C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 89 MÓDULO 24 TEXT CHIMPANZEE TANTRUMS Scientists in the U.S. have found that chimpanzees become upset when they make the wrong decisions. Researchers from Duke University designed decision-making games for chimpanzees and bonobos, where the animals could win edible treats. Those that lost appeared to lose their temper. The Duke University team designed two games – one to test patience and the other assessing risk-taking. The second was a sort of gambling game where the forty chimps and bonobos the team studied were offered a choice between a safe option – six peanuts hidden under a bowl – or a risky option. The second bowl concealed either a slice of cucumber or a much tastier piece of banana, and that prize wasn’t revealed until the ape had made its choice. When one chimp, named Timi, gambled and got the cucumber, he threw what looked and sounded very much like a tantrum. Although some were more stoic than Timi, many of the animals involved showed an emotional response to a bad decision – anxiously scratching themselves or calling out. The study, the scientists say, suggests that emotions like frustration and regret – so fundamental to our own decisions – are not uniquely human, but are an important and ancient part of ape society.” (BBC) I. TANTRUM = a period of anger without control. Translate the title of the passage. Acessos de fúria dos chimpanzés. II. Match the columns. 1. researcher 1 f a) amendoim 2. game 2 d b) comível, comestível 3. edible 3 b c) fatia 4. choice 4 h d) jogo 5. peanut 5 a e) tigela 6. bowl 6 e f) pesquisador 7. slice 7 c g) prêmio 8. prize 8 g h) escolha – 89 INGLÊS E VOCABULARY C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 90 III. Combine the expressions in column A with their synonyms in column B. 1. team 1 e a) kind, type 2. sort 2 a b) answer 3. risky 3 c c) dangerous 4. response 4 b d) only 5. uniquely 5 d e) staff 6. ancient 6 f f) very old 2. The Joneses liked their new house, although (= though) sometimes they missed their friends. embora * although (though) = _________________________________________ 3. Snow is not predicted; we can expect some rain, though. contudo * though = __________________________________________________ 4. It seemed as though the place was deserted. IV. BONOBO is similar to the chimpanzee but much smaller and having a black face. V. Complete the following sentences with a verb from the box. Pay attention to the verb tenses. como se * as though = _______________________________________________ 5. Even though I had 2 hours to spare for shopping, I couldn’t find the dress I wanted. mesmo que, embora * even though = _____________________________________________ to design – to appear – to assess to hide (= to conceal) – to reveal assess 1. The test is to __________________ aptitude rather than academic development. VIII. Complete the following sentences. Use the verbs from the chart. Pay attention to the verb tenses. to reveal 2. She refused __________________ the contents of the letter. designed 3. This is a course especially ___________________________ for foreign students. to gamble – to look – to sound – to scratch – to call out call out 1. The teacher said: “Hands up, please-don’t ___________________”. looks 2. That new book ___________________ good. to hide (= to conceal) his present from him until his 4. I wanted ______________________ birthday. appears 5. The job is not so easy as it ______________________. gamble 3. Are you prepared to ________________ your career on this matter? to scratch 4. The man lifted his T-shirt ___________________ his back. sounds 5. He ___________________ like an Italian for me. VI. SAFE Translate the underlined expressions in the following sentences. 1. They live in a very safe neighborhood. seguro * safe = ____________________________________________________ IX. LIKE Translate the underlined expressions in the following sentences. 1. He smokes like a chimney. como * like = ______________________________________________________ 2. There’s a small safe hidden behind that picture on the wall. cofre * safe = ____________________________________________________ 2. Unlike her sister, she got married very young. ao contrário de * unlike = ___________________________________________________ 3. The children arrived home safe and sound. são e salvo * safe and sound = __________________________________________ 3. He likes to hear music. gostar de * to like = ___________________________________________________ 4. Some doctors dislike having to go out to visit patients at night. VII. ALTHOUGH – THOUGH não gostar de * to dislike = ________________________________________________ Translate the underlined expressions in the following sentences. 