READING A – Questions 1 – 7 refer to reading A
Ask Laskas Advice Column – Real Life – Q & A
Dear seventeen
I'm 17 and have a 1-year-old daughter. I got my GED earlier this year (a year early), and all I hear from my
mom is that I need to go to college. Right now I don't know what I want to do with my life. I want to take a
year off from school to figure it out and spend time with my daughter. What should I do?
- Jayma, 17, Chilhowie, VA.
It's so normal at your age to not know what you want to do with your life. That's why I agree with your mom – go
to college. Consider it an investment in your future: As a college graduate, you'll have way better job
opportunities (i.e., make more money), meet smart people (both professors and fellow students), and learn more
about different fields so you can figure out what you want to do with your future.
I understand that you want to spend time with your daughter. But really, you'd be doing her a bigger favor by
going to college. Being a single mom is tough. You already made a smart decision by getting your high-school
diploma early. Maintain your momentum and kick butt at college too. Your daughter is depending on you. Good
The text is about:
a) a concerned seventeen-year-old mother who wants to go to college.
b) a young mother who is trying to finish high-school and get a job.
c) a young mother who is worried about a difficult decision to make.
d) a careless teenager whose mother thinks only about herself.
In the text, “GED” stands for:
a) getting pregnant in her teens.
b) a high-school diploma
c) giving birth to a girl.
d) a college degree.
The sentence “I want to take a year off from school” means the same as
a) I can’t wait until next year to go to school.
b) I don’t want to go to school anymore.
c) I wish I could stay in school for another year.
d) I would like to take a 1-year-break from school.
According to the text, the underlined words “Being a single mom is tough “ mean:
a) unmarried / hard.
b) lonely / pleasant.
c) abandoned / easy.
d) married / dangerous.
In the sentence “both professors and fellow students” the underlined linking words means:
a) os dois... e...
b) não só... mas também...
c) assim... como...
d) somente... e...
The young mom is advised to:
a) skip school for a year and spend time with her daughter.
b) take the best job opportunity that comes around.
c) get a high-school diploma as early as possible.
d) continue studying and reflect on what to do later.
In the text, the expression “kick butt” can be replaced by
a) hurry up.
b) get real.
c) do your best.
d) well done.
READING B – Questions 8 e 9 refer to Reading B.
RD: Cartoon
Qual é a mensagem implícita no texto do Cartum?
Qual estrutura verbal foi usada no enunciado do Cartum? Por qual motivo?
READING C – Questions 10 and 15 refer to Reading C.
Vitamin D Against Breast Cancer
By Michael Lemonick
Earlier studies on vitamin D have shown several intriguing things. In the lab, the vitamin tends to prevent cancer
cells from dividing, and speeds their death. Out in the world, women who have good vitamin D levels in their
blood tend to come down with breast cancer at a lower rate than others. And now, a new report out of Imperial
College London, reported in the Journal of Clinical Pathology, strengthens the case that vitamin D is an anticancer agent. Doctors examined 279 women who suffered from an invasive form of breast cancer, 204 of whom
were in the early stages of the disease, the rest in advanced stages. It turned out that on average, the earlystage patients had higher blood levels of vitamin D than those in late stages.
What it means: It's always possible that the cancer reduces vitamin levels, rather than lower vitamin levels
promoting cancer. But taken with the earlier studies, the circumstantial case for maintaining vitamin D to stave
off, and now to slow the progress of breast cancer, is even stronger.
Time online edition, Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006.
QUESTION 10 – Resposta em Português ou inglês
Qual é o assunto do texto?
A que se referem os pronomes “their” (linha 2) e “those” (linha 7)?
a) their _____________________________________________
b) those ____________________________________________
A que se referem os números “279” e “204”, respectivamente?
QUESTION 13 – resposta em português ou inglês
Segundo o texto, que acontece quando a vitamina D entra em contato com as células cancerígenas?
QUESTION 14 – resposta em português ou inglês
Relacione as palavras abaixo aos verbos frasais sublinhados no texto.
a) mostrou
b) retardar
c) adoecer
Retire do texto 3 adjetivos comparativos.

1 READING A – Questions 1 – 7 refer to reading A Ask Laskas