Das Sombras a Realidade 17 de agosto, 2008 João 5:39-40 Vocês estudam cuidadosamente as Escrituras, porque pensam que nelas vocês têm a vida eterna. E são as Escrituras que testemunham a meu respeito; contudo, vocês não querem vir a mim para terem vida. O Antigo Testamento é como uma Peça de Teatro…. O Antigo Testamento é como um mistério…. Foreshadow: Um objeto, evento, pessoa ou situação que representam alguma coisa semelhante, mas de maior significado no futuro. Pré-figura: Uma coisa específica que representa outra coisa específica semelhante no futuro. Tipo e Antitype: Uma pessoa ou coisa considerada como o símbolo de alguém ou algo que ainda está para surgir. Foreshadows Históricos 1 Corintíos 10:11 Essas coisas aconteceram a eles como exemplos e foram escritas como advertência para nós, sobre quem tem chegado* o fim dos tempos. Um pequeno exemplo: Numeros 21:4-9. *se cumprido Foreshadows a respeito de Abraão Isaque = filhos da promessa = nós Ismael = filhos nascidos de modo natural = Israel Hagar = Antiga Aliança = Mt. Sinai = “atual Jerusalém” Sara = Nova Aliança = “a Jerusalém do alto” Tipo/anti-tipo Histórico no Êxodo TIPO DO ANTIGO TESTAMENTO ANTI-TIPO DO NOVO TESTAMENTO ESCRAVIDÃO NO EGITO PERDIDO, ESCRAVO DO PECADO PEREGRINAÇÃO NO DESERTO SALVO, MAS VIVENDO A VIDA DE UM DISCÍPULO ENTRAR NA TERRA PROMETIDA ENTRAR NO CÉU Pré-figuras de Jesus Cristo Adão Melquisedeque, Isaque, José Moisés Josué Débora, Sansão, Saul Davi Elias, Jonas Daniel, Ciro O sumo sacerdote Josué, Esther Paralelos Entre Moisés e Jesus Moisés Jesus Faraó tentou matá-lo Herodes tentou matá-lo Chamado por Deus para deixar o Egito Quarenta anos no deserto para preparar para o seu ministério Levado do Egito Deixou sua posição junto ao rei do Egito para morar com os Judeus Deixou a destra do Pai para viver com os Judeus Liderou Israel a sair da escravidão no Egito Liderou o Israel Espiritual a sair da escravidão do pecado Arão preparou o caminho João Batista preparou o caminho Batizou Israel no Mar Vermelho a fim de libertá-los Ordenou o batismo na água para livrá-los do pecado Deu mana no deserto (um tipo de) Deu o pão espiritual a todos que tem fome Deu água para o povo no deserto Deu água espiritual: o Espírito Santo Falou com Deus no Mt. Hermon Falou com Deus no Mt. Sinai Quarenta dias no deserto para preparar para o seu ministério Model of The Jewish Tabernacle Hebrews 10:19-20 Type/Antitype Relationships in the Tabernacle ITEM IN TABERNACLE OR TEMPLE ANTITYPE IN THE NEW COVENANT SCRIPTURE REFERENCE The tabernacle itself God dwelling with his people The sacrifice of Jesus for sins John 14:1-3, John 1:14J. Rev 1:13 The bronze altar sacrifice The basin/laver of Hebrews 9:14 Baptism Titus 3:5 The show bread The bread of life, Jesus Christ John 6:48-51 The lampstand The Holy Spirit Zechariah 4:1-6 The altar of incense The prayers of the saints Revelation 5:8 The blue, scarlet yarn purple and The heavens, the kingship of God, the blood of Jesus The curtain Separation from God Matthew 27:51 The ark of the covenant The presence of God Psalm 132:7,8 The Mercy Seat The grace of God The Cherubim The angels in heaven Ezekiel 10:15-22 Type and Antitype in the First and Second Covenants Prefigure in the Law of moses Realization in the law of christ Obedience to physically defined rules required. Physical blessings promised. Obedience to spiritual principles required. Spiritual blessings promised. Ceremonial uncleanness. Sin and separation from God. Sacrifice bridges the chasm between law and effort. Sealed with the blood of bulls and goats. Mediated by a High Priest. Sacrifice bridges the between law and effort. Laws, rules and regulations for behavior. Tithing. Sabbath. Death. chasm Sealed with the blood of Jesus Christ. Mediated by THE High Priest, Jesus Christ. Behavior based on spiritual principle and love. Sacrifice and giving from the heart. Come…. I will give you rest. Relying on Jesus. Life. Sacrificial Type and Antitype Old Testament Sacrifice Sweet Savor Sacrifices Blood Sacrifices New Testament fulfillment Scriptures The Burnt Offering Jesus’ and our devotion to God Ephesians 5:1,2 Romans 12:1,2 The Grain Offering Giving back a contribution to God Matthew 6:19-21 Romans 8,9 The Drink Offering Pouring out our life for God Luke 22:20 Philippians 