SEARCH FOR CLIMATE CHANGE EVIDENCIES IN THE GUADIANA RIVER PORTUGUESE BASIN. STUDIES ON PRECIPITATION J. F. Santos Oliveira1, João Morais2, M. Cardoso3, M. Silva3, P. Pereira3, P. Lopes3 1Coordinator, Full Professor; 2Teaching Assistant, 3Graduate Students Grupo de Disciplinas de Ecologia da Hidrosfera, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (GDEH/FCT/UNL) Campus da FCT, Edifício Departamental Quinta da Torre 2825-114 Monte de Caparica Portugal Phone/Fax: 351 21 2948543; E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION: The Guadiana basin is located between 37º and 40º lat.-N and 2º and 8º long.-W. It covers an area of 66960 km2 (55260 km2 in Spain and 11700 km2 in the Southeast of Portugal, Figure 1). The average altitude in the portuguese side is 237 m. The climate is Mediterranean, with continental influence. The summer is very hot and dry and the winter is fresh. The annual precipitation has values between 500 and 800 mm, concentrated in a short time period (50 to 80 days). Between October and May usually fall 400 to 700 mm (Cary, F., 1985), (Daveau, S. et all, 1985), (DRAA, 1998). This conditions determine that the flow regime of Guadiana and affluents is very variable and precipitation dependent. Considering the fact that the ground-water reserves in the area are very low, the need of water for irrigation, energy production and public supply has been solved by the construction of dams in Spain and Portugal (SEARN, 1986). In the last years it has been observed that many of those reservoirs seem to be over-exploited, show symptoms of eutrophication, rarely reach the maximum storing level and the surface flow of tributaries is not sufficient to refill them. So, empirically, one can say that climate changes seem to be occurring in the area, once it seems to be more frequent in the present the occurrence of long periods of draught and extreme episodes of precipitation. The extreme climate aspects are the most interesting to define the attractive or repulsive climate characteristics of a site or region. The precipitation maximum and minimum mean values, the duration, intensity, frequency and probability associated to some episodes are very important to define if a given site is adequate to a given human-made structure. A characteristic aspect of a climate change is the alteration of quantity and/or time distribution pattern of precipitation on a site or area. Such alterations will determine changing in the values of the statistic parameters of precipitation chronological series. Other aspect to consider is the possible transformation of a very improbable extreme episode in a relatively frequent one. This work is aimed to demonstrate that a climate change is happening in the Guadiana portuguese basin, through the study of the evolution of the chronological series of month precipitation, recorded in 24 sites representative of the area since 1931 to 1996. METHODS: The detection of a climate change through the analysis of precipitation chronological series demands that those series are long enough to be representative of the general characteristics of the climate. In this work, 24 stations representative of all basin area, were selected (Figure 2, Table 1), from all the available in the SNIRH web-site (, under the following constraints: a) More than 50 years of month precipitation records; b) Last record as recent as possible (less than 10 years ago); c) Number of years missing in the record not greater than 3. The study focused on the evolution of month and total annual precipitation. In some cases other aggregation periods were used. It was adopted the hydrological year (from October of year X to September of year X+1). When necessary, the year was divided in quarters or half-year periods. To each site, time series of each month, aggregation period, and total annual precipitation were generated. Each time series was divided in two sub-series, before and after the year 1963, and the parameters maximum, mean, minimum, moving average, pluviometric quotient, skewness, Schmidt & Ferguson index, return period for a given precipitation and the magnitude to the N-year event of each sub-series were calculated and compared through the paired samples t-Student test. The obtained information was aggregated for the basin area. Moving average: The plotting of the moving average, calculated for 30 and 10-year periods, permitted to