Original Research Received: April 22, 2013 Accepted after revision: July 25, 2013 Published online: November 1, 2013 Cardiology 2014;127:38–44 DOI: 10.1159/000355157 Exercise-Induced Muscle Vasodilatation and Treadmill Exercise Test Responses in Individuals without Overt Heart Disease Rafael Amorim Belo Nunes a Viviana Giampaoli b Humberto Felício Gonçalves de Freitas a Alexandre da Costa Pereira a Fernando Araújo a Gustavo Ferreira Correia a Maria Urbana Pinto Brandão Rondon a Carlos Eduardo Negrão a Alfredo José Mansur a Heart Institute (InCor) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, and b Centro de Estatística Aplicada, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Key Words Muscle vasodilation · Exercise capacity · Exercise blood pressure · Exercise heart rate Abstract Background: The beneficial effects of exercise on cardiovascular health may be related to the improvement in several physiologic pathways, including peripheral vascular function. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between cardiovascular responses during the treadmill exercise test and exercise-induced muscle vasodilatation in individuals without overt heart disease. Methods: The study included 796 asymptomatic subjects (431 females and 365 males) without overt heart disease. We evaluated the heart rate (chronotropic reserve and heart rate recovery), blood pressure (maximum systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as systolic blood pressure recovery) and exercise capacity during symptom-limited treadmill exercise testing. Exercise-induced muscle vasodilatation was studied with venous occlusion plethysmography and estimated by forearm blood flow and vascular conductance responses during a 3-min handgrip maneuver. Results: Forearm blood flow increase during the handgrip exercise was positively associated with heart rate recovery during treadmill exercise testing (p < © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel 0008–6312/14/1271–0038$39.50/0 E-Mail [email protected] www.karger.com/crd 0.001). Forearm vascular conductance increase during the handgrip exercise was inversely associated with exercise diastolic blood pressure during exercise treadmill testing (p = 0.038). No significant association was found between exercise capacity and exercise-induced muscle vasodilation. Conclusion: In a sample of individuals without overt heart disease, exercise-induced muscle vasodilatation was associated with heart rate and blood pressure responses during treadmill exercise testing, but was not associated with exercise capacity. These findings suggest that favorable hemodynamic and chronotropic responses are associated with better vasodilator capacity, but exercise capacity does not predict muscle vasodilatation. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel Introduction Cardiovascular performance during aerobic exercise and peripheral vasodilator capacity has been demonstrated to be influenced by age [1–4], gender [5–7], body mass index, and physical fitness [8, 9]. Good performance durThis article is part of the doctoral thesis submitted by Rafael Amorim Belo Nunes, of Pós-Graduação de Cardiologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Rafael Amorim Belo Nunes Unidade Clínica de Ambulatório Geral, Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar 44, São Paulo 05403-900 (Brazil) E-Mail rafael.nunes @ incor.usp.br Downloaded by: Unicamp - Biblioteca Central - 1/28/2014 2:30:00 PM a laboratory work-up (blood cell count, fasting plasma glucose, cholesterol and lipoproteins, triglycerides, creatinine, thyroid test and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein). Demographic data included gender, age, ethnicity, body mass index, and smoking status. Exclusion Criteria Participants with evidence of heart disease, including a past medical history of any heart disease, coronary heart disease, valvular heart disease, and congenital heart disease were excluded. Patients with diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular disease, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, thyroid disease, or other significant systemic diseases were also excluded. Participants who met electrocardiographic criteria for myocardial ischemia or with significant arrhythmias during treadmill exercise testing [48] and/ or with echocardiographic evidence of structural heart disease were excluded. Treadmill Exercise Test The participants underwent a symptom-limited treadmill exercise test according to the Ellestad protocol [28]. The criteria for interruption of the exercise were physical exhaustion or exceeding maximum heart rate predicted for the patient’s age. Individuals were encouraged to exercise until they experienced limiting symptoms, even if 85% of the maximum predicted heart rate was achieved. Peak exercise capacity was estimated from exercise time and reported as metabolic equivalents [29]. During each exercise and recovery stage, symptoms, blood pressure and heart rate were recorded. The predicted peak heart rate was calculated as 220 – age. The