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Em nenhuma hipótese se avaliará resposta escrita com grafite. 8 Utilize para rascunhos, o verso de cada página deste Caderno. 9 Você dispõe de, no máximo, três horas, para responder as 5 questões que constituem a Prova . 10 Antes de retirar-se definitivamente da sala, devolva ao Fiscal este Caderno. Assinatura do Candidato: ________________________________________________ UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2013.3 – Inglês As questões de 01 a 05, cujas respostas deverão ser redigidas EM PORTUGUÊS, referem -se ao texto abaixo. Big effort to share big data Author(s): John Blau A new global initiative to promote wider sharing of re search data promises to change the scientific publishing culture. The Research Data Alliance (RDA), which is developing an open Internet platform structured much like the World W ide Web, aims to enable greater collaboration among scientists of all discipli nes and from all parts of the globe through the use and reuse of data. Its mission, say the founders, is to unlock the innovation potential of research data by encouraging and enabling scientists to publish the data underlying their research results. The move comes amid growing demands in the research community for tools that allow researchers not only to share their data, but also to manage and make use of the huge volumes of data being generated through literally billions of computers, sensors, and other connected devices--a development known as Big Data. The aim, said John Wood, the European Union cochairman of the RDA, speaking in a recent webinar, is to ensure that when scientists seek access to the data of their peers, "this data is available to them in a format they can use." RDA, which was supported in its earlier stages by Europe, the United States, and Australia, faces no shortage of challenges, experts agree. The technical challenges begin with the need for a common framework to assure interopera bility. For instance, the various elements of this new scientists' web--the various codes, policies, standards, and practices --need to be harmonized to allow data sharing. And that infrastructure, says Francine Berman, who chairs the RDA in the United States, needs to span not only countries and continents, but also scientific disciplines and industrial sectors --"anywhere there is interest in data-driven innovation, which is practically everywhere." Then there are the various responses to the idea of shari ng. Scientists, commercial research interests, and governments are at odds on the issue. A growing number of governments in industrialized nations are demanding open access to research outputs from publicly funded research and development projects. In 2012 , for instance, the European Commission committed to the Open Data movement, arguing that information already paid for by taxpayers "should not be paid for again each time it is accessed or used" and should benefit European businesses and citizens "to the full." In February, the U.S. government announced a new open -access policy requiring publications from taxpayer-funded research to be made free to read after a year's delay. That policy expands the National Institutes of Health (NIH) approach, which, unti l now, has applied only to work in the biomedical sciences. The White House move came just a week after FASTR (Fair Access to Science and Technology Research), a bill that would speed release of publicly funded research to just six months and expand the re ach of the policy, was introduced in the U.S Congress. Within the EU, the United Kingdom has led the way, declaring that all research funded through the nation's research councils must be made freely and openly available to anyone around the world; the pol icy went into effect on April 1, 2013. Disponível em: <http://link.periodicos.capes.gov.br.ez18.periodicos.capes.gov.br/sfxlcl41?url_ver=Z39.88 -2>. Acesso em: 27 de setembro de 2013 UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2013.3 – Inglês – Ciências Exatas e da Terra 1 Questão 1 Qual é a novidade proposta pela comunidade científica que po de mudar a cultura de publicações de dados de pesquisas? Espaço para Resposta Questão 2 Defina com suas palavras o Big Data. Espaço para Resposta UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2013.3 – Inglês – Ciências Exatas e da Terra 2 Questão 3 Que desafios Exemplifique. técnicos existem, conforme os especialistas, para compartilhar dados? Espaço para Resposta Questão 4 Qual o posicionamento do Reino Unido acerca da nova política de acesso às pessoas? Espaço para Resposta UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2013.3 – Inglês – Ciências Exatas e da Terra 3 Questão 5 Traduza o fragmento textual abaixo no espaço reservado para isso. Seu texto deverá apresentar clareza e estar bem articulado tanto em termos estruturais quanto de sentido. That policy expands the National Institutes of Health (NIH) approach, which, until now, has applied only to work in the biomedical sciences. The White House move came j ust a week after FASTR (Fair Access to Science and Technology Research), a bill that would speed release of publicly funded research to just six months and expand the reach of the policy, was introduced in the U.S Congress. ESPAÇO DESTINADO AO TEXTO DEFINITIVO UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2013.3 – Inglês – Ciências Exatas e da Terra 4