Inovando com o uso da nanotecnologia COSMÉTICOS Silvia Stanisçuaski Guterres Guterres, 2012 Nanocarriers and Nanomaterials NC Dendrimers NS SLN Fullerenes Liposomes Carbon nanotubes Guterres, 2012 Brazil The cosmetics and toiletries sector has shown an average growth of 10% annually over the past 18 years, moving from R$ 4.9 billion in 1996 to R$ 38 billion in 2013. Brazil is a 41.7 billion dollars/year market for cosmetics and personal care products, which places the country as the 3rd largest market in the world. Guterres, 2012 Evolution of the Brazilian cosmetic market by category in R$ (billions) Category 2012 2013 2017 Total 85.1 92.1 142.5 Children's products 3.7 4.2 6.4 Soaps 6.5 7.0 9.6 Makeup 6.8 7.8 13.0 Deodorants and antiperspirants 8.4 9.6 14.1 Depilatory products 0.7 0.8 1.5 Perfumes 12.6 14.2 21.5 Hair products 18.1 20.2 31.5 Male cosmetics 8.4 9.7 17.3 Oral hygiene products 6.6 7.6 11.9 Skin care products 8.9 10.3 15.7 Sunscreens 2.8 3.1 4.9 Guterres, 2012 Factors contributing to the impressive growth of the sector: Increase of the population's income, with the new members of the middle class beginning to consume products with higher added value Increase of the participation of women, who for 20 years represented 20% of income in the country and who now represent nearly half Increased use of new technologies and industrial productivity Intense and frequent launches of new products Increase in life expectancy, with increased demand for anti-aging products Guterres, 2012 Companies investing in Nanotechnology in Brazil (2014) Health 6%3% 7% 1% 8% 2% Environment Nanomaterials Oil and Gas 46% Energy/Eletronics Aeronautical/Aerospace Agribusiness and Food 22% 5% Textile Others Healthcare companies investing in Nanotechnology in Brazil (2014) 30 companies 23% 24% Cosmetics Pharmaceutics Odontology 9% Source: Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. 3% 10% Personal care Nanomedicines 31% Others Guterres, 2012 The global market for cosmetics: $155.8 million in 2012.[ oCosmeticsBeyondSkinDeep.pdf] Widespread use of nanoscale materials in cosmetics is due to the fact that these nanoparticles obtain newer properties which differ from the large-scale particles J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2012 Jul-Sep; 4(3): 186–193. doi: 10.4103/0975-7406.99016 RANKING OF TOP 10 BEAUTY COMPANIES IN TERMS OF NUMBER OF NANO-RELATED PATENTS Guterres, 2012 Guterres, 2012 - control the release of drugs - sustain the drug effect - reduce toxicity - target the drug to the site of action - increase the drug stability - increase of the intracellular traffic of drug - increase the intracellular drug delivery - increase the apparent solubility of drugs - increase efficacy. NANOTECHNOLOGY IN COSMETICS Good tool for developing Sciencebased solutions for innovative cosmetics Essential for marketing-oriented companies Enhancing wellbeing Addressing antiaging issues A inserção da nanotecnologia na cadeia produtiva. NANOTECH IN COSMETICS As an ingredient (nanoinsumo) To be added in a formulation As product As product Final products: suspensions, aerosol, etc Nanomaterials can be divided into two groups: Soluble and/or biodegradable nanoparticles which disintegrate into their molecular components Insoluble and/or biopersistent nanoparticles e.g. liposomes and nanoemulsions e.g. TiO2, fullerenes, quantum dots Risk assessment based on mass metrics may be adequate for the soluble nanoparticles; Risk assessment may require other metrics, such as the number of particles, and their surface area as well as their distribution Guterres, 2012 NANOTECH AS INGREDIENTS NANOCARRIERS Liposomes Nanocapsules Lipidic nanoparticles NANOMATERIALS TioO2 Fullerenes Ag Cosmetic manufacturers use nanoscale versions of ingredients to provide better UV protection deeper skin penetration long-lasting effects increased color NANOENCAPSULATION TECHNIQUES products containing coated particles act as drug delivery systems to control the drug site of action the kinetics of release of drug active substance Guterres, 2012 NANOENCAPSULATION TECHNIQUES NANO DELIVERY SYSTEMS products containing coated particles act as drug delivery systems To control the drug delivery to the site of action To control the kinetics of drug release To dissolve/deaggregate during or after releasing the drug Guterres, 2012 The role of a nanoparticle-based delivery system To ensure that a chemical Right concentration Right site Correct period of time Guterres, 2012 “NANO-SKIN EFFECTS” Sustained and controlled release of substances nanodevices act as reservoirs Reduction of cutaneous alernegicity polymeric wall Increase of cutaneous adhesion prolonged