ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium - Environmental Electrochemistry Meeting
(Semana de Eletroquímica Ambiental (in Portuguese))
The proposal to hold the “Environmental Electrochemistry Meeting” in 2013 arose from the
constant pursuit of technological innovation and upgrading of research conducted on this
theme that has been explored in Brazil and worldwide. This event born from a pioneering idea
by Prof. Artur de Jesus Motheo and Prof. Carlos A Martinez-Huitle aiming to provide a broad
overview about electrochemical technologies that have been employed in other countries in
order to preserve the environment or solve environmental problems related to soil and water
pollution. The lectures have been approached by renowned researchers (Brazilian and foreign
scientists), which have extensive experience in theory, use and application of electrochemical
technologies for environment protection.
First edition
In 2013, the “1st Environmental Electrochemistry Meeting” was organized for undergraduate,
graduate and post-graduate students from Institute of Chemistry at Federal University of Rio
Grande do Norte (UFRN), in Natal (Brazil). This meeting was held at UFRN, with over 120
students, 20 supervisors and attendees from other universities, such as Universidade Estadual
do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) and
Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL).
We also had an important participation of professors and students from the Institute of
Chemistry at UFRN. The scientific program comprised 11 lectures and 4 postgraduate student
talks and 22 postgraduate student poster presentations.
The scientific committee formed by Prof. Carlos Alberto Martínez-Huítle (UFRN), Otom
Anselmo de Oliveira (UFRN), Djalma Ribeiro da Silva (UFRN), Nedja Suely Fernandes (UFRN),
Adalgisa Rodrigues de Andrade (Universidade de São Paulo (USP)), Carmen LPS Zanta (UFAL),
Suely Souza Leal Castro (UERN) received a total of 26 abstracts.
Among these abstracts, 4 were selected for oral presentations and 22 for poster presentation.
For postgraduate student talks were selected: Maria Maésia Eiband Gomes (UFRN), José
Leandro da Silva Duarte (UERN), Crislânia C. de Oliveira Morais (UERN), Nathalia Marcelino
Pereira (Universidade Federal do Ceara (UFC)). This activity was done to promote the
interaction of students with the renowned speakers and motivate them to present their work
in different events.
The national and international speakers during “1st Environmental Electrochemistry Meeting”
Prof. Dr. Pablo Moscoso W Arevalo (Salesian Polytechnic University - Ecuador).
Prof. Dr. Luiz Henrique Gasparotto (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil).
Profa. Dra. Carmen LPS Zanta (Federal University of Alagoas - Brazil).
Prof. Dr. Artur de Jesus Motheo (Physical Chemistry Department – University of São Paulo Brazil).
Prof. Dr. Enric Brillas (Universidad de Barcelona - Spain).
Prof. Dr Achille De Battisti (Universita degli studi di Ferrara - Italy).
Prof. Dr. Pedro de Lima Neto (Federal University of Ceara - Brazil).
Profa. Dra. Suely S Castro Leal (State University of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil).
Profa. Dra. Adalgisa Rodrigues de Andrade (FFCLRP - University of São Paulo - Brazil).
Prof. Dr. Manuel A Rodrigo (Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha - Spain).
Prof. Dr. Sergio Ferro (Universita degli studi di Ferrara - Italy).
We are grateful for sponsorship of the meeting to the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), UFRN, PFRH-22, Laboratorio de Eletroquimica Ambiental e
Aplicada (LEAA) and Metrohm.
Second edition
In its second consecutive year (2014), the Environmental Electrochemistry Meeting was
organized for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students from Institute of Chemistry
at UFRN, in Natal (Brazil). It was supported by International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE),
covering partially the organization expenses. Other renowned researchers were invited to
participate in the “ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry - 2nd
Environmental Electrochemistry Meeting“ for contributing with the improvement of UFRN
internationalization, social inclusion and appreciation of activities related to technologies for
prevention and remediation of environmental pollution in waters and soil.
This meeting was held at UFRN, with over 135 students, 20 supervisors and attendees from
other universities, such as UERN, UFCG, UFAL and UFC. The scientific program comprised 10
lectures and 4 postgraduate student talks and 16 postgraduate student poster presentations.
The scientific committee conformed by postgraduate students from LEAA received a total of 20
abstracts. Among these abstracts, 4 were selected for oral presentations and 20 for poster
presentation. This activity was done to promote the interaction of students with the renowned
speakers and motivate them to present their work in different events.
The national and international speakers during “ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on
Electrochemistry - 2nd Environmental Electrochemistry Meeting” were:
Profa. Dra. Lucia Helena Mascaro (Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) - Brazil).
Prof. Dr. Luiz H. Da Silva Gasparotto (UFRN - Brazil).
Prof. Dr. Onofrio Scialdone (Universita di Palermo - Italy).
Profa. Dra. Maria Valnice Boldrin Zanoni (USP - Brazil).
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Salazar (Universidad de Santiago de Chile - Chile).
Prof. Dr. Manuel A. Rodrigo (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha - Spain).
Prof. Dr. Marco A. Quiroz (Universidad de las Americas-Puebla - México).
Profa. Dra. Maria Gorette Cavalcante (UFRN - Brazil).
Profa. Dra. Sergio A. Spinola Machado (USP - Brazil).
Profa. Dra. Eliane Bezerra Cavalcanti (University Tiradentes - Brazil).
Our students are grateful to the ISE to have opportunity to provide financial support to
organize the student´s meeting. We are also grateful for sponsorship of the meeting to the
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), UFRN, PFRH-22,
Laboratorio de Eletroquimica Ambiental e Aplicada (LEAA) and Metrohm.
The meeting finished with closing remarks from Prof. Carlos A Martinez Huitle (UFRN), who
also presided over the talk and poster prizes presentations – sponsored by Metrohm and ISE.
Next edition
This event has the objective to promote the participation of renowned researchers in the field
of electrochemical technologies to provide scientific exchanges at different academic levels,
for this reason, the “ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry - 3nd
Environmental Electrochemistry Meeting” will be organized by post-graduate students from
Institute of Chemistry at UFRN, in Natal (Brazil). The idea to maintain the annual meeting is to
motivate the participation of students and professionals related to the physical-chemistry
areas for understanding the new technologies for environment protection and production of
renewable energies.

Report - International Society of Electrochemistry