5. Like mother, like daughter. INGLÊS E 1. Although (= Though) he’s got a good job, he still complains. embora * although (though) = ________________________________________ 90 – tal... tal... * Like... like... = _____________________________________________ C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 91 6. I haven’t met Jane. What is she like? como * What... like = _______________________________________________ 7. He made a list of likes and dislikes. 3. Lisa lost her temper and began shouting at Bob. perder a paciência * to lose one’s temper = ______________________________________ 4. Cucumber is a long, thin vegetable that has a dark green skin and is white inside. It is usually eaten raw in salads. preferências * likes and dislakes = _________________________________________ pepino * cucumber = _______________________________________________ 8. I don’t feel like going out tonight. 5. I thought the food was very tasty. sentir vontade de * to feel like = _______________________________________________ saboroso * tasty = ____________________________________________________ 9. It looks like we’ll finish on time. 6. Gorillas and chimpanzees are apes. parecer * to look like = ______________________________________________ símio * ape = _____________________________________________________ 10. Do as you like. 7. My one and only regret is that I didn’t see her before she died. como quiser * as you like = ______________________________________________ arrependimento * regret = ___________________________________________________ 11. It is (un)likely she will succeed. (im)provável * (un)likely = ________________________________________________ TEXT COMPREHENSION 12. The likeness between them is amazing. Responder em português. semelhança * likeness = _________________________________________________ 1. Explique o segundo jogo criado pelos pesquisadores da Duke 13. He ignored her, and she ignored him likewise. igualmente, do mesmo modo * likewise = _________________________________________________ University. 40 chimpanzés e bonobos deveriam escolher entre uma opção segura – 6 amendoins escondidos sob uma tigela – ou uma 14. Is this meal to your liking? opção arriscada – uma fatia de pepino ou um pedaço de banana gosto * liking = ___________________________________________________ escondidos sob outra tigela. Somente após ser feita a escolha, o símio saberia se sua escolha havia sido correta ou não. X. TO THROW A TANTRUM = to become very angry and unreasonable. Translate the underlined expression. When you are a grown-up, you don’t throw a tantrum; if something 2. Qual a reação de muitos dos animais envolvidos na pesquisa? Muitos deles mostraram uma resposta emocional a uma má decisão, arranhando-se ou gritando ansiosamente. não tem acessos de raiva, de fúria offends you, you discuss it = _____________________________________ XI. Translate the underlined expressions in the following sentences. 3. O que revelou o estudo mencionado no texto? O estudo revelou que frustração e arrependimento, tão funda- 1. They are terribly upset by the breakup of their parents’ marriage. mentais para nossas decisões, fazem parte importante, há muito transtornado, perturbado, contrariado * upset = ____________________________________________________ tempo, da vida dos simios. presente * treat = ____________________________________________________ – 91 INGLÊS E 2. He never failed to return without a special treat for the kids. C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 92 ANOTAÇÕES ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INGLÊS E ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 92 – C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 93 MÓDULO 25 TEXT ECONOMIC WOES SHRINK SPAIN’S POPULATION Spain's increasing economic problems have led to a shrinking population. The country's National Statistics Institute stated that in the year to February 1st, Spain's total registered population fell by 205,788. Analysts attribute much of this decline to immigrants fleeing the country amid high unemployment and the explosion of the property bubble. There was also a sharp rise in the number of Spaniards leaving the country in search of work abroad. This brain drain represents a fall in the number of qualified and skilled workers in the event of the economy picking up pace again. Albert Esteve, a demographics expert, explained why people are leaving, saying: “Spain is less attractive because there are no jobs.” Spain's economic woes are putting a huge social cost on all sectors of society. The middle class in particular is suffering badly. The capital, Madrid, is seeing increasing numbers of universityeducated and professional people sleeping rough. Samur, a charity for the homeless, said 25 per cent of those sleeping on the streets completed some kind of higher education. It also revealed that over 40 per cent of them are homeless as a result of losing their job. The charity also