Missão de investigação à Universidade de Paris 8
24 a 26 de Março 2011
Pedro Reis
1. Local
Département Hypermédia -Université de Paris VIII
Laboratoire Paragraphe (EA 349)
2. Objetivos
a) Disseminar o projeto Arquivo Digital da Po-Ex – Anos 70/80
b) Estreitar relações com equipa de investigadores a desenvolver projeto similar.
c) Estabelecer termos de cooperação futura
3. Investigadores com os quais decorreu o encontro:
Équipe écritures numériques:
Philippe Bootz
([email protected])
Alexandra Saemmer
([email protected])
Serge Bouchardon
([email protected])
Samuel Szoniecky
([email protected])
Jean-Hugues Réty
([email protected])
4. Foi comunicado que o Arquivo Digital da Po-Ex – Anos 70/80 está a ser
desenvolvido em D-Space e procedeu-se a uma apresentação detalhada do projeto.
5. Um aspeto muito desenvolvido no encontro foi, então, a abordagem de esquemas
de referência de metadados facilitadores da definição de palavras-chave e respetiva
Neste contexto, foram sugeridos:
a) Dublin Core :
Dublin Core é um esquema de metadados que visa descrever objetos digitais, tais como,
videos, sons, imagens, textos e sites na web. Aplicações de Dublin Core utilizam XML e o
RDF (Resource Description Framework).
A Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) (Iniciativa Dublin Core Metadados) é uma organização
dedicada a promover a adoção de padrões de interoperabilidade de metadados e desenvolver
vocabulários especializados para descrever fontes que tornem mais inteligentes sistemas de
descobrimento de informações.
The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set is a vocabulary of fifteen properties for use in resource
description. The name "Dublin" is due to its origin at a 1995 invitational workshop in Dublin,
Ohio; "core" because its elements are broad and generic, usable for describing a wide range of
The fifteen element "Dublin Core" described in this standard is part of a larger set of metadata
vocabularies and technical specifications maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
(DCMI). The full set of vocabularies, DCMI Metadata Terms [DCMI-TERMS], also includes sets
of resource classes (including the DCMI Type Vocabulary [DCMI-TYPE]), vocabulary encoding
schemes, and syntax encoding schemes. The terms in DCMI vocabularies are intended to be
used in combination with terms from other, compatible vocabularies in the context of application
profiles and on the basis of the DCMI Abstract Model [DCAM].
All changes made to terms of the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set since 2001 have been
reviewed by a DCMI Usage Board in the context of a DCMI Namespace Policy [DCMINAMESPACE]. The namespace policy describes how DCMI terms are assigned Uniform
Resource Identifiers (URIs) and sets limits on the range of editorial changes that may allowably
be made to the labels, definitions, and usage comments associated with existing DCMI terms.
This document, an excerpt from the more comprehensive document "DCMI Metadata Terms"
[DCTERMS] provides an abbreviated reference version of the fifteen element descriptions that
have been formally endorsed in the following standards:
ISO Standard 15836:2009 of February 2009 [ISO15836]
ANSI/NISO Standard Z39.85-2007 of May 2007 [NISOZ3985]
IETF RFC 5013 of August 2007 [RFC5013]
Since 1998, when these fifteen elements entered into a standardization track, notions of best
practice in the Semantic Web have evolved to include the assignment of formal domains and
ranges in addition to definitions in natural language. Domains and ranges specify what kind of
described resources and value resources are associated with a given property. Domains and
ranges express the meanings implicit in natural-language definitions in an explicit form that is
usable for the automatic processing of logical inferences. When a given property is encountered,
an inferencing application may use information about the domains and ranges assigned to a
property in order to make inferences about the resources described thereby.
Since January 2008, therefore, DCMI includes formal domains and ranges in the definitions of
its properties. So as not to affect the conformance of existing implementations of "simple Dublin
Core" in RDF, domains and ranges have not been specified for the fifteen properties of the dc:
namespace ( Rather, fifteen new properties with "names"
identical to those of the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Version 1.1 have been created in
the dcterms: namespace ( These fifteen new properties have been
defined as subproperties of the corresponding properties of DCMES Version 1.1 and assigned
domains and ranges as specified in the more comprehensive document "DCMI Metadata
Terms" [DCTERMS].
