15th World Congress of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) ‐ August 22‐26, 2010. Cape Town, South Africa 89. Branquinho, F. R., A. Freitas, L. Soares, M. Amorim, M. Gião, C. Pereira, M. Pintado, L. Peixe. 2009. Genomic diversity and relationship of Bacillus pumilus isolates by PFGE Fingerprinting. 3rd FEMS ‐ Congress of European Microbiologists. Gothenberg. Sweden. 90. Branquinho, R., Amorim, M., Freitas, A., Pintado, M., Peixe, L. 2009. PFGE typing methodology and proteomic analysis for assessing Bacillus pumilus diversity. MicroBiotec. 09. November 28‐30. Vila Moura, Portugal. 91. Ferraro, V., Braga Cruz, I., Ferreira, R., Malcata, F., Castro, P., Pintado, M. 2009. Characterization of high added value compounds in drained water during the cod fish (Gadus morhua) salting process. Proceeding of 2th SAFE International Congress: Novel Technologies and Food quality, Safety and Health, 27th – 29th April. Girona, Spain. 92. Monteiro, M.B., Pintado, M.E., Shadforth, I., Malcata, F., Moreira, P. 2009. Development of a workflow for general protein sequence analysis using Taverna Workbench software. Poster presentation in: SEPROT‐LAHUPO 2009‐ Proteomics and Human Genome Conference, February 10‐13. Pamplona, Spain. 93. Queiroga, A.C, Machado A.V., Pintado, M.E., Malcata F.X. Eco‐friendly applications of a detergent stable protease isolated from Portuguese Merino ewe’s. 6th INTB – 6th International Conference Textile Biotechnology, September 23 – 25. Ghent, Belgium. 94. Ramos, O. S., Santos, A.C, Leão, M.V, Pereira, J.O, Silva, S.I, Fernandes, J.C, Pintado, M.E, and Malcata, F.X. 2009. Evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of novel edible coats applied in Scientific CV Manuela Pintado cheese during storage, in 3nd FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists – June 28‐July 2. Gothenberg, Sweden. 95. Ramos, O. S., Fernandes, J.C, Pintado, M.E, And Malcata, F.X. 2009.Characterization of Termal Gelation of Whey Proteins – by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. 9th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis – Medicta 2009 – June 15‐ 18. Marseille, France 96. Rocha, J., Carvalho, S. Politi, M., Castro, P. M L, Pintado, M. 2009. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of different extracts of Mentha cervina from Portugal. MicroBiotec09. 28‐30 November. Vila Moura. Portugal. 97. Rodrigues, D., Sousa, S., Rocha‐Santos, T., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F., Silva, J., Sousa Lobo, J., Costa, P., Amaral, M., Freitas, A. 2009. The influence of L‐cysteine, oxygen and relative humidity on survivability of probiotic bacteria in whey‐protein based microcapsules through storage at 22 ºC. EURO FOOD Chem XV ‐ food for the future, July 5‐ 8. Copenhague, Denmark 98. Santos, A., Ferraro, V., Braga Cruz, I., Ferreira, R., Carvalho, A., Castro, P., Pintado, M. 2009. Potential valorisation of vinification by‐products. Proceeding of 2th SAFE International Congress: Novel Technologies and Food quality, Safety and Health, April 27th – 29th. Girona, Spain, 99. Silva, A., Vaz, M., Kwiatkowska, B., Malcata, F., Pintado, M., Moreira, P. 2009. Isolation and screening of yeast strains possessing synthetic dye‐decolorizing activity. Symbiosis, the 14th European Congress on Biotechnology. September 19‐20. Barcelona, Spain. 100. Simge, S., Piccirillo, C., Franco, A., Castro, P., Pintado, M. 2009. Antimicrobial activity of ginja cherries (Prunus cerasus l.). MicroBiotec09, 28‐30 November. Vila Moura. Portugal. 101. Sousa, S., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F., Rodrigues, D., Rocha‐Santos, T., Silva, J., Sousa Lobo, J. M., Costa, P., Amaral, M., Freitas, A. C. Microencapsulation of Lactobacillus paracasei LAFTI® L26 by extrusion in an alginate matrix. MicroBiotec09. 28‐30 November. Vila Moura. Portugal. 102. Tavares, T., Pintado, M., Camino, N., Malcata, F., Pilosof, A. 2009. Microencapsulation of peptide extracts using high intensity ultrasound – Second SAFE Consortium ‐ International Congress on Food Safety: Novel Technologies and Food Quality, Safety and Health. April 27‐9. Girona, Spain. 103. Tavares, T., Amorim, M., Pintado, M.E. 1, Récio, I., Malcata, F. X. 2009. Angiotensin‐ converting enzyme‐inhibitory activity of extracts of hydrolysed k‐casein glycomacropeptide: stability under simulated gastrointestinal digestion. MicroBiotec09. 28‐ 30 November. Vila Moura. Portugal. 104. Tavaria, F., Soares, J., Oliveira. V., Silva, R., Morgado, J., Malcata, F. X., Pintado, M. M. 2009. Application of chitosan in the textile industry to control microbial growth. 9th International Conference of the European Chitin Society, 23‐26 May, 2009, Venice, Italy. 105. Amorim, M., Tavares, T., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2008. Casein glycomacropeptide hydrolysates by Cynara cardunculus extract – potential probiotic effect. First European Food Congress – food production, nutrition and healthy consumers, November 4‐9. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 106. Fernandes, J., Eaton, P., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. X. 2008. Atomic force microscopy for assessment of the antibacterial effects of chitosans on Bacillus cereus (and its spores). NANOSPAIN 2008: Nanoiberian Conference April 14‐18. Braga, Portugal: 107. Fernandes, J. C., Eaton, P., Tavaria, F. K., Pintado, M. E. & Malcata, F. X. 2008. Antimicrobial activity of chitosans and chitooligosaccharides thereof in milk and apple Scientific CV Manuela Pintado juice, upon Bacillus cereus and spores. IAFP 2008 – 95th Annual Meeting, August 3‐6. Columbus OH, USA. 108. Fernandes, J. C., Leandro, O. S., Tavaria, F. K., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2008. Antimicrobial activity of different molecular weight chitosans upon Yersinia enterocolytica, Salmonella enteritidis and Listeria monocytogenes. Food Micro 2008 – 21st International ICFMH Symposium: evolving microbial food quality and safety, September 1‐4. Aberdeen, UK: 109. Fernandes, J. C., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2008. Study of antibacterial effects of chitosans upon vegetative and spore forms of Bacillus by atomic force microscopy imaging and nanoindentation. June, Seatte, USA. 110. Ferraro, V., Braga Cruz, I., Ferreira, R., Malcata, F., Pintado, M., Castro, P. 2008. High added value compounds from cod fish processing Proceeding of 18th CHISA Congress, 24th – 28th August. Prague, Czech Republic. 111. Franco, I., Ferreira, C., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. X. 2008. Key odorants in a selected ovine Portuguese cheese – Serra da Estrela, resolved by gas chromatography‐olfactometry and subject to nasal impact frequency analysis. Food Micro 2008 – 21st International ICFMH Symposium: evolving microbial food quality and safety, Aberdeen, UK: September 1‐4. 