星期 三
晚上 八 時
玫瑰 堂
8 pm
Igreja de S. Domingos
St. Dominic’s Church
演出 時 間 約一 小 時 十 分 , 不 設中場休息
Duração: aproximadamente 1 hora e 10 minutos, sem intervalo
Duration: approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes, no interval
錄 影,多謝合作!
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obrigado pela vossa colaboração.
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any kind is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation.
為 支持環保,閣下若不欲保留本場刊,請 交 回 出 口 處 。
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The house programme can be downloaded at
Il Mantovano Hebreo
Profeti della Quinta (Israel / Suíça)
Il Mantovano Hebreo
Profeti della Quinta (Israel / Switzerland)
以色列五重 唱 ( 以 色 列 / 瑞 士 )
羅 西 ( 約1570–1630):
1. 登 聖 殿 歌 。 敬 畏 上 主 的 人 是 有 福 的 《 聖 詠128》
2. 天 主 , 求 你 使 我 們 能 以 復 興 《 聖 詠80:4, 8, 20》
3. 登 聖 殿 歌 《 聖 詠126》
4. 相 思 之 人 向 星 星 傾 吐
5. 唉 , 你 正 離 開
6. 我 的 心 , 啊 , 不 要 憂 愁
7. 聆 聽 , 如 水 一 般 , 阿 魯 瓦 湖 的 精 靈
8. 莫 妮 卡 ( 作 曲 : 哈 美 林 )
9. 我 的 泰 樂 斯 , 親 愛 的 泰 樂 斯
10.平 安 地 留 下
11.第 二 聲 部 : 他 有 死 亡 之 色
12.感 恩 聖 詠 《 聖 詠100》
13. 哈 利 路 亞 ! 我 的 靈 魂 , 你 要 讚 美 上 主 《 聖詠146》
14.巴 比 倫 河 畔 《 聖 詠137》
15. 瞧 , 你 那 麼 美 , 我 的 愛 人 《 歌 中 之 歌4:1-7》
(作 曲 : 羅 坦 )
16. 唉 , 若 你 愛 得 那 麼 深
17.我 黑 , 但 可 愛 《 歌 中 之 歌1:5-7》( 作 曲 :羅坦)
18. 希 望 的 使 者
19. 我 將 看 到 我 的 太 陽
20. 在 甜 蜜 的 束 縛 中
21. 大 能 及 至 聖 之 名 ( 猶 太 教 頌 禱 詞 全 篇 )
樂進行了前 所 未 有 的 改 革 , 風 格 獨 樹 一 幟 。
位 , 如 : 於 1600年 出 版 的 《 第 一 集 五 聲 部 牧 歌 》, 包
括 了 最 早 出 版 的 西 塔 隆 琴 “ 改 編 曲 ”。 此 創 舉 為 十 六 世
紀複調牧 歌 及 十 七 世 紀 早 期 新 音 樂 風 格 搭 起 了 橋 樑 。
均是受到 羅 西 啟 發 而 創 作 的 作 品 。
羅西心弦 相 通 。
藝術家及團體 簡 介
院 就 讀 。 樂 團 曾 贏 得 了 2011年 約
拍 攝 的 關 於 羅 西 的 紀 錄 片 (《 希
伯 來 人 : 尋 找 羅 西 》/ 導 演 : 約
瑟 夫 . 羅 赫 利 茲 , 2012) , 並 曾 為
Pan Classics及 Linn records等 音 樂
品 牌 錄 製 過 數 張 CD, 大 獲 好 評 。
項 目 是 聖 劇 《 Rappresentatione di
Giuseppe e i suoi fratelli》。
Il Mantovano Hebreo
Profeti della Quinta (Israel / Suíça)
Direcção Musical: Elam Rotem
Doron Schleifer e David Feldman, Contra-tenores
Lior Leibovici e Dan Dunkelblum, Tenores
Elam Rotem, Baixo e Cravo
Ori Harmelin, Teorba
S. Rossi (c.1570-c.1630)
1. Shir hama’alót, ashréi kol yeré ‘adonái – Salmo 128
2. Elohim hashivénu – Salmo 80:4, 8, 20
3. Shir hama’alót, beshúv ‘adonái – Salmo 126
4. Sfogava con le stelle
5. Tu parti, ahi lasso
6. Cor mio, deh non languire
7. Udite, lacrimosi spirti d’averno
8. La Monica (composição de O. Harmelin)
9. Tirsi mio, caro Tirsi
10. Rimanti in pace
11. 2a parte: Ond’ei di morte
12. Mizmór letodá – Salmo 100
13. Haleluyáh, Halelì nafshì ‘et ‘adonái – Salmo 146
14. ‘Al naharót bavél – Salmo 137
15. Hinach yafa ra’yati – Songs of Songs 4:1-7
(composição de E. Rotem)
16. Ohimè, se tanto amate
17. Shchora ani ve’nava – Songs of Songs 1:5-7
(composição de E. Rotem)
18. Messaggier di speranza
19. Vedrò’l mio sol
20. In dolci lacci
21. Yitgadál veyitkadásh – Full Kaddish
Este programa descreve a arte multifacetada do judeu
italiano Salomone Rossi, um compositor da corte ao
serviço da família Gonzaga, excepcionalmente inovador
no que concerne à música litúrgica Judia.