peak heart rate achieved and the maximum systolic and diastolic blood pressure achieved were recorded at the end of the exercise stage. Chronotropic reserve was estimated by (peak heart rate achieved – baseline heart rate)/(predicted peak heart rate – baseline heart rate). Peak exercise was followed by the recovery stage, in which individuals walked for a 3-min cool-down period at 1.5 mph without an incline. Heart rate recovery was defined as peak heart rate – heart rate at 1, 2 and 3 min of the recovery stage. The exercise test responses included in the analysis were chronotropic reserve, heart rate recovery, maximum systolic blood pressure, maximum diastolic blood pressure, and exercise capacity. Study Sample We studied 796 asymptomatic subjects (431 women and 365 men) from a cardiovascular prevention program at a tertiary care university hospital. The participants were enrolled if they were 18 years or older and had not past medical history of heart disorders. Participants underwent anamnesis, physical examination, 12lead electrocardiography, chest X-ray, echocardiography, and a Forearm Blood Flow Measurements Forearm blood flow was measured by venous occlusion plethysmography, as previously described [26]. The non-dominant arm was elevated above heart level to ensure adequate venous drainage. A mercury-filled silastic tube attached to a low pressure transducer was placed around the forearm and connected to a plethysmograph (model EC6, Hokanson®, Bellevue, Wash., USA). Sphygmomanometer cuffs were placed around the wrist and upper arm. At 15-second intervals, the upper cuff was inflated above venous pressure for 7–8 s. Forearm blood flow (ml · min–1 · 100 ml–1 of tissue) was determined on the basis of a minimum of 4 separate readings. Forearm vascular conductance was computed as the ratio of forearm blood flow and mean arterial pressure. Forearm blood flow was measured at rest and during handgrip isometric exercise. Mean blood pressure was monitored noninvasively and intermittently from an automatic and oscillometric cuff (DX 2710, Dixtal) placed on the left ankle with the cuff width adjusted to the ankle circumference. The heart rate was monitored continuously Muscle Vasodilatation and Exercise Performance Cardiology 2014;127:38–44 DOI: 10.1159/000355157 Methods 39 Downloaded by: Unicamp - Biblioteca Central - 1/28/2014 2:30:00 PM ing exercise, including favorable responses for heart rate, blood pressure and functional capacity, has been associated with cardiovascular health [10–12]. These beneficial effects of exercise may be associated with improved vascular function of coronary arteries and peripheral circulation. Additionally, physiologic pathways such as the autonomous nervous system and endothelium regulate cardiovascular control during exercise [10, 13, 14] and may also contribute to muscle vasodilatation [15, 16]. Studies of heterogeneous samples ranging from 16 to 105 subjects investigated the relationship between peripheral vasodilatation, estimated by different methods such as flow-mediated vasodilation induced by limb ischemia or nitroglycerin infusion and exercise test responses [17–21]. These findings suggest that cardiovascular performance during aerobic exercise may be associated with peripheral vasodilatation as an expression of endothelial function. However, the association between exercise performance and peripheral vasodilation, induced by physiological maneuvers such as the handgrip exercise, has not yet been addressed in a large sample. Handgrip isometric exercise has been shown to cause significant non-exercise muscle vasodilatation in humans [7, 22]. This strategy was successfully used to assess muscle vasodilator dysfunction in patients with obesity [23], hypertension [24], heart failure [25, 26], and Chagas disease [27]. Moreover, reactive hyperemia of the forearm induced by the handgrip exercise may reflect a vasodilator stimulus with a closer relation with hemodynamic changes during treadmill exercise testing than other commonly used vasodilator stimuli. We hypothesized that exercise-induced forearm vasodilation may be associated with cardiovascular responses to exercise testing. To test this hypothesis, we studied the influence of treadmill exercise testing variables (exercise capacity, chronotropic reserve, heart rate recovery, systolic blood pressure recovery, and maximum systolic and diastolic blood pressure) on forearm blood flow and vascular conductance responses to handgrip exercise in men and women without overt heart disease. Table 1. Baseline characteristics (mean ± SD) of the study subjects Variable Total (n = 796) Women (n = 431) Men (n = 365) Age, years Body mass index, kg/m2 Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg Hemoglobin, g/dl Leukocyte count/mm3 Serum creatinine, mg/dl Serum glucose, mg/dl Total cholesterol, mg/dl HDL cholesterol, mg/dl LDL cholesterol, mg/dl Triglycerides, mg/dl C-reactive protein, mg/l 43±13.2 26.3±4.4 124.1±13.5 80.9±9.3 14.4±1.3 6,785±1,857 0.85±0.18 92.4±8.6 193.5±38 49.1±13.5 121.43±32.6 117.60±77.4 2.54±3.03 