ICC 115-14 11 November 2015 Original: English International Coffee Council 115th Session 28 September – 2 October 2015 Milan, Italy Report on credentials List of Delegations Background 1. The Secretariat has examined the credentials received from ICO Members listed in Annex I and has informed the Chairman of the Council that they were found to be in good and due form. The Chairman of the Council recommends that these credentials be approved. 2. The List of Delegations, based on the credentials which the Chairman recommends that the Council approve, is attached as Annex II and also contains a list of non-member countries, international organizations and private sector associations attending the Council as observers. It also contains a list of observers invited by the Executive Director to attend the Council Session. E ANNEX I 1. Credentials received from Members Angola, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Burundi, Cameroon, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, European Union: (European Commission, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden), Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, United States of America, Vietnam and Yemen. 2. Credentials not received from Members that were represented at the 115th Council Session Zimbabwe. 3. Members under the 2001 Agreement which have not yet completed the procedures for participation in the 2007 Agreement and which have sent delegations Congo (Democratic Republic of) and Nigeria. 4. Non-member countries attending as observers Korea (Republic of). 5. International organizations attending as observers Agency for Robusta Coffee of Africa and Madagascar (ACRAM), Common Fund for Commodities (CFC), InterAfrican Coffee Organisation (IACO), and International Women's Coffee Alliance (IWCA). 6. Approved observers Coffee Rust Research Centre and the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI). 7. Members under the ICA 2007 not represented at the meeting Central African Republic, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, and Zambia. 8. Members under the 2001 Agreement which have not yet completed the procedures for participation in the 2007 Agreement and which were not represented at the meeting Benin, Congo (Republic of), Dominican Republic, Guinea, Haiti, Jamaica, and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). ANNEX II ICC‐115‐14 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 ‐ MEMBERS BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF ANGOLA Representative Representative Sra. Karen Velazco Rosal Ministra Consejera Embajada de Bolivia ante la República de Italia, Rome Exmo. Sr. Afonso Pedro Canga Ministro da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural de Angola BRAZIL Alternate(s) Representative Exmo. Sr. Miguel Fernandes Neto Embaixador Embaixada de Angola, Londres Exmo. Sr. Frederico Arruda Representante Permanente do Brasil junto às Organizações Internacionais sediadas em Londres Sr. João Ferreira da Costa Neto Director Geral Instituto Nacional do Café de Angola (INCA) Alternate(s) Exmo. Paulo Cordeiro de Andrade Pinto Cônsul‐Geral do Brasil em Milão Sr. Diogo José Paulo Cristiano Conselheiro Embaixada de Angola, Londres Sr. Eduardo Sampaio Marques Coordenador‐Geral de Frutas, Florestas e Café Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) Sr. Tobias Lopes Director de Gabinete do Ministro da Agricultura Ministério da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural Sr. Ricardo Ferraço Senador Senado Federal Sr. Casimiro Cardoso Diretor Geral Adjunto Instituto Nacional do Café de Angola (INCA) Sr. Silas Brasileiro Deputado Federal Câmara dos Deputados Sra. Olinda Sobrinho Directora Nacional do Gabinete de Intercâmbio Internacional MINARDEP Sr. Evair de Melo Deputado Federal Câmara dos Deputados Sra. Sara Pereira Bravo Presidente Fundo de Desenvolvimento do Café Sr. João Cabral de Mello Conselheiro Consulado‐Geral do Brasil em Milão Sr. Bonifácio Manuel Diretor Geral CAFANGOL Adviser(s) Sr. Roberto Simões Presidente Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAEMG) Confederação Nacional da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil (CNA) Sr. Samora Moreno Fernandes Neto Terceiro Secretário Embaixada de Angola, Londres 1 ICC‐115‐14 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Adviser(s) BURUNDI Sr. Breno Pereira de Mesquita Presidente da Comissão Nacional do Café Confederação Nacional da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil (CNA) Representative M. Marius Bucumi Directeur général a.i. Autorité de Régulation de la Filière Café du Burundi (ARFIC) Sr. Maurício Lima Verde Guimarães Presidente Comissão Especial de Café da Federação da Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo (FAESP) Confederação Nacional da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil (CNA) Alternate(s) Mme Pacifique Bigirimana Directeur du Patrimoine par intérim Autorité de Régulation de la Filière Café du Burundi (ARFIC) Sr. Francisco Miranda de Figueiredo Filho Presidente da Cooperativa dos Cafeicultores da Zona de Três Pontas Ltda. ‐ Cocatrel Conselho Nacional do Café (CNC) CAMEROON Sr. Esthério Colnago Presidente da Organizaçao das Cooperativas Brasileiras no Espírito Santo (OCB/ES) Conselho Nacional do Café (CNC) Representative S.E. M. Dominique Awana Essama Ambassadeur Ambassade du Cameroun, Rome Sra. Vanusia Nogueira Diretora‐Executiva da Associação Brasileira de Cafés Especiais (BSCA) Conselho Nacional do Café (CNC) Alternate(s) M. Abdoulaye Nana Directeur général adjoint Office national du Cacao et du Café (ONCC) Sra. Márcia Chiarello Assessora Conselho Nacional do Café (CNC) M. Omer Maledy Secrétaire exécutif Conseil interprofessionnel du Cacao et du Café (CICC) Sr. Nelson Ferreira da Silva Carvalhaes Presidente do Conselho Deliberativo Conselho dos Exportadores de Café do Brasil (CeCafé) COLOMBIA Sr. Guilherme Braga Abreu Pires Filho Diretor Geral Conselho dos Exportadores de Café do Brasil (CeCafé) Representative Dr. Danilo Reinaldo Vivas Ramos Comité Directivo Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia Sr. João Antônio Lian Membro do Conselho Deliberativo Conselho dos Exportadores de Café do Brasil (CeCafé) Sr. Carlos Henrique Jorge Brando Associado Conselho dos Exportadores de Café do Brasil (CeCafé) Alternate(s) Dr. Cliford Bonilla Smith Comité Directivo Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia Dr. Javier Bohórquez Bohórquez Comité Directivo Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia 2 ICC‐115‐14 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) COSTA RICA Dr. Octavio Oliveros Collazos Comité Directivo Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia Representative Sr. Ronald Peters Seevers Director Ejecutivo Instituto del Café de Costa Rica (ICAFE) Dra. Marcela Urueña Asesora de la Gerencia General Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia CÔTE D'IVOIRE Dr. Juan Esteban Orduz Presidente Colombia Coffee Federation, Inc. Representative Excmo. Sr. Néstor Osorio Embajador Embajada de Colombia, Londres M. Nazaire Gounongbe Directeur de Cabinet du Ministre du Commerce Alternate(s) Adviser(s) M. Edmond Venance Kodjo Directeur des Organisations et de la Commercialisation des Produits de Base Ministère du Commerce Dr. Nicolás Pérez Marulanda Asesor del Gobierno para Asuntos Cafeteros CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF M. Aly Touré Représentant permanent de la Côte d'Ivoire auprès des Organisations internationales de Produits de Base Representative S.E. M. Isidore Kabwe Mwehu Longo Ministre de l'Agriculture, Pêche et Elevage CUBA Alternate(s) Representative M. Emmanuel Libendele Lobuna Conseiller principal du Chef de l'Etat Collège chargé de l'Agriculture, Pêche et Elevage Sr. Elexis Legrá Calderín Director de Café y Cacao Grupo Empresarial de Agricultura de Montaña Ministerio de Agricultura M. Saiba Nzanzu Musavuli Directeur général adjoint Office national du Café (ONC) ECUADOR Representative M. Corneille Tabalo Représentant permanent auprès de l'OIC Ambassade de la République démocratique du Congo, Londres Sr. Francisco Mena Consejero Jefe de ProEcuador, Oficina Comercial del Ecuador en Londres M. Issa Saidi Directeur de Cabinet du Ministre de l'Agriculture, Pêche et Elevage Alternate(s) Sra. María Eugenia Avilés Primera Secretaria Embajada del Ecuador, Londres 3 ICC‐115‐14 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) EU ‐ GENERAL SECRETARIAT OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EU Sra. María Cristina Muñoz Vallejo Segunda Secretaria Embajada del Ecuador, Londres Representative EL SALVADOR Mr Alain Pluckers Political Administrator Directorate for Trade, Development, EU‐ACP Relations Representative Excmo. Sr. Werner Matías Romero Embajador y Representante Permanente ante la OIC Embajada de El Salvador, Londres EU ‐ NETHERLANDS ‐ PRESIDENCY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (ON BEHALF OF