Tropentag 2012 Universities of Göttingen and Kassel/Witzenhausen Göttingen, September 19 - 21, 2012 Resilience of agricultural systems against crisis Floristic composition of soil seed banks in degraded pastures recovered by forest plantations in the Eastern Amazon, Brazil Julie Andrews de França e Silva¹; Cecília Hernandez Ochoa Coutinho²; Sílvio Brienza Júnior³; Vanessa Gomes de Sousa4 ¹ PET Scholarship / University Federal Rural of Amazônia, Forest Engineering; Embrapa Eastern Amazon, Belém, Pará, Brazil. Email: [email protected] ² Scholarship INCT/CNPq/ Museum Paraense Emílio Goeldi/Embrapa Eastern Amazon. [email protected] ³ Embrapa Eastern Amazon, Belém, Pará, Brazil. Email: [email protected] 4 Scolarship – Projet Rede Biomassa. [email protected] Introduction The northeast Pará has the biggest alteration stage of original landscapes, resulting from the productive system to slash and burn for agricultural cultivation with short fallow periods, and their colonization process (Oliveira et al., 2006). The evaluation of the soil seed bank is important for the process of natural regeneration in degraded areas, since the characterization of the richness and density of species is essential to define ways to restore (Calegari, 2009). The soil seed bank is formed and renewed by means of biotic processes (dispersal by animals) and abiotic (wind and water) (SCHMITZ, 1992). Is a dispersion system cyclic, and may be transitory with viable seeds for one year or persistent with viable seeds in the soil for more than one year (Nobrega et al. 2009). The objective of this study was to evaluate the floristic composition of the soil seed bank present in the understory of mixed of forest species plantation in degraded grassland in the municipalities of Bragança, Capitão Poço and Garrafão do Norte, proposed for recovering of Legal Reserve Areas (LRA). Material and Methods This work was carried out by Embrapa Eastern Amazon partnership with Project Inovagri and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency - ABC, with support and financing from the International Tropical Timber Organization - ITTO. The soil seed bank was collected in four units recovery of degraded areas which were installed three types of forest productive arrangements in degraded pastures. From each site were collected six soil samples of seed bank, which were mixed to compose one sample, resulting in four composite samples in each unit of recovery, totalizing 16 composite samples. The soil samples were collected using a wood guide measuring 0.5 m x 0.5 m (0.25 m²) at a depth of five cm. After collecting and packaging in plastic bags, the samples were transported to a house in a green Embrapa Eastern Amazon. The collected material was distributed in polyethylene trays and arranged randomly inside a green house. The experiment was monitored daily for nine months, including irrigation when necessary. The seedlings were identified and identified according to: life habits (tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine and palms), environmental groups was classified in pioneers, initial secondary, late secondary and climax; and types of dispersion (anemochoric, autochoric, barochoric, hydrochoric and zoochoric). The data obtained were saved in EXCEL spreadsheets for statistical analysis. Results and Discussion After nine months were accounted a total of 6,141 seedlings. In the three municipalities of northeast Pará, there was a predominance of herbaceous vegetation (herbaceous vines and herbaceous) with more than 71%, while the woody vegetation (tree, shrub and woody vine) ranged from 19 to 29% (Figure 1), the pioneer species were more abundant with more than 57% (Figure 2). Figure 1: Distribution of species according to life habit. Figure 2: Distribution of species types of dispersion. The large amount of herbaceous species present in the soil seed bank may be related to the short life cycle, high productivity of seed and the low soil cover, which favors a higher incidence of sunlight and canopy openness, the seed dispersal is facilitated (PEREIRA; ALVARENGA and Botelho, 2010). The predominancy of pioneer species has been observed in studies of soil seed bank in pastures areas (COSTALONGA, 2006; MIRANDA NETO et al., 2010). This result contributes to forest restoration, since in a few years the vegetation can be replaced by other species more advanced stages of succession (MIRANDA NETO et al., 2010). The initial phase of the species germinate easily and collaborate with the establishment of other species, as well as improved soil fertility and provides favorable conditions for the recruitment of other species (SHERER, 2004). Tabela 1: List of families and species most representative of the municipalities of Bragança, Capitão Poço and Garrafão do Norte, northeast Pará. Families Municipalities Individuals Total Most representatitive Species % Total Most representatitive % Bragança 1.282 Capitão Poço Garrafão do Norte 1.260 3.599 22 16 22 Cyperaceae Rubiaceae Poaceae Verbenaceae Phyllanthaceae Rubiaceae Cyperaceae Poaceae Fabaceae Euphorbiaceae Cyperaceae Poaceae Phyllanthaceae Rubiaceae Nyctaginaceae 39,24 33,07 10,45 3,04 2,65 47,38 34,37 7,54 5,40 1,03 65,05 11,42 6,42 4,92 4,00 51 36 57 Borreria verticillata (L.) G. Mey. Dichromena ciliata J. Presl & C. Presl Cyperus haspan Rottb. Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl Borreria latifolia (Aubl.) K. Schum. Borreria verticillata (L.) G. Mey. Dichromena ciliata J. Presl & C. Presl Cyperus surinamensis Rottb. Cyperus haspan Rottb. Mimosa sensitiva L. 26,29 Cyperus haspan Rottb. Cyperus surinamensis Rottb. Dichromena ciliata J. Presl & C. Presl Cyperus diffusus Vahl Phyllanthus niruri L. 20,90 16,56 The results of the floristic composition of the soil seed bank, it may have been, according to Araújo et al. (2001), influence the type and intensity of previous land use, which implicates the way is the natural recovery of the ecosystem. In the municipalities of Bragança, Capitão Poço and Garrafão do Norte, species with seed dispersal barochory was the most representative ranging from 39 to 44%, followed by the dispersal of propagules anemochoric that ranged from 22 to 29%. Figure 3: Distribution of species according to types of dispersion. Conclusions and Outlook 21,14 6,24 5,46 4,45 44,05 14,37 7,62 6,35 3,73 15,42 11,81 5,89 The soil seed bank in the areas studied there was a predominance of pioneer species and herbaceous, which indicates the occurrence of forest restoration process, since it presents good floristic composition and forest structure, with the presence of species of all successional stages. The installed forest productive arrangements in pastures areas has as objective the rehabilitation processes and ecological functions. 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