Diferenciar entre SAY e TELL e aprender
expressões idiomáticas
Ela disse “oi”.
She said, “hi”.
Ela me disse “oi.”
She told me, “hi.”
Ele sempre diz “obrigado”
He always says, “thank you”
Ele me disse que estava cansado
He told me he was tired.
Ela dirá “sim”.
She will say, “Yes.”
Ela lhe dirá “não”.
She will tell you, “No.”
Ele disse que morava em Paris.
He said he lived in Paris.
Ele disse que estava cozinhando o jantar.
He said he was cooking dinner.
Ele disse que ele tinha visitado Londres duas vezes.
He said he had visited London twice.
Ele disse que tinha ido a Nova Iorque na semana anterior.
He said he had gone to New York the week before.
Ele disse que já tinha comido.
He said he had already eaten.
Ele disse que ia estar procurando (to find) um novo emprego.
He said he was going to find a new job.
Ele disse que faria uma ligação para o Jack. (give... a call )
He said he would give Jack a call.
Sam perguntou a Susan se ela tinha terminado sua tarefa.
Sam asked Susam if she had finished her homework.
A mãe dele perguntou-lhe se ele a ouviria.
His mother asked him if he would listen to her.
O garoto se perguntou ( wonder) se ele deveria ir pra casa.
The boy wondered whether he should go home.
Ela disse que sempre bebeu café.
She said that she always drank coffee.
Ele explicou que estava lendo um livro.
He explained that he was reading a book
Ele disse que Bill tinha chegado no Sábado.
He said that Bill had arrived on Saturday
Ele me disse que tinha estado na Espanha.
He told me that he had been to Spain
Ele explicou que ele tinha acabado de apagar a luz.
He explained that he had just turned off the lights.
Ele reclamou (complained) que eles tinham esperado por horas
(enfase no tempo) .
They complained that they had been waiting for hours.
Ele me disse que tinha morado em Paris.
They told me that they had been living in Paris.
Ele me disse que iria estar em Genebra na Segunda.
He said that he would be in Geneva on Monday.
Ela disse que ela deveria estar usando o carro na Sexta que vem.
She said that she would be using the car next Friday.
• Mary said, “ I study every day”.
Mary disse, “Eu estudo todo dia”.
• Mary said (that) she studied every Day.
Mary disse que estudava todo dia.
• Susan said, “I studied yesterday”.
Susan disse, “Eu estudei ontem”.
• Susan said (that) she had studied the day before.
Susan disse que tinha estudado no dia anterior.
• Tobby said, “I will study tomorrow”.
Tobby disse, “Eu estudarei amanhã”.
• Tobby said (that) he would study in the following day.
Tobby disse que estudaria no dia seguinte.
• Carol said to him, “Study hard”.
Carol disse a ele, “Estude bastante”.
• Carol told him to study hard.
Carol disse a ele para estudar bastante.
He said, “Close the door.”
Ele me disse: “Feche a porta”.
He told me to close the door.
Ele me disse para fechar a porta.
He said,“Don’t close the door.”
Ele me disse: “Não feche a porta”.
He told me not to close the door.
Ele me disse para não fechar a porta.
Bill said,”I love Ann.”
Bill disse: “Eu amo Ana”.
Bill said that he loved Ann.
Bill disse que amava Ana.
Bill told Ann,”I love you.”
Bill disse para Ana:”Eu te amo”.
Bill told Ann that he loved her.
Bill disse para Ana que a amava.
Bob said, “I love Mary.”
Bob disse: “Eu amo a Mary”.
Bob said that he loved Mary.
Bob disse que ele amava a Mary.
Bob told Mary,“I love you.”
Bob disse à Mary: “Eu te amo”.
Bob told Mary that he loved her.
Bob disse à Mary que a amava.
Bob said, “I am writing a letter.”
Bob disse: “Eu estou escrevendo uma carta”.
Bob said that he was writing a letter.
Bob disse que ele estava escrevendo uma carta.
Bob said, “I wrote a letter.”
Bob disse: “Eu escrevi uma carta”.
Bob said that he had written a letter.
Bob disse que ele tinha escrito uma carta.
Bob said, “This is my car.”
Bob disse: “Este é o meu carro”.
Bob said that (that) was his car.
Bob disse que aquele era o carro dele
Bob said, “These tickets are too expensive.”
Bob disse “Estes ingressos são muito caros”.
Bob said that those tickets were too expensive.
Bob disse que aqueles ingressos eram muito caros.
Bob said,“There is a great movie on TV today.”
Bob disse: “Tem um filme muito bom na TV hoje”.
Bob said that there was a great movie on TV that day.
Bob disse que havia um bom filme na TV naquele dia.
Bob said, “It will rain tomorrow.”
Bob disse: “Vai chover amanhã”.
Bob said that it was going to rain on the following day.
Bob disse que iria chover no dia seguinte.
Bob said, “I am hungry.”
Bob disse: “Eu estou com fome”.
Bob said that he was hungry.
Bob disse que ele estava com fome.
She said, “I have to work today.”
Ela disse: “Eu tenho que trabalhar hoje.”
She said that she had to work today.
Ela disse que ela tinha que trabalhar hoje.
He said, “Beth is going to study hard.”
Ele disse: “Beth vai estudar muito.”
He said that Beth was going to study hard.
Ele disse que Beth foi estudar muito.
John said that he had worked a lot.
John disse que ele havia trabalhado bastante.
John said, “I will work a lot.”
John disse: “Eu trabalharei bastante.”
John said that he would work a lot.
John disse que ele trabalharia bastante.
John said, “I am working a lot.”
John disse: “Eu estou trabalhando bastante.”
John said that he was working a lot.
John disse que ele estava trabalhando bastante.
John said, “I was working a lot.”
John disse: “Eu estava trabalhando bastante.”
John said that he had been working a lot.
John disse que ele tem estado trabalhando bastante.
John said, “I will be working a lot.”
John disse: “Eu estarei trabalhando bastante.”
John said that he would be working a lot.
“John disse que ele estaria trabalhando bastante.”
John said, “I have worked a lot.”
John disse: “Eu tenho trabalhado bastante.”
John said that he had worked a lot.
John disse que ele havia trabalhado bastante.