112. Gouma, M., Gomes, A. M., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X., Massouras, T., Sflomos, K. 2008. Comparative analysis and nutritional evaluation of Portuguese and Greek traditional cheeses. ISEKI. Porto, Portugal. 113. Marques, M.R., Madanelo, J., Pintado, M.M., Malcata, F.X. Influence of physico‐ chemical characteristics of “Serra da Estrela” ewes’ milk on its coagulation properties. VI Congresso Ibérico sobre Recursos Genéticos Animais. Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa, September 18 – 20. Lisbon, Portugal. 114. Marques, M. R., Ralha, V., Belo, C. C., Pintado, M. M., Malcata, F. X. 2008. Effect of an SNP in the promoter region of the lactoferrin gene in ovine milk somatic cell counts. XXXI Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics, July 20‐24. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 115. Monteiro, M. B., Pintado, M. E., Shadforth, I., Moreira, P. R., Malcata, F. X. 2008. Development of a workflow for general protein sequence analysis based on the Taverna Workbench® software. 2nd International Symposium on Bio‐ and Medical Informatics and Cybernetics: BMIC’08. June 29‐July 2. Orlando FL, USA. 116. Pintado, A. E., Araújo, J. C., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. & Malcata, F. X. 2008 Improvement of whey cheese matrices via incorporation of Lactobacillus acidophilus: considerations on textural impact upon storage. CyTED International Functional Foods Conference, Porto, Portugal. 117. Queiroga, A. C., Pintado, M. E. & Malcata, F. X. 2008. Processing factors affecting the production of protease by a novel bacterial strain isolated from Portuguese Merino ewe’s wool. AUTEX 2008 – World Textile Conference, June 24‐26. Biella, Italy. 118. Ralha, V., Belo, C., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. X. 2008. Subclinical mastitis in dairy ewes as a source of contamination for bulk milk and cheese. IAFP 2008 – 95th Annual Meeting, August 3‐6. Columbus OH, USA: 119. Ramos, O. S., Fernandes, J. C., Pereira, J. O., Santos, C. A., Leão, F. M., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2008. In vitro checking of antimicrobial activity of novel edible coats, comparatively to commercial coats, for eventual use in cheese wrapping. CyTED International Functional Foods Conference, Porto, Portugal. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 120. Ramos, O. S., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2008 Thermal properties of components of whey protein films, as resolved by micro differential scanning calorimetry. 9th International Hydrocolloids Conference 2008, June 15‐19. Singapore. 121. Ramos, O. S., Santos, C. A., Leão, F. M., Pintado, M. E. and Malcata, F. X. (2008) In vitro checking of antimicrobial activity of novel edible coats – aimed at eventual use for cheese wrapping. Food Micro 2008 – 21st International ICFMH Symposium: evolving microbial food quality and safety, September 1‐4. Aberdeen, UK:. 122. Rodrigues, D., O. Cruz, T.A.P. Rocha‐Santos, A.M. Gomes, M.M. Pintado, F.X. Malcata, J.P. Silva, J.M. Sousa Lobo, M.H. Amaral, M.F. Bahia, A.C. Freitas. 2008. Compatibility between probiotic strains and potential immobilization materials at distinct concentrations. 3rd International Probiotic Conference Probiotics for the 3rd Millenium, 4 ‐ 7 June. Stary Smokovec, Slovakia. 123. Rodrigues, D. T.A.P. Rocha‐Santos, A.M. Gomes, M.M. Pintado, F.X. Malcata, A.C. Freitas. 2008. Biochemical characterization of curdled milk matrices: effect of Probiotic and Prebiotic interaction. 3rd International Probiotic Conference Probiotics for the 3rd Millenium, 4 ‐ 7 June. Stary Smokovec, Slovakia. 124. Rodrigues D., Rocha‐Santos T.A.P., Gomes A.M., Pintado M.M., Malcata F.X., Silva J.P., Sousa Lobo J.M., Amaral M.H, Bahia M.F., Freitas A.C. 2008. Chitosan in alginate and whey protein concentrate as immobilization materials for probiotic bacteria. EULAFF/CYTED_International Functional Foods Conference, 6‐8 May. Porto, Portugal. 125. Rodrigues D., Rocha‐Santos T.A.P., Gomes A.M., Pintado M.M., Malcata F.X., Freitas A.C. 2008. Probiotic and prebiotic interaction in curdled milk matrices and its effect on proteolysis and lipolysis. Poster apresentado no EULAFF/CYTED_International Functional Foods Conference, May 6 ‐ 8. Porto, Portugal. 126. S. Demiray, C.L. Rodrigues, M. Politi, F.X. Malcata, M.E. Pintado, P.M.L. Castro.. 2008. Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Commercial Cherry Liqueurs by Liquid. Chromatography/ Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, CHISA Prague. 127. Sousa, S., Rodrigues, C., Gião, M., Gomes, A., Pacheco, M., Malcata, F., Pintado, M. 2008 Antioxidant Capacity of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolia) Root Flour. The XIV Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International (14th SFRR). October 18‐22. Beijing, China. 128. Sousa S. C., Gião M. S., Gomes A. M., Pacheco M. T. B., Malcata F. X., Pintado M. E. 2008. Biological assays to determine antioxidant activity of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) tuber flour. V Jornada Internacional de Proteínas e Colóides Alimentares – JIPCA, November 27‐28, ITAL, Campinas‐SP, Brasil. 129. Sousa, S., Gomes, A., Pacheco, M., Malcata, F. X. and Pintado, M. 2008. Yacon tuber extract potential prebiotic effect on two Enteroccocus strains” em International Functional Foods Conference, 6‐8 May, Porto‐Portugal. 130. Sousa, S., Gomes, A., Pacheco, M., Malcata, F. X. and Pintado, M. 2008. Prebiotic potential of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolia) tuber extract. International Probiotis Conference, 4‐7 June, High Tatras, Slovkia. 131. Tavares, T. G., Amorim, M., Pintado, M. E. & Malcata, F. X. 2008. Characterization of bovine whey hydrolysates produced via Cynara cardunculus aqueous extracts. First European Food Congress – food production, nutrition and healthy consumers, November 4‐9. Ljubljana, Slovenia. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 132. Tavaria, F. K., Costa, E. M., Gens, E. J., Pintado, M. E. & Malcata, F. X. 2008. The influence of a few abiotic factors on the antimicrobial potential of chitosan. bioTEC08‐ biospain08: congress on biotechnology, September 17‐19. Granada, Spain: 133. Eaton, P., Fernandes, J. C., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Atomic force microscopy of the antibacterial effects of chitosans on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. 9th International Scanning Probe Microscopy International Conference, June 10‐14. Jeju, South Korea 134. Fernandes, J. C., Eaton, P., Belo, L., Rocha, S., Santos‐Silva, A., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Effects of chitooligosaccharides upon human red blood cell morphology and membrane structure. 21st Chitin and Chitosan Symposium, July 26‐27, Kobe, Japan. 135. Fernandes, J. C., Eaton, P., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Study of antibacterial action of chitosans and chitooligosaccharides upon Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, probed by atomic force microscopy. 