TrulfsjifSiull Mt'dicillt', Process 1997, 7, 217-219 control of filtered w hich counting R. Conte, P.,/icli,lico A. ceIls: method? Bontadini, ~.. Orsola-Malpighi. red blood O. Cirillo Bologna. and F. Fruet Servi~io di ltnmunoematotogia e Trasjusionate. /taly !«'(",i,.ed 10 February 1997; accepled lor publicalioll 7 Mar 1997 SU~t~tARY. Various counling melhods have been dt:$cribc:d and repor1ed for process -control of leuco- We observed a difference in the post-fillration WBC contenl depending on which melhod of counting was depleled used and we feel it reasonable to ask what method should blood componenls. The recenl produclion of lIigh-efficiency leucocyle removal fillers inlensifies lhe lIeed for sensílívily ín detenníníng lhe ever lower resídual concenlralion of while cel1s (WBCs) ín fillered units. ln order to assess which method was lhe mosl efficienl and fcasible in the laboralory for Ihc conlrol of WBCreduced packed red blood cells. we compared Ihc sensílivilY of four counting mclhods: Nageotte chamber analy$i~. now cylomelry. the ftuorochromc melhod by Borzini al\d Nageollc chall1bcr analysi$ as modified by Prali. OIIC of lhe most jmpor1ant aims of the BEST group is to i111prove lhe quality of leucodepleted blood components fur grcaler safe(y of blood Iransfusion by validating prolocols sui(able for rou(ine qualily assurance. Various counling me(hods have been described and reported for process control of leucodepleted bJood co111ponents- The recent production of high-efficiency Icucocy(e removal fiJ(ers intensifies (he need for sensilivilY in de(ermining the ever lower residual concentralion of while cells (WBCs) in fillered unils. CJcarly lhe lower limit of accurale delec(ion and t11e precision of lhe method used for counting residual WBCs are key factors in quality control of (hesc blood compoIICnlS (Dumont et al-, 1996). In order to asscss which melhod was lhe most cfficien( and fcasible in (hc labora(ory for thc con(rol of WBCrcc.Juccd packcd red blood cclls. we compared lhe sensilivity of four counling mclhods: Nagco(lc challlber allalysis (Massc et al.. 1991), flow cylomclry (Wel1z et ((I., 1991),lhe l1uorochromc lIIelhod by Bor~ini (BorLini et (Il.. 1995a,b) and Nageollc chamber analysis as modillcd by Prl1ti (Prllti ct al., 1996). CuITc,pond.:nccTra,(u,ionalc. 4013I1IJul.,l:na. Dr Robcr1o Conte, ruliclinico Ila!y- Te! () 1997 IJla<:kwell Scicnce S.:rvizio S Orsola-Malpighi, (SI) lid 6)64779; di Immul1uclllalulogia Via Ma"arcl1li (ax- (SII 63(,3527 9, e be cmployed in blood componcnt proccss conlrol. Thc answer mustnaturally consider that the method is I for use by a large number of laboratories. while the sensitivity of the melhod needs 10 be appropriate to Ihc goal dcsired. Key words: method, Blood filtration, leucocytes. units of tlow Nageotte cytometry. tluorochrome charnber . 450:!: 50 mL were collected in quadruple systems wilh CPD. Each unil was cenlrifuged for 7 min at l000g and blood componenls were separated by an automated separalor (Terumo) inlo packed rcd blood cells wilhoul buffy coat and plasma; salineadenine-glucose-mannitol was added to lhe packed red blood cells as the preservalive Solulion. To mainlain the sarne volume and number of cells in alI experimenls. 