2:16 The Fellowship Offering Celebrating our blessings from God John 10:10 1 Thess 5:16 The Sin Offering Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins 1 Peter 1:18,19 2 Corinthians 5:21 The Guilt Offering Maintaining a relationship with one another Matthew 5:23,24 First Covenant Festivals as Types Jewish Festival Antitype in the Christian Life Passover (pesach) The Sacrificial Death of Jesus Christ Feast of Firstfruits The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Feast of Unleavened Bread Celebrating Being Free of Sin in Our Lives Feast of Weeks/Pentecost (shavoat) The Giving of the Holy Spirit and the Initiation of the Church Feast of hashanah) Trumpets (rosh Judgement Day, Jesus Coming Back Day of Atonement (yom kippur) The Day We Were Saved— Spiritual Birthday Feast of Booths (Tabernacles) Celebrating Life in Fellowship with God Old Testament Prophecy Content New Testament Fulfillment Genesis 3:15 Satan will attack the Messiah, but the Messiah will destroy the work of Satan. Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13 Genesis 49:10,11 The Messiah will be from Judah (also hints about a vine, a colt, a branch and blood/grapes) Matthew 1:2,3 Deut 18:15-18 God will raise up a prophet like, but greater than Moses. Matthew 21:11, Mark 6:15 Psalm 16:10,11 The Messiah will not be abandoned to the grave (will be resurrected). John 2:19, Luke 24:1-7 Psalm 22:15-18 The Messiah will be crucified, his bones not broken, his clothing divided and gambled over. John 19:6,7, John 19:31-34, John 19:23,24 Psalm 31:5 The Messiah will commit his spirit into the hands of God. Luke 23:46 Psalm 69:9,21 The Messiah will show zeal for God’s house. He will be given gall and vinegar to drink. John 2:12-17, Matthew 27:34, Luke 23:36 Psalm 110:1,4 The Messiah will be a priest in the order of Melchizedek. Hebrews 7:11-18 Psalm 118:22,23 The Messiah will be rejected, but will become the foundation of the Kingdom of God. Matthew 23:37, Acts 4:10 Isaiah 7:14 The Messiah will be born of a virgin. Luke 1:26-38 Isaiah 9:1,2,6,7 The Messiah will be from Galilee; in the region of Zebulun and Naphtali. Matthew 4:12-16 Isaiah 11:1,2 The Messiah will be descended from Jesse and will be a Branch (Nazarene). Matthew 1:5,6, John 1:45,46, Matthew 2:23 Isaiah 35:5,6 The Messiah will heal the deaf, the blind and the physically disabled. Mark 7:32-25, 8:22-26, 2:3-12 Isaiah 42:1-4 The Messiah will be miraculously humble. John 8:1-11 Isaiah 53 The Messiah will be despised, he will suffer physically, he will be pierced, he will take on himself the sin of mankind, he will be silent before his accusers, and will be buried with the rich. Matthew 27:15-18, John 19:33-35, Mark 14:60,61, 15:3-5, Mark 15:42-46 Daniel 9:24-27 The Messiah will come to Jerusalem to bring salvation somewhere between AD 26-33. Luke 3:1,2 Micah 5:2 The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem Ephrathah. Luke 2:1-7 Zechariah 6:9-15 The Messiah will be a king and a priest, and will bring harmony between the two. John 18:37, Hebrews 7:11-17 Zechariah 9:9-11 The Messiah will ride as a king into Jerusalem riding on a donkey and the colt of that donkey. Matthew 21:1-7 Zechariah 11:10- The Messiah will be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. The money will be thrown to “the Matthew 26:14-16, Matthew 27:6,7 Prophecies of the Kingdom of God Prophesied Quality of the Kingdom of God Old Testament Prophecies (and New Testament fulfillment) Establishment of the Kingdom. Jeremiah 31:31-34 (Hebrews 9:15) Ezekiel 36:24-27 (John 16:13-15, Acts 2:38) Who will be the King? Ezekiel 34:23,24 (John 10:14, Ephesians 1:22,23) Hosea 3:5 Joel 2:28-32 (Acts 2:16-21) Zechariah 13:1,2 Extent of the Kingdom of God. Isaiah 49:6, 42:6 Isaiah 2:2-4 Isaiah 54:1 (Galatians 4:26-28) Ezekiel 17:22-24 Zechariah 2:10,11 Relationship between King and subjects. Exodus 19:5,6 (1 Peter 2:9, 1 Timothy 2:5 Ezekiel 37:24-28 (2 Corinthians 6:6) Ezekiel 11:19,20 Hosea 1:10,11, 2:23 (Romans 9:25,26) Relationships between subjects in the Kingdom of God. Isaiah 11:6-10 (Galatians 3:26-28) Persecution of the Kingdom of God. Daniel 7:6-8 Daniel 7:19-25 Power and Endurance of the Kingdom of God. Daniel 7:26,27 Amos 9:11 2 Samuel 7:12-14 Daniel 2:44 www.evidenceforchristianity.org/ articles/bible