21st Chitin and Chitosan Symposium, Kobe, Japan: July 26‐27. 136. Fernandes, J. C., Tavaria, F. K., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2007. The antimicrobial effect of chitosans and chitooligosaccharides upon Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in model systems. VIII Encontro de Química dos Alimentos: alimentos tradicionais, alimentos saudáveis e rastreabilidade. March 4‐7. Beja, Portugal. 137. Fernandes, J. C., Tavaria, F. K., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Antimicrobial activity of chitosans and chitooligosaccharides upon Bacillus cereus. IAFP’s Third European Symposium on Food Safety. October 18‐19. Rome, Italy. 138. Fernandes, J. C., Tavaria, F. K., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Antimicrobial activity of chitosans and chitooligosaccharides upon Bacillus cereus. LMC Congress 2007: innovations in food technology. September 19‐20. Copenhagen, Denmark. 139. Franco, M. I., Pintado, M. M., Gomes, A. M., Monteiro, M. J., Ferreira, A. C., Tavaria, F., Canada, J., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Flavour profile of Serpa – determined by sensory analysis and GC‐MS. VIII Encontro de Química dos Alimentos: alimentos tradicionais, alimentos saudáveis e rastreabilidade, March 4‐7. Beja, Portugal. 140. Franco, M. I., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Relationships between sensory attributes and volatile compound constituents in an ovine traditional cheese (Serra da Estrela Cheese). 5th NIZO Dairy Conference – prospects for flavour formation and perception, June 13‐15. Papendal, Netherlands. 141. Franco, M. I., Pintado, M. M., Gomes, A. M., Monteiro, M. J., Silva‐Ferreira, A. C., Tavaria, F. K., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Descriptive sensory profiles of two traditional Portuguese cheeses manufactured from ovine milk: Serra da Estrela and Serpa. 7th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. August 12‐16. Minneapolis MN, USA. 142. Gião, M. S., Borges, A., Guedes, C., Hogg, T. A., Pintado, M. E. Malcata, F. X. 2007. Antioxidant capacity of medicinal plants in the bacteriophage P22 / Salmonella typhymurium system. III Simposio Internacional de Química / Taller Internacional de Química de los Productos Naturales, June 5‐8. Santa Clara, Cuba. 143. Gomes, S., Gião, M., Ferreira, A. C., Pintado, M. Malcata, F. X. (2007) Solid phase extraction of polyphenols with antioxidant activity from herbal infusions. 2007 European Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International, October 10‐13. Vilamoura, Portugal. 144. Madureira, A. R., Rocha, C., Antunes, F., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. Malcata, F. X. 2007. Estudo das propriedades antimicrobianas de estirpes probióticas para inoculação em Scientific CV Manuela Pintado matrizes de soro de leite. VIII Encontro de Química dos Alimentos: alimentos tradicionais, alimentos saudáveis e rastreabilidade, March 4‐7. Beja, Portugal. 145. Madureira, A. R., Rocha, C., Antunes, F., Pintado, M., Gomes, A. Malcata, F. X. 2007 Screening of antimicrobial properties of probiotic bacterial strains for incorporation in whey cheese matrices. VIII Encontro de Química dos Alimentos: alimentos tradicionais, alimentos saudáveis e rastreabilidade, March 4‐7. Beja, Portugal. 146. Madureira, A. R., Antunes, F. G., Rocha, M. C., Gomes, A. M. P., Pintado, M. M., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Antimicrobial effects of probiotic bacteria upon food spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. IAFP’s Third European Symposium on Food Safety, Rome, Italy: October 18‐19. 147. Madureira, A. R., Gomes, A. M., Pintado, M. M. Malcata, F. X. 2007. Optimization of technological parameters during processing of whey protein matrices inoculated with Lactobacillus paracasei. MICROBIOTEC‐XXXIII JPG 2007, November 30‐December 2. Lisboa, Portugal. 148. Madureira, A. R., Gomes, A. M., Pintado, M. E. Malcata, F. X. 2007. Technological characterization of whey protein matrices aimed at inoculation of proibiotic bacteria. EFFoST/EHEDG Joint Conference 2007 – Practical Aplication of Research Results, November 14‐16. Lisboa, Portugal. 149. Pereira A. I., Leitão I. M., Gião M. S., Fernandes J. C., Belo L., Santos Silva A., Pintado M. E., Malcata F. X. 2007. Characterization of the antioxidant capacity of 13 aromatic plant extracts, FEBS 2007, July 7‐12, Vienna, Austria. 150. Pestana, D., Gião, M. S., Faria, A., Calhau, C., Azevedo, I., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Effects, following ingestion of Savory (Satureja Montana L.) and Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) water infusions, upon mice liver oxidative status. European Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International, October 10‐13. Vilamoura, Portugal. 151. Pintado, A. I. E., Araújo, J. C. C., Pintado, M. M. E., Gomes, A. M. P., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Improvement of whey cheese matrices via incorporation of Lactobacillus acidophilus – proteolytic and glycolytic activities and their impact upon sensory analyses. MICROBIOTEC‐XXXIII JPG 2007, November 30‐December 2. Lisboa, Portugal. 152. Pintado, A. I. E., Ferreira, J. A., Pintado, M. E., Coimbra, M. A., Malcata, F. X. (2007) Efeito de componentes do meio de cultura sobre a recuperação e quantificação de exopolissacarídeos. VIII Encontro de Química dos Alimentos: alimentos tradicionais, alimentos saudáveis e rastreabilidade, March 4‐7. Beja, Portugal. 153. Pintado, M. E., Tavares, T. G., Recio, I., Quirós, A., Pereira, C. D., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Production and characterization of bioactive of peptides obtained via hydrolysis of whey proteins by cardosins. IV Jornadas Internacionales de Proteínas y Coloides Alimentarios 2007, July 11‐13. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 154. Queiroga, A. C., Pintado, M.E., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Optimization of cultivation medium for protease production by a bacterial strain isolated from Portuguese Merino wool. 13th European Congress on Biotechnology, September 16‐19. Barcelona, Spain. 155. Ramos, O. S., Fonseca, S. C., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Determination of critical concentration of whey protein gels, at various pH values, using microdifferential scanning calorimetry. VIII Encontro de Química dos Alimentos: alimentos tradicionais, alimentos saudáveis e rastreabilidade, March 4‐7, Beja, Portugal. 156. Ramos, O. S., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2007. In vitro assessment of novel edible coats with antimicrobial features: applications to cheese. IAFP 2007 – 94th Annual Meeting, July 8‐11. Lake Buena Vista FL, USA. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 157. Ralha, V. M., Belo, C. C., Rivas‐Cañedo, A., Fernandéz‐García, E., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Effects of distinct diets fed to lactating ewes upon the quality of milk and cheese produced therefrom. 