reports that homelessness has not dented enterprise. Many of those who lost their regular work are trying to make ends meet by collecting and selling scrap metal, becoming street artists or putting their musical skills to good use by busking. (BBC) VOCABULARY II. Match the columns. ENGLISH I. Translate the underlined words in the following sentences. PORTUGUESE 1. increasing 1 g a) acentuado 2. unemployment 2 d b) à procura de 3. property 3 i c) desabrigados 4. sharp 4 a d) desemprego 5. rise 5 h e) educação superior 6. in search of 6 b f) enorme 7. abroad 7 j g) crescentes 8. huge 8 f h) aumento 9. homeless 9 c i) propriedade 10. higher education 10 e j) no exterior * problemas woes = _______________________________________________ b) Don’t put the sweater in the dryer. It will shrink. encolher * to shrink, shrank, shrunk = _________________________________ Translate the title of the text. Problemas econômicos reduzem a população da Espanha – 93 INGLÊS E a) The city’s traffic woes are well-known by the population. C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 94 III. Irregular verbs. 4. I reported the theft to the police. * Complete the chart. Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle 1. to lead led led 2. to fall fell fallen 3. to flee fled fled 4. to put put put 5. to sleep slept slept 6. to lose lost lost 7. to sell sold sold became become relatar to report = ______________________________________________ 5. His constant criticism dented my confidence. * reduzir, diminuir to dent = _______________________________________________ amid = among = amongst VI. Translate the underlined expression. On the floor, amid a pile of books, there were two small envelopes. entre, (no meio) VII. Translate the underlined expressions. 8. to become bolha 1. bubble = ____________________________________________________ IV. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from the chart. Pay attention to the verb tense. to fall – to leave – to attribute – to suffer – to reveal When the economic bubble bursts a lot of people will lose their jobs. trabalhadores qualificados 2. skilled workers = ____________________________________________ The company is hiring highly skilled workers. to reveal _ her husband’s whereabouts. 1. She has refused _______________ instituição de caridade 3. charity = ____________________________________________________ Many charities sent money to help the victims of the disaster. suffer 2. When parents argue it’s children who _____________ the most. iniciativa 4. enterprise = _________________________________________________ fallen 3. The rate of inflation has _________ for the second month running. Jonathan showed extraordinary enterprise for such an inexperient attribute 4. Women tend to _____________________ their success to external causes such as luck. manager. pedaço 5. scrap = _____________________________________________________ Messages were written on scraps of paper. left 5. She ___________ home at the usual time to catch her bus. tocar ou dançar nas ruas 6. to busk = _____________________________________________ V. Translate the underlined verbs in the following sentences. A lot of music students busk in their vacation to earn some extra money. 1. There is no doubt that stress can lead to physical illness. * levar a to lead to = _____________________________________________ VIII. COLLECT Translate the different meanings of COLLECT. 2. Earthquake victims were forced to flee their homes. * abandonar to flee = ________________________________________________ 1. 1,5 signatures have been collected so far. recolher *to collect = _________________________________________________ 3. The policeman stated that the man was arrested for trying to murder his wife. INGLÊS E * 94 – declarar, afirmar to state = _______________________________________________ 2. One of Tony’s hobbies is collecting stamps. colecionar *to collect = ________________________________________________ C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 03/07/14 16:36 Página 95 3. David always collects his daughter from school on Tuesdays. X. Match the following synonyms from the article. (ir) buscar *to collect = ________________________________________________ 4. They collected donations for a fund to help military families. arrecadar *to collect = ________________________________________________ 5. The victim collected ₤ 10,000 for compensation. cobrar *to collect = ________________________________________________ 1. increasing 1 d a) weakened 2. fleeing 2 f b) survive 3. expert 3 g c) initiative 4. revealed 4 e d) escalating 5. dented 5 a e) made known 6. enterprise 6 c f) escaping from 7. make ends meet 7 b g) specialist 6. She received a collect call from Alaska. ligação a cobrar *collect call = _______________________________________________ TEXT COMPREHENSION IX. Look at the definitions of the following expressions and translate them. 1. brain drain = the large-scale immigration of a large group of fuga de individuals with technical skill or knowledge = __________________ cérebros _______________________________. se, caso 2. in the event of = if; in the situation of = ________________________. 