(free translation of the original in Portuguese) BANCO INDUSVAL S.A. Publicly Held Company with Authorized Capital Corporate Taxpayer (CNPJ/MF) nº 61.024.352/0001-71 Company Registry (NIRE) nº 353.000.242-90 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD ON MAY 22nd, 2015 Date and Time: May 22nd, 2015, at 3:00 p.m.. Place: the Corporation’s headquarters, at Rua Iguatemi, 151, 6th floor, São Paulo, SP. Call Notice: according to the 1st paragraph of the article 17 of the Company’s Bylaws. Participants: the totality of the members of the Company’s Board of Directors were present at the meeting. Board: Mr. Manoel Felix Cintra Neto, Chairman; Mr. Luiz Masagão Ribeiro, Secretary to the Board. Agenda: to approve Mr. Gilberto Barshad Faiwichow’s resignation from the office of Vice-President Director. Deliberations Taken by Unanimity of Votes: The members deliberated by unanimity for the approval of the resignation of Mr. GILBERTO BARSHAD FAIWICHOW, Brazilian, married, engineer, domiciled in the capital of the State of Sao Paulo, bearer of the identity card (RG) number 8.587.130 SSP/SP, registered under the taxpayer registry (CPF/MF) under number 014.509.978-48, from the office of Vice-President Director. The main activities carried out by Mr. Gilberto shall be exercised by Co-President Director Mr. Jair Ribeiro da Silva Neto. Therefore, the members of the Board took the opportunity to register their gratitude for all the services provided with competence and professionalism. There being nothing further to be transacted, the floor was offered to whoever wished to take it and, as nobody did, the meeting was adjourned for as long as necessary to have these minutes drawn up which, upon reopening of the meeting, were read, approved by all the Board members and signed. Presiding Board: (sgd) Chairman: Mr. Manoel Felix Cintra Neto; Secretary: Mr. Luiz Masagão Ribeiro. Board Members present: (sgd) Manoel Felix Cintra Neto, Afonso Antonio Hennel, Luiz Masagão Ribeiro, Jair Ribeiro da Silva Neto, Antonio Geraldo da Rocha, Alain Juan Pablo Belda Fernandez, Alfredo de Goeye Junior, Roberto de Rezende Barbosa and Walter Iorio. Place and Date: São Paulo (SP), May 22nd, 2015. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the minutes drawn up in the Book of Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting. LUIZ MASAGÃO RIBEIRO Secretary Page 1 of 1