2007 International Nuclear Atlantic Conference - INAC 2007 Santos, SP, Brazil, September 30 to October 5, 2007 ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE ENERGIA NUCLEAR - ABEN ISBN: 978-85-99141-02-1 INFLUENCE OF THE INPUT VOLTAGE ELECTRIC CONFIGURATIONS AND FALL OF INTRINSIC VOLTAGE OF THE EQUIPMENT OF X RAYS ODONTOLOGICAL PERIAPICAL IN THE KVP Laranjeira, A. S., Almeida, C. D.1 1 Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria (IRD / CNEN - RJ) Av. Salvador Allende s/n 22780-160 Rio de Janeiro, RJ [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT The concessionaire of electric energy does not supply a input voltage stable (in the city of Rio De Janeiro the LIGTH only guarantees the single-phase supply and a band of 116 the 132 VCA). As the devices of rays X odontological periapical conventional do not possess voltage regulator, kVp of the tube of rays X are influenced. These devices are found in two basic electric configurations of nominal input voltage, 110 and 127 VAC. As the input voltage (Vin) as seen it is not fixed, depending on the used configuration, a different nominal kVp will be generated one (above or below). In this process it also participates the fall of intrinsic voltage in the entrance of the headstock (after timer). The tests had been made in a device of rays X with electric configuration of 110 VAC, 60 kVp and 10 mA, simulating the conditions of variation of the electric net in laboratory. It was used, a digital multimeter, a not invasive measurer of kVp and a Variac. The values of used Vin for the tests had been, 110, 118, 127 VAC. The corresponding values for the fall of intrinsic tension and kVp had been respectively, of 99 (- 10% of the Vin), 103 (- 13% of the Vin) and 111 VAC (- 12% of the Vin), and for kVp 60, 63 and 69 kVp. It was concluded that the Vin varied kVp, making with that it was above or below its nominal value, depending on the used electric configuration, and that the fall of intrinsic tension of the tested device did not affect kVp. 1. INTRODUCTION Since its discovery X rays have been used in medical and odontological diagnostic, having brought however in the past of its use more damages of what benefits. In result of this, it had the necessity of control in its use, what it is made daily in clinics and odontological offices through the quality control of the radiographic image. The devices of X rays odontological periapical conventional do not possess no type of voltage regulator, being exposed to any variation of the Vin that supply them, bringing in consequence the variation of kVp in the tube of X rays. These devices basically possess two input electric configurations, 110 and 127 VAC, that combined with the variation of the Vin will increase or reduce nominal its kVp. The tension in the electric net of distribution of the concessionaires is not fixed, but it varies diverse conditions in accordance with, such as: climate of the region, customs, culture, economic condition, etc. In the city of Rio De Janeiro for example, concessionaire LIGHT guarantees the single-phase supply enters the 116 to 132 nominal VAC delivers in the measurer of electric energy of the consumer. This variation is an inherent phenomenon to the electric installations in a general way, is commercial, industrial, domestic or the proper system of distribution of electric energy. In accordance with to regulation 453/98 kVp is one of the parameters that do not have to vary, so that it has success in the radiográfico quality control. This work therefore, has the objective to verify and to quantify the influence that the variation of the entrance tension (Vin), the input electric configurations and the fall of intrinsic voltage of the odontological X rays, have in its kVp. DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Materials and Methods For the tests a odontological device of X rays Funk X10 of 110 VAC/60 kVp/10 mA nominal was used. A measuring equipment of kVp was also used not invasive, NonInvasive X Ray Meter Victoreen 4000M+. To measure the input voltage in the device, a digital multimeter Minipa MIC 2200A was used. For the simulation of the variation of the input voltage a VARIAC was used (device that from the tension of the electric net, produces in its exit an adjustable tension). For the verification of kVp four values of Vin had been chosen, 90, 110, 120 and 130 VAC. Initially Vin in the Variac was adjusted for 90 VAC, and turn on the device. For the other Vin process was made the same. For the verification of the voltage fall three values of Vin had been chosen, 110, 118 and 127 VAC. Initially Vin in the Variac was adjusted, after that the turn on the device became measuring it voltage in the headstock. For the other Vin the procedure was repeated. The gotten data had been placed in spread sheets for verification of the variation of kVp, of the fall of voltage and influence of the input electric configuration in kVp. 2.2 Results and Discussion The gotten results of kVp, and the percentages between the values of Vin and the values of kVp are in Table 01. For the percentile values of variation we can observe that it has a linear relation enters the input voltage and kVp, that is, when the input voltage varies, kVp also varies proportionally, though with small differences. V %V Kvp %Kvp 90 -18,18 49,40 -15,56 110 0,00 58,50 0,00 120 9,09 62,00 5,98 Variation of Vent X kVp Table 01 INAC 2007, Santos, SP, Brazil. 130 18,18 69,00 17,95 For the fall of intrinsic voltage of the tested device we can observe in Table 02 that, even so it has had a fall of reasonable voltage, this did not intervene with kVp. Vent Tom 110 118 127 V Cabeçote Queda V% 99,03 102,67 111,20 -0,10 -0,13 -0,12 kVp 59,91 63,30 68,26 Fall of voltage X Fall of percentile voltage X kVp Table 02 The basic configurations of input voltage in devices of X rays odontological are 110 and 127 nominal VAC. For the configuration of the tested device, we can verify in Table 01, that when the input voltage is 90 VAC the kVp is 49 kVp, when is 110 VAC the kVp is next to the nominal one, when is 120 VAC the kVp was for 62 and with 130 VAC the kVp was for 69, thus changing its initial electric configuration. For devices of 127 VAC and 60 kVp for example would occur the inverse one approximately. When he was in 127 VAC the kVp would be 60, and when in 110 VAC the kVp would be around 10 to 13% smaller who kVp nominal. 3. CONCLUSIONS With the gotten results concludes, that the variation of the input voltage in the device of X rays periapical odontological, modifies nominal its kVp, that the input electric configuration of 110 VAC makes with that the device works above of nominal its kVp and that one of configuration of 127 VAC works below, considering the band of supply of the concessionaire (the 116 to 132 VAC), and that the fall of intrinsic voltage of the tested device did not affect kVp. REFERENCES 1. Brasil. PORTARIA 453, de 01 de junho de 1998. Aprova o Regulamento Técnico que estabelece as diretrizes básicas de proteção radiológica em radiodiagnóstico médico e odontológico, dispõe sobre o uso dos raios-X diagnósticos em todo território nacional e dá outras providências. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, Ministério da Saúde. Iten 5.7ai. 2. LIGTH CONCESSIONÀRIA DE ENERGIA ELÉTRICA. Tensão nominal em Volts. Rio de Janeiro –RJ - Brasil. 2007. 3. NEGRISOLI, M. M. 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