Mifgash TaMaR AmLat Rio - CONNECTIONS 2015
Encontro de jovens judeus latino-americanos
Tikun Olam
Idade dos participantes: Entre 20 e 35 anos.
Datas: 12-17/05/2015
Abertura: Terça-feira 12 de maio às 12 hs.
Término: Domingo 17 de maio às 15 hs.
Convidamos jovens judeus latino-americanos, entre 20 e 35 anos, para aproveitar um encontro
único. Este, será um encontro em que combinaremos a energia e a força dos jovens com a dos
adultos. Desta vez, seremos parte da conferencia internacional CONNECTIONS 2015, da qual
fazem parte todas as congregações, comunidades e organizações progressistas do mundo. Nós,
jovens, participaremos das palestras, apresentações, sessões e demais. Somado a isto, teremos
espaços próprios para conversas, estudos, compartilhamento de projetos, espaços
comunitários na sinagoga e muito do que pode oferecer a maravilhosa cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
Propomos-nos a um fim de semana cheio de experiências formadoras, workshops e
intercâmbio, que enriquecerão nossa identidade como jovens judeus Sionistas e Liberais.
Enfocaremos-nos nos aspectos que formam a nossa identidade judaica através do TIKUN
Abordaremos as perguntas e as respostas que se encontram em nossas fontes rabínicas e
culturais sobre o tema. Trataremos a transformação social como consequência da
transformação individual e pessoal: Tikun Atzmí; que pode levar ao Tikun Adám – reparação do
ser humano.
Mifgash nos dá a oportunidade de nos enfrentar com temas atuais e relevantes. Este ano no
calendário judaico, é o ano sabático – Shnat SHMITÁ (7º ano para a terra de Israel). É por isso,
que tomaremos um tempo para analisar de que maneira queremos retomar este valor para a
vida em Israel e cada um de nossos países, para construir uma sociedade mais justa, com
menores níveis de pobreza, mais sabedoria, maior consciência aos direitos sociais e consciência
Compartilharemos projetos da comunidade judaica e brasileiros relacionados a ação social,
tentando encontrar novos possibilidades e métodos de ação social, que nos enriquecerão,
formando-nos como membros ativos de nossa sociedade.
Objetivos do encontro:
1. Reunir jovens judeus da América Latina de comunidades progressistas.
2. Vivenciar juntos um Shabat liberal com seus costumes, sua mística e sua profundidade.
3. Fortalecer a relação dos jovens com o Estado de Israel.
4. Experimentar juntos os diferentes aspectos de nosso Judaísmo moderno e seus
5. Fortalecer a plataforma para a construção de novos caminhos de trabalho em conjunto.
6. Desenvolver-nos para sermos membros ativos em nossas sociedades.
Cronograma de Atividades:
Descrição: Todas as atividades serão dirigidas por diferentes Rabanim, Morim e
Shiur, Palestras, Chevruta: Propostas centrais de apresentação de temáticas e reflexão.
Projetos Sociais: este será um espaço no qual aprenderemos sobre projetos realizados
no Rio de Janeiro, para inspirar-nos e levar conosco novas ideias.
Mesa do capitão: em distintas refeições, líderes do movimento progressista mundial
nos acompanharão para nos contar de suas experiências, desafios e objetivos. Estas
serão imagens inspiradoras para nosso desenvolvimento com seus pontos de vista.
Terça-feira 12.5:
*Abaixo encontra-se o programa do CONNECTIONS em Inglês.
12:00 Chegada a ARI.
Abertura e atividade de reconhecimento e integração
14:30 – 16:00 Limud: Tikun Atzmi, Tikun Adam, Tikun Olam. Primeiro espaço de
estudo, “disparador”
 As regras sociais em nossas fontes judaicas.
 Que respostas nos dá a nossa tradição judaica sobre a ajuda social?
 Tikun e meio-ambiente
 Tikun Olam e suas práticas espirituais.
16:30- 17:30 Atualidade e Historia e sua relação com Tikun Olam, Maoz Haviv
18:30- 22:00 Encontro com Hillel - Rio de Janeiro
 Coexistência e Tikun Olam, um projeto do Hillel
 Jantar - Sushi com Hillel
 Organizações de jovens adultos: Desafios em comum.
