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Texto para os testes 3 e 4.
Texto para os testes 1 e 2.
Punting on a Pipeline
New York is fun, but it sure isn't cheap. That's why
the best way to see New York City is with the new $4
Metrocard Fun Pass. Use it as many times as you
want in a day, for as many rides as you want, on any
New York City Transit bus or subway.
Buy it in advance anytime you want, because the
pass is only activated the first time you use it. Then
you have until 3AM the next morning to ride, ride,
Pick up a Fun Pass at one of more than 3,500
MetroCard merchants, like Hudson News and Rite
Air Pharmacies. Fun Pass is also available at the
Times Square Visitors Center (east side of Broadway
between 46th and 47th streets) and the Grand
Central Terminal Transit Museum. In addition,
Fun Pass is available in MetroCard Vending
Machines at 59th Street/Columbus Circle and 68th
Street/Lexington Avenue subway stations.
If you're spending some time in the city, you may
want a 7-Day Unlimited Ride card for $17 or one of
our other MetroCard options. For more information,
call (212) METROCARD or pick up a Fun Pass
brochure in any New York City Transit station or bus.
Remember, New York's a fun city. Better rest up.
(Meet New York)
1. All the sentences below are true, but:
a) a MetroCard can be used if you want to take the
subway or a bus.
b) a MetroCard can be used only when you are
travelling by train.
c) you don't need to buy a MetroCard and use it
d) a MetroCard is a good idea if you want to visit a lot
of places in New York.
e) you can find a MetroCard at the east side of
2. If you buy a MetroCard:
will receive a 7-Day Unlimited Ride card free.
will have a free Fun Pass brochure.
need to activate it one day before using it.
can have more fun in New York paying less.
will save over $17 an hour.
Washington, DC
1. MINERAL wealth can be deleterious to poor
countries' economic health. Too often, natural
resources breed corruption and waste, enriching
elites but leaving others as poor as they were
before. Think only of Nigeria or Congo. The World
Bank, however, is betting that Chad will be an
exception. On June 6th, its board agreed to
finance a small share of a $ 3.7 billion construction
project, the largest in Africa, to develop Chad's oil
2. The plan is to build 300 wells in Chad's Doba oil
fields and to connect them to Cameroon's Atlantic
coast via a 1,070-km (665-mile) pipeline. Most of
the cost will be born by Exxon Mobil (the
operator, with 40% of the private equity),
Petronas, Malaysia's oil company (35%) and
Chevron (25%). The Bank and its private-sector
arm, the International Finance Corporation, are
providing nearly $200m in loans. Far more
important than the Bank's financial involvement is
the political comfort it brings.
3. The loan is one of the Bank's most controversial in
years. Critics say the pipeline will harm the
environment, displace indigenous tribes, worsen
Chad's human-rights record and foster corruption.
(The pipeline will pass through pristine rainforest
in Cameroon, home to gorillas and pygmies.)
Opponents recall other environmental disasters,
such as the trans-Amazon highway in Brazil.
4. The Bank claims that exploiting oil resources is
one of the few development options open to Chad,
where 80% of the people live on less than a dollar
a day, and 90% of the country is desert or semiarid. Over the project's 25-year production period,
Chad will receive $2 billion in revenues, and
Cameroon $500m. In effect, the oil project will
increase the Chad government's annual revenues
by half from 2004.
5. The Bank claims that it has put in place some
of the most stringent safeguards ever. Chad
has passed laws stipulating how the money is to
be used. Ten per cent is to be held in trust for
future generations. Of the rest, 80% is earmarked
for spending on education, health, rural
development, infrastructure, environmental and
water management, and 5% is to be spent in the
oil-producing region.
6. The petroleum accounts are to be audited and
published annually, and spending will be
monitored by an oversight committee, including
representatives from civil society as well as
parliament, the judiciary and the government. To
minimise the environmental risks, the pipeline is to
be buried, and to follow existing rights of way. To
compensate for lost rainforest, Cameroon has
created two new national parks, paid for by the
project's sponsors.