Embora ofuscado pelos trabalhos do seu colega e
colaborador Claudio Monteverdi, os madrigais de Rossi
são exemplos belos e refinados desse género musical.
Também representam um marco importante na história
da música: o Primo libro de Madrigal á 5 (Primeiro Livro
de Madrigais a Cinco Vozes) de Rossi (1600) inclui a
primeira tablatura para teorba de que há conhecimento.
Esta novidade constrói uma ponte entre o Madrigal
polifónico do século XVI e o novo estilo musical do início
do século XVII.
Em simultâneo com as suas prolíficas actividades laicas,
sendo Judeu, Rossi revolucionou a música da Sinagoga
ao introduzir arranjos polifónicos nas orações e salmos
Hebraicos. Estas obras Hebraicas caracterizam-se pela
sua elegante simplicidade mas, algumas vezes, Rossi
aplica-lhes técnicas semelhantes às dos madrigais para
exponenciar as emoções dos ouvintes. O programa
também inclui algumas composições de Elam Rotem,
que são inspiradas em Rossi, tanto em termos de estilo
musical como na escolha de texto bíblico em Hebraico.
A música de Salomone Rossi desempenhou um papel
importante no trabalho dos Profeti della Quinta desde
a fundação do grupo. Os cantores de língua nativa
Hebraica, que se especializaram na música Italiana
Barroca, tiveram uma ligação imediata com Salomone
Rossi enquanto compositor Italiano Judeu.
Profeti della Quinta
O conjunto Profeti della Quinta
integra um documentário sobre
Com o foco do reportório no século
Rossi que foi filmado em Mântua
XVI e início de XVII, o conjunto
(“O Hebreu: à procura de Salomone
vocal israelita Profeti della Quinta
Rossi” por Joseph Rochlitz, 2012)
pretende criar desempenhos
e gravou diversos CDs para as
vivos e expressivos para o público
editoras discográficas Clássicos
de hoje, utilizando práticas de
Pan e Linn, que receberam
representação de período. A partir
grande ovação da crítica. A sua
do seu núcleo de cinco cantores
gravação recente é o drama bíblico
masculinos, este conjunto a capella
Rappresentatione di Giuseppe
expande-se incluindo cantores
e i suoi fratelli, composto por
adicionais e instrumentistas.
Elam Rotem.
O conjunto foi fundado na região
da Galileia, em Israel, por Elam
Rotem e, actualmente, está
baseado na Suíça, onde os seus
membros estudaram na Escola
de Canto de Basileia. Em 2011, o
grupo ganhou o Concurso York de
Jovens Artistas de Música Antiga
e, desde então, tem actuado em
festivais e salas de espectáculo de
prestígio na Europa, América do
Norte, Japão e Israel.
Il Mantovano Hebreo
Profeti della Quinta (Israel / Switzerland)
Musical Direction: Elam Rotem
Doron Schleifer and David Feldman, Countertenors
Lior Leibovici and Dan Dunkelblum, Tenors
This program portrays the many-faceted art of Salomone
Elam Rotem, Bass and Harpsichord
Rossi, who was a court composer in the service of the
Ori Harmelin, Chitarrone
Gonzaga family and a uniquely innovative composer of
Jewish liturgical music.