LUXEMBOURG) Adviser(s) Representative Sr. José Antonio Salaverría Productor Mr Alex Bruijnis EU Chair of the Commodities Working Party Senior Policy Adviser Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs Sr. Vincent Garay Consultor Alternate(s) ETHIOPIA Mrs Elize Klitsie Secretary General Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Koffie en Thee (KNVKT) Representative H.E. Mr Yakob Yala State Minister of Trade EU ‐ GERMANY Alternate(s) Representative Mr Assefa Mulugeta Advisor to the State Minister Ministry of Trade Ms Ina Grohmann International Commodity Policy Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy Adviser(s) Adviser(s) Mr Hussein Agraw Mr Holger Preibisch General Manager Deutscher Kaffeeverband e.V. Mr Abdela Bagerish Mr Tadele Abreha EU ‐ ITALY EU ‐ EUROPEAN COMMISSION Representative Representative Mr Vincenzo de Luca Director General for the Country Promotion Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Michel De Knoop Policy Officer Directorate General for Development and Cooperation 4 ICC‐115‐14 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) EU ‐ POLAND Mr Stefano Gatti General Manager Participants Division Expo 2015 S.p.A. Representative Mr Piotr Krawczyk Expert (Trade Policy Department) Ministry of Economy Mr Giulio Alaimo Coordinator for Expo/Milan 2015 Activities Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Dante Brandi Head of the Economic Department Embassy of Italy, London Adviser(s) Mr Tomasz Obracaj Director Apro Trade sp z.o.o. Mr Sergio Monti Vice Coordinator for Expo/Milan 2015 Activities Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Mateusz Chudziak, Ph.D. Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies Nicolaus Copernicus University,Torun Mr Antonio Petrarulo Directorate General for Global Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs EU ‐ SPAIN Mr Domenico Cagliostro Head of Unit Asia‐Oceania Ministry of Economic Development Representative Sr. Ödön Pálla Sagues Consejero Comercial Embajada de España, Londres Adviser(s) Mr Andrea Illy Chairman of ICO's Promotion and Market Development Committee Illycaffè S.p.A. EU ‐ SWEDEN Representative Ms Anna Illy Illycaffè S.p.A. Mr Tomas Dahlman Deputy Director‐General Head of EU and International Secretariat Ministry of Enterprise & Innovation Mr Mario Cerutti Comitato Italiano Caffè Green Coffee and Corporate Relations Partner Lavazza S.p.A. GABON Mr Patrick Hoffer Corsino Corsini S.p.A. Representative M. Léon‐Paul N'goulakia Directeur général Caisses de stabilisation et de péréquation (CSP) Mr Maurizio Zugna Port and Commodity Logistics Vollers Italia Srl Alternate(s) M. Jean‐Jacques Engo Directeur général adjoint Caisses de stabilisation et de péréquation (CSP) 5 ICC‐115‐14 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) HONDURAS M. Aristide Roger Djoué Chargé d'Etudes du Directeur général Caisses de stabilisation et de péréquation (CSP) Representative Excmo. Sr. Iván Romero‐Martínez Embajador, Representante Permanente ante la OIC Embajada de Honduras, Londres Mlle Aïcha Andjembe Chef de Service Relations internationales Caisses de stabilisation et de péréquation (CSP) INDIA GHANA Representative Representative Ms Leena Nair Chairperson Coffee Board of India Dr Francis Kofi Oppong Deputy Chief Executive (A & QC) Ghana Cocoa Board INDONESIA Alternate(s) Dr George Opoku Deputy Director (Coffee) Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG) Representative Mrs Nurlaila Nur Muhammad Director for Export of Agricultural and Forestry Products Ministry of Trade Mr Michael Owusu Manu Senior Research Manager (RM & E) Ghana Cocoa Board Alternate(s) Mr Moussa A. Lenboni Manager Ghana Cocoa Marketing Company (UK) Ltd. Mr Deny Wahyudi Kurnia Director for APEC Cooperation and Other International Organizations Ministry of Trade GUATEMALA Mr Ery Novrizal Yunas Head of Sub Directorate for Organizational Commodity Directorate General for International Trade Cooperation Ministry of Trade Representative Sr. Dieter Alejandro Keller Bock Vicepresidente Asociación Nacional del Café (Anacafé) Ms Resfolidia Deputy Director Ministry of Agriculture Alternate(s) Excmo. Sr. Acisclo Valladares Molina Embajador Embajada de Guatemala, Londres Mr Setyo Adhie Senior Planner Bureau of Planning Ministry of Agriculture Sr. Evelio Alvarado Gerente Asociación Nacional del Café (Anacafé) Ms Monica Vioni Trade Facilitator Ministry of Trade 6 ICC‐115‐14 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) Adviser(s) Mr