Curriculum vitae
Manuela Rodrigues Branco Simões
Institutional address
Departamento de Recursos Naturais, Ambiente e Território
Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Tapada da Ajuda
1349-017 Lisboa
Telephone: +351. 213653382; Fax: +351.213645000
Email: [email protected]
Academic degrees
2006 Habilitation. Instituto Superior de Agronomia.
1997 PhD University of Wales, UK
1993 Master Sciences. Faculdade de Ciências. University of Lisbon
1984 Graduation. Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Technical University of Lisbon
Current professional position
Assistant Professor, University of Lisbon
Areas of scientific activity
Entomology, Forest Protection, Population Ecology
Other Scientific areas of interest:
Population dynamics, Biological Control
Main research activities
The main scientific areas of research are in the domain of entomology, population ecology and
forest protection. In particular, the researcher aims at studying the interactions between trees
and pest insects and their natural enemies. The use of semiochemicals for pest control and
monitoring and the conservation and use of natural enemies as biocontrol strategies are
particular areas of interest.
Participation in projects
2012-2014 FORRISK – Réseau pour l'innovation dans les sylvicultures et les systèmes de
gestion intégrée des risques en forêt. SUDOE. (Coordenadora no ISA)
2011-2014 - PTDC/AGR-CFL/111877/2009. Pragas exóticas de citrinos e eucaliptos: optimizar
estratégias de gestão para lidar com as invasões biológicas. (Coordenadora)
2011-2013 - Étude de l'architecture génétique de la phénologie chez la Processionaire du Pin.
ANR-2010-JCJC-1705-01, funded by ANR (Agence Nationale pour la Recherche).
Coordinator: Carole Kerdelhué, INRA- Centre Biologie et Géstion des Populations. CBGP.
Montpellier. Coordinator at ISA (sub-contrator) Manuela Branco.
2010-2012 Projeto QREN SI I&D - Projecto nº 5477 – PT-LYPTUS. (Member)
2009-2013 REINFORCE - Resource Infrastructures for monitoring, adapting and protecting
European Atlantic Forests under Changing climate (INTERREG- Atlantic).
2009-2013 - TRANZFOR - EU International Research Science Exchange Scheme ‘TRANZFOR –
Forests and Climate Change.
2008-2011 - PTDC/AGR-CFL/73107/2006. Análise da especiação em curso de um insecto com
impacte na saúde pública /Analysis of the ongoing evolutionary process of an insect species
causing public health concern. (Coordinator)
2005-2010 - project EFORWOOD: Tools for Sustainability Impact Assessment of the ForestryWood Chain. EU funded Priority 6.3, Global change and Ecosystem, 518128-2. (Member)
2005-2008 -POCTI, AGR/57580/2004 - Mate location by mealybug males and host finding by
parasitoids: its potential use to manage two noxious mealybug species in citrus orchards
and vineyards. (Member)
2004-2008 - Projecto nº2/2003.550 do Programa AGRO, Medida 8.1 - DE&D, Gestão de pragas
em pinhal e eucaliptal, minimização de impactes ambientais e conservação da
biodiversidade. / Pest management on pine and eucalyptus stands minimizing
environmental impacts and conserving biodiversity. (Coordinator)
2003-2006 - POCTI/AGG/47275/2002. Adaptation of pine shoot beetle to host pines physiology
under the influence of global climate change. (Coordinator)
2004 - Programa Pessoa GRICES/EGIDE - Spécificité génétique et comportemental d’une
population portugaise de l’a processionnaire du pin. (Coordinator at ISA)
2002 - 2005 AGRO- Medida 8.1 nº 29 - DE&D. Management of ground cover and hedgerous in
citrus orchards for biological control of pests. (Member)
2002 -2005 project EU- QLRT-2001-00852, Global change and pine processionary moth: a new
challenge for integrated pest management. (Coordinator at ISA)
2001-2002 Programa de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Luso – Francês. nº 546 C1,
Structuration des populations Portugaises et Françaises de Tomicus piniperda en relation
avec les espèces de Pins hôtes: aspects moléculaires, comportementaux et
démographiques. (Coordinator at ISA)
1998-2001 – project EU FAIR5 – CT97 – 3480, Optimisation of cork-oak seed management in
support of Community policies for reforestation and cork production. (Member of team)
1998-2001 – project FAIR CT97 3440, New ecological pest management of pernicious scale
insects in Mediterranean forest and groves. (Member)
1997-2001 – project JNICT/PRAXIS XXI. 2/2.1/BIA/221/94. Pine ecosystems: biodiversity
conservation and resource management. (Member)
Supervising experience
The researcher has supervised more than 20 final year graduation thesis, 14 master’s theses
and four doctoral theses.