3 units of packed red blood cells of compalible groups were pooled in a single bag. Afler lhorough mixing in lhe single unit for 30 min al room Icmperaturc. lhe packed red blood cel1s werc divided cqually inlo Ihrce bags of aboul 280 mL each. Fillrations werc pcrfonncd on units storcd al 4 °C for 24 h. Wc uscd Ihrcc fi)lers dcsigned by lhe manufaclurcrs for high-efficiency leucocyle removal: Biofil R 01 Max (filler A), Terumo Imugard 400(fillcr B) and Pall RCZL (filler C). For cach filter. we evaluated lhe residual number of WBCs by each lechique in 20 fillered unils. lne tillratjon procedure was pcrfonned following Ihc manllfaclurcrs' inslruclions. Wo .IArtcd Ihc filU'.lion pr0<:edure wilhj" 10 mil1 of rcmoving lhe packed red blood cells from lhe refrigeralor. Ali tiltralion was carried oul by gravily. No prefiltration rinsing of filters with sali"e Solulion was pcrrorl1\ed nor was any pressure applied to 1he filtralion 217 218 R. Collle ct al Table Filccr U Filler A 0.43 = 0-04 = (1-04= 0.007 = 0.36~O.15 0-()6 ~ O-O.l 0.04 ~ 0.02 0-006 ~ 0.004 r'illcr 0.20 0-03 (1-02 0-004 proccdurc. Thc distancc bctwccn rrcfiltration and postfil(ration pac~cd red blood cells bags was about 120 cm. We evaluated the prefiltration and pos(fil(ration volumes of packed RBCs by dividing (he nct volumc by the specific gravity (1.05). Both pre- and rost-fil(ration samples wcrc analyscd by au(oma(cd counting procedurcs in duplicate (Gcnius, SEAC. f1orcncc, I(aly); furthermore. the post-fil(ration spccimcns with a vcry low concentration of WBCs wcrc countcd by caclt of the following mcthods. Nagcotte chamber analysis. One hundred micr()litrcs of thc sample was mixed with 900 p.L()fTurk.s s()lution. Evaluation by light microscopy was pcrformcd by two inves(igators coun(ing one full grid of (he Nageot(e chambcr (50 p.L). and the final rcsul(s wcre cxrrcsscd as a mean. Wc calculatcd (hc final WBC conccn(ra(i()ns as follows: (numbcr of coun(cd cclls xlO)/volumc coun(cd. whcrc 10 is thc dilu(ion of thc samplc. f1ow cytomc(ry .Thc flow cy(omc(ry count was pcrformcd as described by Wenz: 100 p.L ()f packcd RBCs was mixcd with thc following rcagcnts: 600 p.L of formic acid at 1.2mL of distilled watcr, 265p.L of carbonatc bllffcr (pH 7.4 ). 100 p.L of parafonnaldchydc ( IO 9 L -I of distillcd watcr) (Immunoprcp EPICS, Coulter Diagnostics Hialcah. R., USA) and 7 p.L of polyxc(hylcnc cstcr; 100 p.L of a solution containing propidium ioúidc ().12 { I. Avcrage rc...idu:ll WRC~ r><10" mc:ln :!: SD) in lhe po~I-'illr:llion unil.. mca~urcd by lhe (our counling mclh(KI~ :!: ().12 ().().'i :!: ().()3 ().{).'i :!: {).()J ().()()5 :!: O.()(») dark, thc tray was ccntrifuged at 650g for 3 min I() oblain an oplimal cell sedimentation. Both living and dcad WBCs wcre counled by a nuorescence micro!icopc. lhe mcan value of 20 replicales was laken lO calclllalc Ihc WBC concenlration per microlitre and the WBC conlcnl in Ihc poslfiltration unil. Nagcolte chamber modified by Prati. Ten millililrcs ()f thc poslfillralion samplc was addcd to 40 mL of ~'7r paraformaldchyde. The lubes were cenlrifuged al R(){)g for 10 min. The supcmalanl was discarded 3nd the moi!il pcllet was resuspended with Turk.s solulion to 3 fin,,1 volumc of 500 I1.L. Thc suspcnsion W3S loadcd iJ1 " !iinglc-grid Nageolte ch3mber. After 15 min incllbaliml in a humid environmenl two invesligalors counted ()(IC full grid of lhc Nageotlc chamber (50I1.L), and thc fin.11 resull!i werc expressed as 3 mean. The WBC c()nccnlr;l. tion pcr microlitrc was cfllculaled by the foll()wiJ1!! formul3: (number of WBCs in 5011.L of s3mple x I (1)1 10.