1. De acordo com o texto, a) para sobreviver à crise na Espanha, muitos músicos estão vendendo metal nas ruas. b) a população espanhola teve uma redução de 25% devido a problemas econômicos. c) metade dos desabrigados na cidade de Madri acabou de perder seus empregos. d) um quarto dos desabrigados que moram nas ruas de Madri têm curso superior. e) 40% referem-se ao número de desabrigados em Madri. ___________________________________________________________. RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: D acelerar o ritmo, melhorar 3. to pick up the pace - to improve = _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________. 4. to sleep rough = to spend the night in the open; to be without a dormir na rua home or without a shelter = ___________________________________ 5. to make ends meet = to have enough money to pay for the basic sobreviver things you need = ___________________________________________ 2. a) b) c) d) e) ‘Brain drain” refere-se a uma séria ameaça à saúde mental. uma queda no número de pessoas qualificadas. problemas de moradia na Espanha. falta de empregos disponíveis na Espanha. medidas econômicas austeras devido à alta inflação. RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: B ANOTAÇÕES ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ – 95 INGLÊS E ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 96 MÓDULO 26 TEXT The Modern Matchmakers Sex and love Internet dating sites claim to have brought science to the age-old question of how to pair off successfully. But ___________ they? FOR as long as humans have romanced each other, others have wanted to meddle. Whether those others were parents, priests, friends or bureaucrats, their motive was largely the same: they thought they knew what it took to pair people off better than those people knew themselves. Today, though, there is a new matchmaker in the village: the internet. It differs from the old ones in two ways. First, its motive is purely profit. Second, single wannabe lovers are queuing up to use it, rather than resenting its adverse criticism. For internet dating sites promise two things that neither traditional matchmakers nor chance encounters at bars, bus-stops and bar mitzvahs offer. One is a vastly greater choice of potential partners. The other is a scientifically proven way of matching suitable people together, enhancing the chance of “happily ever after”. The greater choice is unarguable. But does it lead to better outcomes? And do the “scientifically tested algorithms” actually work, and deliver the goods in ways that traditional courtship (or, at least, flirtation) cannot manage? These are the questions asked by a team of psychologists led by Eli Finkel of Northwestern University, in Illinois, in a paper released—probably not coincidentally—a few days before St Valentine’s Day. This paper, published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, reviews studies carried out by many groups of psychologists since the earliest internet dating site, Match.com, opened for business in 1995. In it, Dr Finkel and his colleagues cast a sceptical eye over the whole multi-billion-dollar online dating industry, and they are deeply unconvinced. (The Economist – adapted) VOCABULARY Now, fill in the sentences with these expressions. age-old a) That dresser is more than a hundred years old. It’s an _____________ piece of furniture. I. 1. A matchmaker is a person who introduces one person to another in an attempt to make them form a relationship. 2. Dating is a social meeting planned in advance, such as one between two people who are or might become sexual partners. 3. age-old = very old, ancient INGLÊS E 4. to pair off = when two people pair off or are paired off, they form a group of two especially to begin a loving relationship. 96 – matchmaker b) The ________________________ slyly persuaded John and Susan to go on a date. pairing off c) All my friends seem to be _____________________________ and getting married. dating d) Mike was tired of ________________________ and wanted to get married. C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 97 5. The bar is frequented by wannabe actresses and film directors. II. Match the columns. 