Expert Reader 1000
Chapter 4
by Elen Fernandes
4- Childhood
John is at the park.
He goes to the park every morning to run.
He enjoys going to the park because he feels
peace there.
He sees dogs, birds and the ducks in the lake.
There are also kids running around the park.
The park reminds him of his childhood too.
His mother used to take him there for picnics.
They used to spend all afternoon eating and
playing ball.
His mother is a very special person to him.
She taught him to like the nature and take care
of his health too.
That´s why he goes to the park every morning.
He can stay in contact with the nature and take
care of his health at the same time.
New Vocabulary:
He enjoys
he feels
He sees
3º Person – He/She/it (V+s / V+es)
He used to - costumava
She taught - (teach)
(verb in the past)
There are also kids running
Present Continuous (To be + V+ing)
Reminds of – lembra de (traz a lembrança)
-The park reminds him of his childhood.
That´s why – é por isso
-That´s why he goes to the park every morning.
To go (went)- ir / Ex: I like to go there. (Eu gosto de ir lá)
To see (saw) – ver / Ex: He sees dogs
every morning – todas as manhãs
- I brush my teeth every morning (Eu escovo os dentes todas as manhãs)
Special - especial
She is a special girl.
It is going to be a very special day.
Peace – paz
I feel at peace with myself.
Around – em volta They like to be around us. (Eles gostam de ficar em volta de nós)
Childhood – infância
I remember a lot of things from my childhood.
(Eu me lembro de muitas coisas da minha infância
Picnic – Piquenique Let´s have a picnic?
Ball – bola
Kick the ball. (Chute a bola.)
Person – Pessoa
Who is that person? (Quem é aquela pessoa?)
Health – saúde
I prefer to take care of my health.
Nature – natureza
How should we take action to Preserve Nature?
Contact – contato
Here is my contact information.
(Prefiro cuidar da minha saúde)
(Como deveríamos agir para preservar a natureza)
(Aqui está meu contato)
4- Childhood
John is at the park.
At the park – no parque
at the bank – no banco
at church – na igreja
He goes to the park every morning to run.
He goes – Ele vai
Every morning – todas as manhãs
To run - correr
I run every morning/night.
He enjoys going to the park because he feels peace there.
He enjoys – ele adora
He feels – ele sente
I enjoy studying English.
peace – paz
there – lá
He sees dogs, birds and the ducks in the lake.
To see - ver dog – cachorro
In the lake – no lago
bird- passáro
duck – pato
There are also kids running around the park.
There are – Haver, existir kids – crianças around- em volta
There are many people at the party. (Tem muitas pessoas na festa.)
The park reminds him of his childhood too.
Reminds – lembra
childhood – infância
It reminds me of you – (Isto me lembra você.)
His mother used to take him there for picnics.
His – dele
used to – costumava
to take – levar, pegar
picnics – piquenique
I used to play at the park. (Eu costumava brincar no park.)
They used to spend all afternoon eating and playing ball.
To spend – passar, gastar all afternoon – a tarde toda
to eat – comer / eating – comendo - To play - jogar, brincar / playing - brincando
His mother is a very special person to him.
Very – enfatiza
To him – para ele
special person – pessoa especial
She taught him to like the nature and take care of his
health too.
To teach - Taught (ensinou)
To take care – (cuidar)
to like – gostar
health – saúde
That´s why he goes to the park every morning.
That´s why – é por isso
to go/goes – ir
every morning/day I study English every day. (Eu estudo inglês todos os dias)
He can stay in contact with the nature and take care of his health at the same
Can – poder
I can speak English / I can go / I can´t do it
In contact with – em contato com
At the same time – ao mesmo tempo

Chapter 4 - Childhood