43.5±13.5 26.3±4.6 105.6±43.8 68.6±28.5 13.4±7.4 6,362±2,543 0.72±0.17 89.5±14.8 191±45.5 51±16.1 119.5±37.1 100.1±57.2 1.88±2.32 42.9±12.9 26.1±4.8 106±42.9 72.3±28.5 14.8±3.1 6,401±2,168 0.94±0.22 94.2±10 191.2±45.2 42.0±12.1 120.6±32.7 139.4±97.3 1.42±1.9 HDL = High-density lipoprotein; LDL = low-density lipoprotein. Statistical Analysis Continuous data were expressed as the mean ± standard deviation. Categorical and ordinal data were expressed as absolute values and percentages. Descriptive and exploratory analyses of forearm blood flow and forearm vascular conductance were performed in the different study conditions. Pearson correlation coefficients were computed to access the correlation among the studied variables. Linear mixed models were developed to identify exercise testing variables (independent variables) significantly associated with forearm blood flow and vascular conductance responses (dependent variables). Forearm blood flow and vascular conductance values underwent logarithmic transformation. Demographic (age, gender, smoking, body mass index, baseline diastolic and systolic blood pressure) and laboratory variables (cholesterol and lipoproteins, serum triglycerides, fasting plasma glucose, serum creatinine, hemoglobin, leukocyte count, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein) were used as covariates. p values <0.05 were considered significant. Analysis of residuals was performed to test whether the hypotheses of the models were properly met. 40 Cardiology 2014;127:38–44 DOI: 10.1159/000355157 Protocol FBF MBP HR Instrumentation Rest period Baseline Handgrip exercise 15 min 3 min 3 min Fig. 1. Protocol for the estimation of forearm blood flow increase during the handgrip maneuver. FBF = Forearm blood flow; MBP = mean blood pressure; HR = heart rate. Ethics The study protocol was approved by the Hospital Ethics Committee on Human Research and all participants were instructed about the study and signed an informed consent. Results The characteristics of the study participants are shown in table 1. The mean age was 43 years (age range 18–73). Most were middle-age subjects, with normal levels of arterial blood pressure, serum lipids and glucose, despite the tendency to be overweight (50% of the participants had a body mass index >25), and 122 (16%) participants were current smokers. Variables of the treadmill exercise test and the forearm vasodilator responses during the handgrip exercise of the study participants are shown in tables 2 and 3. Rest and exercise blood pressures, exercise capacity and chronoNunes et al. Downloaded by: Unicamp - Biblioteca Central - 1/28/2014 2:30:00 PM using lead II of electrocardiography. The electrocardiography signal was recorded at a frequency of 500 Hz and then analyzed in an AT/CODAS program. After the maximal voluntary contraction rate (mean of 3 trials) was obtained, handgrip isometric exercise at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction was performed with the dominant arm by using a handgrip dynamometer. This maneuver has been shown to cause substantial muscle vasodilatation in previous studies [23, 30]. Participants were instructed to breathe normally during exercise and to avoid inadvertent performance of a Valsalva maneuver. Forearm blood flow, blood pressure, and heart rate were recorded every minute during the handgrip exercise (fig. 1). The exercise-induced forearm vasodilation was estimated by the absolute changes between forearm blood flow and forearm vascular conductance during the handgrip exercise (1st, 2nd and 3rd min) and baseline values [30], respectively, designated as forearm blood flow response and forearm vascular conductance response. Table 2. Treadmill exercise testing responses Variable Total (n = 796) Women (n = 431) Men (n = 365) Chronotropic reserve1, unit Heart rate recovery2 1st min, beats/min Heart rate recovery2 2nd min, beats/min Heart rate recovery2 3rd min, beats/min Baseline systolic blood pressure, mm Hg Peak exercise systolic blood pressure, mm Hg Baseline diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg Peak exercise diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg Exercise time, s Exercise capacity (metabolic equivalents) 0.87±0.14 41.3±15.4 56.5±14.5 62.4±14.36 126.0±14.5 170.7±22.47 82.4±9.4 85.5±10.5 444.7±110.7 9.6±2 0.85±0.15 42.1±14.0 57.6±13.9 63.2±14.4 123.6±14.4 161±23.8 80.7±8.6 83.1±12.0 403±98 8.8±1.8 0.9±0.13 40.9±16.6 55.4±15.1 61.6±14.1 129.2±13.9 179.9±25.1 84.6±9.9 87.2±12.9 491±103 10.5±1.9 1 Choronotropic reserve was calculated with the following equation: (peak heart rate – baseline heart rate)/(predicted peak heart rate – baseline heart rate). 