Branco M, Franco JC, Hodgson C (eds) (2008) Proceedings of the XI International Symposium
on Scale Insect Studies, ISA Press, Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Lisbon.
Branco M, Valente C, Paiva M. R. (eds) 2008. Pragas e doenças em Pinhal e Eucaliptal: desafios
para a sua gestão integrada. ISA Press, Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Lisboa.
Jactel H., Lung B., Fernández M., Lombardero M.J., Diez J., Branco M., Duclos J. (Editors). 2002.
Guide of Pest Insects and Diseases in the South-Western European Forests. IEFC.88 pp.
Teixeira, G., Branco, M. 2006. Pólen. Série Didáctica Botânica. Coordenadores I. Moreira. A.
Monteiro. ISAPress. Lisboa. 66 pp. ISBN: 972-8669-22-4.
Carvalho, J.P, Branco, M. 1995. A Abelha. Morfologia externa e comportamento. Universitária
Editora. Lisboa. 317 pp.
Book Chapters
Branco, M., Bragança, H., Sousa, E., & Phillips, A. J. 2014. Pests and Diseases in Portuguese
Forestry: Current and New Threats. In Forest Context and Policies in Portugal (pp. 117-154).
Springer International Publishing.
Branco M, Santos, Rocha S, Paiva M-R, Mateus E, Burban C, Kerdelhué C. 2014. Allochronic
differentiation and ecological divergence in a phenologically shifted population of the pine
processionary moth in Portugal. In: Roques A. et al. (Eds), Processionary Moths and Global
Change: an update. Elsevier,
Branco M, Santos H, Paiva MR. 2014. Pine processionary moth in Portugal. In: Roques A. et al.
(Eds), Processionary Moths and Global Change: an update. Elsevier.
Pinto-Correia T., Ribeiro N., Potes J., et al. 2013. Livro Verde dos Montados. ICAAM – Instituto
de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas (Ed.). Universidade de Évora, 65 p.
Kenis M, Branco M 2010. Impact of alien terrestrial arthropods in Europe. In Alien terrestrial
arthropods of Europe. Chapter 5.. BioRisk 4(1): 51-71. Pensoft
Sauvard D, Branco M, Lakatos F, Faccoli M, Kirkendall L 2010. Weevils and Bark Beetles
(Coleoptera, Curculionoidea). In Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe. Chapter 8.2. BioRisk
4(1): 219-266. Pensoft
Branco M, Ramos A P. 2009. Coping with Pests and Diseases. In Aronson J, Pereira J S, Pausas J
G. (eds). Cork Oak Woodlands: Ecology, Adaptive Management, and Restoration of an
Ancient Mediterranean Ecosystem. Island Press. 103-111pp.
Barrento M J, Santos H, Branco M, Paiva M R 2008. Monitorização da processionária do
pinheiro, Thaumetopoea pityocampa. In: Pragas e doenças em Pinhal e Eucaliptal. Desafios
para a sua gestão integrada, M. Branco, C. Valente e M. R. Paiva (Eds.), ISA Press, Lisboa.
pp. 55-64
Branco M, Sousa C, Franco J C. 2008. Cochonilha do pinheiro bravo, Matsucoccus feytaudi,
estudo de caso: predadores. In: Pragas e doenças em Pinhal e Eucaliptal. Desafios para a
sua gestão integrada, M. Branco, C. Valente e M. R. Paiva (Eds.), ISA Press, Lisboa. pp. 135146
Branco, M. Calvão, T., Manta, C. e Valente, C. 2008. Efeito da diversidade da vegetação e da
paisagem nas pragas – estudo de caso. In: Pragas e doenças em Pinhal e Eucaliptal. Desafios
para a sua gestão integrada, M. Branco, C. Valente e M. R. Paiva (Eds.), ISA Press, Lisboa.
pp. 173-186
Calvão, T., Branco, M. e Pimentel, C. 2008. Vegetação e paisagem: relação entre diversidade e
fitófagos. In: Pragas e doenças em Pinhal e Eucaliptal. Desafios para a sua gestão integrada,
M. Branco, C. Valente e M. R. Paiva (Eds.), ISA Press, Lisboa. pp. 161-172
Reis A, Araújo C, Branco M 2008. Monitorização e impacte do gorgulho do eucalipto,
Gonipterus scutellatus, em povoamentos. In: Pragas e doenças em Pinhal e Eucaliptal.