Hutama Sugandhi Chairman Indonesian Coffee Exporters Association (GAEKI) Mr Keiichi Yokoyama Chairman All Japan Coffee Association (AJCA) Mr Leman Pahlevi Vice‐Chairman Indonesian Coffee Exporters Association (GAEKI) Mr Kunitoshi Saeki Adviser All Japan Coffee Association (AJCA) Mr Moenardji Soedargo Adviser Indonesian Coffee Exporters Association (GAEKI) Mr Shigeru Morimoto Vice‐Chairman All Japan Coffee Association (AJCA) Mr Tazwin Hanif Minister Counsellor for Multilateral Affairs Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Rome Mr Shinichi Fujii Vice‐Chairman All Japan Coffee Association (AJCA) Mr Arief Rachmat Hidayat Staff Subdirectorate for Agriculture and Commodity Ministry of Foreign Affairs KENYA Representative Mrs Sicily Kariuki Principal Secretary Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries Mr Derek Watson Consultant Indonesian Coffee Exporters Association (GAEKI) JAPAN Alternate(s) H.E. Mrs Josephine Gaita Ambassador Kenyan Embassy, Rome Representative Mr Shusuke Fukami Director, Policy Division Food Industry Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Mr Fabian Muya Agricultural Attaché Kenyan Embassy, Rome Mr Greenville Kiplimo Melli Interim Managing Trustee Commodities Fund Alternate(s) Mr Kennichiro Matsubayashi Director, Economic Security Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms Nancy Chelangat Cheruiyot Interim Head of Coffee Directorate Mr Tomokazu Ryudo Researcher, Economic Security Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Elija Kathurina Gichuru Acting Director Coffee Research Institute 7 ICC‐115‐14 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEXICO Sr. Everardo Soto Matla Presidente Municipal de Ixhuacan de los Reyes, Veracruz Representative Sr. Bruno Méndez Landa Asesor Técnico y Gestor Ing. Belisario Domínguez Méndez Representante Gubernamental y Jefe de Delegación Director General de Productividad y Desarollo Tecnológico NIGERIA Alternate(s) Representative Ing. Cristóbal Sayago Pozos Asesor del Representante Gubernamental Mr Ajiya Mamman Permanent Secretary Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment Lic. Fernando Javier Contreras Marmolejo Promotor del Mercado del Café Alternate(s) Lic. Fausto Cantú Peña Consultor Internacional del Café Mr O.B. Ope‐ewe Deputy Director (Commodities) Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment Ing. Alfredo Moisés Ceja Presidente Asociación Mexicana de Exportadores de Café Adviser(s) Mr Irimiya Kaura Assistant Director (Commodities) Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment Prof. Cruz José Arguello Micelí Representante no Gubernamental del Sistema Producto Café Mr Paul Ehidiamhen Commercial Officer Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment Sr. Edgar Guildardo Flores Miguel Representante no Gubernamental del Sistema Producto Café PAPUA NEW GUINEA Ing. Fernando de la Parra Zepeda Especialista de Café Representative Adviser(s) Ing. Jesús Alejandro Domínguez Puente Investigador H.E. Ms Winnie Kiap High Commissioner Papua New Guinea High Commission, London Lic. Carlos Antonio Morales Guevara Presidente Municipal de Altotonga, Veracruz Alternate(s) Ing. Francisco Javier Contreras Berra Productor de Café Mr Nasser Tamei First Secretary Papua New Guinea High Commission, London Ing. José Homero Domínguez Landa Asesor Técnico y Gestor Mr Vele Ila'ava Acting Secretary Department of Agriculture & Chairman Cocoa Board of Papua New Guinea Sr. Nicolás Murrieta Espinoza Presidente Comité Estatal de Sanidad Vegetal de Veracruz 8 ICC‐115‐14 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) Mrs Tatiana Zvereva Chief Expert Division of International Organizations and Multilateral Cooperation Department of Europe, North America and International Organizations Ministry of Economic Development Mr Charles Dambui Acting Chief Executive Officer PNG Coffee Industry Corporation Dr Nelson Simbiken Scientist PNG Coffee Industry Corporation Mr Vladimir Derbenskiy Counsellor ‐ Agricultural Attaché Embassy of the Russian Federation in the United Kingdom Mr Michael Wheeler Overseas Representative PNG Coffee Industry Corporation Adviser(s) PHILIPPINES Mr Ramaz Chanturiya General Director Rusteacoffee Association Representative Mr José Laquian Agriculture Attaché Philippine Embassy, Brussels SWITZERLAND Representative Adviser(s) Ms Marichu Mauro Consul General Philippine Consulate General, Milan Mr Conradin Rasi First Secretary Deputy Head of the