Although overshadowed by the works of his colleague
and collaborator Claudio Monteverdi, Rossi’s madrigals
S. Rossi (c.1570-c.1630)
are beautiful and refined examples of the genre. They
also feature an important milestone in music history:
1. Shir hama’alót, ashréi kol yeré ‘adonái – Psalm 128
Rossi’s Primo libro di Madrigali á 5 (1600) includes the
2. Elohim hashivénu – Psalm 80:4, 8, 20
first known printed intabulation for the chitarrone – also
3. Shir hama’alót, beshúv ‘adonái – Psalm 126
known as the theorbo. This novelty creates a bridge
between the 16th century polyphonic Madrigal and the
4. Sfogava con le stelle
new musical style of the early 17th century.
5. Tu parti, ahi lasso
6. Cor mio, deh non languire
Alongside his prolific “secular” activities, Rossi, being
7. Udite, lacrimosi spirti d’averno
Jewish, revolutionised the music of the Synagogue
by introducing polyphonic settings of Hebrew prayers
8. La Monica (Composed by O. Harmelin)
and psalms. These Hebrew works are characterised by
their elegant simplicity; yet at times Rossi employs in
9. Tirsi mio, caro Tirsi
them madrigal-like techniques in order to heighten the
10. Rimanti in pace
emotions of his listeners. The programme also includes
11. 2a parte: Ond’ei di morte
a few compositions by Elam Rotem, which are inspired
by Rossi, both in terms of musical style and of the choice
12. Mizmór letodá – Psalm 100
of a biblical text in Hebrew.
13. Haleluyáh, Halelì nafshì ‘et ‘adonái – Psalm 146
14. ‘Al naharót bavél – Psalm 137
The music of Salomone Rossi has played a significant
role in the work of Profeti della Quinta since the group’s
15. Hinach yafa ra’yati – Songs of Songs 4:1-7
foundation. The native Hebrew speaking singers, who
specialise in the music of the Italian Baroque, have an
(Composed by E. Rotem)
16. Ohimè, se tanto amate
immediate connection to Salomone Rossi as a Jewish
17. Shchora ani ve’nava – Songs of Songs 1:5-7
Italian composer.
(Composed by E. Rotem)
18. Messaggier di speranza
19. Vedrò’l mio sol
20. In dolci lacci
21. Yitgadál veyitkadásh – Full Kaddish
Ensemble Profeti della Quinta is
Profeti della Quinta
featured in a documentary about
Focusing on repertoire from the
Rossi that was filmed in Mantua
centuries, the
(“Hebreo: the search for Salomone
Israeli v o cal e n sem b l e P r o f e t i
Rossi”/Joseph Rochlitz, 2012)
della Quinta aims to create vivid
and has recorded several CDs
and expressive performances for
for Pan Classics and Linn records
audiences today by employing
which have received great critical
period performance practices.
acclaim. Among the most recent
From its core of five male singers,
of the ensemble’s recording
this a-cappella ensemble regularly
and performance ventures is the
and early 17
expands to include additional
biblical drama Rappresentatione di
singers and instrumentalists.
Giuseppe e i suoi fratelli , which was
composed by Elam Rotem.
The ensemble was founded in the
Galilee region of Israel by Elam
Rotem, and it is currently based in
Switzerland, where its members
studied at the Schola Cantorum
Basiliensis. The group has won
the 2011 York Early Music Young
Artists Competition, and has since
performed in prestigious festivals
and venues in Europe, North
America, Japan and Israel.
Shir hamma’alót,
A song of ascents.
‘Ashréi kol yeré ‘adonái haholékh bidrakháv.
Blessed are all who fear the Lord,
Yegía’ kappékha ki tokhél;
who walk in obedience to him.
‘ashrékha vetóv lakh.
You will eat the fruit of your labor;
‘Eshtekhá kegéfen poriyyá beyarketéi veitékha;
Blessings and prosperity will be yours.
banékha kishtiléi zeitím savív leshulhanékha.
Hinné khi khen yevórakh gáver yeré ‘adonái.
Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house;
Yevarekhekhá ‘adonái mitsiyyón,
around your table.
ur’é betúv yerushaláyim kol yeméi hayékha.
Ur’é vanìm levanékha; shalóm ‘al yisra’él.
This will be the blessing for the man who fears the Lord.
Your children will be like olive shoots
May the Lord bless you from Zion;
Pslam 128
May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem
all the days of your life.
May you live to see your children’s children;
peace be on Israel.
Elohim hashivénu veha’ér panékha venivashé’a.
God restore us, brighten Your face and we shall be saved.
Elohim tseva’ót hashivenu veha’ér panékha venivashé’a.
God of hosts restore us, brighten Your face and we shall
Adonái ‘elohim tseva’ót hashivenu veha’ér panékha
be saved.
Lord God of hosts restore us, brighten Your face and we
Psalm 80:4, 8, 20
shall be saved.
Shir hama’alót,
A song of ascents.
Beshúv ‘adonái ‘et shivát tsiyyón,
When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,
hayínu keholemím.
‘Az yimmalé sehók
we were like those who dreamed.
ulshonénu rinná.
our tongues with songs of joy.
‘az yomerú vaggoyím:
Then it was said among the nations:
higdíl ‘adonái la’asót ‘im ‘élle.
“The Lord has done great things for them.”
Higdíl ‘adonái la’asót ‘immánu, hayínu semehím.
Shuvá ‘adonái ‘et sheviténu ka’afikím bannégev.
The Lord has done great things for us,
Hazzore’ím bedim’á berinná yiktsóru.
Restore our fortunes, Lord, like streams in the Negev.
Halókh yelékh uvakhó nose meshekh hazzára’.
Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.
Our mouths were filled with laughter,
and we are filled with joy.
Bo yavó verinná nose ‘alumotáv.
Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow,
Psalm 126
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them.
Sfogava con le stelle
A lovesick man poured forth
Un infermo d’amore,
To the stars
Sotto notturno ciel, il suo dolore;
In the nighttime sky, his grief,
E dicea, fisso in loro:
And said, his eyes fixed on them:
“O imagini belle
“Oh beautiful images
De l’idol mio ch’adoro,
Of my idol, whom I adore,
Sì come a me mostrate,
Just as you show me,
Mentre così splendete,
While you so glitter,
La sua rara beltate,
Her rare beauty,
Così mostraste a lei,
So may you show her,
Mentre cotanto ardete,
While you so strongly burn,
I vivi ardori miei;
My living fires;
La fareste col vostro aureo sembiante
With your golden features, you might make her
Pietosa sì, com’hor me fate amante.”
Merciful, just as you now make me amorous.”
prob. Ottavio Rinuccini (1562-1621)
Tu parti, ahi lasso, e il core
You are parting, alas,
Mi parte il tuo partire;
And your parting parts my heart;
E fra il dubbio e il martire,
And among doubts and torments,
Mentre ch’io tremo e piango,
While I tremble and weep,
Muto amante rimango.
I remain a speechless lover.
Ma se tremando agghiaccio
But though in trembling I freeze
Miseramente e taccio,
Miserably, and stay silent,
Parla il silentio e fann’ufficio intanto
The silence speaks, and meantime
Gl’occhi di bocca e di parole il pianto.
The eyes act for the mouth, and the tears for the words.
Giambattista Marino (1569-1625)
Cor mio, deh, non languire,
My heart, oh, do not languish,
Che fai teco languir l’anima mia.
For you make my soul languish with you.
Odi i caldi sospiri: a te gl’invia
Hear my hot sighs: they are sent to you
La pietate e’l desire.
By pity and desire.
S’io ti potessi dar morend’aita,
If I could give you help by dying,
Morrei per darti vita.
I would die to give you life.
Ma vive, ohimè, ch’ingiustamente more
But, alas, lives the one, who unjustly dies
Chi vivo tien ne l’altrui petto il core.
For keeping his heart alive in another’s breast.
Giovanni Battista Guarini (1538-1612)
Udite, lacrimosi
Hear, watery
Spirti d’Averno, udite
Spirits of Avernus, hear
Nova sorte di pene e di tormento.
A new fate of pain and of suffering.
Mirate crudo affetto
Behold a cruel affection
In sembiante pietoso:
In a merciful face:
La mia donna crudel più de l’inferno.