Desafios para a sua gestão integrada, M. Branco, C. Valente e M. R. Paiva (Eds.), ISA Press,
Lisboa. pp. 65-74
Santos H, Ferreira C, Paiva M R, Branco M 2008. Processionária do pinheiro, Thaumetopoea
pityocampa, estudo de caso: parasitóides oófagos. In: Pragas e doenças em Pinhal e
Eucaliptal. Desafios para a sua gestão integrada, M. Branco, C. Valente e M. R. Paiva (Eds.),
ISA Press, Lisboa. pp. 121-134
Valente C, Branco M, 2008. A importância dos pica-paus como inimigos naturais das brocas do
eucalipto. In: Pragas e doenças em Pinhal e Eucaliptal. Desafios para a sua gestão integrada,
M. Branco, C. Valente e M. R. Paiva (Eds.), ISA Press, Lisboa. pp. 147-158
Vasconcelos T, Franco JC, Branco M. 2008. Os inimigos naturais nos ecossistemas florestais. In:
Pragas e doenças em Pinhal e Eucaliptal: desafios para a sua gestão integrada. ISA Press,
Lisboa. pp. 107-120
Vasconcelos, T., Branco, M., 2007. A apicultura nos montados de azinho. In Árvores e Florestas
de Portugal, vol. 3 J.S. Silva (Coord.). Colecção Árvores e Florestas de Portugal, FLAD /
Público / LPN. Lisboa. pp. 211-230
Vasconcelos, T., Machado, H., Bonifácio, L., Bragança, H., Inácio, L., Branco, M., 2007. Doenças
e pragas das florestas portuguesas. In Árvores e Florestas de Portugal, vol. 8, Proteger a
Floresta, J.S. Silva (Coord.). Colecção Árvores e Florestas de Portugal, FLAD / Público / LPN.
Lisboa. pp 129-152.
Branco M., 2007. Agentes bióticos do Eucalipto em Portugal. In: O Eucalipto em Portugal.
Impactes ambientais e investigação cientifica. Eds. A.M. Alves, J.S. Pereira, J.M.N. Silva pp:
255-282. ISAPress. Lisboa
Branco M., Silva E.B., Franco J.C. 2006. Inimigos naturais das pragas dos citrinos. Parasitóides.
In: Infra-estruturas ecológicas e protecção biológica - caso dos citrino. Eds. J.C. Franco,
Ramos, A.P., Moreira, I. pp 97-107 ISAPress. Lisboa
Vasconcelos, T., Branco M., Gonçalves, M., Cabral, M.T. 2005. Periods of flying activity of
Tomicus spp. in Portugal. In Entomological Research in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems
(ed. by F. Lieutier & D. Ghaioule), pp177-184. INRA Editions, Versailles
Pereira, J.S., Correia, A. V, Correia, A. P, Branco, M., Bugalho, M. Cruz, C.S., Freitas, H., Oliveira,
A.C., Pereira, J.M.C., Reis, R.M., Vasconcelos, M.J. Forests and Biodiversity. 2002. In Climate
Change in Portugal. Scenarios, Impacts, and Adaptation Measures. Eds. F.D. Santos, K.
Forbes and R. Moita. Gradiva, Lisboa. Portugal, pp. 363-413.
Branco M., Cabral, M.S 1998 Modelling the Population Dynamics of Honeybee Colonies. In
Estatística: a diversidade na unidade pp 465-475. Edições Salamandra, Lisboa.
Papers ISI
Tavares, C., Roques, A., Courtial, B., Branco, M., Jactel, H., & Lopez-Vaamonde, C. 2015.
Phylogeography of the ladybird Iberorhyzobius rondensis, a potential biological control
agent of the invasive alien pine bast scale Matsucoccus feytaudi. BioControl, (in press).
Bugila, A. A., Franco, J. C., da Silva, E. B., & Branco, M. 2015. Suitability of five mealybug
species (Hemiptera, Pseudococcidae) as hosts for the solitary parasitoid Anagyrus sp. nr.
pseudococci (Girault)(Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Biocontrol Science and Technology, 25 (1),
Tavares, C., Jactel, H., van Halder, I., Mendel, Z., & Branco, M. 2014. A case of ecological
specialization in ladybirds: Iberorhyzobius rondensis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), potential
biocontrol agent of Matsucoccus feytaudi (Hemiptera: Matsucoccidae). Bulletin of
Entomological Research, 104(3), 367-375.