Economic, Finance, Science & Innovation Section Embassy of Switzerland, London Ms Flaureen Dacanay Vice Consul Philippines Consulate General, Milan TIMOR‐LESTE Representative RUSSIAN FEDERATION Representative Sr. Nivio Leite Magalhaes Administrator Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment H.E. Mr Alexander Yakovenko Ambassador Embassy of the Russian Federation, London Alternate(s) Alternate(s) Sra. Fatima Farouk Elsheikh Chief Technical Adviser Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment Mr Ruslan Tsvetkov Deputy Director Department of Europe, North America and International Organizations Ministry of Economic Development Adviser(s) Sr. Bobby Lay Chief Executive Officer Timor Global 9 ICC‐115‐14 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) TOGO Ms Amy Diggs Foreign Affairs Officer Agricultural, Biotechnology and Textiles Trade Affairs Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs Department of State Representative M. Enselme Gouthon Secrétaire général Comité de Coordination pour les Filières Café et Cacao (CCFCC) Adviser(s) Mr Ric Rhinehart Executive Director Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) Alternate(s) M. Benyi Kpondanlon Johnson Membre Comité de Coordination pour les Filières Café et Cacao (CCFCC) Mr William Murray President & CEO National Coffee Association of USA (NCA) UGANDA VIETNAM Representative Representative Mr Henry Ngabirano Managing Director Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) Mr Nguyen Anh Minh Deputy Director General International Cooperation Department Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Alternate(s) Alternate(s) Mr Perez Bukumunhe Chairman, Board of Directors Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) Mr Nguyen Viet Vinh Secretary General Vietnam Coffee and Cocoa Association (VICOFA) Mr Ishak Lukenge Board Member Uganda Coffee Federation (UCF) Mrs Vu Mai Ha Official Vietnam Coffee and Cocoa Association (VICOFA) H.E. Dr Mumtaz Kassam Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Republic of Uganda, Rome Mrs Nguyen Thi Lan Phuong Chief Accountant Vietnam Coffee and Cocoa Association (VICOFA) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mr Ngo Duy Hai Official International Cooperation Department Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Representative Ms Tanya Menchi Director of WTO and Multilateral Agriculture Affairs Office of the United States Trade Representative Executive Office of the President 10 ICC‐115‐14 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 ‐ OBSERVER INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS YEMEN AGENCE DES CAFÉS ROBUSTA D’AFRIQUE ET DE MADAGASCAR (ACRAM) Representative Mr Abdulmalik Al‐thawr Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation M. Ismaël Ndjewe Chargé d'Etudes Secrétariat général Alternate(s) Mr Haytham Shoja'aadin Chargé d'Affaires Embassy of the Republic of Yemen, Rome and General Commissioner of Yemen to Expo Milano 2015 COMMON FUND FOR COMMODITIES (CFC) Mr Parvindar Singh Acting Managing Director Mr Noaman Al‐Muski General Director of Export Promotion Ministry of Industry and Trade and Deputy General Commissioner of Yemen to Expo Milano 2015 INTERAFRICAN COFFEE ORGANISATION (IACO) 2 ‐ OBSERVER NON‐MEMBERS Mr Frederick Kawuma Secretary General KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Dr Bayetta Bellachew Wakessa Director, Research and Development Mrs Kim Yunil General Manager Exporum INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S COFFEE ALLIANCE (IWCA) Ms Desiree Logsdon President Ms Josiane Cotrim Chapter Relations Committee 4 ‐ OBSERVER PRIVATE SECTOR EUROPEAN COFFEE FEDERATION (ECF) Mr Roel Vaessen Senior Adviser 11 ICC‐115‐14 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 ‐ APPROVED OBSERVERS Mr Vítor Várzea Researcher Coffee Rusts Research Center, Portugal COFFEE QUALITY INSTITUTE (CQI) Ms Kimberly Easson 6 ‐ OBSERVERS INVITED BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mr Morten Scholer Independent author of coffee books and coffee articles Sra. Luz María Osuna Advertising Mexico Sra. Irene Vieira Atlântica Exportação e Importação Ltda. Sra. Tereza Barbosa Atlântica Exportação e Importação Ltda. Sra. Andrea Franklin InterBrasil Coffee Ltda. Mr Rodrigo Theophilo Caldas Caffè Singolo Mr Werner Rech Caffè Singolo Mr Antonio Fagundes Junior Atlântica Exportação e Importação Ltda. Mr Ricardo Gardini de Andrade Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 12