1. whether 1 e a) pai / mãe 2. parent 2 a b) entretanto 3. though 3 b c) encontro 4. to differ 4 f d) oferecer 5. rather than 5 g e) se 6. to resent 6 h f) diferir 7. encounter 7 c g) em vez de 8. to offer 8 d h) ressentir-se de, ofender-se com aspirante, pretenso * wannabe = ________________________________________________ 6. The cars in the funeral procession queued up at the church. fazer fila * to queue up = _____________________________________________ 7. He can’t accept criticism – he just stops listening and starts shouting. crítica, desaprovação * criticism = ________________________________________________ 8. Jane looked for a video that was suitable for young children. adequado * suitable = _________________________________________________ Now, fill in the sentences with the vocabulary studied above. encounter a) Our _______________________ at the train station caught me by surprise. resented b) Mary ________________________ John’s promotion because she thought she deserved it. though c) I am exhausted after working so hard __________________________ I have to be OK when the guests come. differ d) Although the chairs look alike, they ____________________________ from each other in their construction. offered e) He has kindly ______________________ to take us to the airport. IV. Match the columns 1. partner 1 b a) combinar 2. proven 2 c b) parceiro 3. to match 3 a c) comprovada 4. actually 4 e d) funcionar 5. to work 5 d e) na verdade 6. St. Valentine’s Day 6 f f) Dia dos Namorados V. Turn into English. 1. Na verdade, eu conheci o meu parceiro no Dia dos Namorados. Actually I met my partner on St. Valentine’s Day. whether f) Do you know _______________________ Jane is coming with us? parent g) I am the ____________________________ of a healthy baby boy. rather than h) I’d like to stay at home __________________________ going out. VI. AS LONG AS Translate the underlined expressions. 1. Is this one as long as that one? III. Find out the meanings of the following expressions. tão longo quanto = __________________________________________________________ 1. John romanced his neighbor with candy, flowers and gifts. cortejar, “xavecar” * to romance = ______________________________________________ 2. Don’t meddle in other people’s business. interferir * to meddle = _______________________________________________ 2. = so long as = provided that As long as you do what you are told, everything will be fine. contanto que = __________________________________________________________ 3. = so long as = since = given the fact that… As long as you are going to the kitchen, please bring me some 3. Priests, ministers and rabbis came to the convention of religious leaders. sacerdote * priest = ___________________________________________________ popcorn. já que = __________________________________________________________ 4. = during the period of time that … lucro * profit = ___________________________________________________ As long as I have worked here, we have always had half-hour lunch breaks. enquanto = __________________________________________________________ – 97 INGLÊS E 4. Last year, our company made a modest profit. C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 98 VII. Verbs Complete the following sentences. Use the verbs from the chart. IX. Turn the excerpts from the text into Portuguese. 1. “The greater choice is unarguable”. liderar 1. to lead – led – led = ______________________________________ “A escolha maior é indiscutível”. conseguir 2. to manage = _____________________________________________ realizar 3. to carry out = ____________________________________________ 2. “… the whole multi-billion-dolar on line dating industry…” publicar 4. to release = ______________________________________________ “… toda a indústria de namoro online de muitos bilhões de dólares…” examinar, rever 5. to review = ______________________________________________ aperfeiçoar, melhorar 6. to enhance = ____________________________________________ TEXT COMPREHENSION managed a) We ___________________________ to solve the problem without your help. to enhance b) What can we do _______________________________ our chances of victory? led c) The research was _______________________ by the project director. released d) The police ___________________________________ the names of the victims last night. 1. No que se refere à combinação de pessoas para um futuro relacionamento amoroso, pode-se afirmar, segundo o texto, que a) os pais interferem na escolha dos filhos de forma negativa. b) os sacerdotes não sabem o que realmente é necessário para uma boa escolha. c) Dr. Finkel ainda tem dúvida se a internet possibilita uma escolha mais bem sucedida. d) as pessoas interessadas em um relacionamento sabem melhor o que deve ser feito para serem bem sucedidas. e) a internet nunca superará os encontros reais de pessoas em lugares públicos. RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: C carry out e) John will ________________________ his assignment on time. reviewed f) My boss ______________________ my request for more supplies. 