Hi, guys
Quero dirigir-me a meus alunos que estão se preparando para o
concurso da Câmara. Aqueles que assim o desejarem poderão surf the
net à procura de textos relacionados com leis, legislativo, senado, câmara
A fim de ajudar meus alunos da turma inicial e aqueles que começaram
o curso agora decidi apresentar alguns clozes (com ‘z’ mesmo) para
prática do vocabulário específico desse concurso. Trata-se de exercícios
de preenchimento de lacunas de acordo com a gramática e o sentido
lógico dos mesmos. Funcionam como mera exemplificação do que você
mesmo pode compor com outros textos semelhantes. Observem que o
endereço ao final dos trechos é a chave que certamente abrirá a todos
vocês um mundo de informação na Internet.
Complete the mini texts with one of the words below the titles.
Mini-text 1: United States House of Representatives - Tying It All
Together: Learn about the Legislative Process
The ________ (1) function of Congress is the making of ________
(2). The legislative process comprises a number of steps, and much
information is available from this page concerning the _________ (3)
introduced and considered in the 110th Congress. To help you understand
the information and how it interrelates, a very brief __________ (4) of
the legislative process within the House of Representatives is presented
below. There are many aspects and variations of the process which are
not addressed here. A much more in-depth discussion and presentation of
the overall process is available in How Our Laws Are Made, Most of the
information presented below was excerpted from that Congressional
__________ (5).
Este endereço acima lhe abre um sem número de oportunidades de
estudo comparativo no site da Câmara dos Deputados, House of
Representantives, dos EUA.
-2Mini-text 2: The President of the Senate’s Role in the Legislative Process
Have you ever watched the Senate during a very ________ (1) vote?
If so, you may have seen the vice president sitting or standing at the
presiding officer's desk on the Senate Floor. Other than to succeed to the
presidency upon the death or ________ (2) of a president, a vice
president's only constitutional ________ (3) is to preside over the
Senate. Vice presidents cannot vote in the Senate, except to break a tie,
nor may they formally address the Senate, except with the senators'
permission. Initially vice presidents ________ (4) senators to standing
committees, regulated access to the galleries and supervised the keeping
of the Senate Journal, but these duties were later removed.
During the twentieth and twenty-first centuries the vice president's role
has ________ (5) into more of an executive branch position, and is
usually seen as an integral part of a president's administration. He
presides over the Senate only on ceremonial occasions or when a tiebreaking vote may be needed.
When the vice president is absent, the president pro tempore presides
over the Senate. Junior senators fill in as presiding officer when neither
the vice president nor president pro tempore is on the Senate Floor.
Um mundo de informações e itens de vocabulário precioso se abrem
quando você entra no site do US Senate. Do your research.
Mini-text 3: Executive Matters Generally
The executive business of the Senate consists of ________ (1) and
treaties submitted to the Senate by the President of the United States for
its "advice and consent." This business of the Senate is handled
separately from its ________ (2) business.
Treaties are referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
Nominations are referred to one of the various committees of the Senate;
usually this is the committee that ________ (3) the legislation creating
the position. When committees report treaties or nominations to the
Senate, they are placed on the Executive Calendar, as distinct from the
Calendar of Business, on which legislation is placed. These two calendars
are ________ (4) separately.
When the Senate considers nominations and treaties, it goes into
executive session, as distinct from legislative session, and a separate
Journal is kept of the ________ (5) thereon.
-3Nunca esquecendo do site
Dele retiro farto material de leitura e prática do vocabulário como vocês
já devem ter percebido há muito tempo. Com uma vantagem extra, neste
caso, se você clicar na escolha da língua que você deseja ler o texto, você
poderá escolher o português. Só precisa verificar se é o português de
Portugal, mas em geral a tradução está muito bem feita.
Respostas dos mini-textos:
Mini text 1
1. chief // 2. laws // 3. legislation // 4. overview // 5. document
Mini text 2
1. close // 2. resignation // 3. duty // 4. appointed // 5. evolved
Mini text 3
1. nominations // 2. laws // 3. handled // 4. printed // 5. proceedings
Best wishes
Prof. Carlos Augusto