‘Tis my lady, more cruel than Hell.
Perchè una sola morte
For a single death
Non può far satia la sua ingorda voglia.
Cannot satisfy her gluttonous desire.
E la mia vita è quasi
And My life resembles
Una perpetua morte:
A perpetual death:
Mi comanda ch’io viva,
She commands me to live,
Perchè la vita mia
In order for my life
To be a harbour for a thousand deaths per day.
Di mille mort’il dì ricetto sia.
Guarini (from Il Pastor fido, III 6)
Tirsi mio, caro Tirsi,
My Tirsi, dear Tirsi,
E tu ancor m’abbandoni?
Are you deserting me again?
Così morir mi lasci e non m’aiti?
Thus you leave me to my death without helping me?
Almen non mi negar gl’ultimi baci.
Do not refuse me, at least, the last kisses.
Ferrirà pur due petti un ferro solo;
One sword alone will indeed wound two hearts;
Verserà pur la piaga
The wound of your Filli
Di tua Filli il tuo sangue.
Will indeed shed your blood.
Tirsi, un tempo sì dolce e caro nome,
Tirsi, once a name so sweet and dear,
Ch’invocar non soleva indarno mai,
That I used never to appeal to in vain,
Soccorri a me, tua Filli,
Assist me, your Filli,
Chè, come vedi, da spietata sorte
For as you see, by ruthless fate
Condotta son a cruda et empia morte.
I am led to a cruel and wicked death.
“Rimanti in pace,” alla dolente e bella
“Stay in peace,” said Tirsi, sighing,
Fillida, Tirsi, sospirando, disse:
To the sorrowing and beautiful Fillida.
“Rimanti; io me ne vò, tal mi prescrisse
“Stay; I must go, thus I’ve been ordered by law,
Legge, empio fato e sorte aspra e rubella.”
by wicked destiny, by a harsh and stubborn fate.”
Ed ella, hora da l’una e l’altra stella
And she, distilling a bitter liquid now from the one,
Stillando amaro umore, i lumi affisse
Now from the other star, fixed her beams
Nei lumi del suo Tirsi, e gli traffisse
On the beams of her Tirsi, and pierced
Il cor di pietosissime quadrella.
His heart with most merciful darts.
Ond’ei, di morte la sua faccia impressa,
At that point he, with death stamped on his face,
Disse: “ahi, come n’andrò senza il mio Sole
Said: “alas! without my sun, how will I survive,
Di martir in martir, di doglie in doglie?”
Going from pain to pain, from sorrow to sorrow?”
Ed ella, da singhiozzi e pianti oppressa,
And she, oppressed with sighs and tears,
Fievolmente formò queste parole:
Feverishly formed these words:
“Deh, cara anima mia, chi mi vi toglie?
“Oh my dear soul, who takes you away from me?”
Livio Celiano (1557-1629)
Mizmór letodá.
A psalm for giving grateful praise.
Harí’u ladonái, kol ha’árets.
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
‘Ivdú ‘et ‘adonái besimhá,
Worship the Lord with gladness;
bó’u lefanáv birnaná.
come before him with joyful songs.
De’ú ki ‘adonái hu ‘elohím,
Know that the Lord is God.
hu ‘asánu veló ‘anáhnu,
‘ammó vetsón mar’itó.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
Bó’u she’aráv betodá, hatsetotáv
hodu lo, barekhú shemó.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
Ki tov ‘adonái, le’olám hasdó
ve’ad dor vadór ‘emunató.
give thanks to him and praise his name.
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
and his courts with praise;
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
Psalm 100
his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Haleluyáh, Halelì nafshì ‘et ‘adonái.
Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, my soul.
‘Ahalelá ‘adonái behayyái;
‘azammerá lelohái be’odì.
I will praise the Lord all my life;
‘Al tivtehú
. vindivim,
beven ‘adám she ‘éin lo teshu’á.
Do not put your trust in princes,
Tetsé ruhó,
. yashúv le’admató;
Bayyóm hahú ‘avedú e’shtonotáv.
When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
‘Ashréi she’él ya’akóv be’ezró;
Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
Sivró ‘al ‘adonái ‘eloháv.
whose hope is in the Lord their God.