2. O verbo que preenche adequadamente a lacuna no subtítulo do texto é a) do b) have c) are d) did e) had RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: B VIII. NEITHER … NOR Turn into English. 1. Eu não gosto nem de marrom nem de amarelo. I like neither brown nor yellow. 2. “Você viu o ladrão? Como ele é?” “Ele não é nem baixo nem alto”. “Have you seen the thief? What is he like?” “He is neither short nor tall.” 3. In “But does it lead to better outcomes?” A palavra sublinhada é traduzida por a) relacionamentos. b) resultados. c) escolhas. d) parceiros. e) recursos. RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: B 4. a) b) c) d) e) “… cast a sceptical eye…” significa examinaram cuidadosamente… lançaram um olhar duvidoso… olharam e acreditaram numa solução… desviaram o olhar… não deram atenção… INGLÊS E RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: B 98 – C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 99 MÓDULO 27 GRAMMAR – PASSIVE VOICE OBSERVAÇÕES Veja estes exemplos: This castle was built in 1614. My car was stolen last night. 1 Se o verbo na voz ativa for seguido de preposição, a preposição acompanha o verbo na voz passiva. Usa-se a voz passiva quando não é tão importante quem ou o que fez a ação. Everybody is talking about Jane’s divorce. Forma: Jane’s divorce is being talked about (by everybody). Active voice sujeito wrote that book. 2 verbo Verbos com dois objetos (direto e indireto) admitem duas formas de passiva. objeto direto Passive voice Someone gave Jim the money. OI That book was written by a famous writer. sujeito da passiva • verbo agente da passiva a) The money was given to Jim. b) Jim was given the money. They will give Mary the message. O objeto direto da voz ativa (that book) transforma-se em sujeito da voz passiva. • O sujeito da voz ativa (a famous writer) transformase em agente da passiva, precedido pela preposição BY. • Usamos o verbo BE (no mesmo tempo do verbo principal da voz ativa) + PAST PARTICIPLE do verbo principal. Veja outros exemplos: OD OI OD a) The message will be given to Mary. b) Mary will be given the message. 3 O agente da passiva é normalmente omitido quando não for importante, desconhecido ou óbvio no contexto da oração. A.V.: P.V.: Waitresses and waiters serve customers. Customers are served by waitresses and waiters. A.V.: P.V.: Shirley has suggested a new idea. A new idea has been suggested by Shirley. A.V.: P.V.: John will invite Jennifer to the party. Jennifer will be invited to the party by John. Sally was hit BY a boy. Sally was hit WITH a stone. A.V.: P.V.: They can’t open the window. The window can’t be opened. The photos were taken BY Paul. The photos were taken WITH a very cheap camera. The new hotel will be opened in November. A decision will not be made until next meeting. • WITH + instrumento Usamos WITH para indicar o instrumento usado pelo agente para fazer algo. – 99 INGLÊS E A famous writer C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 100 A) Change the following sentences to the Passive Voice. 1. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. 4. The windows are being cleaned by the maid. The maid is cleaning the windows. Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. 5. All traffic laws must be obeyed. 2. Jack will not pay the bill. People must obey all traffic laws. The bill won’t be paid by Jack. 3. The painters are painting the church now. C) Circle the correct Passive Voice. The church is being painted by the painters now. 4. Someone has sent Mary some flowers (2 forms). 1. Pandas ______________________ from extinction. a) ought be saved b) should save c) must to be saved d) should be saved e) will be save RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: D a) Some flowers have been sent to Mary. b) Mary has been sent some flowers. 5. They had to cut down that tree. That tree had to be cut down. B) Change the following sentences to the Active Voice. 1. A letter is being written by Tom. Tom is writing a letter. 2. I _____________________ a telegram when I answered the door. a) am handed b) have handed c) was handed d) will be handed e) must be handed RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: C 3. I don’t mind driving but I prefer ____________ by other people. a) to drive b) to be driven c) to have driven d) was driven e) will be driven RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: B 2. Other attacks have been planned by terrorists. Terrorists have planned other attacks. 4. How many people _____________________ in road accidents every month? a) is injured b) have injured c) should be injured d) are injured e) are been injured RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: D 3. A new hospital is going to be built in this area. They are going to build a new hospital in this area. INGLÊS E 100 – 5. Go away! I want _______________________ alone. a) to be leave b) to be lived c) to have left d) to be left e) to have being left RESOLUÇÃO: Resposta: D C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 101 FUVEST Texto para as questões de 1 a 3. 