7. All of this was enough to convince the Bank's
board. But, however rigorously the Bank's
safeguards are imposed, they cannot guarantee
the success of its gamble on Chad's using its oil
wealth sensibly.
(The Economist)
3. The article most likely mentions Nigeria and Congo
in order to:
a) make it easier for readers to picture Chad in a
context of other Central African nations.
b) highlight two countries whose environment
suffered because of predatory oil exploration.
c) give a strong example of two countries whose
mineral resources, in general, brought more
economic problems than benefits.
d) give an example of two countries that misused
large sums of money loaned by the World Bank
and by other international financial institutions.
e) highlight the dangers of loaning money to ThirdWorld nations that lack the infrastructure to use
such money well.
4. You can infer from the information in the article that
the World Bank believes that:
a) no environmental damage will occur if strong
precautions are taken and strict regulations
b) to minimize risks to the environment, the
petroleum accounts must be audited and
published annually.
c) as Chad is already mostly desert, oil-pipeline
accidents can he noticed immediately, thus
eliminating any risk to the environment.
d) even though the Chad oil-development project will
follow strict environmental guidelines, a certain
amount of rainforest will be destroyed.
e) even though the Chad oil-development project will
follow strict environmental guidelines, pygmies
and gorillas will have to be removed from the
Texto para as questões de 1 a 6.
In 1894, W. K. Laurie Dickson, a researcher at
Thomas A. Edison Laboratories, is credited with the
invention of a practicable form of celluloid strip
containing a sequence of images, the basis of a
method of photographing and projecting moving
Americans often mention him as the inventor of
the cinema. Thomas Edison introduced to the public
two pioneering inventions based on this innovation:
the Kinetograph, the first practical moving picture
camera, and the Kinetoscope (the word "kinos" is
Greek for "image", and was later turned into "cine").
The latter was a cabinet in which a continuous loop
of Dickson's celluloid film (powdered by an electric
motor) was projected by a lamp and lens onto a
glass. The spectator viewed the image individually
through an eye piece.
Kinetoscope parlors were supplied with fifty-foot
film snippets shot by Dickson, in Edison's "Black
Maria" studio. These sequences recorded everyday
life events (such as Fred Ott's Sneeze, 1894) as well
as entertainment acts. Kinetescope parlors soon
spread successfully to Europe. Edison, however,
never cared to patent these instruments on the other
side of the Atlantic, since they relied so heavily on
previous experiments and innovations from Britain
and Europe. This left the field open for imitations,
such as the camera devised by British electrician and
scientific instrument maker Robert W. Paul and his
partner Brit Acres in 1896. The British often regard
them as the parents of moving pictures.
But the Frenchman Louis Lumiere is sometimes
credited as inventor of the motion picture one year
after Dickison created his device in America.
Although he was preceded by others, Lumiere's
portable, suitcase sized cinematographe served as a
camera, film processing unit, and projector all in one.
His invention, at first, was seen as a "devilish thing",
since people believed the images it projected could
acquire life and harm the audience.
Responda em Português.
1. Segundo o texto, quem inventou o cinema e em que
2. O texto menciona duas invenções de Thomas A.
Edison. Como os espectadores viam seus "filmes"?
E o que tais filmes mostravam?
3. Com relação a Thomas A. Edison, em que parte do
mundo ele não patenteou suas invenções e por quê?
4. Quanto ao cinematógrafo de Lumiere, como ele foi
visto a princípio e por quê?
5. Encontre, no texto, sinônimos das palavras a seguir:
A) Procedure: .............................................................
B) Nevertheless: ........................................................
C) Gadget: .................................................................
D) Trusted: .................................................................
6. Observe as passagens extraídas do texto e indique
se as palavras grifadas são: Substantivo, Adjetivo
ou Verbo.
A) "Thomas Edison introduced to the public two
pioneering inventions based on this innovation."
B) "Kinetoscope parlors were supplied with fifty-foot
film snippets shot by Dickson,(…)"
C) "These sequences recorded everyday life events
(such as Fred Ott's Sneeze, 1894) as well as
entertainment acts."
D) "His invention, at first, was seen as a ‘devilish
thing’, since people believed the images it
projected could acquire life and harm the

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