()()(). In lhc absence of any reference counling mclh()d. Ihl. accuracy ~f the melhods employed wa~ confirmcd hy dilulion studies. A sample of WBCs was serially dillltco by 3dding WBC-dcplclcd packed RBCs 10 rcach a fil1;IJ djlulion of 10-0.001 WBCs I1.L-I. We evalualcd thl' WBC concentralion of lhe samples by lhe melh()d~ dcscribed and plolted Ihc dala oblaincd as a funclion ()r in phosphatc buffcr salinc (0.1 gdL -I, pH 7.4). Bcforc (he analysis wc added 500p.L of rhosphatc buffcr salinc Ihc cxpeclcd concentration. The measured v31ucs of lhl' experimcnt~ lhe correlation (o cach sample to rcducc viscosity. ranged from 0.997 to 0.999 according to the scn~ilivily Flow cytomc(ry was ~howed tllat c()cflicicnl~ pcrformcd lising a flow cy(omctry EPICS (Coul(cr) al1d (hresholds (elcctronic gatc) wcre sct using rcd fluorcsccnce (R.2) vs. fof\vard scatter (FSC) and FL2 vs. sidc of the lechnique perforrned. The dat3 of lhe average residual WBCs conlcnl scattcr (SSC); wc also used FSC vs. SSC cy(ograms melhods are summarized in Table I. The count pcrforrned with the Nageollc (o dctcct thc WBCs by their spccific light-SC3ttCril1g prorcr(ics. Thc volumc 3nalyscd was takcn as (hc diffcrcncc in milligrams in thc wcigh( of thc tubc bcforc and af(cr now cy(omctric analysis. The fin31 WI3C Conccnlra(ion pcr microlitre was dctermincd as follows: (numbcr of flliorcsccncc cvcnts pcr 16.72)/(volumc couII(cd). whcrc posl-fillration unils measured by the four in tll1: counling mcthou showcd thc numbcr of Icucocytes in lhe po~l-fillrali()(1 uníl 10 bc 0.36 :!: 0.15, 0.43 :!: 0.2 and 0.29 :!: 0.12 x 1(r' wilh fillcrs A, B and C, rcspcctively. By now cyl(}mclry and nuorochrome analysis we found aboul Ilog fcwcr Icucoytcs than wilh thc Nageottc chamber. Thc "h~oilitc numbcr of WBCs ob~crved by now cylomclry 'v,,~ 16.72 is (he dilution. f1uorochrom3tic technique. We followed (he mc(hod dcscribcd by Borzini. Briefly, 20 aliquo(s of (hc pos(. 0.06 = 0.03, 0.04 :!: 0.03 and 0.05:!: 0.03 x 106 whcrc"s hy lhc nuorochrome melhod thc absolule numbcr w"s fil(ra(ion 0.04 :!: 0.02. 0.04 :!: 0:02 and 0.05 :!: 0.03 x 10(,. rc~pcc. wells) sample (1 p.L) wcrc dispcnscd in (W() rows (20 of a Tcrasaky fluorochromc pcr well tray. Af(cr and aúdi(ion 15 min of 5 p.L of incubation in thc tivcly, wilh fillcrs A, B and C. With lhc N"I.:!C()IIC chambcr analysís as modified by Prati \ve oh~crvrd () 1997 Blackwc" Scic:ncc: Lld. Tr(/nsfus;onM..d;c;".. 7.217-211j~ ..;..; Process c0/1lrol (1 jiltered RBCs 2'9 I{Ef:EI{ENCES BoC7.ini, P., Rjva, M.. Dassi, M., Proscrpio, Gangi, L., Galcsi, A., Vjlla, T. & Sciorelli, P., Mcssina, A., G. ( 1995) A vcry simplc melilod for counting wilile cells in pla(ele( coll.:Clcd by apileresj:;. Tral/sfusi(Jn, J5, 884. unjl:; norLini, P., Riva, M. & SciorelJi, G. ( 1995) ConlrulJo Icucocilario emocomponenlj. Il Servilio Trasf/Isi(Jl/ple, J, 18. 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WcrIZ, U., 'or (ilc BEST W.H., Masse, M., R.R., Takaflil~fli, T., Vyas, G.N., Working Parly of Illc ll11cmalional Sociely of Blood Trilnsfusjon. ( 1996) MullicC111cr cvalualion of (flc 3% parafonllilldcydc ll\clhod fur wflilc ccll counlillg ill Icukocy(.:.r.:duccd 245. Wcrl/.13..13urll';, CVC111all;Jlysis ccl'-úcplclcú ~J I')')] (11..0:1. \,,~11 ,..l'i~IIC~ 1.ld, rr""Jj"""" ,1/"/,, "1", 7, 217 ! 1'1 rcd fllood cclls Vn.\ ..\il/lg/1illis, 10, 2.j 1- E.I{., Lcc, V. & Millcr. W.K. (1991) A rarc. llIodcl for qua111i'.yjng wflilc cclls in wfli(c blood. T,.(JI/.fJi,si()n. JI, 156-159. I