Quarta-feira 13.5
Café da manhã
09:00 Tefilat Shacharit na ARI.
09:30- 10:30 Estudos em Chevrutot (em duplas ou grupos pequenos). Segundo espaço de
 As mensagens e dinâmicas do estudo entre duas pessoas
 Como o valor de Tikun Olam contribui para nossas vidas?
11:00- 16:00 Compartilhar o Projeto da escola judaica Liessin nas favelas do Rio de
Apresentação dos programas de Tikun Olam na escola: (1) Curso de Tikun Olam para o
Ensino Médio. (2) Projeto de Tikun Olam na Favela Dona Marta. (3) projeto interreligioso integrativo.
Estudo em conjunto com alunos do Ensino Médio do Liessin sobre Tikun Olam.
“Mãos à obra”: Visita a Favela pacificada Dona Marta e ajuda no projeto.
17:00- 18:00 Exposição e apresentação de projetos existentes de TaMaR AmLat (TaMaR
Regional, Anabella. TaMaR local, participantes)
19:30- 22:00 Cerimônia de abertura do CONNECTIONS
Noite de Rikudei Am, Lehaká do Rio de Janeiro.
Quinta-feira 14.5 (CONNECTIONS)
08:00- 08:45 Tefilat Shacharit
09:00- 10:15 Keynote speaker (Orador central): Rabbi Aaron Panken, Ph.D. President of
the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
10:30- 12:00 Painéis do CONNECTIONS- A (BREAKOUT SESSIONS – A)
12:30- 14:00 Almoço com programas incluídos
16:30- 18:00 Painéis do CONNECTIONS- C (BREAKOUT SESSIONS – C)
18:15- 19:30 Homenagem a Yad b’Yad e a Jerry Tanenbaum
Jantar “Mesa do capitão”
Noite de Comédia Judaica, Edy Huberman.
Sikum Iom – Fechamento do dia
Sexta-feira 15.5 (CONNECTIONS)
08:00 08:45 Tefilat Shacharit
09:00- 10:15 Keynote Speaker (Orador central)
10:30-12:00 Painéis do CONNECTIONS (BREAKOUT SESSIONS – D)
12:00- 16:00 Visita de Projetos de Tikun Olam:
1. Favela do Vigário Geral
2. Escola Eliezer Max
16:00- 17:00 Preparação para o Shabat
17:30 Hadlakat Hanerot na ARI
Tfila Kabalat Shabat + Arvit.
Seudat Leil Shabat - jantar de Shabat.
Oneg Shabat: Música.
Oficina de Piút (cântico sefaradí) Anabella Esperanza
Shabat 16.8
09:00- 12:00 Shacharit de Shabat com CONNECTIONS
12:00- 13:30 Beit Midrash e almoço de estudo sobre a Parashat Hashavua
14:30- 18:00 Tour pelo Rio de Janeiro com Paola Salem, Turismo Judaico.
18:00- 19:00 Seuda Shlishit na praia, estudo recreativo - Bia Frenkel
Havdala na praia com CONNECTIONS
19:30 Cerimônia de fechamento do CONNECTIONS
Noite livre
08:30 Tefilat Shacharit (ARI)
09:00- 11:30
Dvar Tikun: pensamos e criamos projetos locais, para cada grupo.
Dvar Tikun: pensamos e criamos projetos regionais, para toda América Latina.
11:45- 12:30 Última Sessão de Tikun Olam - Fechamento
12:30- 13:30 Almoço “Mesa do capitão”
13:30- 15:00 Sikum: Despedida e Feedback.
16:00 (máximo) Fim do encontro.
20:00 - 22:00
(Grande Templo Israelita)
Thursday, May 14
8:00 - 20:00
Registration / Information Desk
(Sofitel - Foyer)
Café Ivrit – learn Hebrew throughout the conference in an informal setting
Regional Shuk
(Sofitel - upstairs Foyer)
8:00 - 8:45
Shacharit Morning Worship
9:00 - 10:15
Keynote address by Rabbi Aaron Panken, Ph.D.