5th International Symposium on the Challenge to Sheep and Goats Milk Sectors, April 18‐20. Alghero, Italy. 158. Silva, M. C., Pimentel, L., Freitas, C., Pintado, M. M., Gomes, A. M. & Malcata, F. X. 2007. Prebiotics as potential growth stabilizers of Enterococcus faecium 32. EFFoST/EHEDG Joint Conference 2007 – Practical Aplication of Research Results, November 14‐16. Lisboa, Portugal. 159. Soares, J., Gomes, A. M. P., Pintado, M. M. E., Malcata, F. X., Pacheco, M. T. B. 2007. Effects of whey protein/carboxymethylcellulose coacervates upon growth of probiotic cultures. 13th European Congress on Biotechnology, September 16‐19. Barcelona, Spain. 160. Tavares, T. G., Pintado, M. E., Pereira, C. D., Malcata, F. X. 2007. Obtenção de concentrados proteicos e peptídicos a partir de soro de vaca, usando técnicas de filtração. VIII Encontro de Química dos Alimentos: alimentos tradicionais, alimentos saudáveis e rastreabilidade, March 4‐7. Beja, Portugal: 161. Tavaria, F., Reis, I., Paulo, M., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. X. 2007 Effect of chitosans on skin‐borne microorganisms. 8th International Conference of the European Chitin Society – EUCHIS’07, September 8‐11. Antalya, Turkey. 162. Antão, C. M., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2006. Melon cheese ‐ pulp and seed melon extracts as plant rennet alternatives on pasteurised bovine milk. The Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 61 (2): 216. “Cheese Science 2006”, 24 and 25 July, Sydney, Australia. 163. Carvalho, J., Pintado, M., Gomes, A., Malcata, F. 2006. Infuence of refrigeration temperature on microbiological profile of raw ewe's milk; FEMS 2006, July 4 – 8. Madrid, Spain. 164. Fernandes J.C., Borges S., Ribas T, Tavaria F.K., Lopes da Silva J.A., Pintado M.E. and Malcata F.X. 2006. In vitro screening for anti‐microbial activity of chitosans and chitoligosaccharides – aiming at potential use in fuctional textiles, no 2nd FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists, 04‐08 July. Madrid, Spain. 165. Fernandes, J., Borges, S., Ribas, T., Tavaria, F., Lopes da Silva, J., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. 2006. Effect of Chitosans and Chitoligosaccharides upon Growth of Microorganisms Contaminating Foods, 53rd Annual Meeting International Association for Food Protection, August 13‐16, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 166. Fontán M.C.G., Ralha V.M., Pintado M.M.E., Malcata F.X. 2006. Evolution of qualitative and quantitative profile of yeasts in (organic) ewe’s raw milk cheese, according to feeding regime and throughout ripening.”International Association for Food Protection 2006”.13 ‐ 16 August. Calgary, Canada. 167. Fontán, G., Tavaria, F., Reis, P., Pintado, M.M.E., Malcata, F.X. 2006. Effect of alternative technological methodologies upon the yeast profile in Serra da Estrela cheese. The Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 61 (2): 216. “Cheese Science 2006”, 24 and 25 July, Sydney, Australia. 168. Franco, M. I, P. Machado, P., Teixeira, S., Monteiro, M. J., Tavaria, F., Ferreira, C., Pintado, M. E. and Malcata, F. X. 2006. Correlation between sensory descriptors and flavour compounds in ana ivine Portuguese traditional cheese (Serra da Estrela). The Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 61 (2): 216. “Cheese Science 2006”, 24 and 25 July. Sydney, Australia. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 169. Gião, M. S., Pintado, M. E., & Malcata, F. X. 2006. Antioxidant and antimicrobial features of seven herbal plants common in Portugal, ICBF 2006, 18‐21 June. Patras, Grécia. 170. Madureira, A. R., Gomes, A. M. P., Pintado, M. E., Freitas, A. C. & Malcata, F. X. 2006. Glycolytic activity of Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei in various whey cheese matrices. 2ND Congress of European Microbiologists. July, 4‐6. Madrid, Spain, 171. Madureira, A. R., Gomes, A. M. P., Pintado, M. E., Freitas, A. C., Malcata, F. X. 2006. Metabolic activity of probiotic bacteria in whey cheese matrices: extension of shelf‐life. IAFP 2006, Third Annual Meeting. August, 13‐16. Alberta, Canada. 172. Madureira, A. R., Soares, J. C., Gomes, A. M. P., Pintado, M. E., Freitas, A. C. & Malcata, F. X. 2006. Proteolysis in whey cheese matrices, inoculated with probiotic strains. 27th IDF World Dairy Congress. October, 18‐23. Shangai, China 173. Pintado, A.I.E., Pintado, M.E., Ramos, M.S., Costa, F.M., Gomes, A.M. and Malcata, F.X. 2006. Whey protein hydrolysis brought about by Cynara cardunculus in whey cheeses matrices, 27th IDF World Dairy Congress. October, 20‐23. Xangai, China. 174. Pintado, M.E., Pintado, A.I.E., Ramos, M.S., Costa, F.M., Gomes, A.M. and Malcata, F.X. 2006. Improvement of whey cheese matrices via incorporation of Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus plantarum — sensory and textural. 175. Ralha, V. Pintado, M. E. Belo, C. C. , Martins, A.P.LMalcata, F. X. 2006. Seasonal and lactational influences on milk and cheese from organically‐reared ewes. The Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 61 (2): 216. “Cheese Science 2006”, July 24‐25. Sydney, Australia. 176. Braga, T. M., Pintado, M. M. E., Gomes, A. M. P, Malcata, F. X. 2005. Characterization of cow’s milk fermented by probiotic strains. Microbiotec 2005, November 30 a December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 177. Braga, T. M., Pintado, M. M. E., Gomes, A. M. P, Malcata, F. X. 2005. Characterization of goat’s milk fermented by probiotic strains. INTRADFOOD 2005 “Innovations in Traditional Foods”, Outubro 25 – 28, Valencia, Espanha. 178. Braga, T. M., Pintado, M. M. E., Gomes, A. M. P, Malcata, F. X. 2005. Effect of pasteurization treatment on survival of probiotic strains in fermented milks na 4th NIZO Dairy Conference “Prospects for health, well‐being and safety”, June 15 – 17, Papendal, Netherlands. 179. Carvalho, J., Pintado, M., Gomes, A., Malcata, F. 2005. The effect of adventitious yeasts and moulds on microbiological and biochemical profiles of Serra da Estrela cheese. 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos – Alimentos: Tradição e Inovação, Saúde e Segurança. April 13‐16. Viseu, Portugal. 180. Carvalho, J., M. E. Pintado, A. M. Gomes, F. Xavier Malcata. 2005. Improvement of manufacture of Serra da Estrela ‐ whey cheese: effect of addition of milk from small ruminants"; EFFoST 2005, INTRAFOOD2005 ‐ Innovations in Tradicional Foods, Polytechnical University of Valencia, October 25 ‐ 28. Valencia, Spain. 