Advances and limitations with the integration of the
Registry and Cadaster in Brazil: the role of SIGEF
Bastiaan Philip Reydon
Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP
[email protected]
Ana Karina da Silva Bueno
Universidade de São Paulo - USP
[email protected]
Ana Paula da Silva Bueno
Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP
[email protected]
 Since the Land Law of 1850, Brazil failed to organize
the registration of their public and private lands.
 SNCR – from Estatuto da Terra – created a cadaster
with 5,4 millions of properties for Tax;
 Law no. 10.267 / 2001, created the National Rural
Property Cadaster - CNIR , has contributed to the
development of the register through
 the Land Management System - SIGEF digital tool,
which in one year has considerable quantitative
results , to knowledge base land in the country.
The historical lack of land governance
in Brazil
• Sesmarial system: the “sesmaria” was the first institution
to regulate access to land in the colonial period.
– Its clauses included the obligation to make use of land,
measurement and demarcation, registration, payment of rent
and need the king to confirm the charter.
• However, these clauses were not complied with (esp.
measurement and demarcation) - consequently, they were
not registered.
• Formally, the king could retake it, but this rarely happened.
• The sesmarial system was suspended in 1882. Between
1882 and 1850 there was a legal vacuum.
The historical lack of land governance
in Brazil
• Land Law (1850)
– Imposes purchase as the only means of public land appropriation.
However, the old sesmarias titles and land already informally occupied
would still be valid if they had effective use.
– Objectives:
• a) organize land access;
• b) make access to unoccupied land unviable;
• c) establish a land cadaster for the definition of vacant areas (of
the State) and
• d) transform land into a reliable asset for use as loan collateral.
– Problems:
• Definition of public land via exclusion (i.e.: only can be determined
after all private land is demarcated, which never happened)
• Thus, possibility of occupation of public land continued.
• This makes the establishment of an effective cadaster unfeasible.
The historical lack of land governance
in Brazil
• Proclamation of the Republic (1889): public lands domain
transferred from federal to state-level government.
• Civil code (1916) and Public registries law (1973): defines
that for registration in property registries it is required (and
sometimes sufficient) to prove ownership and right of
domain, without need of a cartographic map and proper
examination of the information registered.
• Law 10,267 (2001): regulates the systematic exchange of
information between the cadaster and the property
register (combines literal, descriptive information with
physical, georeferenced information).
– Nevertheless, the implementation of this law is slow paced.
The historical lack of land governance
in Brazil
• Land Governance Assessment Framework results for Brazil:
Lack of control over public lands;
Private land property registry is not reliable;
The registry coverage is incomplete and not up to date;
Lack of spatial information (georeferencing) on the registry of
private land properties;
Lack of a reliable and integrated registry of public and private
Low level of land property taxation;
Supply, land use planning and regularization of urban land are
not in line with the demand;
Neglectful governance over large-scale land and forest
The National Rural Property Cadaster
• Created by Law nº 10.267/2001;
• Began to be implemented in 2010;
• It consists of a common base of information, land
ownership ( SNCR / INCRA ) , tax ( CAFIR / RFB ) ,
registral ( Real Estate Registry Cartorio ) and
many other types of information related to the
scope of satisfactory land governance;
• The CNIR treat only of property rights;
• The tool used to deploy CNIR is the Land
Management System – SIGEF, it is a digital
The Land Management System (SIGEF) has been in
operation since November 23, 2013
Number of Certified Public Properties - 2004/2014
Number of Certified Private Property - 2004/2014
2781 1956
370 1808
3798 5098
7271 7642
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
INCRA land inventory already has approximately
67.78% of the country’s total area
Possession and Property: In Brazil we have two
types of land rights.
Is a right in fact,
Is not registered in registry
CAN BE cadastered in
government records, as the
possession can become
property through court
• Is a real right,
• Is registered at the registry
• MUST BE cadastered of
government agencies, as the
• in Brazil the right to property
is the strongest ,
• owner may lose your property
for possessor by judicial
Differences between registration and
• This deals with the
constitutional right to private
property and other rights
connected with the property;
• Constitutes a real right to the
• Registers property qualified by
the existence of an owner;
• Title recognized by law;
• Function of the judiciary;
• Provides publicity and legality
with the acquisition of the
• It has a specific interest, not in
registering but in assembling an
inventory of data;
• Its purpose is political and
administrative in order to achieve
the goals which improve
• Function of the executive branch;
• Does not recognize right to
property, but does provide proof
of possession;
• The possibility of declaring
property whether or not there
are any rights falling to it.
Problems with SIGEF
• It is self-declaratory as the SNCR;
• not imply recognition of the domain or the
accuracy of the limits and boundaries
indicated by the owner (IN/INCRA nº
• properties covered by SIGEF continue in the
sphere of tenure if the Estate Registry Office
does not recognize the similarity between the
graphs and limits the rights registered;
Proposals for Making the Construction of an
Integrated Cadaster Practical
• Promote land regularization actions to be
aware of the common areas, private and
regularize possessions;
• Work on creating an integrated registration
that houses all information relating to land;
• Create a state agency to administer and
maintain the integrated register
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