Social Network
Tips to Get Professional:
All-Star status, step by step
Seven for Seven: All-Star status, step by step
Want to be a Professional Social Network
All-Star? Of course!
Know how to get there? Maybe not.
We’ve got something to guide you: the Seven
for seven series. This series walks you
through the seven actions needed to achieve
All-Star status, one quick step at a time.
You're more than what an online profile can
convey, but in the business world, clients often
Google you before you get a chance to meet
in person. That means the more complete
picture you provide online, the better. You
never get a second chance for a first
impression. A complete profile makes a good
first impression 24/7.
Plus, it's a vital part of building – and
maintaining – your personal brand.
Step 1/7: Name, photo, headline
Write in your full, real name:
In the "profile" menu, click "edit profile." People who aren’t connected to you
only see your first name and initial.
Add a profile photo:
Click the camera icon. Photos should be similar to the one on your EY ID:
business casual attire – professional, but approachable. Profiles with photos
are seven times more likely to be viewed than those without. (Hey, look … it’s
the number seven again!)
Drop in your headline:
It should convey the value you provide – to the point. Think of it as a
condensed elevator speech – given as the elevator door was closing. A single
sentence or a robust phrase works well. Got a specialty? Include it. And
include a specific mention of EY, perhaps at the end – that’s key to your
personal brand. Unless EY is in your headline, it’s not visible to those outside
of your network.
See there? You’re well on your way to All-Star status, and all done in less time
than a fourth string quarterback spends on the field.
Step 2/7: Summary
Your first impression:
The Summary field is vital for sharing your experience. A well-composed
summary is how you take control of what clients and prospects will find when
they look you up. Make it good.
Some recommendations:
There are different, valid approaches to writing your summary, but consider
Write in the first person
Reveal a little enthusiasm
Identify what value you provide
Get to the point, describing what you do at your work
Include broad capabilities and experience, but cite niche specialties too
Don’t forget that there are very strict client confidentiality rules governing the
mention of specific clients. These vary across countries, so check your local
policy if in doubt.
Step 3/7: Two previous positions
Been there, done that:
You’ve done a lot, so include it here – at least two previous positions. You’ve
shared what you do now at your current work in the Summary, but what about
what you’ve done before now? Bear in mind, that includes previous roles at the
same company and elsewhere.
More than a title:
Titles count, but they can only express so much. So include your
responsibilities for each title you’ve had. Then go further by listing
accomplishments. Consider "Improved ROI by 35%" rather than "Responsible
for process improvements."
Step 4/7: Skills ‐ you've got them!
Some of the Social Network Media have a Skills & Expertise session,
which is as portion of your profile.
You’re showing your relevance ‐ here’s where you convey what you’re
capable of, not just what you do presently. You can choose up to 50
skills from the network massive selection. Skills help others figure out
whether you’re a good match to their project. The skills with the most
endorsements are listed first.
Don’t know what to list?
►List all
your skills first, then go back and curate.
►Consider that
basic skills are still skills and merit inclusion.
►You’re well
rounded. Include skills that aren’t necessarily front and center in
your current role.
another language? 日本語, perhaps? Include it!
Step 5/7: Education ‐ one degree at a time
In the Education section, list your formal education. Some of the Social
Medias will autopopulate as you type. Just select your school and
supply related info such as your degree and years attended. Consider
including in this section post-degree education as well. Certificates?
Credits? They count!
Step 6/7: Add 50+ people in your network
You know people. Those people know people. Connect with them.
Here’s how:
From a person’s profile page, click Connect/Add.
From search results, click Connect/Add to the right of the person's
From Network > Add Connections, search your email address book to find
contacts already using the Social Network.
You’ve probably noticed through steps 1-6 that some of the Social
Networks is rather user-friendly when it comes creating your profile. As
you establish and expand your network, you’ll find the same holds true
as the network will suggest potential connections for you under People
You May Know.
Join relevant groups to find like-minded professionals.
Aunt Bertha may be family, but she may not be a great connection. Be
selective about whom you invite to connect.
And always, always add a personal message to the invite ‐ add a
few original words, then send that invite into the ether!
Step 7/7: Growing beyond the basics – part 1
After you’ve completed steps 1-6, take a step back and look at your
profile. But look at it as others would see it: Click Profile > Edit Profile >
Manage public profile settings (or similar paths depending on the Social
Network you are in)
From that perspective, look at your profile again, and consider these
final tips as you take your profile beyond the basics ‐ really making it
stand out online ‐ and move forward using the network in your normal
course of business:
Maintain a dynamic and fresh profile ‐ update it regularly.
Helped write a piece of thought leadership? Participated in an
industry gathering? Post it!
Set a calendar reminder to log on and post something. Make the
Social Network a part of your routine.
What interests you? An article? An upcoming conference? Share it!
Chances are someone else will find it compelling.
A gentle reminder that this is a “professional” network, not
Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Post accordingly.
Find a profile that you admire, then emulate it. Richard Branson, for
Step 7/7: Growing beyond the basics – part 2
Give credit where credit is due. Endorse people (Some Social
Networks makes suggestions periodically) if merited. It takes one
Recommendations > endorsements. One-click endorsements help,
but written recommendations go a long way, especially if the person
you’re writing about doesn’t expect them. Give ’em to get ’em.
Lead by following. Find and follow organizations you like, like other
companies, non-profits and your alma mater.
Be yourself: use your name in customizing your Public Profile link.
People skim. Brevity counts.
EY | Auditoria | Impostos | Transações Corporativas | Consultoria
Sobre a EY
A EY é líder global em serviços de Auditoria, Impostos, Transações Corporativas e
Consultoria. Nossos insights e os serviços de qualidade que prestamos ajudam a criar
confiança nos mercados de capitais e nas economias ao redor do mundo.
Desenvolvemos líderes excepcionais que trabalham em equipe para cumprir nossos
compromissos perante todas as partes interessadas. Com isso, desempenhamos
papel fundamental na construção de um mundo de negócios melhor para nossas
pessoas, nossos clientes e nossas comunidades.
No Brasil, a EY é a mais completa empresa de Auditoria, Impostos, Transações
Corporativas e Consultoria, com 5.000 profissionais que dão suporte e atendimento a
mais de 3.400 clientes de pequeno, médio e grande portes.
Em 2012, a EY Brasil tornou-se Apoiadora Oficial dos Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016TM e
fornecedora exclusiva de serviços de Consultoria para o Comitê Organizador. O
alinhamento dos valores do Movimento Olímpico e da EY foi decisivo nessa iniciativa.
EY refere-se à organização global e pode referir-se também a uma ou mais firmasmembro da Ernst & Young Global Limited (EYG), cada uma das quais é uma entidade
legal independente. A Ernst & Young Global Limited, companhia privada constituída
no Reino Unido e limitada por garantia, não presta serviços a clientes. Para mais
informações sobre nossa organização, visite
© 2014 EYGM Limited. Todos os direitos reservados.

Social Network