3. O pronome “another” (L. 3) na sentença “…the chances of finding another…” refere-se a a) país. b) trabalhador. c) emprego. d) oportunidade. e) recorde. UNICAMP Responda em Português. THE SURPRISING TRUTH ABOUT WOMEN’S HEARTS 5 10 Last month America's unemployment rate climbed to 8,1%, the highest in a quarter of a century. For those newly out of a job, the chances of finding another soon are the worst since records began 50 years ago. In China 20m migrant workers (maybe 3% of the labour force) have been laid off. Cambodia's textile industry, its main source of exports, has cut one worker in ten. In Spain the building bust has pushed the jobless rate up by two-thirds in a year, to 14.8% in January. And in Japan, where official unemployment used to be all but unknown, tens of thousands of people on temporary contracts are losing not just their jobs but also the housing provided by their employers. The next phase of the world's economic downturn is taking shape: a global jobs crisis. Its contours are only just becoming clear, but the severity, breadth and likely length of the recession, together 15 with changes in the structure of labour markets in both rich and emerging economies, suggest the world is about to undergo its biggest increase in unemployment for decades. The Economist, March 14th 2009. 1. De acordo com o texto, publicado em março de 2009, a) o aumento de postos de trabalho é vital para as economias emergentes. b) a crise mundial poderia afetar sobretudo os países mais pobres. c) a estrutura do mercado de trabalho vigente em países ricos é a principal responsável pela crise. d) o mundo poderia enfrentar a maior crise de desemprego das últimas décadas. e) a crise que a economia mundial vivencia vem sendo anunciada há décadas. While women are less likely to suffer heart attacks than men, once a woman suffers her first attack she is 70 per cent more likely to die from it than a man. These surprising new findings highlight the need for medical staff to be more vigilant against heart disease in women. Researchers at the Municipal Institute of Medical Research in Barcelona studied 331 women and 1129 men who had suffered their first heart attack. The researchers report in The Journal of the American Medical Association (vol. 280, p. 1405) that women were 72 per cent more likely to die within the first 28 days, and 73 per cent more likely to die within the first six months. “We were surprised that women were so much more at risk,” says Jaume Marrugat, who led the Spanish team. Marrugat notes that women were less likely to get clot-busting treatment than men, and that they generally took more time getting to hospital – problems that may reflect the low priority doctors put on heart disease in women. Heart specialist Graham McGregor of St George’s Hospital Medical School in London also notes that women tend to be older than men at their first heart attack because they have some hormonal protection against heart disease until menopause. On average, women in the Spanish study were five years older than the men. “These are important factors to consider but they can’t account for the whole difference,” says Marrugat. “Women have more complications in the first six months and their initial heart attacks may be more severe.” He speculates that narrower coronary vessels in women may be a factor. Nonetheless, heart disease remains a bigger killer of men than women. Michael Day 2. Segundo o texto, no Japão, a) o número oficial de desempregados é desconhecido. b) milhares de pessoas estão perdendo seus empregos e sua moradia. c) grande parte dos trabalhadores possui contratos temporários de 4. Considerando as razões apresentadas pelos pesquisadores, qual é the surprising truth about women’s hearts? trabalho. muitos não são oficiais. e) os desempregados estão lutando para manter suas casas. 5. Por que, segundo Graham McGregor, as mulheres tendem a sofrer seus primeiros ataques cardíacos em idade mais avançada que os homens? – 101 INGLÊS E d) os empregadores omitem o número de postos de trabalho porque C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 102 UFPel Leia o texto abaixo, que trata de uma forma moderna de escravidão, e responda às questões seguintes. 7. O segundo e o terceiro parágrafos do texto nos permitem afirmar que a) os números do trabalho escravo poderiam ser maiores se a sociedade não escondesse o problema. b) os números do trabalho escravo são menores do que o esperado pela sociedade. c) os números do trabalho escravo podem aumentar à medida que a ILO divulgar suas recentes pesquisas. d) os números do trabalho escravo diminuiriam se as diferentes sociedades tivessem uma visão global do problema. e) os números do trabalho escravo seriam alterados se as leis fossem melhoradas pela “International Labour Organization”. Millions ‘live in modern slavery’ 8. O sexto parágrafo do texto contém duas informações. Assinale a Some 12.3 million people are enslaved worldwide, according to a major a) O fato de o trabalho escravo também ocorrer em países alternativa que expressa a relação entre elas. report. 