effect Stabilize labile substances reservoir effects Depend on -shape and molecular organization of nanocarriers -Size and polidispersity -Surface coating (hydrophilic or lipophilic) - surface area NANOTEC: Multiplicidade de formulações PERFUMES; Esmaltes para unhas Shampoo, Pós-Shampoo Coloração, Alisantes/Permanentes/Henês, Fixadores/Modeladores. condicionador, creme para pentear, creme de tratamento, regenerador de pontas, definidor de Tintura permanente cachos. , Tintura semi permanente/tonalizante, Henna, Descolorante. Gel, Hair Spray ou Laquê, Mousses Cremes / Loções / ÓLEOS PARA O CORPO, Cremes de Tratamento para o Corpo, Cremes para o Rosto, Protetor Solar, Bronzeador, Protetor Solar Protetor Solar Labial para o Rosto, , Creme Esfoliante para o Corpo, Creme ou Óleo para Massagem, Anti-Celulite, Creme Contra Estrias, Loções Firmadoras, Creme para Gestantes, Creme para Redução de Medidas. Hidratantes, Anti-Sinais / Anti-Age, Esfoliantes, Adstringente, Anti-Acne, Tônicos, Cremes e Loções de Limpeza. Alguns exemplos Lipid-core nanocapsules (LNC) are formed by an organogel surrounded by poly(epsiloncaprolactone) and stabilized by polysorbate 80 An original soft nanocarrier Biodegradability: a critical requirement for nanoparticulate brain delivery systems, i.e. over a time frame of a few days. Web of Science Access 2 september 2015 Articles Nanocapsules and Drug 250 200 150 100 50 0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 FRANCE (308) PEOPLES R CHINA (290) BRAZIL (225) 2010 2015 2020 Web of Science Access 2 september 2015 Articles nano* and skin total 5790 1200 1000 800 600 Articles nano* and skin Countries 400 200 0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 1320 865 492 425 414 334 269 248 244 206 Gels showed non-Newtonian behavior since their viscosities were not constant Shear stress (Pa) 90 80 GC-NM 70 GC 60 GNM-NE 50 GNM-NS 40 GNM-NC 30 20 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 200 nm Gel + NC 0 14 Shear rate (s-1) CRIOFRACTURE •. Nanoemulsion, nanocapsules or nanospheres did not affect the non-Newtonian behavior and the pseudoplastic character of the gels •The gels presented adequate physico-chemical Gel ® properties for the topical administration Guterres et al. Pharmazie 2003 Guterres et al. Pharmazie 2005 Alves et al. IJP 2007 Which entity permates? Drug vs Particle SKIN PENETRATION FROM NANOCARRIERS Influence of the supramolecular structure GNM-NC NC GNM-NS 6 GNM-NE GC-NM Amount Retained μg/cm² 5 NS 4 3 2 NE 1 0 SC Epiderm/Dermis Receptor compartment •NC and NS: released into stratum corneum •NE it was not quantified in SC, being permeated directly for dermis •NC: in the deeper skin was larger than NS and that NE 200 nm Polymeric nanocapsules Nanocapsule Drug encapsulation is limited by its saturation in the organic phase. Lipid-core nanocapsule Drug encapsulation can be achieved by its dispersion in the organic phase. 2011 The rigidity of both the polymer wall and lipid core is quantitatively higher for LNCs. In conclusion, LNCs presented distinct elastic properties compared to the conventional polymeric NCs. Cantilever Deflection Nanocapsule (NC) Cantilever Deflection Lipid-core Nanocapsule (LNC) Tese: Luana Fiel Control of skin penetration Rhodamine B covalently bound to PCL horny layer (X,Z) epidermis basal layer (X,Z) dermis CO-ENCAPSULATION OF CAPSAICINOIDS AND INCORPORATION IN A CHITOSAN HYDROGEL CAPSAICIN Capsicum spp. DIHYDROCAPSAICIN POLYMERIC NANOCAPSULES Analgesic topical action when reaching the peripheral nerves, used for the treatment of chronic pain. Physically stable formulation containing intact nanocapsules; Consistence and pH suitable for cutaneous use; Controlled release of capsaicinoids; Film formation proven by sensorial studies; CHITOSAN HYDROGEL CONTAINING NANOCAPSULES Great skin adhesion Guterres, 2012 Decrease on the skin irritation in humans of capsaicinoids by means of a nanostructured formulation based on polymeric particles and a hydrogel CH- NC- CP CH- ET- CP Erythema (Final/Initial) 2,50 COMMERCIAL CH- NC 2,00 CH- ET NO FORMULATION 1,50 1,00 0,50 0,00 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Time after application (min) CH- NC- CP 6 CH- ET- CP COMMERCIAL Erythema 5 CH- NC CH- ET 4 NO FORMULATION 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 Time after application (min) Guterres, 2012 Nanocapsules: Stabilizing properties Guterres, 2012 Resveratrol Poor bioavailability and ease degradation a red wine polyphenol Protector effect against cardiovascular diseases and cancers improved Antiaging effects Modulation of multiple mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease Formulation T 12 (mim) Resveratrol ethanolic solution Resveratrolloaded LNC 19.5 ±3.7 122.6 ±16.3 Volume 88, Issue 4, pages 913–921, July/August 2012 Nanocapsules: Sustaning the effect NANOANESTÉSICO Nanotecnologia e produtos naturais: uma combinação inovadora para insumos e produtos cosméticos O Brasil é o país com maior diversidade biológica do mundo. > 22% do total de espécies vegetais e um terço das espécies de pássaros do planeta Entre 43000 and 49000 espécies vegetais catalogadas das cerca de 350000 – 500000 existentes • 70% of entrepreneurs said that biodiversity is important to their business, especially Bolivians and Brazilians with 85% and 80%, respectively. A survey • And over 94% of respondents in Brazil, Colombia and Peru said the interest in natural ingredients will increase over the next 10 years. • Most companies in the studied countries (80%) bet on natural ingredients as a source of technological innovation in their products. In Brazil, biodiversity is on the radar, especially in the cosmetics industry.,274 Biodiversidade como “o cofre de um patrimônio químico inexplorado de remédios, alimentos, fertilizantes, pesticidas, cosméticos, solventes, fermentos, têxteis, plásticos, celulose, óleos e energia, além de moléculas, enzimas e genes em número quase infinito”. Arnt (2001) Biodiversidade pode ser entendida como uma preciosa “biblioteca genética” Apenas em torno de 10% da biodiversidade mundial foi estudada. Calixto (2000) ANTIOXIDANTES TÓPICOS • Os antioxidantes tópicos devem ser absorvidos pela pele e liberados para o tecido-alvo na forma ativa. • Entretanto, muitos produtos se oxidam e se tornam inativos antes mesmo de alcançarem o alvo. • A absorção é um processo muito importante e depende de vários outros fatores, como, por exemplo, a forma molecular do composto ativo, suas propriedades físico- químicas, se sua solubilidade em água ou em lipídeos, seu pH e o veículo que contém o produto. A maioria é origem vegetal Ser capaz de permear o estrato córneo Isento de toxicidade local e sistêmica Apresentar efeito antioxidante pronunciado ANTIOXIDANTES REQUISITOS Características físico-químicas para incorporação em formulações tópicas Ser fotoestável Manter-se estável no produto final FABRICAÇÃO DE NANOPARTÍCULAS Matérias primas de origem vegetal Materiais estruturantes Ativos Theospheres, a brazilian nanoparticle Cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) One of the most popular Amazon fruit Components Unsaturated fatty acids Vitamins Amino Acids Phytosterols (water absorption capacity) Cosmetic uses Deep sink hydration Horn layer lipid reposition Nanoencapsulação de substâncias de origem vegetal ÓLEOS VEGETAIS COMO NÚCLEO DE NANOCÁPSULAS: UMA ESTRATÉGIA PARA TORNÁ-LOS DISPERSÍVEIS EM FORMULAÇÕES HIDROFÍLICAS Lipid core Nanocapsules Mango Jojoba Pequi Oat Annato Calendula Chamomile Capric/caprylic triglycerides D[4,3] (nm) (LD) 226 ± 33 187 ± 8 230 ± 59 203 ± 33 214 ± 27 242 ± 20 193 ± 6 166 ± 8 NOVAS SOLUÇÕES AUMENTO DA EFICÁCIA NANO E FITO INOVAÇÃO MAIOR ESTABILIDADE NANOTECHNOLOGY IN SUNSCREENS •Formulations are more transparent and less oily •Increases the sunscreen retention time in the skin due to an increase of bioadhesion •Reduce the skin penetration of the filters •Provide a controlled release of the filters •Reduce the sensitization of chemical filters Articles Citations: 505 (Web of Science) Tópico: (nano* and sunscree*) Patents Citations: 263 (Tópico: (nano* and sunscree*). Guterres, 2012 A SUCCESSFUL EXAMPLE OF NANOPRODUCT ON THE MARKET Nanocapsules Biodegradable polymeric wall Vegetal oils Organic sunscreens Photostability NANOPHOTON®TECHNOLOGY Photoprot containing nanocapsules Photoprot without nanocapsules Photoprotection Photostability Nanoencapsulated UV filters UV-blocking ability UV blocking mechanism (scattering + absorbing) obtained with nanoencapsulated UV filters. Nanoencapsulated sunscreens have higher SPF values than the free sunscreen and the unloaded polymeric and lipid nanocarriers. Guterres, 2012 Guterres, 2012 Collaborators Adriana R. Pohlmann, UFRGS Ana M. O. Battastini, UFRGS Andressa Bernardi, Fiocruz Carlos Alexandre Netto, UFRGS Christianne Salbego, UFRGS Dulcineia S. P Abdalla, USP Maria Palmira Gremião, Unesp Marilise Burger, UFSM Nádya P. da Silveira, UFRGS Renata Limberger, UFRGS Rudimar Frozza, Fiocruz Ruy C. R. Beck, UFMS e UFRGS Sandra Farsky, USP Solange C. Garcia, UFRGS Stela Rates, UFRGS Teresa Dalla Costa, UFRGS OUR LABORATORY College of Pharmacy UFRGS •HPLC •Zetasizer@ •Turbscan ® •GC-MS(MS) • Nanosizer® •Freeze-drier •Spray-drier •Spraytec •SEM •TEM •Animal models •Microbiological analyses •IV •NMR •Viscosimeter •Dissolutor [email protected]