Ezzine, O., Hausmann, A., Branco, M., Mannai, Y., Dhahri, S., Nouira, S., & Jamâa, M. L. B.
(2014). Genetic patterns, host use and larval morphology in Tunisian populations of Orgyia
trigotephras. Bulletin of Insectology, 67(1), 73-79.
Bugila A.A.A., Franco J. C., Silva E. B., Branco M., 2014. Defense Response of Native and Alien
Mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) Against the Solitary Parasitoid Anagyrus sp. nr.
pseudococci (Girault)(Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Journal of Insect Behavior, 27(4), 439-453.
Branco M., Dhahri S., Santos M., Lahbib Ben Jamaa M. 2014. Biological control reduces
herbivore’s host range. Biological Control. 69: 59–64.
Pereira, P., Godinho, C., Roque I., Marques A., Branco M., Rabaça J. E. 2014. Time to rethink
the management intensity in a Mediterranean oak woodland: the response of insectivorous
birds and leaf-chewing defoliators as key groups in the forest ecosystem. Annals of Forest
Science. 71(1), 25-32.
Garcia A., Figueiredo E., Valente C., Monserrat V., Branco M. 2013. First record of
Thaumastocoris peregrinus in Portugal and of the neotropical predator Hemerobius bolivari
in Europe. Bulletin of Insectology 66 (2): 251-256.
Bugila A.A.A., Branco M., Silva E. B., Franco J. C. 2013. Host selection behavior and specificity of
the solitary parasitoid of mealybugs Anagyrus sp. nr. pseudococci (Girault) (Hymenoptera,
Encyrtidae). Biocontrol Science and Technology. 24(1), 22-38.
Rocha, S., Branco, Vilas Boas, L., Almeida, MH, Mendel Z. 2013. Gall inducing may benefit host
plant: a case of a gall wasp and Eucalyptus tree. Tree Physiology. 33(4), 388-397.
Brockerhoff EG, Suckling DM, Roques A, Jactel H, Branco M, Twidle AM, Mastro VC, Kimberley
MO. 2013. Improving the efficiency of lepidopteran pest detection and surveillance:
Constraints and opportunities for multiple-species trapping. Journal of Chemical Ecology
Silva EB, Branco M, Mendel Z & Franco JC 2013. Mating behavior and performance in the two
cosmopolitan mealybug species Planococcus citri and Pseudococcus calceolariae
(Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Journal of insect behavior, 26(3), 304-320.
Jactel, H., M. Branco, P. Duncker, B. Gardiner, W. Grodzki, B. Langstrom, F. Moreira, S.
Netherer, B.Nicoll, C. Orazio, D. Piou, M. Schelhaas, and K. Tojic. 2012. A multicriteria risk
analysis to evaluate impacts of forest management alternatives on forest health in Europe.
Ecology and Society 17(4): 52.
Jactel, H., M. Branco, P. Duncker, B. Gardiner, W. Grodzki, B. Langstrom, F. Moreira,
S. Netherer, B.Nicoll, C. Orazio, D. Piou, M. Schelhaas, and K. Tojic. 2012. A
multicriteria risk analysis to evaluate impacts of forest management alternatives on
forest health in Europe. Ecology and Society 17(4): 52.
Reis A R, Ferreira L, Tomé M, Araujo C, Branco M 2012. Efficiency of biological control of
Gonipterus platensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) by Anaphes nitens (Hymenoptera:
Mymaridae) in cold areas of the Iberian Peninsula: implications for defoliation and wood
production in Eucalyptus globulus. Forest Ecology and Management 270: 216-222.
Branco M, Halder I van, Franco JC, Constantin R, Jactel H 2011. Prey sex pheromone as
kairomone for a new group of predators (Coleoptera: Dasytidae, Aplocnemus spp.) of pine
bast scales. Bulletin of Entomological Research: 101: 667-674.
Bugalho MN, Lecomte X, Gonçalves M, Caldeira MC, M Branco 2011. Establishing grazing and
grazing-excluded patches increases plant and invertebrate diversity in a Mediterranean oak
woodland. Forest Ecology and Management: 261: 2133-2139.