1– industralizados é inesperado. The International Labour Organization says 2.4 million of them are victims of trafficking, and their labour generates profits of over $30bn. 2– The ILO says that while the figures may be lower than recent the problem. The report calls for a global alliance to improve laws and raise awareness of what it calls a “hidden” issue. 4– ultrapassam 350.000. c) Os índices de trabalho escravo no mundo industrializado são maiores estimates, they reflect reported cases which may rise as societies face 3– b) Os números do trabalho escravo no mundo industrializado The report, entitled A Global Alliance Against Forced Labour, is do que aqueles nos países pobres da Ásia e na América Latina. d) O fato de haver altos índices de trabalho escravo no mundo industrializado é previsível. e) Os números do trabalho escravo são maiores nos países pobres da Ásia e na América Latina. the ILO’s second major investigation into slavery this century. 5– The organisation says forced labour is a global problem, in all regions and types of economy. 6– The largest numbers are in poor Asian countries and Latin America, but there are more than 350,000 cases in the industrialised world. 7– ILO ajudou a revelar uma expressiva quantidade de Four-fifths of forced labour is exacted by private agents and most victims are women and children, the ILO says. 8– The report has uncovered a significant amount of the kinds of forced labour which have been known about for a long time. 9– An example is bonded labour – where children are forced to do the same jobs as their parents, whithout hope of release. 10 – 9. A leitura do oitavo parágrafo nos permite afirmar que o relatório da a) novos tipos de trabalhos forçados. b) tipos de trabalhos forçados previstos para durarem por muito tempo. c) tipos de trabalhos forçados nunca antes imaginados. d) tipos de trabalhos forçados há pouco tempo conhecidos. e) tipos de trabalhos forçados já conhecidos. Modern slavery is growing in some conflict zones, with the seizure of children as soldiers or sex slaves. 11 – But the report see the biggest deterioration in the newly globalised economy, in sectors such as the sex industry, agriculture, 10. A expressão “bonded labour”, localizada no nono parágrafo do texto, construction and domestic service. (...) significa que a) parentes, exceto filhos menores de idade, são obrigados a ajudar 6. Assinale a alternativa que não apresenta um tipo de trabalho forçado referido no texto. seus familiares. b) filhos estão fadados ao mesmo tipo de trabalho dos pais. a) Trabalho rural. b) Servidão sexual. c) crianças são escravizadas pelos parentes. c) Tráfico de drogas. d) Serviço doméstico. d) pais forçam seus filhos a substituí-los no trabalho. INGLÊS E e) Uso de criança como soldados. 102 – e) crianças são convencidas a seguir a profissão de seus pais. C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 03/07/14 16:36 Página 103 UNICAMP Responda em Português. Tan tattoos through, leaving a pattern on the skin. To prevent sunburn, the window areas can be blocked off with fabric that could be secured using a fastening material such as Velcro. Alternatively, the inventor suggests that sunbathers could place intricately designed stickers on their bodies. Peeling them off would reveal an untanned pattern. (New Scientist) 11. Qual é a novidade anunciada no artigo? 12. Quais são as duas formas sugeridas para se obter a novidade em questão? Forget about the pain of a real tattoo, says Nobuyuki Shimooka of Osaka in Japan. Why not let the sun do the job instead (EP 962 155)? Anyone who fancies a tattoo that will soon fade dons a special swimsuit which has small patterned windows cut out of the fabric. The sun shines 1) Resposta: D 2) Resposta: B 9) Resposta: E 3) Resposta: C 4) As mulheres têm menos probabilidade de sofrer ataques cardíacos do que os homens; mas, quando sofrem o seu primeiro ataque, têm probabilidade 70% maior de morrer do que os homens. 5) Porque elas contam com proteção hormonal contra doenças do coração até o período da menopausa. 6) Resposta: C 7) Resposta: A 10) Resposta: B 11)Tatuagens feitas por meio de bronzeamento. 12)Usar roupas de banho vazadas (com partes de tecido retiradas) ou aplicar sobre a pele adesivos que evitam o bronzeamento no local. – 103 INGLÊS E 8) Resposta: A C6_Ingles_E_2014_Tata 09/06/14 15:21 Página 104 ANOTAÇÕES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INGLÊS E ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104 –