Companhia Aberta
CNPJ/MF nº 00.864.214/0001-06
Praça Rui Barbosa, nº 80 (parte)
Cataguases/MG – CEP 36.770-901
CNPJ/MF nº 61.584.140/0001-49
Praça Rui Barbosa, nº 80 (parte)
Cataguases/MG – CEP 36.770-901
Pursuant to CVM Instruction 358 issued January 03, 2002, as amended, Energisa S.A.
("Energisa") and Rede Energia S.A. - Undergoing judicial reorganization ("Rede", in
conjunction with Energisa, the "Companies"), hereby announce that on this date, and
in conjunction with the other entities of Energisa Group, it and São João Energética
S.A., a company indirectly controlled by Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners ("São
João Energética"), have irrevocably and irreversibly entered into purchase and sale
agreements ("Agreements"), whereby São João Energética undertakes to directly or
indirectly acquire all shares held directly or indirectly by the companies in the share
capital of the following companies, subject to the performance of certain precedent
conditions. (i) SPE Cristina Energia S.A. ("SPE Cristina"), (ii) Energisa Geração Centrais
Eólicas RN S.A. ("Energisa Centrais Eólicas") and its wind energy subsidiaries, (iii)
Energisa Bioeletricidade S.A. and its thermal generation subsidiaries, (iv) Pequena
Central Hidrelétrica Zé Tunin S.A., (v) Energisa Geração Rio Grande S.A., (vi)
Energisa Geração Vista Alegre II S.A., (vii) Energisa Geração Santa Cândida II S.A.,
and (viii) Tangará Energia S.A. ("Operation"), amounting to an installed capacity of
488 MW (of which 115 MW is under construction).
As SPE Cristina and Energisa Centrais Eólicas are wholly-owned subsidiaries of
Energisa, pursuant to article 253 (I) of Law 6404 enacted December 15, 1976, as
amended, Energisa announces that its shareholders have pre-emptive rights for the
acquisition of shares of SPE Cristina and Energisa Centrais Eólicas ("Pre-Emptive
Right"). The terms and conditions for exercising Pre-emptive Rights by Energisa
shareholders shall be disclosed in due course by Energisa.
The Operation will enable the Group to bolster its capital structure after the
material effort made to acquire Rede Group on April 11, 2014. The operation
demonstrates the financial discipline that underpins Energisa's management.
The amount established for the shares of the aforesaid business units is estimated at
R$ 1.4 billion, subject to the usual adjustments to the balance sheet to be prepared
upon completion of the Operation, with Rede Energia S/A receiving R$ 0.2 billion and
Energisa S/A R$ 1.2 billion. Subject to the performance of certain precedent
Energisa S/A
CNPJ: 00.864.214/0001-06 – Insc. Mun.: 12560-1
Praça Rui Barbosa, 80/parte | Centro
Cataguases | MG | CEP 36770-901
Tel.: (32) 3429 6000 | Fax: (32) 3429 6317
2122 6980
CNPJ: 00.864.214/0002-97
Av. Pasteur, 110 – 5º e 6º andares | Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | CEP 22290-240
Tel.: (21) 2122 6900 | Fax: (21)
conditions, such as approval by CADE, ANEEL (when necessary) and certain creditors,
Energisa expects its consolidated net debt to contract by approximately R$ 2.6
billion, in addition to reducing its investments commitment by approximately R$ 0.2
billion through March 2016.
The Companies will keep their shareholders and the market posted about any
materials developments related to the Operation.
Cataguases, November 20, 2014.
Maurício Perez Botelho
CFO and Investor Relations Director
Energisa S/A
CNPJ: 00.864.214/0001-06 – Insc. Mun.: 12560-1
Praça Rui Barbosa, 80/parte | Centro
Cataguases | MG | CEP 36770-901
Tel.: (32) 3429 6000 | Fax: (32) 3429 6317
2122 6980
CNPJ: 00.864.214/0002-97
Av. Pasteur, 110 – 5º e 6º andares | Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | CEP 22290-240
Tel.: (21) 2122 6900 | Fax: (21)

energisa s/a rede energia s/a material fact