166 Appendix C Universidade Eduardo Mondlane Faculty of Medicine Department of Human Anatomy “THE IMPACT OF TEACHING-LEARNING ANATOMY IN THE TRAINING AND PERFORMANCE OF MEDICAL DOCTORS IN MOZAMBIQUE”. Semi-structured Interview Dear student/Doctor: You are kindly invited to participate in this part of the study by agreeing to answer some questions about anatomical concepts. Refusal to participate, or if you wish to withdraw your consent at any time during the study, you are free to do so and it will involve no penalty or loss to benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. The interview aims to obtain fundamental clarification about the role played by Anatomy in medical practice. The results of the interview should be helpful to the Department of Anatomy of UEM in defining and improving the process of teaching and learning Anatomy in the future. This is part of a research project for a PhD programme based at Wits University. All information obtained from this interview will be used only for the research purpose, and anonymity will be guaranteed. Thanks for your generous and valuable co-operation. 167 Appendix C Date:___/__/__ Shift:______________ 1. What have you decided about this patient? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Have you applied anatomical knowledge when evaluating this patient? Why? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. What is your opinion about the use of anatomical knowledge in the clinical report when evaluating a patient like this? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4. What do you think about the ability of the senior students/junior doctors to apply their anatomical knowledge in managing this type of patient? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5. Regarding the use of anatomy in the clinical context what do you suggest in terms of the content of the anatomy course? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 168 Appendix C Universidade Eduardo Mondlane Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de Anatomia Humana “THE IMPACT OF TEACHING-LEARNING ANATOMY IN THE TRAINING AND PERFORMANCE OF MEDICAL DOCTORS IN MOZAMBIQUE”. Entrevista semi-estruturada Caro estudante/Dr: É convidado a participar nesta parte do estudo na qual terá que responder a algumas questões sobre Anatomia. A recusa em participar ou a decisão de abandonar o estudo em qualquer das etapas não terá qualquer repercurssão negativa sobre os seus direitos. Com a entrevista pretende-se particularmente aprofundar alguns aspectos relacionados com o papel da Anatomia na prática médica. Os resultados deste estudo serão especialmente de interesse para o Departamento de Anatomia da UEM pois podem contribuir para melhorar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da Anatomia dos próximos grupos. A entrevista é parte da investigação que está a ser feita no âmbito do programa de Doutoramento na Universidade de Witswtersrand. Toda a informação obtida nesta entrevista sera usada apenas no âmbito do estudo e tem um caracter anónimo. Obrigado pela valiosa colaboração 169 Appendix C Data:___/__/__ Turno:Manhã Tarde Noite 1. Que decisão tomou em relação ao doente que acabou de observar? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Aplicou algum conhecimento de Anatomia no manuseio deste doente? Porquê? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. Acha que é necessário usar termos anatómicos para preencher o boletim medico? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4. Acha que os estudantes/médicos são capazes de fazer uso do seu conhecimento anatómico duante o manuseio deste tipo de doente? Porquê? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5. Tendo em conta a necessidade do uso da Anatomia na avaliação clínica do doente, o que sugere que sejam os conteúdos da Anatomia no curso de medicina? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________