‘Osé shamáyim va’árets,
He is the Maker of heaven and earth,
‘et hayyám ve’et kol ‘asher bam;
the sea, and everything in them,
Hashomér ‘emét le’olám.
he remains faithful forever.
‘Osé mishpát la’ashukìm, notén léhem
The Lord upholds the cause of the oppressed.
‘adonái mattir ‘asurìm.
The Lord gives food to the hungry.
‘Adonái pokéa h. ‘ivrim, ‘adonái zokéf kefufum; ‘adonái
The Lord sets prisoners free.
‘ohév tsaddikìm.
The Lord gives sight to the blind,
‘Adonái shomér ‘et gerìm,
The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down,
yatóm ve’almaná ye’odéd
The Lord loves the righteous.
vedérekh resha’ìm ye’avvét.
The Lord watches over the foreigner
Yimlokh ‘adonái le’olám,
and sustains the fatherless and the widow.
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
in human beings, who cannot save.
on that very day their plans come to nothing.
‘eloháyikh tsiyyón ledór vadór: Haleluyáh.
He frustrates the ways of the wicked.
Psalm 146
The Lord reigns forever,
your God, O Zion, for all generations.
Praise the Lord.
‘Al naharót bavél sham yashávnu gam bakhinu
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down; yea, we wept
bezokhrénu et tsiyon.
when we remembered Zion.
‘Al ‘aravím betokháh talínu kinorotéinu.
On willows in its midst we hung our lyres.
Ki sham she’elúnu shovéinu divrei shir vetolaléinu simhá
shíru lánu mishír tsiyón.
For there were we asked by our captors to deliver songs
Eikh nashír et shir adonái ‘al admát nekhár.
How can we sing the song of the Lord in a foreign land?
Im eshkahékh
yerushaláyim tishkáh. yeminí.
If I forget you Jerusalem let my right hand forget itself.
Tidbák leshoní le hikí
im lo ezkerékhi im lo a’alé et
yerushaláyim ‘al rosh simhati.
Let my tongue stick to my palate if I do not remember
Zekhór adonái livnéi edóm et yom yerushaláyim
Remember Lord the sons of Edom in the day of
ha’omerim ‘áru ‘áru ‘ad hayesód bah.
Jerusalem. They said: raze it, raze it to its foundations.
Bat bavél hashedudá ashréi sheyeshalém lakh et
Daughter of Babylon to be ravaged, blessed be he who
gemulékh shegamált lánu.
repays you in the coin you paid us.
Ashréi sheyohéz
venipéts et ‘olaláyikh el hasála’.
Psalm 137
and by our oppressors to make merry, sing us a song of Zion.
you, if I do not raise Jerusalem to the summit of my joy.
Blessed be he who grasps and smashes your babes
against the rocks.
Hinach yafa ra’yati, hinach yafa.
Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair.
Einayich yonim miba’ad letsamatech,
Thou hast doves’ eyes within thy locks;
se’arech ke’eder ha’izim shegalshu mehar Gil’ad.
thy hair is as a flock of goats that appear from Mount Gilead.
Shinayich ke’eder haktsuvut
Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn
she’alu min harachatsa,
which came up from the washing, whereof every one
shekulam mat’imot veshakula ein bahem.
bear twins, and none is barren among them.
Kechut hashani siftotaich umidbarech nave, kefelach
Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is
harimon rakatech miba’ad letsamatech.
comely; thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate
Kemigdal David tsavarech banui letalpiot,
within thy locks.
elef hamagen talui alav, kol shiltei hagiborim.
Thy neck is like the tower of David builded for an armory,
Shnei shadayich kishnei ofarim
whereon there hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of
te’omei tsvia haro’im bashoshanim.
mighty men.
Ad sheyafuach hayom venasu hatslalim,
Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins,
elech li el har hamor ve’el giv’at ha levona.
which feed among the lilies.
Kulech yafa rayati vemum ein bach.
Until the day break and the shadows flee away, I will
Songs of Songs 4:1-7
get me to the mountain of myrrh and to the hill of
Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.
Ohimè, se tanto amate
Alas, if you love so much
Di sentir di “ohimè,” deh perchè fate
To hear me say “alas! ”, then why do you make
Chi dice “ohimè” morire?