181. Carvalho, J., Pintado, M., Gomes, A., Malcata, F. 2005. Improvement of manufacture and packaging of Serra da Estrela Requeijão. MICRO'05 – BIOTEC'05, November 30 – December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 182. Fontán M.C.G., Ralha V.M., Pintado M.M.E. and Malcata F.X. 2005. Enumeration and identification of yeasts from organic ewe’s cheese throughout ripening and stage of lactation. Congresso Nacional MICRO’05 e BIOTEC’05”. November 30 – December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 183. Gião M. S. , González‐Sanjosé M. L.; Martinez S. S., Rivero‐Pérez M. D., Pereira C. I., Pintado M. E., Malcata F. X. 2005 “Herbal teas from medicinal plants commomly used in Portugal: dependence of total antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content on plant and processing thereof”, Second International Congress on Antioxidants and Methods, June 22‐ 24. Orlando, USA. 184. Gião, M. S., Pintado, M. E., & Malcata, F. X. 2005. Characterization of the antioxidant profile found in some Portuguese beers. VII Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, 2005, Abril 13 – 16, Viseu, Portugal. 185. Gião, M., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2005. Antimicrobial activity of extracts from herbal teas”, MicroBiotec 2005, November 30 – December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 186. Guedes, A. C., Gião, M. S., Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 2005. Total antioxidant activity of intra‐ and extra‐cellular extracts, and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of microalgae and cyanobacteria, EFFoST 2005, October. Valencia, Spain. 187. Guimarães, C., Martinez, S., Pintado, A., Gião, M., Pintado, M., Malcata, F., Bento, L. 2005. Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in extracts of sugar molasses. The second international congress on antioxidant methods abstracts, June 22‐24. Orlando, Florida. 188. Madureira, A. R., Gomes, A. M. P., Pintado, M. E., Freitas, A. C., Malcata, F. X 2005. Effect of selected additives on the glycolytic properties of Lactobacillus paracasei, following inoculation in whey cheese. MicroBiotec 2005. November 30 – December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 189. Madureira A. R., Pintado A. I. E., Pintado M. M. E., Gomes A. M., Freitas A. C. and Malcata F. X. 2005. Glycolytic activity of Bifidobacterium animalis Bo in various whey cheese matrices, Micro‐Biotec 2005. November 30 – December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 190. Madureira, A. R., Gomes, A. M. P., Pintado, M. E., Freitas, A. C. & Malcata, F. X. 2005. Development of probiotic whey cheese matrices with different additives: viability considerations. EFFOST Annual Meeting. October, 25‐28 Valencia, Spain. 191. Madureira A. R., Pintado A. I. E., Pintado M. M. E., Gomes A. M., Freitas A. C. and Malcata F. X. 2005. Effect of selected additives on the glycolytic properties of Lactobacillus paracasei, following inoculated in whey cheese, Micro‐Biotec 2005. November 30 – December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 192. Madureira, A. R., Gomes, A. M. P., Pintado, M. E., Freitas, A. C., Malcata, F. X. 2005. Effect of type of whey protein matrix on viability of probiotic strains. 4th NIZO Dairy Conference: Prospects for Health, Well‐Being & Safety. June, 15‐17. Pappendal, The Netherlands. 193. Madureira, A. R., Gomes, A. M. P., Pintado, M. E., Freitas, A. C., Malcata, F. X 2005. Effect of food additives on microbiological and textural properties of protein matrices. BioMicroWorld‐2005 ‐ 1st International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology. March 15‐18. Badajoz, Spain. 194. Madureira, A. R., Moura, T., Milhazes, B., Pintado, M., Gomes, A. & Malcata, F. X. (2005). In vitro evaluation of autolysis of probiotic bacteria inoculated in whey cheese matrices. 7º Encontro Da Química Dos Alimentos. Viseu, Portugal: April 13‐16. Pantaleão, I.; Pintado, M.; Poças, M.F.F. 2005. Development of a tailor‐made active packaging system for cheese II”. EFFoST ‐ Innovations in Traditional Foods, October 2005. Valence, Spain. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 195. Pereira, C. I., Braga, T. M., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M., Malcata, F. X. 2005. Characterization of the microstructure of sterile model portuguese cheeses throughout ripening. International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, BioMicroWorld‐2005, March 15 – 18. Badajoz, Espanha. 196. Pereira, C. I., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M., & Malcata, F. X. 2005. Comparative study on analytical methods for monitoring proteolysis in Portuguese model cheeses. EFFoST: Intrafood 2005, Innovations in Traditional Foods, . EFFOST Annual Meeting. October, 25‐28. Valencia, Spain. 197. Pereira, C. I., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M., Malcata, F. X. 2005. Glycolysis in portuguese cheeses throughout ripening. MicroBiotec 2005, November 30 – December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 198. Pimentel, L., Pintado, M., Gomes, A., Mättö, J., Saarela, M., Malcata, F. 2005. Survival of potentially probiotic enterococci in the GI tract. 4th Nizo Dairy Conference. Prospects for Health, Well‐being and Safety, 15‐17 June. Papendal, Netherlands. Pintado A. I. E., Pintado M.E., Gomes .A. M., Malcata F. X. 2005. Improvement of whey cheese with lactic acid bacteria isolated from Portuguese traditional cheeses – viability studies. Poster apresentado no 4th NIZO Dairy Conference‐ Prospects for Health, Well‐ being and Safety, 2005, June 15 – 17. Pappendal, Netherlands. 199. Pintado A. I. E., Pintado M.E., Gomes .A. M., Malcata F. X. 2005. Evaluation of isolation method of Exopolysaccharide produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus. 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, 2005, April 13‐16. Viseu, Portugal. 200. Pintado A., Pintado M. M. E. ,Gomes A. M., Malcata F. X. 2005. In vitro glycolytic activity on whey cheese of lactic acid bacteria previously isolated from Portuguese traditional cheeses, Micro‐Biotec 2005. November 30 – December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 201. Pintado, M., Gomes, A. M. P, Malcata, F. X. 2005. Characterization of goat’s milk fermented by probiotic strains. INTRADFOOD “Innovations in Traditional Foods”, October 25 – 28, 2005. Valencia, Spain. 202. Queiroga, A.C, Soares, J. S., Moreira, P.R., Morgado, J., Pintado, M.M., Malcata F.X. Enzymatic Treatment versus conventional processing of cotton. 4th INTB, June 4‐7. Seul, South Korea. 203. Queiroga, A.C., Soares J.S., Moreira P.R., Morgado J., Pintado M.M. Malcata, F.X. 2005. Performance of enzymes for eventual application in bioprocessing of cotton fabrics. MicroBiotec 2005, November 30 – December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 204. Queiroga, A.C., Pintado, M.E., Malcata F.X. 2005. Screening of bacteria on raw Portuguese Merino wool for protease and lipase activities. MicroBiotec2005, November 30 – December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 205. Ralha, V. Pintado, M. E. Belo, C. C., Malcata, F. X. 2005. Microbiologic differences in ewe milk and traditional cheese manufactured therefrom, associated with supplementation and lambing season. III Jornadas Ibéricas de Raças Autóctones e Produtos Tradicionais, 25‐26 November. Elvas, Portugal. 