Implementers may freely choose to use these fifteen properties either in their legacy dc: variant
(e.g., depending on application requirements. The RDF schemas of
the DCMI namespaces describe the subproperty relation of dcterms:creator to dc:creator for use
by Semantic Web-aware applications. Over time, however, implementers are encouraged to
use the semantically more precise dcterms: properties, as they more fully follow emerging
notions of best practice for machine-processable metadata.
b) Open Archives Initiative (OAI)
The Open Archives Initiative develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to
facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. OAI has its roots in the open access and
institutional repository movements. Continued support of this work remains a cornerstone of the
Open Archives program. Over time, however, the work of OAI has expanded to promote broad
6. Foram igualmente abordados exemplos de projetos similares de Arquivo Digital de
obras literárias hipertextuais e hipermediáticas (Archipoenum e Répertoire) ou outros
mais genéricos (Inventaire du Patrimoine Culturel / Répertoire des Publications
a) Archipoenum – Archive de Poésie Numérique
Nous avons commencé à concevoir et réaliser (Bootz & Szoniecky, 2008) un outil d’indexation
de tous types de documents ayant traits à la poésie numérique à partir d’une schématisation
fonctionnelle commune de l’ontologie spinoziste et du modèle procédural.
Cet outil réalisé sous forme d’un plugin Firefox est accessible librement par l’ensemble de la
communauté en littérature numérique mais aussi par les développeurs intéressés par ce projet
Open Source.
L’outil n’implémentera pas l’indexation dans le document lui-même mais dans des fichiers XML
indépendants. Les documents seront repérés dans un réseau RDF par rapport à trois axes
fondamentaux : l’espace, le temps, la sémantique (OWL). Chaque indexation structurera le
document en fonction du point de vue adopté. Dès lors, tous types de documents peuvent être
indexés, de la performance éphémère à l’article imprimé en passant par le programme d’une
œuvre exécutable en ligne.
L’outil pourra être utilisé de façon autonome ou connecté au WEB. Un protocole de
synchronisation permettra de gérer facilement les multiples versions des fichiers d’indexation et
leurs conflits éventuels. L’accessibilité des données sera assurée par la mise en place d’un
entrepôt OAI (archive ouverte). Il donnera accès aux documents et œuvres indexés publiés en
Documentos sobre o projeto Archipoenum:
Diagramme écosystème d'information:
Article principe archipoenum:
Le Répertoire propose une recension des œuvres littéraires hypertextuelles et
hypermédiatiques (surtout francophones), ainsi que des œuvres d’art hypermédiatiques. Sont
aussi répertoriés les différents sites qui, sans nécessairement présenter des œuvres, les
répertorient, en font l’étude, en proposent des analyses, des interprétations et des critiques,
soutiennent les projets hypermédiatiques, etc. En plus des éléments bibliographiques habituels,
les fiches contiennent : une courte description de l’œuvre ou du site; une classification en
fonction de la nature du site ou de l’œuvre, des formes d’interactivité et du format; et, dans
certains cas, des notes de recherche ou techniques.
c) Inventaire du Patrimoine Culturel / Répertoire des Publications
L'Inventaire général du patrimoine culturel a pour mission de recenser, étudier et faire connaître
l'ensemble du patrimoine. Outils méthodologiques et services (bases de données, itinéraires en
7. Numa perspectiva de intercâmbio entre investigadores, ficou igualmente acordado:
a) Possibilidade de publicação na Cibertextualidades 5 dos seguintes artigos
originais produzidos pela Équipe écritures numériques:
Diagramme écosystème
article principe archipoenum:
b) o envio de 5 Cd-Rom de PO-Ex – Anos 60.
Bootz Philippe
27 allée des coquelicots
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
c) o envio recíproco de call for papers para publicações e/ou encontros científicos
a promover por ambas as equipas de investigação.

Relatório Missão Univ.Paris8_mar11