Entrevista - Au Pair Care
. Ja treinei dezenas de meninas desta maneira, e 98% delas passam de primeira,
mesmo tendo inglês básico! Siga os passos simples da fórmula !
Passo 1 - Responda todas as perguntas de 1 a 30 com calma.
Passo 2 - As perguntas que parecerem a mesma coisa, você pode repetir a
resposta. As vezes elas perguntam de um jeito e as vezes de outro então você
precisa saber as 2 para garantir.
Passo 4 - Treine as perguntas e respostas lendo por umas 3 ou 4 vezes
Passo 5 - Depois que já acostumar, escute somente, sem ler, e repita as perguntas
e as respostas de 3 a 4 vezes por dia, por 7 dias antes do seu teste.
. Passo 6 - Confie em você!
1. Why did you decide to become an au pair?
2. What characteristics or skills do you feel are most important to have in order to be a
successful au pair?
3. Have you ever traveled far from home without your family and friends? Yes No. If (yes)
Where did you go? How long were you there? What was the purpose of this visit?
4. Have you ever visited an English speaking country? Yes No (If yes) Which country did you
visit? How long were you there? What was the purpose of this visit?
5. Have you discussed your decision to spend a year abroad with your family? Yes No
(If no) Why not?
6. Do you live with your family? Yes No (If yes) What are your responsibilities around the
home (laundry, cooking, cleaning dishes, etc.
7. What types of rules do you think you will have living with your host family (a curfew, no
drinking, loud music, cleaning up after yourself, etc.)?
8. How do you envision the typical American family (lifestyle, personality, busy, two-parent
family, suburban house, etc.)?
9. Describe your ideal host family. How do you see yourself fitting into their lifestyle?
10. Are you concerned about driving in the United States? Yes No (If yes) Please explain:
1) I decided to become an Au Pair because: 3 razões
2) I think the most important characteristics are : 3 caracteristicas(Ex: paciente,
amorosa, de confiança…)
3) Yes, ( e fala pra onde foi, quanto tempo ficou e o motivo) / No, never.
4) Yes, ( e fala qual pais visitou e quanto tempo ficou lá) / No, never.
5) Yes, (de um complemento EX: My parents support my decision because…)
6) Yes/No . My responsabilities are: 3 responsabilidades na sua casa (Ex:lavar
louça, arrumar a cama)
7) I think I’ll have: 3 regras que você acha que vai ter morando na casa da sua host
family (Ex:horário pra chegar em casa)
8) A typical American family is : 3 caracteristicas
9) My ideal host family / The ideal host family for me is: 3 caracteristicas (Ex:2 ou 3
filhos, cachorro, casa com sotão)
10) Yes/No . I’m not Concern because/I’m concern because… 1 ou 2 motivos
11. How are you preparing yourself to drive in the United States?
12. Have you ever had a full-time job? Yes No (If yes) What was your position? What were your
13. Please describe what you imagine your typical au pair schedule will be like (i.e. wake children
up in the morning, make them breakfast, etc.)
14. If you were at the park with your host child, and he/she fell off the swing and seriously hurt
themselves, what would you do?
15. What would you do if you were placed with a host family and you did not agree with their
discipline style?
16. How would you handle a disagreement with your host family?
17. If two young host children were fighting over a toy, how would you handle the situation?
18. What would you do if you were driving and one of your host children took off their seatbelt?
19. Most au pairs feel homesick at some point during their program. What will you do to help
yourself feel at home while you are in the United States?
20. Besides homesickness, what other challenges do you think you will have as an au pair and
how will you overcome them?
11) I’m prepering myself … 3 lugares que você vai de carro, dirigindo
12) Yes/ No – I workes as _____ in a ____. My responsabilities were: 3 coisas que
você fazia no seu ultimo/atual trabalho
13) I think my schedule will be: 3 açôes que você terá que fazer no seu dia-a-dia
como Au Pair (Ex: acordar kids, dar almoço)
14) I would: 3 coisas que você faria para cuidar/tratar a criança
15) I would: 1 a 2 coisas que você faria se as crianças tiverem uma disciplina que
você não concorda
16) I would: 1 ou 2 coisas que você faria para lidar com a discussão
17) I would: 3 coisas que você faria para as crianças pararem de brigar pelo
18) I would: 3 ações que você faria (entre elas,a criança colocar o sinto)
19) I would: 3 coisas que você faria pra se sentir em casa
20) I would: 1 a 3 coisas que você acha que vai te acontecer e o que você faria
para superá-las
21. Are you willing to match with a family of a different ethnicity than your own? Yes No (If no) Why not?
22. Are you willing to match with a family who practices a different religion than you? Yes No (If no) Why not?
23. Are you willing to live in any geographic location in the US? Yes No (If no) Why not?
24. Do you understand that your application WILL BE cancelled by AuPairCare if we determine that you are not
performing well in the matching process (i.e. turning down reasonable host family match offers, unreachable
for interviews, etc.) ? Yes No
25. Do you understand that if you cancel from the program after matching with a host family, but prior to arriving to
the U.S. you WILL BE responsible for a $300 cancellation fee, and the cost of your international and domestic
airfare? Yes No
26. Do you understand that if you cancel from the program before matching with a host family, but prior to arriving to
the U.S. you WILL NOT have to pay the $300 cancellation fee? Yes No
27. Do you understand that if you do not successfully complete your program year in the U.S. you WILL BE
responsible for your own return travel expenses? Yes No
28. Do you understand that pre-existing medical conditions WILL NOT be covered by the third-party travel insurance
provided to you during your program year? Yes No
29. Do you have any questions about the Au Pair Agreement you signed? Yes No (If yes) Please provide details of their
questions and the feedback provided to them:
30. Is there any other information you feel is important or useful for us to know prior to placing you with a host
family? Yes No (If yes) Please provide details of their feedback:
21) Match-Aceita Raça diferente da sua? – Yes/No
22) Match-Aceita Religião diferente da sua? – Yes/No
23) Match – Aceita morar em qualquer região dos USA? – Yes/No
24) Você entende – indo mal no Match vai ser cancelada? – Yes/No
25) Você entende – Cancelar depois do Match, 300 fee? – Yes/No
26) Você entende – Cancelar antes do Match, 0 fee? – Yes/No
27) Você entende – Não completar programa=paga sua volta? –
28) Você entende – doenças pré-existentes,não tem cobertura?–
29) Você tem alguma pergunta? – Yes/No
30) Você quer adicionar algo? – Yes/No

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