Abril 2010 / Nº 11 Artículos
Virulence characteristics of food processing
relevance in isolates of Listeria monocytogenes and
Escherichia coli 0157: H7 strains isolated from ‘wara’
a West African soft cheese. Adetunji VO. Journal of
Microbiology Research. 2010; 4(4): 249­254 Disponible en portugu és)
(Disponible en inglés)
Avaliação microbiol óg i c a d a ág u a d e c o n s u m o
empregada em unidades de alimenta ção. Siqueira
LP, Sakugawa Shinohara NK, Lima RMT, Paiva
JE, Lima Filho JL, Carvalho IT. Ci ên c i a & S a úde
Coletiva [online]. 2010; 15(1): 63­66 (Disponible en portugués)
(Disponible en inglés)
Salmonella spp., importante agente patog ênico
veiculado em alimentos. Sakugawa Shinohara NK,
Barros VB, Jimenez SMC, Machado ECL, Dutra RAF,
Lima Filho JL. Ciênc. sa úde coletiva. 2008. 13(5):
1675­1683 Disponible en potugu és)
Occurrence of some enteropathogenic bacteria in
some minimally and fully processed ready ­to­eat
foods in Kano metropolis, Nigeria. Bukar A, Uba A,
Oyeyi TI. African Journal of Food Science. 2010; 4
(2): 032­036 Salmonella enterica : isolamento e soropreval ência
em suínos abatidos no Rio Grande do Sul. Schwarz,
P, Calveira J, Sella A, Bessa M, Barcellos DESN,
Cardoso M. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec . 2009. 61
(5): 1028­1034 Effectiveness of cleaning and sanitizing procedures
in controlling the adherence of
Pseudomonas fluorescens, Salmonella Enteritidis,
and Staphylococcus aureus to domestic kitchen
surfaces. Silva ID, Careli RT, Lima JC, Andrade NJ.
Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment. [online]. 2010 Disponible en ingl és)
Vigilân c i a d a q u a l i d a d e d a água para consumo
humano: abordagem qualitativa da identificação de
perigos. Carmo RF, Bevilacqua PD, Bastos RKX. Eng.
Sanit. Ambient. 2008. 13(4) Disponible en portugu és)
Existence of Listeria species in broiler carcasses
with an attempt to control Listeria monocytogenes
using trisodium phosphate. Ahmed AM, Abd El ­Att
NM. African Journal of Food Science. 2010; 4(2):
046­051 (Disponible en inglés)
Conference for Food Protection. April 9­
14, 2010. California, EUA.
Substantial increase in Listeriosis, Denmark 2009.
Jensen AK, Ethelberg S, Smith B, Nielsen EM,
Larsson J, Molbak K, Christensen JJ, Kemp M.
Eurosurveillance, 2010; 15(12): 1­4 (Disponible en ingl és)
Outbreaks of gastroenteritis linked to lettuce,
Denmark, January 2010. Ethelberg S, Lisby M,
Bottiger B, Schultz AC, Villif A, Jensen T, Olsen KE.
Eurosurveillance, 2010; 15(12): 1­4 (Disponible en ingl és)
A possible Foodborne outbreak of hepatitis in the
Netherlands, January­February 2010. Petrignani M,
Verhoef L, Van Hunen R, Swaan C, Van Steenbergen
J, Boxman I, Ober HJ, Vennema H, Koopmans M.
Eurosurveillance, 2010; 15(11): 1­4 Food Safety Summit. April 12­14, 2010.
Washington DC Convention Centerm,
III Congresso Global Feed & Food. Abril
20­23, 2010. Cancún, México.
Universidad ISALUD. Maestr ía Gesti ón,
Seguridad Alimentaria. April, 2010.
Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Disponible en ingl és)
Microbiological and molecular investigation of an
increase of human listeriosis in Belgium, 2006­2007.
Yde M, Botteldoorn N, Bertrand N, Collard JM,
Dierick K. Eurosurveillance, 2010; 15(6): 1­4 ISOPOL XVII ­ International Symposium
On Problems Of Listeriosis. May 5 ­ 8th,
2010. Alfândega Congress Centr in Porto,
Portugal. Microbiological and molecular investigation of an
increase of human listeriosis in Belgium, 2006­2007.
Yde M, Botteldoorn N, Bertrand N, Collard JM,
Dierick K. Eurosurveillance, 2010; 15(6): 1­4 ISOPOL XVII ­ International Symposium
On Problems Of Listeriosis. May 5 ­ 8th,
2010. Alfândega Congress Centr in Porto,
Portugal. (Disponible en ingl és)
Ensaios de penetração de Salmonella Enteritidis em
ovos de galinha com diferentes qualidades de
casca, submetidos ou n ão a lavagem industrial e a
duas temperaturas de armazenagem. Pinto AT, Silva
EN. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec. , 2009; 61(5):
1196­1202 (Disponible en portugués)
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