10 Questions to Rodrigo Oliveira
1. What did you want to be when you were young?
I wanted to be an architect or an artist.
2. What is your relation to politics?
Everything that is public becomes political. I think that my work by having a public
visibility also becomes political in its essence. As any other individual, my relationship
with politics is a constant one, we’re exposed to a lot of information… it is impossible
to not have any opinion or not take any side.
3. Who are the people that influenced the most?
It’s impossible to number the people who influenced me, they are always a variable
depending on the moments I’m going through along life.
4. What are your current interests?
I’m interested in taking advantage of every moment and to believe that the future will
be much better than the present.
5. Does art influence the evolution of society?
Yes, I believe so. The proof is that all artistic forms continue trough time. New forms
are invented as well as new interpretations and points of view on them. We cease to
have “cave paintings”, but we have graffiti in the metro tunnels… if it is art or not, it
doesn’t matter, but all this accompanies the evolution of society.
6. Which word best defines your activity of creation?
7. What is, for you, the meaning of language? Of the word?
Language and the word play a very important role for me, foremost in the process of
appointment of my work and in the creation of meanings. The word permits to
explore all the intervals in the creation of a “new” sign. In my opinion it permits to
activate relationships between the meaning that can be complex and extremely
codified and its signifier.
8. What would you take to a deserted island?
I would take a 50-sun screen with me if it would be a tropical island; but if it’s like the
Berlengas islands… the return ticket.
9. Which are the most urgent reforms?
Interior cultural politics
10. What should happen to your work?
I don’t know… but if it will be considered a WORK, of course it will be a reference for
some persons in the future.

10 Questions to Rodrigo Oliveira 1. What did you want to be when