analyse the evolution of month and total annual precipitation. This procedure is able to confer statistical support to the common sense affirmation: “nowadays is raining less than in the past”, if the moving average calculated for the past 10 years is significantly minor than the one calculated for the past 30 years. Pluvimetric Quotient (von Hann, 1932 in Mayer, R., 1935): This parameter defines the contribution quote of each month or aggregation period to the total annual precipitation, for a given site. Figure 1- Localisation of the portuguese basin of Guadiana river. (Adapted from Atlas do Ambiente). Pr ecipitation period PQ Pr ecipitation year Days period Days year Rainy periods will have PQ > 1.5 and dry periods will have PQ < 0.5. Table 2 Schmidt & Ferguson index scale Skewness: Characterises the degree of asymmetry of a distribution around its mean. Positive skewness indicates a distribution with an asymmetric tail extending toward more positive values. Negative skewness indicates a distribution with an asymmetric tail extending toward more negative values. SF < 0.143, Climate class = A, very rainy; 0.143 <= SF < 0.333, Climate class = B; 0.333 <= SF < 0.600, Climate class = C; 0.600 <= SF < 1.000, Climate class = D; 1.000 <= SF < 1.667, Climate class = E; 1.667 <= SF < 3.000, Climate class = F; 3.000 <= SF < 7.000, Climate class = G; SF > 7.000, Climate class = H, very arid; n n xi x a n 1n 2 s i 1 Figure 2- The black spots indicate the localisation of the 24 selected sites. (Adapted from Table 1 General information about the selected sites 3 For positive values, the greater is the skewness, the greater is the number of observations in the left-hand side of the mean and the probability of occurrence of extreme precipitation episodes increases. Schmidt & Ferguson index: It’s an aridity index. For a given site, the number of rainy months (Prec. > 100 mm), R, and dry months (Prec. < 60 mm), D, is counted and is calculated de quotient D/R for each year of the time series. Then, is calculated the value of arctg(D/R). Then these values are averaged for the time series and is calculated SF= tg(mean). The index scale defines an ascending order of aridity (Table 2). Return period for a given precipitation value and magnitude to the N-year event: Those values were calculated for each site, each month, total annual precipitation and all basin area through the Gumbel distribution (Wilson, E. M., 1990). Code Name First record Last record Records Years 21M/02 Alandroal September 31 September 95 758 64 29M/01 Alcoutim March 38 September 95 655 58 RESULTS: Table 3 and Table 4 and Figure 3 synthesise the obtained results for comparisons between sub-series. In what concerns the Return Period and Magnitude to the N- 27K/01 Algodor September 31 October 96 782 65 28I/01 Almodôvar September 31 October 96 779 65 24N/01 Amareleja September 31 October 96 782 65 year event calculi, the results are as follows: The return period for an annual precipitation of 1000 mm ranges from 2.3 years in Barranco do Velho to 98.8 years in Trindade, the average value to the basin is 41,2 years. The return period for a basin averaged 100 mm of month precipitation ranges from 2.8 years in December to several million years in July and August. The annual precipitation to the 100-year event ranges from 1001.5 mm in Trindade to 2034.7 mm in Barranco do Velho. The average value to the basin is 1116.3 mm. The basin averaged month precipitation to the 100-year event ranges from 21.3 mm in July to 282.4 mm in December. 19N/01 Arronches September 31 September 96 781 65 21K/01 Azaruja September 31 September 96 781 65 30J/01 Barranco do Velho April 35 September 95 726 60 768 65 27I/01 Castro Verde September 31 October 96 779 65 24J/03 Cuba September 31 October 96 782 65 21N/01 Juromenha September 31 September 96 781 65 29K/01 Martim Longo September 41 March 96 652 54 28L/01 Mértola January 39 October 96 621 58 25L/01 Pedrogão do Alentejo June 41 October 96 665 55 24K/01 Portel January 39 October 96 694 58 22L/01 Redondo September 31 September 96 781 65 23L/01 Reguengos de Monsaraz September 31 October 96 782 65 23K/01 S. Mansos April 42 October 96 655 55 26L/01 Serpa September 31 October 96 782 65 30I/02 Sobreira May 42 September 95 640 53 25O/01 Sto. Aleixo da Restauração September 31 September 96 772 65 26J/01 Trindade September 31 October 96 782 65 21M/01 Vila Viçosa September 31 September 95 769 Table 3 Results obtained from comparisons performed to data aggregated to basin area. Paired samples t-Student test. (**) – Significant to α=0.05; (*) – Significant to α=0.10; (---) – Nonsignificant; F – First sub-series (before 1963); L – Last subseries (after 1963); (n. a.) – not applicable. It is evident that December, March, May and September are becoming dryer. The average precipitation recorded in March (48.6 mm) in the last sub-series, is 50.9% of the one recorded in the first subseries (95.4 mm). The average total annual precipitation decreased 7.2% in the last sub-series. 