Franco JC, Silva EB, Fortuna T, Cortegano E, Branco M, Suma P, Russo A, Zada A, Mendel Z
2011. Vine mealybug sex pheromone increases citrus mealybug parasitism by Anagyrus sp.
near pseudococci (Girault). Biological Control 58: 230-238
Santos H, Burban C, Rousselet J, Rossi JP, Branco M, Kerdelhué C 2011. Incipient allochronic
speciation in the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera:
Notodontidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24(1): 146-158.
Santos H, Paiva MR, Kerdelhué C, Branco M 2011.Temperature niche shift observed in a
Lepidoptera population under allochronic divergence. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:
Branco M, Pereira JS, Mateus E, Tavares C, Paiva MR 2010. Water stress affects Tomicus
destruens host pine preference and performance during the shoot feeding phase. Annales
of Forest Science 67: 608-615.
Paiva MR, Mateus E, Santos MH, Branco MR 2010. Pine volatiles mediate host selection for
oviposition by Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lep., Notodontidae). Journal Applied
Entomology 135: 195-203
Silva E.B., Franco J.C., Vasconcelos T., Branco M. 2010. Effect of ground cover
vegetation on the abundance and diversity of beneficial arthropods in citrus orchards.
Bulletin of Entomological Research 100: 489-499.
Jactel H., Nicoll B.C., Branco M., Gonzalez-Olabarria J. R., Grodzki W., Långström B., Moreira F.,
Netherer S., Orazio C., Piou D., Santos H., Schelhaas M.J., Tojic K., Vodde F. 2009. The
influences of forest stand management on biotic and abiotic risks of damage. Annales of
Forest Science 66: 701.
Branco M, Boavida C, Durand N, Franco JC & Mendel Z. 2009. Presence of the Eucalyptus gall
wasp, Ophelimus maskelli and its parasitoid Closterocerus chamaeleon in Portugal: First
record, geographic distribution and host preference. Phytoparasitica.37:51-54.
Gatto P., Zocca A., Battisti A., Barrento M. J., M.Branco, M.R. Paiva. 2009. Economic
assessment of managing processionary moth in pine forests: A case-study in Portugal.
Journal of Environmental Management. 90: 683-691.
Branco, M., Santos, M., Calvão, T., Telfer, G. & Paiva, M.-R. 2008. Arthropod diversity sheltered
in Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) larval nests. Insect
Conservation and Diversity, 1: 215-221.
Franco J.C., Silva E.B., Cortegano E., Campos L., Branco M., Zada A., Mendel Z. 2008.
Kairomonal response of the parasitoid Anagyrus spec. nov. near pseudococci to the sex
pheromone of the vine mealybug. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata.126: 122 – 130.
Santos H., Rousselet J., Magnoux, E., Paiva, M.R., Branco, M., Kerdelhue C. 2007 Genetic
isolation through time: allochronic differentiation of a phenologically atypical population of
the pine processionary moth. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 274:
Jactel, H., Menassieu, P., Vétillard, F., Barthélémy, B., Piou, D., Frérot, B., Rousselet, J.,
Goussard, F., Branco, M., Battisti, A. 2006. Monitoring Pine Processionary Moth
(Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) Populations with Pheromone-baited Traps. Forest Ecology
and Management 235: 96-106.
Raimundo A., Canepari C., Mendel Z., Branco M., Franco J. C. 2006. Iberorhyzobius Raimundo &
Canepari gen. nov., for Coccidula rondensis Eizaguirre (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Zootaxa.
1312: 49-58.
Branco, M., Jactel H., Franco J. C., Mendel Z. 2006. Modelling response of insect trap captures
to pheromone dose. Ecological Modelling. 197: 247-257.
Vasconcelos, T., Horn, A., Lieutier, F., Branco, M., Kerdelhué, C. 2006. Distribution and
population genetic structure of the Mediterranean pine shoot beetle Tomicus destruens in
the Iberian Peninsula and Southern France. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. 8: 103–111
Branco M.R., Kidd N. A. C.; Pickard, R.S. 2006. A comparative evaluation of sampling methods
for Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) population estimation. Apidologie.37: 452-461.
Branco M., Franco J.C., Dunlkelblum E., Assael F., Protasov A., Ofer D., Mendel Z. 2006. A
common mode of kairomonal attraction of larvae and adults of insect predators to the sex
pheromone of their prey (Hemiptera: Matsucoccidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research.
96: 179-185.
Branco M., Lettere M., Franco J. C., Binazzi, A., Jactel, H. 2006. Kairomonal response of
predators to three pine bast scale sex pheromones. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 32: 1577–
Santos, A.M., Vasconcelos, T., Mateus, E. Farrall, M.H. Gomes da Silva, M.D.R. Paiva, M.R.
