Ensino Médio – Unidade São Judas Tadeu Professor (a): Aluno (a): Alessandra Rezende Série: 2ª Data: _____/ _____/ 2015. LISTA DE INGLÊS Leia o texto e responda. Au pair program in the USA Au pair in the USA is one of the options of the courses of STB- student travel bureau. The Au pair is a program permitted by the US government, of paid work and cultural and study exchange lasting 12 months. The Au pair lives with an American family and is responsible for the house and children. The participant must be between 18 to 26 years old, with an advanced level of English, a high school diploma, drives license, and experience with kids. The weekly payment is us$ 139 and us$ 500 a year education scholarship are available. The price of the program includes plane tickets, international medical insurance, and a workshop of 4 days in New York. 1. Quais são requisites exigidos para que uma pessoa se torne um “Au Pair”? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Quais são as atribuições de um “Au pair”? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Escreva os valores que estão no texto por extenso. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- O preço do programa incluí: _____________________________________________________________ 5- Read the poem, The wise old owl A wise old owl sat in an oak. The more he heard, the less he spoke, The less he spoke, the more he heard. Now, wasn’t he a wise old bird? 6. The poem is in the past; rewrite it in the simple present. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Fone: Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205 – 4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Read and answer the questions. The Lincoln bedroom (by Millie Bush) There are some wonderful beds in the white house on the second floor. I have tried them all. The Lincoln bedroom has a large carved rosewood bed. All the guests ask for the room, of course. All guests but the president’s brother and sister. Finally, after we had lived in house for six months, they came to us and asked if they would be permitted to by a new mattress for the bed. They said it sagged in the middle, and did we know it was made of horsehair? I thought it was very comfortable and couldn’t understand their attitude. However, since Lincoln never slept in either the bed or the bedroom, the mattress had no historic importance, so the bushes gladly said yes. Until 1902 the room was an office. As for the bed, it was bought from a Philadelphia retailer in 1861 to be used in the principal guest room in the Lincolln white house. History tells us that president and Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt and President Woodrow Wilson did sleep in this beautiful bed. There is a handwritten copy of Lincoln Gettysburg address on a desk in the Lincoln bedroom. President Lincoln copied the speech five times to benefit a charity for civil war soldiers. He signed the fifth and final copy. It is this copy that is in the white house. Although this is the room where the white house ghost is supposed to appear, the bushes have not seen it, nor do they believe in ghosts. I must confess that I have not seen one either, I liked hiding my rawhide bones in this room, but George followed me down the hall one night and caught me. He said he got tired of buying me news bones and he wanted to know just what I was doing with them. There behind the green curtains he found my finding place, so, of course, I have now taken to hiding them in couches and chairs all over the second floor. 6- Todos os hóspedes preferem quarto de Lincoln, exceto que? ____________________________________ 7- Retire todos os verbos que estão no passado e passe-os para o presente. ___________________________ 8- Descreva como era o quarto do presidente: __________________________________________________ 9- Faça a morfologia da frase “I was doing with them.”__________________________________________ 10- Faça a tradução do texto, mas tenta não usar o Google. Fone: Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205 – 4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected]