DOCKTHOR: ANALYSIS OF PROTEIN-LIGAND DOCKING PERFORMANCE USING THE CURATED TEST SET IRIDIUM-HT Vizani, L. A.1; Guedes, I. A.1; Marinho, D.1, De Magalhães, C.S.2 and Dardenne, L. E.1 Grupo de Modelagem Molecular de Sistemas Biológicos, LNCC, RJ, Brazil 1 Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica – LNCC/MCTI 2 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Campus Xerém - UFRJ Protein-ligand docking methodology is an important tool in the structure-based rational drug design. DockThor is a grid based docking program, developed by our research group, developed to deal with highly flexible ligands using a multiplesolution steady state genetic algorithm and a scoring function based on the MMFF94 force field. In this work, the DockThor performance was evaluated by redocking experiments using a test set of 120 protein-ligand complexes (IridiumHT, OpenEye Scientific) comprising a wide range of different protein families and ligands. Despite the careful filters employed to select the most reliable proteinligand complexes from the Protein Data Bank, we observed that during the construction of Iridium-HT dataset the protonation and tautomeric states were not correctly taken into account . We curated the dataset with PROPKA and Epik tools to predict the correct protonation states of both protein and ligand. For each complex the program was executed using the best DockThor docking protocol. Top-energy conformation obtained for each complex was compared with its experimental conformation. Furthermore, the alternative poses with similar energy values to the top-ranked pose (difference less than or equals to 1.0 kcal/mol) were also considered since DockThor aims to predict multiple binding modes. RMSD values lower than or equals to 1.0Å, 2.0Å and 2.5Å from the experimental structure were considered as success criterions. DockThor obtained very satisfactory results in the redocking experiments considering RMSD values of 1.0Å, 2.0Å and 2.5Å as success criterion: (i) original Iridium-HT protonation states (top-energy pose): 50%, 65.83% and 67.50%; (ii) curated structures with PROPKA and Epik (top-energy pose): 57.5%, 78.33% and 83.33%; (iii) curated structures prepared with PROPKA and Epik and considering solutions with similar energies: 61.66%, 87.49% and 88.32%. It is important to note that the correct preparation of the structures has a critical role in the success rates of docking experiments. Keywords: Docking, Molecular Modeling, Dockthor. Supported by: FAPERJ, CNPq and CAPES