64 Precipitation (mm) October 96 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Years 30 per. Mov. Avg. (total Prec.) 10 per. Mov. Avg. (total Prec.) Trindade (March) Alandroal S&F(S) S&F(F) S&F(L) Class(F) Class(L) Comp.(Class) Comp.(Value) 3,940 3,957 3,789 G G = F>L 5,072 4,727 5,348 G G = F<L Algodor 5,209 4,225 6,756 G G = F<L Almodovar 4,409 4,487 4,333 G G = F>L Amareleja 5,158 4,651 5,783 G G = F<L Arronches 3,406 2,906 4,090 F G F<L F<L Azaruja 4,029 3,439 4,844 G G = F<L Barr. do Velho 1,731 1,550 1,931 E F F<L F<L Barrancos 4,283 4,097 4,484 G G = F<L Castro Verde 4,942 4,369 5,680 G G = F<L Cuba 4,217 3,888 4,530 G G = F<L Alcoutim Juromenha 4,267 3,331 5,835 G G = F<L Martim Longo 5,018 3,974 6,143 G G = F<L Mértola 7,820 8,132 7,658 H H = F>L Pedrogão 5,089 4,542 5,545 G G = F<L Portel 3,298 2,594 4,142 F G F<L F<L Redondo 3,843 3,093 5,024 G G = F<L Reguengos 4,645 3,723 6,129 G G = F<L São Mansos 4,742 4,241 5,158 G G = F<L Serpa 3,891 3,749 4,047 G G = F<L 300 Precipitation (mm) September 31 1200 250 200 150 100 50 0 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Years Março Min Mean Pl. Q. Skew. Sobreira 1,851 1,729 1,941 F F = F<L October November --F<L** F>L** --- F<L** --- F<L* --- --F<L** Santo Aleixo 6,572 8,297 5,432 H G F>L F>L 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Years December --- F>L** F>L** F>L* --- January F<L* --- --- F>L** F<L** February F>L** F<L** F<L** --- F>L** March April F>L** --- F>L** --- F>L** --- F>L** --- ----- May F>L** F>L* F>L** F>L** F>L** June F<L** --- F<L** F<L** --- July --- --- F<L** F<L** F>L** August September F<L** F>L** ----- F<L** F>L** F<L** F>L** --F>L** YEAR --- --- F>L** n. a. --- 2,608 2,324 2,894 F F = F<L Vila Viçosa 2,672 2,314 3,175 F G F<L F<L BASIN 4,280 3,931 4,779 G G = F<L* CONCLUSIONS: This work demonstrated the occurrence of climate change in the portuguese basin of Guadiana river. This climate change is characterised by a decreasing of month precipitation in December, March, May and September. The average precipitation recorded in March decreased almost 50% in the last 30 years. The average total annual precipitation decreased 7.2% in the last 30 years. The arid character of climate in this area is increasing. The desertification process happening in this area will probably intensify in the next years. 10 per. Mov. Avg. (Março) 30 per. Mov. Avg. (Março) Amareleja (March) 250 200 150 100 50 0 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Years Março Trindade 30 per. Mov. Avg. (Março) 450 Março Max 10 per. Mov. Avg. (Março) Barranco do Velho (March) Precipitation (mm) Barrancos Average annual precipitation in the basin Precipitation (mm) 25P/01 Table 4 Results of the application of the Schmidt & Ferguson index to the studied sites and integration of data to the basin. S&F(S)- Index value to the series; S&F(F)- Index value to the first sub-series; S&F(L)- Index value to the last sub-series; Class(F)- Index classification to the first sub-series; Class(L)- Index classification to the last sub-series; Comp.(Class)- Class comparison between sub-series; Comp.(Value)- Values comparison between sub-series; (*)- Significant to =0.05, paired samples t-Student test. The index values express clear indications of the increasing aridity of the basin. 10 per. Mov. Avg. (Março) 30 per. Mov. Avg. (Março) Figure 3- Moving average plots to 3 of the studied sites (month precipitation of March) and Basin averaged annual precipitation. In the March plots is clear the precipitation decrease in the last 30 years. In this time interval is clear, too, the positioning of the 10 year moving average, always under the 30 year moving average. REFERENCES: DRAA (1998) - Zonas de interesse ambiental do Alentejo, Doc 1, Guião. 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