Branco, M. 2006. Characterization of the volatile fraction emitted by phloem of four Pinus
species by HS-SPME and GC-MS. Journal of Chromatography A. 1105:191-198.
Branco M., Jactel, H., Silva, E.B., Binazzi, A., Mendel, Z. 2004. Effect of trap design, trap size and
pheromone dose on male capture of two pine bast scales species (Hemiptera:
Matsucoccidae): implications for monitoring and mass-trapping Agricultural and Forest
Entomology 6:233-239.
Mendel Z., Dunkelblum E., Branco M., Franco J. C., Kurosawa S. e Mori K., 2003. Synthesis and
structure-activity relationship of diene modified analogs of Matsucoccus sex pheromones.
Naturwissenschaften. 90: 313-317.
Branco M., Branco C., Hachemi M, Almeida H. 2002. Germination success, survival and seedling
vigour of Quercus suber acorns in relation to insect damage. Forest Ecology and
Management. 166: 159-164.
Branco, M; Kidd, N; Pickard, R S, 1999. Development of Varroa jacobsoni in colonies of Apis
mellifera iberica in a Mediterranean climate. Apidologie. 30: 491-503
Other publications
Dhari S, Ben Jamaa ML, Garcia A, Boavida C, Branco M. 2014. Presence of Glycaspis
brimblecombei and its parasitoid Psyllaephagus bliteus in Tunisia and Portugal. Silva
Lusitana 22(1):99–115
Paiva MR , Santos H, Branco M. 2012. Processionária do pinheiro na Mata Nacional de Leiria
documenta caso muito raro de especiação simpátrica. Revista online Ecologi@
Durand N., Rodrigues J. C., Mateus E., Boavida C., Branco M. 2011. Susceptibility variation in
Eucalyptus spp. in relation to Leptocybe invasa and Ophelimus maskelli (Hymenoptera:
Eulophidae), two invasive gall wasps occurring in Portugal. Silva Lusitana, 2011, 19, Especial,
pp 19-31, 13 ref.
Paiva MR, Mateus E, Santos MH, Branco MR 2011. Semiochemicals-mediated host location in
pine processionary moth. IOBC/wprs Bulletin 72: 159-164.
Silva EB, Franco JC, Vasconcelos T, Branco M 2010. Effect of ground cover vegetation on the
abundance and diversity of beneficial arthropods in citrus orchards. Bulletin of
Entomological Research 100: 489-499
Branco M., Franco J.C., Valente C., Mendel Z. 2006. Survey of Eucalyptus gall wasps
(Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Portugal. Boletín de Sanidad Vegetal, Plagas. 32: 199-202.
Branco M., Branco C., Hachemi M, Almeida H., 2002. Effect of insect predation on the quality
of acorns of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) IOBC/WPRS Bulletin. 25(5): 163-167.
Branco, M., Brito, O., Mendel, Z., Franco, J.C., 2001. Seasonal history of Matsucoccus spp
(Hemiptera: Matsucoccidae) with an emphasis on the maritime pine bast scale. Boll. Zool.
.agr. Bachic. Ser. II 33: 319-329.
Branco, M., Franco, J.C., Mendel, Z., 2001. Occurrence of Hemerobius stigma in pine bast scale
(Matsucoccus spp.) populations: opportunistic predation or obligatory association Boll.
Zool..agr. Bachic. Ser. II 33: 397-407.
Branco, M., Moura, E. B., Santos, H. M.; Paiva, M.R., 2001. Seasonal distribution of insects in a
stand of Pinus pinaster. Revista de Biologia. 19: 87-98.
Santos, H. M; Branco, M., Moura, E. B., Paiva, M.R., 2001. Comparação da biodiversidade de
himenópteros em dois povoamentos de Pinus pinaster. Revista de Biologia. 19: 71-86.
Branco M, 2000. A apicultura nos ecossistemas florestais mediterrânicos. Silva Lusitana. 8(1):
Vieira, G.M.; Branco, M 1996. Caracterização e Potencialidades da Produção Apícola na Região.
Silva lusitana. Número especial: Áreas Degradadas 117-142.
Branco M.R., Vieira, G.M. 1993. Estudo da variabilidade sazonal de características morfológicas
da Apis mellifera L. iberica Goetze. Silva lusitana. 1(1):123-130.

MBranco-CV_October_2.. - Instituto Superior de Agronomia