President of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
10:15 - 10:30
Break with a Latin Beat
10:30 - 12:00
1. “Many faces, one threat?” Anti-Semitism:
A growing threat, a common denominator or a necessary evil? Are we witnessing a time of new threats
from “sheep in wolves clothing”? This session will explore government, UN sponsored and business
based models, dealing with BDS; global and regional variations, and look at the issue of Anti- Semitism
vs Anti-Israel. Is this a major threat in Latin America?
2. “So you want to be Jewish?!” Who is, and who wants to be, a Jew:
Engage in some of the most hotly debated issues of our Jewish world: conversion, the Anusim, Patrilineal
descent, Batei Din and regional policies, long distance conversions, burial rites and Chevra Kadisha –
explore attitudes and idiosyncrasies of different regions using real examples.
3. Keeping faith in Interfaith:
Is there still faith in interfaith? What is the value of dialogue and do shared values equal shared
narratives? Using practical examples from around the world, we will discuss solidarity between religions,
and engage in ways which work successfully. Relations with Christians vs relations with Islam – is there a
difference? Can we deal with radical Islam?
4. Social = Networks? Opening the doors to the millennials:
Does Facebook really equate to friendship? Can we redefine the meaning of friendship? What matters to
Generation Y – are they also Generation WHY? How do we engage, connect and learn?
5. Klal Israel Chai?
Jewish Peoplehood (Israel-Diaspora) relations have developed in many ways over the last decades. Is it
time to review this model of engagement? Is there a new paradigm? Does this solidarity have a place in
our future? Can we sustain it? Does our Israeli Progressive movement have a key role in this developing
6. Music for the Soul ‫מוזיקה לנשמה‬:
A musical workshop with Neshama Carlebach and Josh Nelson.
Beit Midrash Take a “learning break” – a text study option in the foyer
for those wishing to have a change of pace
(Sofitel - upstairs foyer)
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch with Program
14:15 - 16:00
Open your mind and heart to issues and topics from our global
and local agenda. A smorgasbord of peers and partners will
ensure you find a fruitful engagement for every flavor of learning.
Hold intimate discussions, debate fierce issues, take away
a small but great idea, discover a brand new activity,
or just “kvetch” with likeminded friends in round robin tables.
Choose whatever you want to do freely.
16:00 - 16:30
Break with a Latin Beat
16:30 - 18:00
1. “Tell it like it is”
Advocating for Israel and Hasbarah are not the same thing. How do I engage with Israel, with issues on
the news, with possible conflicts with Israel? How do I, and should I, present Israel? How do I support or
criticize Israel, when, how and in what forums. How do we deal with issues of Pluralism in Israel,
government legislation, key issues that effect us in the Diaspora?
2. “Vehigadeta Le bincha” ‫“( והגדת לבנך‬and you have taught your child”) The Challenges of Jewish
education in Latin America:
Join the educators from the Arlene Fern, Eliezer Max, and Liessin Jewish schools to discuss education
for the 21st century. What can other regions in the world learn from the historically strong role of Jewish
education in Latin America.
3. “Ze hakatan gadol ihiye?” ‫“( ?זה הקטן גדול יהיה‬shall this small one grow?”)
Exploring models and options for operations of smaller communitiesWhen is small too small? Are satellite
communities – the responsibility of larger communities? Can a community sustain itself long term in small
numbers? How can we operate and grow without the presence of a rabbi? Are Para Professionals the
solution? Are there alternative leadership models? Can we train lay leaders to fill this void?
4. Shlach Lachmecha” ‫“( שלח לחמך‬Send your bread across the waters”):
What do you mean by outreach? How far out do you reach? Is your shul a welcoming place? How do you
welcome the stranger? How broad should we make the tent without losing our way? 5. Teaching Israel –
“where the country is your classroom”: Engage with ways of teaching about Israel through the lens of our
Saltz Israel Education Center, the IMPJ education projects and others. Discover different models for
engagement including Israel seminars, classroom to classroom projects, webinars, programs of schools
outside Israel and more. Take home new solutions for varying environments
1. “Tell it like it is”:
Advocating for Israel and Hasbarah are not the same thing. How do I engage with Israel, with issues on
the news, with possible conflicts with Israel? How do I, and should I, present Israel? How do I support or
criticize Israel, when, how and in what forums. How do we deal with issues of Pluralism in Israel,
government legislation, key issues that effect us in the Diaspora?
