Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP
PEP – First-Episode Psychosis
Research and Assistence Program
First-Episode Psychosis and the caregivers’ Quality of Life: the
Negative symptoms patients caregivers’ show worse QoL
Rita Jorge1; Ana Chaves1
The onset of a FEP may directly affect patient's family members
disrupting their lives. However, there are few studies
on the caregivers’ Quality of Life (QoL) in Brazil.
Negative PANSS sub-scale association with decreased caregivers’ Qol:
Poor rapport x Physical functioning (r = -0.377, p: 0.001)
Difficulty in abstract thinking x General health (r = -0.355, p: 0.001)
Lack of spontaneity and flow of conversation x Physical functioning
Stereotyped thinking x General health (r = -0.448, p: 0.001).
The purpose of this study is to asses the FEP patients caregivers’ Qol
and correlates this data with patients’ symptoms.
Positive PANNS sub-scales association with decreased caregivers’ QoL:
Conceptual disorganization x Pain (r = -0.378, p: 0.001)
Conceptual disorganization x General Health (r = -0.378, p: 0.001).
Fifty caregivers of 50 patients admitted to a FEP Program in São Paulo, Brazil,
underwent to an ad hoc questionnaire and the Short Form-36.
The SF-36 is a generic and multidimensional instrument to evaluate of Quality of
Life, which consists of 36 items comprised in 08 domains (Functional Capacity,
Physical Aspects, Pain, General Health Status, Vitality, Social Aspects, Emotional
Aspects, and Mental Health), each of them with a score of 0 to 100,
with 0 indicating the worst state of health and 100 the best.
Family members are the main caregivers of FEP patients in Brazil and they
experiencing distress and difficulties that impair their well-being and QoL, since
the beginning of the treatment. Their Qol are compromised mainly in General
Health, Social aspects, Mental health and Physical functioning.
Patients were evaluated at admission by Structured Clinical Interview for DSM
Disorders (SCID-I) and Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS).
The caregivers of patients with higher Negative PANSS scale had worse QoL.
A special care for these caregivers may could offer a model to
develop adequate psychoeducational strategies in family interventions.
Caregivers of patients with negative symptoms
present a negative impact on their QoL.
The caregivers were 40 women (80%), 33 were mothers of the patients
(66%) at the average age of 46.1 years (DP: 12,88) and 43
live in the same home with the patient (86%).
These caregivers should be followed up carefully to evaluate if the negative
on their QoL remains after their involvement in the treatment.
The patients were 29 men (58%) at the average age of 24.34 years
(DP = 7.21) and with diagnoses based on DSM-IV: 25 with
affective (50%) and 25 with non-affective psychosis (50%). The mean positive PANSS score was 18.38 (SD: 5.39) and Negative: 21.54
(SD: 8.13).
Caregivers’ QoL was compromised.
The domains more affected were: Emotional role (49,33 points, DP = 45,29),
Vitality (62,50 points, DP = 24,02) and Pain (65,18 points, DP = 28,19).
Total Positive PANSS x Pain (r = -0.288, p: 0.001);
Total Positive PANSS x General health (r = -0.291, p: 0.001)
Total Negative PANSS x General health (r = -0.314, p: 0.001)
Total Negative PANSS x Emotional aspects (r = -0.319, p: 0.001)
Total Negative PANSS x Mental health (r = -0.343, p: 0.001)
Total Negative PANSS x Physical functioning (r = -0.392, p: 0.005)
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1 – Rita Jorge: Master’s Student of Mental Health of pela UNIFESP/ EPM. Psyquiatrist of First-Episode Psychosis
Research and Assistence Program - UNIFESP / EPM.
2 – Ana Chaves: Professora afiliada do Departamento de Psiquiatria da Universidade Federal de São Paulo Unifesp / EPM. Pós-doutorada pela
Universidade de Toronto. Doutora em Psiquiatria e Psicologia Médica pela Unifesp / EPM.
Mailling to: [email protected]
This work was supported by FAPESP. Process number: 2008/10635-5.

Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP PEP – First