Him who says “alas! ” die?
S’io moro, un sol potrete
If I die, you’ll only hear
Languido e doloroso “ohimè” sentire;
A single languid and sorrowful “alas”;
Ma se cor mio vorrete
But if you wan t, my heart,
Che vita habbia da voi e voi da me,
For me to have life from you and you from me,
Havrete mille e mille dolci “ohimè”.
You will have sweet “alas” by the thousands.
Shchora ani ve’nava bnot Yerushalaim,
Dark am I, yet lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, dark like
ke’ohalei Kedar, Kiri’ot Shlomo.
the tents of Kedar, like the tent curtains of Solomon.
Al Tir’uni shani shcharchoret
Look not upon me because I am black, because the sun
She’shzafatni hashamesh.
hath looked upon me.
Bnei imi nicharu vi,
My mother’s children were angry with me; they made me
samuni notera et hakramim, karmi sheli lo natarti.
the keeper of the vineyards, but mine own vineyard have
Hagida li she’ahava nafshi, eicha tir’e?
I not kept.
eicha tarbits batsaharayim?
Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou
Shalama ehye ke’otya al edrei chaverecha?
feedest, where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon; for
Songs of Songs 1:5-7
why should I be as one that turneth aside by the flocks of
thy companions?”
Messaggier di speranza,
Messenger of hope,
Amato sì degl’occhi miei conforto,
So beloved a comfort for my eyes,
Lume di due pupille, ove m’hai scorto?
Beam of two pupils, where have you led me to?
Di quanti miei tormenti
How many of my torments
Oggi fassi cagion il tuo splendore?
Today, are due to your splendor?
E de tuoi raggi ardenti,
How much, oh how much could my heart
Quanto, oh quanto, potria dolersi il core?
Suffer from your burning rays?
Ma sì mi vince amore,
But love so conquers me,
Ch’omai sommerso fra tempeste e morto,
That though submerged midst storms, and dead,
Amo non men che s’io mi fossi in porto.
I love no less than if I were in a port.
Gabriello Chiabrera (1552-1638)
Vedrò’l mio sol, vedrò prima ch’io mora,
I will see my sun, will see it before I die,
Quel sospirato giorno,
On that sighing day,
Che faccia il vostro raggio à me ritorno.
That would make your ray return to me.
O mia luce, o mia gioia,
Oh my light, oh my joy,
Ben più me è dolce il tormentar per vui,
To torment for you is sweeter
che il gioir per altrui.
Than to be happy for another.
Ma senza morte io non potrò soffrire,
But without death I will not be able to suffer
Un sì lungo martire;
Such a long pain;
E s’io morrò, morrà mia speme ancora,
and if I die, my hope to see
Di veder mai d’un sì bel dì l’aurora.
The dawn of such a beautiful day will die as well.
In dolci lacci e’in un soave foco
In sweet bonds and in a gentle fire
Mi sfaccio a poco a poco,
I am destroyed little by little,
E tanta gioia sento
And I feel so much joy
Fra le pene e il tormento,
Amidst the pains and torments,
Ch’io canto a tutte l’hore:
That I sing at all hours:
Viva, viva Amore che m’ardi il core!
Long live Love that burns my heart!
Yitgadál veyitkadásh sheméih rabá be’almá
Magnified and sanctified be His great name in the world
divrá khir’utéih veyamlíkh malkhutéih, be hayeikhón
He created according to His will, and may He establish
His kingdom during your life and during your days and
dekhól beit yisra’él
during the lives of all the House of Israel speedily and
ba’agála uvizmán karív, ve’imrú amén.
shortly, and say amen.
Yitbarákh veyishtabá h. veyitpa’ár veyitromám veyitnasé
veyithadár veyit’alé veyithalál
Blessed and praised and glorified and elevated and
sheméih dekudshá berikh hu.
name of the Holy One, blessed be He.
Le’éila le’éila min kol birkhatá shiratá tushbehatá vene .
hamatá da’amirán be’almá,
High above, high above all blessings, songs, praises and
exalted and extolled and honored and celebrated be the
consolations that we offer in this world, and say amen
ve’imrú amén.