206. Ralha, V., Pintado, M., Belo, C., Malcata, F. 2005. Microbiologic assessment, throughout lactation, of ewe milk and traditional cheese manufactured therefrom, in organically‐reared assaf sheep. Congresso Nacional MICRO’05 ‐ BIOTEC’05, November 30 – December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 207. Maia, S., Gomes, A., Pintado, M., Braga, T., Malcata, F. 2005. Microencapsulation of PUFAs omega‐3 (w‐3) via several encapsulation agents: considerations on viability and microstructure. 4th Nizo Dairy Conference. Prospects for Health, Well‐being and Safety. June 15‐17. Papendal, Netherlands. 208. Silva, S. V. Barros, R. M., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. Bonifácio, M. J. and Malcata, F. X. 2005. Purification and partial characterization of a recombinant form of human soluble catechol‐o‐methyltransferase. VI European Symposium of The Protein Society, Barcelona, Spain 209. Teodósio J. S., Oliveira A. P., Santos A. R., Pintado M. M., Gomes A. M., Pintado A. .I E., Vasconcelos I. A., Malcata F. X. 2005. Phenotype and microscopical characterization of stalk and grape pomace, Micro‐Biotec 2005, November 30 – December 3. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 210. Zulewska, J., Pintado, M., Lopes de Silva, F. X. Malcata. 2005. Influence of pH and protein concentration on the gelation properties of ultrafitrated whey protein concentrates. 3rd NIZO Dairy Conference, June 11‐13 Papendal, Netherlands. 211. Braga, T. M., Pereira, C. I., M. E.,Gomes, A. M., Malcata, F. X. 2004. Contributions to the characterization of the Microstructure of two Portuguese Traditional Cheeses, Amarelo da Beira Baixa and São Jorge. Conference of Food Structure and Food Quality, 2004, October 3 ‐7. Cork, Ireland 212. Carvalho, Joana; Pereira, Claúdia; Pintado, Manuela, Gomes, Ana & Malcata, Francisco Xavier. 2004. "Characterization of defects on Serra da Estrela cheeses ‐ microbiological, textural and sensorial evaluation" Poster apresentado no Congresso EFFoST: Food Innovations for an Expanding Europe 2004, October 27 – 29. Warsow, Poland. 213. Gomes, A., Braga, T., Pintado, A., Pintado, M., Malcata, F. X. 2004. Characterization of the Microstructure of Terrincho Ewe Cheese. IDF symposium on cheese: ripening, characterization & techonology, March 21 – 25. Prague, Czech Republic. 214. Guimarães, F., Dias Pereira, C., Pintado, M., Noronha, J., Gomes, D. 2004. Utilization of Microfiltration on the Production of Ewe’s Milk Cheese. IDF symposium on cheese: ripening, characterization & techonology, March 21 – 25. Prague, Czech Republic. 215. Inês Pantaleão, Manuela E. Pintado, Maria de Fátima Poças, F. Xavier Malcata. 2004. Textural and rheological properties of regional cheese: changes during storage of cheese unpackaged and packaged under vacuum. Encontro Ibérico de Reologia, September 9‐11. Beja, Portugal. 216. Madureira, A. R., Truszkowska, K., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. P. & Malcata, F. X. 2004. In Vitro Survival of Probiotic Bacteria Contained in a Whey Cheese Vector Submitted to a Gastrointestinal Environmental Conditions. IDF Symposium on Cheese: Ripening, Characterisation and Technology, March, 21‐25. Prague, Czech Republic. 217. Madureira, A. R., Gomes, A. M. P., Pintado, M. E., Freitas, A. C. & Malcata, F. X 2004. Assessment of the antimicrobial activity of Bifidobacterium animalis against pathogenic bacteria inoculated in Requeijão. EFFost – Food Innovations for an Expanding Europe, October 21‐29. Warsaw, Poland: 218. Pantaleão, I., Pintado, M., Poças, M., Malcata, F.X. 2004. Textural and Rheological Properties of Regional Cheese. Changes During Storage of Cheese Unpackaged and Packaged Under Vacuum. IBEREO’04 – Iberean Meeting on Rheology, ESA‐IPB. Beja, Portugal. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 219. Pantaleão, I.; Pintado, M.; Poças, M.F.F. 2004. Development of a tailor‐made active packaging system for cheese I. EFFoST 2004 Food ‐ Innovations for an Expanding Europe, October, Warsaw, Poland 220. Pintado, M., Gomes, A., Eloy, S., Dias Pereira, C., Malcata, F. 2004. Impact of Microfiltration on The Manufature of Goat’s Milk Cheese ‐ Microbiological Studies. IDF symposium on cheese: ripening, characterization & techonology, March, 21‐25. Prague, Czech Republic. 221. Pereira, C. I., Carvalho, J., Soares, J. C., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M., Malcata, F. X. 2004. Bacterial dynamics in model (sterile)Portuguese traditional cheeses: a food safety case study. EFFoST: Food Innovations For an Expanding Europe, October 27 – 29. Warsaw, Poland 222. Pereira, C. I., Gião, M. S., Braga, T. M., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M., Malcata, F. X. 2004. Tentative relationships between microorganisms survival and microstructure in dairy model systems". Conference of Food Structure and Food Quality, October 3 – 7. Cork, Ireland 223. Pereira, C. I., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M., Malcata, F. X. 2004. Microstructure of cheeses – an overview. IDF symposium on cheese: ripening, characterization & technology, March, 21‐25. Prague, Czech Republic. 224. Pereira, C. I., Carvalho, J., Soares, J. C., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. P., Malcata, F. X. 2004. Bacterial dynamics in model (sterile) Portuguese traditional cheeses: a food safety case study. EFFoST: Food Innovations For an Expanding Europe, 2004, October 27 – 29. Warsaw, Poland 225. Pereira, C. I., Gião, M. S., Braga, T. M., Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M., Malcata, F. X. 2004. Tentative relationships between microorganisms survival and microstructure in dairy model systems. Conference of Food Structure and Food Quality, October 3 – 7. Cork, Ireland 226. Pimentel, L. L.; Soares, J. C.; Pintado, M. M. E.; Pintado, A. I. E.; Gomes, A. M. P.; Ferreira, A. C. and Malcata, F. X. 2004. Acidifying and Aromatic Properties of Enterococcus Strains in Ovine and Bovine Milks. IDF Symposium on Cheese: ripening, characterization & techonology, March, 21‐25. Prague, Czech Republic. 227. Pintado,.A.I.E., Truszkowska K., Pintado M.E., Gomes A.M.P., Malcata, F.X. 2004. Exopolysaccharide production by Lactobacillus acidophilus for potential applications in fresh cheese, IDF 2004 ‐ Symposium on Cheese: Ripening, Characterization & Technology, March, 21‐25. Prague, Czech Republic. 228. Pintado M.M.E., Gomes A.P., Eloy S., Pereira C.J.D., Malcata F.X. 2004. Impact of Microfiltration on the Manufacture of Goat’s Milk,Cheese‐ Microbiological Syudies. IDF Symposium on Cheese Technology, March, 21‐25. Prague, Czech Republic. 229. Teodósio, J. C., Pintado, A.I. E. Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M., Vasconcelos, I., Malcata, F. X. 2004. Upgrade of soluble compounds from grape pomace, a winery by‐ product. EFFoST: Food Innovations For an Expanding Europe, October 27 – 29. Warsaw, Poland 230. Teodósio, J. C., Pintado, A. I. E. Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. P., Vasconcelos, I. And Malcata, F. X. 2004. Upgrade of soluble compounds from grape pomace, a winery by‐ Scientific CV Manuela Pintado product, EFFoST: Food Innovations For an Expanding Europe, 2004, October 27 – 29. Warsaw, Poland 231. Freitas, A.C., Rodrigues, M.J., Diogo, C.F., Gomes, A.M.P., Pintado, M.M.E. e Malcata, F.X. 2003. Growth and survival of Bifidobacterium Bb‐12 and Lactobacillus acidophilus in heat‐processed whey. NFIF 2003 ‐ New Functional Ingredients and Food: Safety, Health and Convenience. 232. Gião M.S., Pintado M.M.E., Gomes A.M.P. e Malcata F.X. 2003. On the benefits of drinking beer: a review. 6º Encontro da Quimica dos Alimentos: Novas Perspectivas sobre conservação, processamento e qualidade de alimentos, 233. Gomes, A.M.P., Azevedo, L., Carvalho, J., Pintado, M.M.E., Malcata, F.X. 2003. Functional aspects of potentially probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia MICRO’ 2003 November 29 – December 2. Tomar, Portugal. 234. Gomes, A.M.P., Pintado, M.M.E., Georgoula, E., Vafopoulou, A. e Malcata, F.X. 2003. Esterolytic activities of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria isolated from dairy products. NFIF 2003 ‐ New Functional Ingredients and Food: Safety, Health and Convenience 235. Gomes, A.M.P., Pintado, M.M.E., Georgoula, E., Vafopoulou A. e Malcata, F.X. 2003. Proteolytic activities of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria isolated from dairy products. Dieta Atlântica I Congresso Internacional. 236. J. Zulewska, M. M. E. Pintado, J.A. Lopes de Silva, F. X. Malcata. 2003. Influence of pH and protein concentration on the gelation properties of ultrafitrated whey protein concentrates. 3rd NIZO Dairy Conference, June 11‐13. Pappendal, Netherlands. 237. Madureira A.R., Gião, M.S., Faias, A.E., Pintado M.M.E., Gomes A.M.P., Silva, J.A.L. e Malcata F.X. 2003. Manufacture of probiotic Requeijão 6º Encontro da Quimica dos Alimentos: Novas Perspectivas sobre conservação, processamento e qualidade de alimentos. 238. Madureira A.R., Pintado M.E., Gomes A.M.P., Malcata F.X. 2003. Current trends in antimicrobial and antiviral properties of whey proteins: a review. Resumo submetido ao Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia MICRO’ November 29 – December 2. Tomar, Portugal. 239. Madureira A.R., Gião, M., Gomes A.M.P., Pintado M.E. e Malcata F.X. 2003. Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus acidophilus against pathogenic bacteria inoculated in Requeijão. BIOTEC 2003, December 6‐9. Lisboa, Portugal. 240. Pereira, C.I., Gião, M.S., Pintado, M.E., Gomes, A.M., e Malcata, F.X. 2003. Milk as an emulsion: a model for study of microbial growth. 6º Encontro da Quimica dos Alimentos: Novas Perspectivas sobre conservação, processamento e qualidade de alimentos. 241. Pereira, C.I., Gião, M.S., Pintado, M.E., Gomes, A.M. e Malcata, F. X. 2003. Study of microbial population dynamics in emulsion gel model systems. BIOTEC 2003, December 6‐ 9. Lisboa, Portugal. 242. Pereira, C.I., Gião, M.S., Pintado, M.E., Gomes, A.M. e Malcata, F. X. 2003. Use of emulsion gels as a model for studies of microbial populations, aimed at improvement of safety of dairy products. Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia MICRO’ 2003 November 29 – December 2. Tomar, Portugal. 243. Pimentel, L.L., Pintado, M.E., Pintado, A.I.E., Gomes, A.M.P. e Malcata, F.X. 2003. Identification and characterization of antibiotic susceptibility of enterococci isolated from Terrincho cheese. NFIF 2003 ‐ New Functional Ingredients and Food: Safety, Health and Convenience. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 244. Pimentel, L.L., Pintado, M.E., Pintado, A.I.E., Gomes, A.M.P. e Malcata, F.X. 2003. 6º Encontro da Quimica dos Alimentos: Novas Perspectivas sobre conservação, processamento e qualidade de alimentos, 245. Pintado, A.I.E., Pintado, M.E., Gomes, A.M.P., Ferreira, I.M., Pinho, O. e Malcata, F.X. 2003. Changes in proteolysis of Terrincho cheese – a traditional ewe’s milk cheese, during ripening. NFIF 2003 ‐ New Functional Ingredients and Food: Safety, Health and Convenience. 246. Pintado, M.E., Gomes, A.M.P., Ferreira, A.R.M., Pereira, C.I., Pintado, A.I.E. e Malcata, F. X. 2003. In vitro characterization of autolytic features of potentially probiotic strains. NFIF 2003 ‐ New Functional Ingredients and Food: Safety, Health and Convenience. 247. Pintado, A.I.E., Barbosa, C.C.R., Pintado, M.E., Gomes, A.M.P. e Malcata, F.X. 2003. Production of exopolysaccharides by potential probiotic strains. 6º Encontro da Quimica dos Alimentos: Novas Perspectivas sobre conservação, processamento e qualidade de alimentos. 248. Pintado, A.I.E., Pintado, M.E., Gomes, A.M.P., Ferreira, I.M., Pinho O. e Malcata F.X. 2003. Changes in Proteolysis of Terrincho Cheese – a Traditional Ewe’s Milk Cheese, During Ripening. MICRO’ 2003, November 29 – December 2. Tomar, Portugal 249. Pintado, M.M.E., Gomes, A.M.P., Zulewska, J. e Malcata, F.X. 2003. Biochemical and sensorial characterisation of a probiotic Portuguese whey cheese. Dieta Atlântica I Congresso Internacional. 250. I. E. Pintado, M. E. Pintado A. M. P. Gomes, I. M. Ferreira, O. Pinho e F. X. Malcata. 2001. Microbiological evaluation of Terrincho, a Portuguese traditional cheese. Congrilait – 26th IDF World Dairy Congress, September 24‐27. Paris, France. 251. Gomes, A.M.P., Pintado, M.M.E., Abreu, P.I., Pimentel, L.L., Maia, S. and Malcata, F.X. 2001. Assessment of Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus acidophilus as tentative producers of antimicrobial compounds., July 3‐6, Cork, Ireland. 252. França. J. Zulewska, M. E. Pintado A. M. P. Gomes, e F. X. Malcata. 2001. Viability of Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus acidophilus in Portuguese whey cheese Requeijão Poster a apresentar no Congrilait – 26th IDF World Dairy Congress, September 24‐27. Paris, France. 253. Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. P., Abreu, P. I., Pimentel, L. L., Maia, S. and Malcata, F.X. 2001. Screening for antimicrobial activity of several adventitious Enterococcus strains isolated from Serra da Estrela cheese. Poster apresentado no Eurolab Conference, July 3‐6. Cork, Ireland. 254. Pintado, M. E., Gomes, A. M. P., Georgoula, E. e Malcata, F.X. (2001). Study of proteinase and peptidase activities of Enterococcus durans and E. faecium isolated from Portuguese traditional cheeses. Congrilait – 26th IDF World Dairy Congress, September 24‐ 27. Paris, France. 255. Pintado, M. E., Santos C. C. O. and Malcata, F.X. 2001. Activity of adventitious Enterococcus strains on model curdleded caprine milk: microbial growth and evolution of concentration of organic acids and lactose through. 15th Forum for Applied Biotechnology, September 24‐25, Gent, Belgium. 