2 Heart rate recovery = peak heart rate – heart rate at recovery phase. Women Forearm blood flow, ml∙min–1∙100 ml–1 of tissue Baseline 1.77±0.51 Handgrip (1st min) 2.09±0.65 Handgrip (2nd min) 2.28±0.74 Handgrip (3rd min) 2.51±0.85 Forearm vascular conductance1, units Baseline 1.95±0.62 Handgrip (1st min) 2.2±0.81 Handgrip (2nd min) 2.29±0.82 Handgrip (3rd min) 2.47±0.98 Men 2.02±0.62 2.52±0.92 2.79±1.13 3.01±1.19 2.07±0.67 2.07±0.67 2.49±0.99 2.59±1.09 1 Forearm vascular conductance was computed as the ratio of forearm blood flow and mean blood pressure. associated with forearm blood flow (p = 0.001) and forearm vascular conductance responses to exercise (p < 0.001). The baseline diastolic blood pressure was inversely associated with the forearm blood flow response to exercise (p = 0.011). Triglyceride levels were inversely associated with the forearm vascular conductance response to exercise. Forearm blood flow response to exercise was positively associated with heart rate recovery (p < 0.001), i.e., a higher heart rate recovery after the treadmill exercise test predicted a higher increase in forearm blood flow during the handgrip exercise (table 4). Forearm vascular conductance response was inversely associated with exercise diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.038), i.e., a lower exercise diastolic blood pressure during the treadmill exercise testing predicted a higher increase in forearm vascular conductance during the handgrip exercise (table 4). We did not demonstrate a relationship between exercise capacity and forearm vasodilator responses to the handgrip exercise. tropic reserve were higher in men than in women. Heart rate recovery was slightly higher in women than in men. The forearm blood flow and forearm vascular conductance increased significantly during the handgrip exercise in relation to the baseline values in men and women (p < 0.05). Baseline forearm blood flow absolute values (2.02 vs. 1.77 ml/min/100 ml of tissue) and those at the end of the handgrip exercise (3.01 vs. 2.59 ml/min/100 ml of tissue) were higher in men than in women; however, gender did not influence the forearm blood flow and forearm vascular conductance responses to exercise. The covariates significantly associated with the forearm blood flow and vascular conductance responses are presented in table 4. The body mass index was inversely The main finding of this study was that exercise-induced forearm vasodilation was associated with chronotropic (heart rate recovery) and hemodynamic (exercise diastolic blood pressure) responses during treadmill exercise testing, but not with exercise capacity. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the association between exercise-induced muscle vasodilation and exercise test responses in a large sample size. In other Muscle Vasodilatation and Exercise Performance Cardiology 2014;127:38–44 DOI: 10.1159/000355157 Discussion 41 Downloaded by: Unicamp - Biblioteca Central - 1/28/2014 2:30:00 PM Table 3. Forearm blood flow and forearm vascular conductance values at baseline and during handgrip exercise according to gender Table 4. Variables associated with logarithm of the forearm blood flow and vascular conductance responses in the multivariate analysis Forearm blood flow response1 Heart rate recovery Body mass index Baseline diastolic blood pressure Forearm vascular conductance response2 Exercise diastolic blood pressure Body mass index Triglycerides Estimate Standard error Degrees of freedom t value p value 0.004 –0.013 –0.007 0.001 0.004 0.003 980 267 267 3.55 –3.36 –2.55 <0.001 0.001 0.011 –0.006 –0.017 –0.001 0.003 0.004 0.001 319 261 261 –2.08 –4.29 –2.25 0.038 <0.001 0.025 1 Forearm blood flow response was estimated by the absolute changes between forearm blood flow during handgrip exercise (1st, 2nd and 3rd min) and baseline values. 2 Forearm vascular conductance response was estimated by the absolute changes between forearm vascular conductance during handgrip exercise (1st, 2nd and 3rd min) and baseline values. 42 Cardiology 2014;127:38–44 DOI: 10.1159/000355157 sure during exercise testing may be associated with an attenuated vasodilation of resistance vessels. Diastolic blood pressure is influenced by cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance [33]. Exaggerated diastolic blood pressure during exercise is associated with greater risk of cardiovascular events [34]. This increase in risk has been attributed to exacerbated vascular resistance for and reduction in vascular compliance [35]. Higher mean blood pressure during handgrip exercise was demonstrated to be associated with decreased flow-mediated vasodilatation after exercise, indicating that impaired local vascular function may play a role in blood pressure stimuli in healthy individuals [36]. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase and adenosine blunted exercise-induced forearm vasodilation [37]. Impaired release of nitric oxide and adenosine during exercise may be possible pathways linked to decreased vasodilation and higher blood pressure during exercise. Unlike previous studies, with selected populations, that have suggested a relationship between flow-mediated vasodilation and functional capacity [4, 17, 19, 21, 38], an association between muscle vasodilation during the handgrip exercise and exercise capacity was not found. Exercise capacity is influenced by complex mechanisms, including the interaction between cardiovascular, respiratory, muscle and neurohumoral systems [39]. It is possible that in our study sample of subjects without overt heart disease, vasodilator capacity may not be a major determinant of exercise capacity, even considering the differences in the evaluation of muscle flow between our study sample in relation to other studies. In fact, because maximal oxygen consumption during aerobic exercise involves less than half of the total body musculature, the Nunes et al. Downloaded by: Unicamp - Biblioteca Central - 1/28/2014 2:30:00 PM studies, the exercise testing was compared with flow-mediated dilation or nitroglycerin-mediated vasodilation, which causes different stimulation of the vascular bed in relation to exercise-induced vasodilation [19–21]. Heart rate recovery was positively associated with an increase in forearm blood flow during the handgrip exercise. Such a relationship may be ascribed to the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic tonus during exercise. Sympathetic withdrawal and parasympathetic reactivation are important determinants of the heart rate recovery after exercise testing [10, 31]. In addition, parasympathetic cholinergic mechanisms participate in muscle vasodilatation control [15], including the exercise-induced forearm vasodilatation [32]. Data about the association between heart rate recovery after exercise testing and muscle vasodilatation have shown divergent results. A study of 66 patients with suspected coronary artery disease found that lower heart rate recovery values were associated with an attenuated flow-mediated vasodilation and hypothesized that endothelial dysfunction would be related to worse outcomes in patients with lower heart rate recovery after exercise [18]. In contrast, a study of 25 healthy young men showed that nitroglycerin-mediated vasodilation was inversely correlated with heart rate recovery and no correlation was demonstrated between flow-mediated vasodilation and heart rate recovery [20]. Our findings suggest that increased heart rate recovery after exercise testing is associated with higher forearm blood flow during the handgrip exercise, which may be partially mediated by the response of autonomic function during exercise. Exercise diastolic blood pressure and forearm vascular conductance response were inversely related. Our observation suggests that the increase in diastolic blood pres- maximal oxygen consumption may be more limited by maximal cardiac output than by peripheral variables [40]. Our study has several limitations. We used upper limbs to study the peripheral vasodilator response, while exercise treadmill testing was dependent on the performance of lower limbs. The handgrip isometric exercise used to induce vasodilation in the non-exercising forearm may have some differences in relation to the vasodilation during aerobic exercise. However, evidences suggest that handgrip exercise-induced forearm vasodilation can be improved with aerobic exercise training [23, 41]. In a study with 12 young subjects, the brachial artery blood flow of the inactive upper limb increased significantly during physical activities, like cycling and walking [42]. Furthermore, evaluation of the vascular reactivity of the upper limbs has been extensively used to evaluate vascular health and endothelial function in previous studies [43–47]. The cross-sectional study design limited inferences about the causality between vasodilation measurements and exercise testing variables. However, considering that blood pressure and heart rate responses are associated with vascular function, these findings can raise hypotheses, which need to be tested in future studies, that individuals with unfavorable responses to exercise testing may have clinical benefits with interventions on vascular function such as exercise training, treatment of dyslipidemia and others. Variables of exercise beyond segment ST such as exercise capacity, chronotropic reserve, heart rate recovery, and exercise blood pressure have been associated with cardiovascular prognosis as well as with peripheral vasodilatation. However, the pathways involved with these physiologic responses are not well defined. Our findings suggest that hemodynamic and heart rate responses during exercise appear to be associated with muscle vasodilatation. Associations between favorable responses of blood pressure and heart rate during exercise and muscle vasodilatation may be a possible link between cardiovascular outcome and exercise performance. Intriguing, we did not observe a relation between exercise capacity and muscle vasodilatation, suggesting that in this population apparently without established heart disease, the impact of functional capacity on cardiovascular health may not be strongly associated with peripheral vascular function. Conclusion In a sample of individuals without overt heart disease, exercise-induced forearm vasodilation was associated with heart rate and blood pressure responses during treadmill exercise testing, but was not associated with exercise capacity. 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