2. “Vehigadeta Le bincha” ‫“( והגדת לבנך‬and you have taught your child”) The Challenges of Jewish
education in Latin America:
Join the educators from the Arlene Fern, Eliezer Max, and Liessin Jewish schools to discuss education
for the 21st century. What can other regions in the world learn from the historically strong role of Jewish
education in Latin Americ‫ש‬
3. “Ze hakatan gadol ihiye?” ‫“( ?זה הקטן גדול יהיה‬shall this small one grow?”) Exploring models and
options for operations of smaller communities
When is small too small? Are satellite communities – the responsibility of larger communities? Can a
community sustain itself long term in small numbers? How can we operate and grow without the presence
of a rabbi? Are Para Professionals the solution? Are there alternative leadership models? Can we train
lay leaders to fill this void?
4. Shlach Lachmecha” ‫“( שלח לחמך‬Send your bread across the waters”). What do you mean by
How far out do you reach? Is your shul a welcoming place? How do you welcome the stranger? How
broad should we make the tent without losing our way?
5. Teaching Israel – “where the country is your classroom”:
Engage with ways of teaching about Israel through the lens of our Saltz Israel Education Center, the IMPJ
education projects and others. Discover different models for engagement including Israel seminars,
classroom to classroom projects, webinars, programs of schools outside Israel and more. Take home new
solutions for varying environments.
18:15 - 19:30
Tribute Evening to Yad b’Yad and Jerry Tanenbaum
Friday May 15
8:00 - 20:00
Information Desk
(Sofitel - Foyer)
Café Ivrit – learn Hebrew throughout the conference in an informal setting
Regional Shuk
(Sofitel - upstairs Foyer)
8:00 - 8:45
Shacharit Morning Worship
9:00 - 10:15
Keynote Address
10:15 - 10:30
Break with a Latin Beat
10:30 - 12:00
1. Progressive Judaism in Latin America:
Discuss the main challenges and opportunities facing the region with our key rabbinic leaders of the
2. Engaging Zionism – Discover how cool Zionism can be:
Practical ways to influence the future of the Jewish people through hands on Reform Zionism. Discuss
the Zionist dream in the 21st century.
3. “Sof ma’ase bemachshava techilla” ‫ סוף מעשה במחשבה תחילה‬Tikkun Olam – a means to an end?
Let’s look at the values and value of Tikkun Olam. Explore practical ways to harness social action: what
do we give and what do we all get out of it; and how to use it to draw in young adults and the unaffiliated.
Expose yourself to young adult cutting edge projects, as well as inspiring actions of our Hirsch Social
Action award winners.
4. Sacred communities of the future:
What will define a community of the future? Do communities need physical structures to exist? Are there
alternative models of communities? Will communities as we know them exist 20 years from now?
5. The “blessed volunteer” (Milluim for the Jewish people) – professionals, boards and volunteers – a
winning combination?
An examination of the different lay/professional relationships and how these can be maximised as a
resource for the community.
Beit MidrashTake a “learning break” – a text study option in the foyer
for those wishing to have a change of pace
(Sofitel - upstairs foyer)
12:00 - 16:00
Tikun Olam Site Visits:
1. The Vigário Geral Favela
2. Eliezer Max School
16:00 - 17:30
Preparations for Shabbat
17:30 - 19:00
Kabbalat Shabbat services
19:00 - 22:30
Shabbat dinner
Saturday, May 16
9:30 - 12:00
Shabbat Morning Worship Services
12:00 - 13:30
Beit Midrash and Study Lunches
14:30 - 18:00
Rio Programmed City Tour with Paola Salem.
(Departing from Sofitel)
19:00 - 19:30
Havdallah on Copacabana Beach
(Sofitel Beach)
19:30 - 22:30
Closing Gala Event and Dinner

Mifgash TaMaR AmLat Rio - CONNECTIONS 2015 Encontro de