With the aim of promoting advanced solutions for the identification of people,
access control, digital certification and smart cards, the First Workshop of Technological
Innovations on Identification took place on September 24th and 25th in Brasilia, organized
by the Direction of Military Services, in league with the Brazilian Association of Digital
Identification Technology. 10/10/2013.-
Intelcav, a subsidiary of the Inteligensa Group, was invited to participate in the workshop,
and Fernando Leon, Commercial Manager, represented Intelcav with a presentation
related to the military identification. He referred to the innovative solution “Intelihealth”,
developed by Inteligensa and which benefits members of the Social Security Institute of
the Armed Forces of Venezuela and its relatives. As León indicated, Intelihealth is a smart
card that contains applications based on information systems and a secure memory which
stores emergency data, clinical history, prescriptions, medical conditions, current
treatments and personal data. Intelcav is one of the most important producers of banking and security cards, being
ranked among the ten largest card producers in the world. It is one of the suppliers of the
Civil Identification Register of Brazil to produce the ID card for Brazilian citizens.
Sobre a Intelcav
Criada em 2000, a Intelcav está entre as dez maiores fabricantes de cartões para os grandes bancos
brasileiros e demais instituições do mundo que confiam a produção e personalização de seus cartões á
empresa. Com mais de um bilhão de cartões produzidos ao longo de seus 13 anos, a Intelcav hoje é
fornecedora de tecnologia em soluções de meios de pagamento, autenticação, identificação, transporte e
Telecom. Atualmente a Intelcav produz 16 milhões de cartões/mês e tem capacidade de gravar cerca de 5
milhões de cartões/mês. Certificada pela ISO 9001 versão 2008 e homologada pela VISA, Mastercard e
AMEX, a Intelcav é pioneira na produção de cartões diferenciados como o Display Card nacionalmente, os
cartões translúcidos, os cartões ecológicos como o PET Reciclado Pós Consumo, os mini cards e os cartões
full face holográficos.

IntelCav participates in the first workshop of technological