256. Pintado, M. E., Santos C. C. O. and Malcata, F.X. 2001. Glycolytic activity in vitro on curdleded ovine and bovine milks of Enterococcus strains isolated from traditional Serra da Estrela cheese. Nizo Dairy Conference on Food Microbes 2001, June13‐15, Ede, Netherlands. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 257. Pintado, M. E., Santos C. C. O. and Malcata, F.X. 2000. Comparative growth of several adventitious strains of Enterococcus on salted and unsalted ovine and bovine milks. Food Safety Objectives, December 4‐5, Washington DC, USA. 258. Pintado, M. E., Santos C. C. O. and Malcata, F.X. 2000. Influence of salt added to caprine milk on the activity of several Enterococcus strains. Bioquímica 2000, September 38‐30. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 259. Freitas, A. C., Pintado, A. I. E., Pintado, M. E. and Malcata, F. X. 1999. Organic acids produced by dominant flora in Picante cheese. Manufacture with ovine and Caprine milk. Micro’99‐Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia, December 1‐4. Luso, Portugal. 260. Pintado, A. I. E., Pintado, M. E., Lemos, S. and Malcata, F. X. 1999. Evaluation, with storage time, of dominant microflora of four cultivars of Vinho Verde grape pomace. 4º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, June 1‐4. Coimbra, Portugal 261. Pintado, M. E. and Malcata F. X. 1999. Optimization of modified atmosphere packaging Requeijão: physicochemical alterations related with microbial growth. Poster apresentado no Micro’99‐Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia. December 1‐4. Luso, Portugal. 262. Pintado, M. E., Malcata and F. X. (1999). Optimization of modified atmosphere packaging Requeijão: Microbial aspects. Poster apresentado no 4º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos. June 1‐4. Coimbra, Portugal 263. Freitas, A. C., Pintado, A. I. E., Pintado, M. E. and Malcata, F. X. (1998). Dominant microflora of Picante cheese: independent role upon proteolysis and lypolysis in model system. IV Iberian Congress on Biotechnology ‐ I Ibero‐American Meeting on Biotechnology. July 12‐14. Guimarães, Portugal. 264. Pintado, M. E., Pintado, A. I. E. and Malcata, F. X. 1998. Production of lactan using plain whey, whey permeate and synthetic medium as feedstock. IV Iberian Congress on Biotechnology ‐ I Ibero‐American Meeting on Biotechnology, July 12‐14. Guimarães, Portugal. 265. Pintado, M. E., Pintado, A. I. E. and Malcata, F. X. 1998. Influence of salt content, degree of proteolysis and aeration on the production of a polymer via fermentation of whey‐related media by Rahnella aquatilis. Iberian Congress on Biotechnology ‐ I Ibero‐ American Meeting on Biotechnology. July 12‐14. Guimarães, Portugal. 266. Pintado, M. E., Pintado, A. I. E., da Silva, J. A. L. and Malcata, F. X. 1997. Rhelogical characterization, under steady shear, of a polysaccharide (lactan) obtained via fermentation of whey‐related media. Second International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Chemistry Group, September 21‐25. Porto, Portugal. 267. Pintado, M. E., Pintado, A. I. E. and Malcata, F. X. 1997. Evaluation of whey protein hydrolysis using Protease A and Trypsin. Applied Biotechnology, September 25‐27. Gent. Belgium. 268. Pintado, M.E., Pintado, A. I. E., Silva, E. M. R. and Malcata, F. X. 1997. Polysaccharide production from whey using Rhanella aquatilis. IFT Annual Meeting. June 14‐18. Orlando. USA. 269. Pintado, M. E., Quadrado, R. and Malcata, F.X. 1997. Free fatty acid profile of requeijão packaged under different environmental conditions. Poster apresentado no 3º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, March 23‐26. Faro, Portugal. Scientific CV Manuela Pintado 270. Pintado, M. E. and Malcata, F. X. 1996. Microbiological evaluation of a Portuguese whey cheese "Requeijão" stored under different package conditions. Microbial Food Spoilage October, 15‐16. Copenhagen, Denmark. 271. Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 1996. Purification and characterization of genetic variants of a‐lactalbumin and ß‐lactoglobulin from milk of Portuguese native ovine and caprine breeds. III Congresso Ibérico de Biotecnologia, September 10‐13. Valladolid, Spain. 272. Pintado, M. E., Lopes da Silva, J. A. and Malcata, F. X. 1996. Effects of temperature and heating time on viscoelastic characteristics of whey protein concentrate at acidic and neutral pH. IFT Annual Meeting, June 22‐26. New Orleans, USA 273. Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 1996. Enzymatic hydrolysis of bovine, caprine and ovine wheys. Poster apresentado no II Jornadas das Indústrias Agro‐Alimentares, January 8‐11. Lisboa, Portugal. 274. Hogg T., Couto, J. A., Capela, A., Revel, G., Pintado M. E. 1995. Lactobacillus hilgardii in Deterioration of fortified wine and related effects. Poster apresentado no V Symposium International d' Oenologie, June 12‐14. Bourdaux, France. 275. Pintado, M. E., Lopes da Silva, J. A. and Malcata, F.X. 1995. Rheological and sensorial analysis of whey cheese. 9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, July 30‐ August 4. Budapest, Hungary. 276. Pintado, M. E. and Malcata, F. X. 1995. Influência dos parâmetros tecnológicos na composição química do Requeijão. 2º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, July 19‐21. Aveiro, Portugal. 277. Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. and Warthersen, J. J. 1995. Characterization of an unknown low molecular weight fraction in ewe's and goat's whey. Poster apresentado no American Dairy Science Association and Northeast ADSA/ASAS, June 25‐28. Meeting, Ithaca, EUA. 278. Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 1994. Optimization of the thermal precipitation of whey proteins from ewe's and goat's milk. VII Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia/II Congresso Ibérico de Biotecnologia, October 1‐4. Vilamoura, Portugal: 279. Pintado, M. E., Malcata, F. X. 1994. Studies on the heat stability of various protein fractions of whey from goat and ewe's milk of Portuguese native breeds. American Dairy Science Association and Northeast ADSA/ASAS Meeting. Minneapolis, USA: July 11‐15. 280. Hogg T., Pintado M. E., Revel, G. 1994. Metabolism of amino acids by Lactobacillus hilgardii in fortified wines. I Congresso Internacional de La Vinicultura Atlantica, May 15‐19. Toja, Spain. 281. Pintado M. E., Malcata, F. X. 1993. Evaluation of seasonal changes of proteins in native and denatured form of Serra da Estrela ewe's whey. 1º Encontro de Química de Alimentos, December 19‐22. Santarém, Portugal. 282. Pintado, M. E., Lopes da Silva, J. A., Fernandes, P., Malcata, F. X. and Hogg, T. 1993. Studies on kefir grains: microbiological characterization, biomass increase rate, and rheology of polysaccharide produced. Primeiro Simpósio Nacional da Microbiologia Aplicada e Biotecnologia Professor van Uden, february 28 – March 3. Luso, Portugal. Porto, 29 January, 2013