A World of Insurance Protection & Services Just for Expatriates
Second Opinion Service
Group Plus - Expatriate Care
The reassurance of having your medical diagnosis confirmed by world-leading medical specialists.
It can really make a difference. A recent study demonstrated that WorldCare’s Second Opinion
Services can improve healthcare outcome as evidenced by a “Diagnostic Revision Rate of 15% and
Treatment Enhancement Rate of 71%”.
Did you know that…
…as a Group Plus – Expatriate Care Insured Person, you
can now obtain a Second Opinion from the best hospitals
in the USA at no cost to you and without leaving your home?
Group Plus – Expatriate Care offers you the peace of mind
knowing that you will have the best professional advice from
the best medical institutions in the world.
Our assistance provider will help and guide you in order to
obtain independent reviews of your medical file relative to
an insured Illness or Injury.
Those second opinions are intended to assist you and your
attending Physician to decide upon the diagnosis and/or
treatment protocols. The independent medical reviews will
be provided by specialist or sub-specialist from the WorldCare Consortium Hospitals and consisting of healthcare
specialists and sub-specialists working in these world class
Medical Centers in the United States.
The Second Opinion Service consists of...
How to obtain a Second Opinion
• A written evaluation of the Insured Person’s medical file
and supporting diagnostic information by appropriate
specialists of sub-specialists from the WorldCare
You and your attending Physician should compile a complete,
concise and recent medical record. The record must be typed
in English and must at least include:
– In complex cases, two independent second opinions.
• One follow-up written evaluation, if necessary, of additional
reports or questions which are related to the initial Second
Opinion request, obtained within 30 days of the first
– A written report providing a diagnosis and/or treatment
– A conference call, if needed, between the attending
Physician and the specialist or subspecialist from the
WorldCare Consortium to discuss the case.
• Clinical reasons and objectives for the requested review.
• Recent physical examination report.
• Detailed history of present illness or injury including signs,
symptoms, chronological onset diagnosis, treatment plan,
response to treatment and current status of disease.
• Medical images and pathology samples, when appropriate,
and laboratory results.
• Brief medical history (including daily routines, habits and
surgeries, list of medications, chronic problems, allergies
and relevant medical history.
Continuação >
Group Plus - Expatriate Care
Second Opinion Service
A World of Insurance Protection & Services Just for Expatriates
The Worldcare Consortium Hospitals
Children’s Hospital Boston
Boston, Massachusetts
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina
Mayo Clinic
Jacksonville, Florida
Partners HealthCare System
Massachusetts General Hospital
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
UCLA Healthcare
Los Angeles, California
Confirm your medical diagnosis
with the expertise of some
world-leading specialists.
For further information contact
Centro de Atendimento e Assistência
+ 32 2 739 99 11
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Segunda Opinião Mèdica