May acceptance be granted to the prayers and petitions
Titkabál tselotehón uva’utehón
of all the House of Israel by their Father who is in heaven,
dekhól beit yisra’él kodám avuhón devishmayá, ve’imrú
and say amen.
May there be much peace from heaven and a good life
Yehé shelamá rabá min shemayá
for us and for all Israel, and say amen.
tovím ‘aléinu ve’ál kol yisra’él,
ve’imrú amén.
May He who makes peace on His heights, Himself, in His
mercy, make peace for us and for all Israel, and say amen.
‘Osé shalóm bimromáv, hu berahamáv
ya’asé shalóm ‘aléinu ve’ál kol yisra’él,
ve’imrú amén.
Gebet – Kaddish
主辦單位人員 / FICHA TÉCNICA /
文宣翻譯 /
場刊翻譯 /
Tradução de Materiais Promocionais /
Tradução dos Programas de Casa /
Translation of Promotional Materials
House Programme Translation
總監 / Directores / Directors
林玲玲 Lam Leng Leng
吳衛鳴 Ung Vai Meng
唐麗明 Tong Lai Meng
梁曉鳴 Leung Hio Ming
傳媒關係協調 /
Vectormais Consultores
節目及外展活動 統籌 /
Assistente de Relações com a Imprensa /
Coordenador de Programação e
Media Relations Assistant Coordinator
校對 / Revisão / Proofreading
Actividades de Extensão /
郭妙瑜 Kuok Mio U
呂莉莉 Loi Lei Lei
林潔婷 Lam Kit Teng
Programming and Outreach
Activities Coordinator
傳媒關係執行 / Assessoria de Imprensa /
楊子健 Ieong Chi Kin
Media Relations Executives
Filipa Galvão
區倩茹 Ao Sin U
設計主任 / Direcção Gráfica / Art Director
梁偉鍵 Leong Wai Kin
黃惠明 Vong Vai Meng
de Programação /
客戶服務協調 / Assistente de
設計 / Design
Programming Assistant Coordinators
Coordenação do Serviço ao Cliente /
陳穎琳 Chan Weng Lam
李碧琪 Paula Lei
Customer Service Assistant Coordinator
黃秀梅 Wong Sao Mui
唐佩怡 Tong Pui I
陸㦤青 Lok Cheng
節目協調 /
Assistentes de Coordenação
印刷 / Impressão / Printed by
岑婉清 Sam Un Cheng
客戶服務執行 / Serviço ao Cliente /
節目執行 / Programação /
Customer Service
Programming Executive
林錦聰 Lam Kam Chong
Filipa Galvão
吳曉彤 Ng Hio Tong
黃武星 Wong Mou Seng
技術統籌 / Coordenação Técnica /
李振文 Lei Chan Man
Technical Coordination
蘇安婷 Cristiana Maria Roth Soares
翁麗晶 Yung Lai Jing
Departamento de Acção Cultural
方君玲 Fong Kuan Leng
市場推廣、傳媒 關係及客戶服務統籌 /
影視製作 / Produção de Vídeo /
Coordenação de Marketing, Relações
Video Production
com a Imprensa e Serviço ao Cliente /
梁劍星 Leung Kim Sing
Marketing, Media Relations & Customer
宋健文 Song Kin Man
Service Coordinator
安東尼 António Lucindo
林俊強 Lam Chon Keong
戚國林 Chek Kuok Lam
市場推廣協調 /
攝影 / Fotografia / Photography
Assistente de Coordenação de Marketing /
林壽華 Lam Sao Wa
Marketing Assistant Coordinator
秦振華 Chon Chan Wa
彭㦤穎 Pang Weng
場刊協調及編輯 /
巿場推廣執行 / Marketing
Coordenação e Edição
鄧少儀 Tang Sio I
dos Programas de Casa /
沈穎瑤 Sam Weng Io
House Programme Coordinators
雷凱爾 Michel Reis
and Editors
陳政德 Chan Cheng Tak
呂莉莉 Loi Lei Lei
許文輝 Hoi Man Fai
林潔婷 Lam Kit Teng
華輝印刷有限公司 Welfare Printing Ltd.

星期三 Quarta-feira Wednesday 晚上八時 20:00 8 pm 玫瑰堂 Igreja