NHS Professionals: EU nurses case study As part of its contingent workforce initiative, NHS Professionals has developed a programme to recruit suitably qualified nurses from EU countries with an NMC-compliant training scheme. The programme is designed to develop and grow a flexible NMC registered and experienced nurses workforce in geographical areas where there is a shortage of skills to meet demand. If alternative NHS Professionals and Trust recruitment initiatives have been exhausted, then NHS Professionals offers its client Trusts the opportunity to hire workers from the EU, by investing in the programme. Candidates are interviewed in their home country jointly by the Trust and NHS Professionals. Debbie Knight, Deputy Head of Nursing and Midwifery Education and Practice Development at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, stressed the importance of working in partnership with NHS Professionals: “I went to Portugal with NHS Professionals and was part of the recruitment team. It is important to do this because the nurses are coming to work in our Trust, so we had to work together to ensure the recruits were the right recruits to work for us.” Prior to the candidates’ arrival at the Trust, NHS Professionals provides a thorough orientation and induction in partnership with the Trust. This covers elements such as clinical skills, an introduction to the Trust and NHS Professionals’ core training. Debbie Knight said: “Any new registrant to the NMC register needs an induction and preceptorship period, so we organised that for them, which included basic things, such as colloquial English that they might not have learnt before that is relevant to our area and some of the technical skills that we use that they might not have seen.” The candidates also feel more comfortable relocating to the UK once they have met NHS Professionals in their home country. Ines Martins Duarte, Registered Nurse at Queen Alexandra Hospital, explained: “As NHS Professionals came to Portugal to hire us and to get to know us, we feel part of a big family here in Portsmouth; we’re not just treated as workers and everyone has really welcomed us into the organisation.” NHS Professionals’ candidates are recruited primarily from Portugal or the Republic of Ireland. They will have completed a four year BSc Degree, which incorporates a final pre-registration and nine-month clinical placement programme, similar to the UK post-registration preceptorship programme. Debbie Knight explains why Portsmouth Hospitals needed to recruit from the EU: “We looked at nurses across the whole of the EU, but Portugal has a four year training programme and is commensurate with the nursing training that we have here in the UK. They have a really good technical base to their training and their English is also very good, so we decided to recruit from Portugal.” NHS Professionals aims to attract NMC Registered Nurses from the EU, generally at Band 5, many of whom will be relatively newly qualified. FR/057/10/13 Fabiana Fernandes Da Costa, Registered Nurse, Queen Alexandra Hospital, shares her experience of moving to Portsmouth: “NHS Professionals helped us to relocate here and gave us lots of support; they gave us paperwork about how we should dress, NHS Professionals’ Code of Behaviour, and they introduced us to our wards, our Sisters and our Matrons. NHS Professionals is always there; they have an office in the Trust and are only a phone call or email away.” The EU nurses have had an extremely positive impact on the wards. Debbie Knight explains: “Their English is excellent; they have the most amazing care for the patients and have integrated really well with the teams. The teams love them and I’m always being asked when the Portuguese nurses are coming over from Portugal, which is really positive feedback for them.” Hazel Hartnett, Inpatient Matron, Wessex Renal and Transplant Service at Queen Alexandra Hospital, has also received positive feedback from the patients on her ward: “Patients within my service have absolutely loved having the EU nurses on the ward, they are friendly, always smiling and their care is outstanding. We have nurses from a range of countries who work at our Trust and within our wards, and I think it enhances the care they give and the team spirit.” NHS Professionals gives the nurses the flexibility to do their placements on different wards or even move to a different Trust across the country if they aren’t enjoying living in a certain area. However, this is uncommon and candidate retention is higher than 90% The EU nurses have helped Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust expand its workforce and have found the nurses are a real asset to the Trust. Fabiana explains why working in the UK appealed to her, “What attracted me the most was the language. It’s easy for us as we had a lot of articles in English at university and we developed more written and spoken English. I also wanted to stay within the EU and Portugal is only a two hour flight if I wanted to go home.” To help with the nurses’ integration to life in the UK, NHS Professionals encourages the EU nurses to watch English television programmes so they can understand local colloquialisms. Working in partnership with NHS Professionals, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust has built on its experience through its first cohort of nurses and has refined its induction process, making it a lot more streamlined. Debbie Knight has found this partnership working very useful: “I work very well with the two Trust Liaison Coordinators within the Trust. I have been out and recruited with them and we have learnt from each other. Some of the things that the nurses fed back to say worked well or didn’t work well, we’ve enhanced or changed. Having the opportunity to have those discussions has been really beneficial.” At the end of the one year placement, candidates may continue to work through NHS Professionals, charged at standard NHS Professionals contract rates. Fabiana is just one nurse who is continuing to work at the Trust and with NHS Professionals at the end of her placement: “I am staying on my ward (renal transplant) once I have finished my 12 month contract and will continue to work through NHS Professionals. NHS Professionals is the only organisation that allows us to be flexible and, being newly qualified, it’s perfect for us as we get to experience different wards.” Client Trusts that have invested in the EU Recruitment Programme: • Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust • Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust • Whipps Cross University Hospital • North Devon Healthcare NHS Trust • Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust • Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust • East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust • Princess Alexandra Hospitals NHS Trust • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust