Recuperação Paralela de Inglês – 7° Ano – 2º Bimestre
Supply with the correct form of the PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
Obs. Não esqueça do verbo TO-BE : "am- is- are “
a) My mother ______(to wash) the kitchen now.
b) Those boys ____(to write) letters.
a) They _______(to work ) at this important Company.
b) She ________ ( to cut) the vegetables in the kitchen)
Suddenly , there is a noise outside. Andy is at the
door now.
Andy: Bye, Mr. Brian, and thanks for the lift.
Mr. Brian: You’re welcome . Bye, Andy. Bye Glenn!
Andy: Hi, Grandpa!
Grandpa: Hello, Andy. I’m glad you are here . Oh, my ! You
are so tall! How are you? Are you hungry? Are you tired
from the trip? How was your mother ? And your father?
What about school?
Andy: Hey, Just a minute, Grandpa . Too many questions !
First , … here’s a present for you.
Grandpa: Thank you . Andy. Oh, boy ! What a Nice hat!
Change the sentences below to the INTERROGATIVE and
Answer in Portuguese
6. Quais são os animais mencionados no texto?
3. We are waiting for the bus at the bus stop.
7. O quê já está preparado para a visita de Andy?
4. He is reading an interesting magazine.
8. Cite duas das diversas perguntas que vovô Wayne faz para
5. Match the columns:
What are the correct answers to the questions below?
a) Where are you going?
b) Who’s calling please?
c) How about this shoes ?
d) Where are you staying?
e) What exactly are you looking for ?
f) How about going to a restaurant?
) I’m not sure. Maybe you can help me.
) Mr. Smith, Peter Smith.
) That’s a good idea.
) To “Sushi Garden” restaurant.
) That’s perfect .
) I’m staying at the Hilton Hotel.
The Camera
This is Caperville . It is a small town in Maine USA.
There is a cinema on Main Street. The bank is next to the
cinema . There is a library on Watson Street. It is between
the hospital and the snack bar.
The gas station is down Watson Street. There is a big mall
in Caperville . It is behind Green Park . It is three o’clock in
the afternoon . Mr. Brown is driving along Main Street . He
is going to the mall . He is now in Caperville . He is not from
Maine . He is from Florida . It is a quarter past three . Mr.
Brown ‘s car is in front of the bank . Mr. Brown is in the mall
. He is looking at the shop windows . Now he is walking into
store .
Answer in Portuguese :
9. (M.17) De onde é o Sr. Brown ?
The Red Balloon
Glenn Wayne is Andy’s grandfather . He is an old
adventurer and explorer . His house is on a farm, far from
the city . There is a lake in front of his house and there are
many trees around in it.
There are deer, rabbits and birds near Grandpa
Wayne’s lake every morning . They aren’t afraid of him. He is
their friend .
Everything is ready for Andy’s visit: the boat is at
the dock: Yellow Star , the new horse , is in the stable : there
is a chocolate cake on the kitchen table . Glenn Wayne is
eager to see his grandson .
10. (M.17) Localize os estabelecimentos comerciais presentes no texto e escreva-os em Inglês e Português.
11. (M.17) Encontre no texto as palavras abaixo “em inglês”:
a) vitrines
b) pequena cidade
c) atrás
d) loja
e) entre

Recuperação Paralela de Inglês – 7° Ano – 2º Bimestre