Description of Individual Course Unit Historical and Cultural Patrimony Course Title: Tourism and Leisure Area of Study: Social Sciences, Human and Educational Course Code: ECTS Credits: 6 Degree Degree Level: Bachelors Year: 1st 2nd Type of Course: Compulsory Student Workload: Theory (T) Theoretical Application (TA) Laboratory Work (LW) Fieldwork (F) Seminar (S) Prerequisites: No Masters 3rd Elective 0 67,5 0 30 0 Semester: 1st 2nd Work Experience (WE) 0 Tutorial (T) 30 Independent Study (IS) 30 Assessment (A) 6 Other (O) 0 TOTAL 163,5 Yes Specify: Objectives To approach relative concepts to the historical and cultural patrimony; To classify historical and cultural patrimony; To sensitize students to protect and value the patrimony; To infer on the historical and cultural patrimony as a touristic resource; To elaborate formulas for the good use of the Patrimony in the depth of the touristic activity. Contents 1. Conceptual approach related to the historical and cultural patrimony 1.1. Patrimony 1.2. Culture and cultures 1.3. Cultural areas and cultural sub-areas 1.4. Cultural centers and peripheral cultures 1.5. Cultural patterns/standards 2. The importance of protection and patrimonial valorization 2.1. What to preserve? 2.2. Why to preserve? 2.3. How to preserve? 2.4. Who to preserve? 3. Historical and Cultural Patrimony classification 3.1. 3.1.National 3.2. World wide/universal 3.3. Historical and Cultural Patrimony right: letters; conventions; recommendations 4. Portuguese people and its customs; beliefs and traditions 5. Historical and Cultural Patrimony as a touristic resource 5.1.Patrimony’s “Tourisfication” (Patrimony serving tourism) 5.2.The different values of the historical and cultural patrimony: use; formal; symbolic; educational; economic 6. Formulas for the good use of the patrimony in the depth of the touristic activity Teaching Methods Theoric classes: attended classes where the curricular unity theorical concepts are exposed. In these classes the most relevant aspects and complexes are exposed in this curricular unity. Theorical and Pratical classes: attended classes that have as essential function the contemplation of situations where the acquisition of knowledgements and competences justify the realization of written exercices. Tutorial orientation: to give support hours to students scientific works elaboration/preparation. Fieldwork: in this category all students work it is considered including research, study and reflexition. Assessment Continuous evaluation: attendance (obligatory presence in 75% of taught lessons); active participation in classes; written exercises; realization of written works/papers and oral presentation; attendance during time table hours by the professor, for tutorial orientation; written examination. The final evaluation it is a result of the final classification obtained in 2 (two) written examinations (not below 10 each, corresponding to 60% of the evaluation and considering the participation in classes, pratical classes activities and participation in the organization of an ethnographic exbition/exposition, corresponding to 40% of the total of the evaluation. Periodical evaluation: The final evaluation it is a result of the final classification obtained in 2 (two) written examinations (not below 10 each), corresponding to 100%. Bibliography ALMEIDA, A. A. Marques, O património local e regional, in Teoria e Prática em História Regional e Local, s.l., Subsídios para um Trabalho Transdisciplinar, s/d. ALLEN, J.; O’TOOLE, W.; MCDONNELL, I.; HARRIS, R. (2003) Organização e Gestão de Eventos. Editora Campus, Rio de Janeiro. BARRETO, Margarida, Turismo e Legado Cultural, S. Paulo, Papirus Editora, 4ª edição, 2003 BULL, A. (1991) La economía del sector turístico. Alianza Editorial, Madrid. CHON, K; SPARROWE, R. (2000) Hospitalidade - Conceitos e aplicações. Ed. Thomson Learning, São Paulo. CONFEDERAÇÃO DO TURISMO PORTUGUÊS – CTP (2005) Reinventando o Turismo em Portugal. Ed. Confederação do Turismo Português, Lisboa. CUNHA, L. (1997), Economia e Política do Turismo. Ed. McGraw-Hill de Portugal, Lisboa. CUNHA, L. (2001), Introdução ao turismo. Ed. Verbo, Lisboa. Diário da República – Lei nº 107/2001 de 08 de Setembro – “Estabelece as bases da política e do regime de protecção e valorização do património cultural”. DOMINGUES, C. M. (1997) Prontuário Turístico. Ed. INFT, Lisboa. FERNANDEZ, C.; BLANCO, A. (1996) Producción y venta de servicios turísticos en agencias de viajes. Ed. Síntesis, Madrid. FERREIRA, Jorge A. B., Direito do Património Histórico e Cultural, Coimbra, Centro de Estudos e Formação Autárquica, 1998. FORTUNA, Carlos, Identidades, percursos, paisagens culturais, Oeiras, Celta Editora, 1999. GIACAGLIA, M. C. (2002) Organização de eventos – teoria e prática. Ed. Thomson Learning, São Paulo. HENRIQUES, Cláudia, Turismo, Cidade e Cultura, Lisboa, Edições Sílabo, 2003. HENRIQUES, Eduardo Brito, Turismo, Património e Cidade: da revitalização urbana ao risco de manipulação das paisagens, in Turismos e Lazeres – Estudos para o Planeamento Regional e Urbano, Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Geográficos, 1996. LICKORISH, L.; JENKINS, C. (1997) Una introducción al turismo. Editorial Sintesis, Madrid. LOPES, Flávio, O Programa de Incremento do Turismo Cultural, 2003 MAIA, Ana Luísa Montalvão, Turismo Cultural: um desafio, São Paulo, Revista Múltipla, Ano I, nº1, 1996. NOGUEIRA, Sandra, Os ofícios tradicionais como vertente do Turismo Cultural, s.d. RICHARDS, Greg, Cultural Tourism in Europe, Wallingford, Cab International, 1996. SILVA, Elsa Peralta, Património e Identidade. Os desafios do Turismo Cultural, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2003.