Newsletter September I - 2007 SCHOOL STUDENT COUNCIL PROJECT TO HELP EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS OF PERU FORTHCOMING DATES Mr. Anderson Costa Friday 7th September Independence Day – School Holiday St. Nicholas School Student Council has successfully finished its first project of the year, focusing its actions on the natural disaster that took place in Peru in August. Thousands of people are homeless and there is a shortage of food; schools, churches and buildings have been destroyed. School Student Council members have organized a school donation of food, clothes and toys – which will be sent to Peru via the Prefeitura de São Paulo (as suggested by the Peruvian Consulate in São Paulo). Also the School will send US$700.00 collected from the first Casual Clothes Day this year. This was a wonderful demonstration of good will. Well done, everybody! Monday 10th September Year 2 trip to Pullman factory Tuesday 11th September PYP Information Session for parents -8:00 h 17th – 21st September LAHC Student Leadership Conference, Chile Tuesday 18th September Year 11 Theatre trip: “Memórias de um Sargento de Milícias” ASSEMBLIES Infants 12th September – Year 1X 19th September – Year 2X Infant and Junior Student Council Representatives Junior 13th September – Year 3Y 20th September – Year 6Y Congratulations to the Infant and Junior pupils who have been elected to represent their school on the St. Nicholas Student Council. IGCSE Examination Results The results of the IGCSE Examinations, sat by students in Year 10, last May were published earlier this month. 10 students achieved 5 or more A-C passes and one student passed all 7 exams with an A or A*. These are the first public examinations the students have experienced and they serve as good practice for the IB Diploma courses they have now started. Yr2: Dhruv Bhatia, Laura Barros, Felipe Lyrio, Lucas Kallas Silva Yr3: Luiz Guilherme Pretoni, Luiza Salamao, Julia de Oliveira, Clara Minji Kim (not in photo) Yr4: Gustavo Borges, Matheus Galvao Martins, Gabriel de Almeida, Claudia Chakmati Yr5: Bruno Aquino, Sofia Soares, Patrick Sewell, Karen Hsu Yr6: Nicolas Gekker, Stephanie Geller, Bruna Liu, Keon-Young Lee International Day This year the St. Nicholas School International Day will be held on Saturday 27th October 2007. We are looking for volunteers to help with the following countries. If you are interested please e-mail the PTA committee at [email protected] Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, England, France, Holland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Peru, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, South Africa, Twain, Venezuela, United States of America, Uruguay, Wales ALUNOS DE PORTUGUÊS DISCUTEM REFORMA ORTOGRÁFICA Professor Anderson Costa No mundo lusófono, está em discussão a entrada em vigor da nova Reforma Ortográfica, que vai, entre outras propostas, acabar com o uso do trema, da escrita de consoantes não pronunciadas (esta apenas no português de Portugal), de alguns acentos e incluir as letras K, Y e Z no alfabeto. Várias turmas do Senior School discutiram as vantagens e desvantagens desta reforma ortográfica (que pode entrar em vigor em breve, mas também pode nem mesmo chegar a existir na prática). Leia a seguir a redação que o aluno Mateus Ribeiro, do Year 8 escreveu com base no título: Você é a favor ou contra a reforma da Língua Portuguesa? Nossas vidas sempre são marcadas por vários fatos importantes: quando começamos a falar ou a andar, nosso primeiro dente permanente etc. Mas será que se a ortografia da nossa língua mudasse de repente, seria este um grande marco em nossa história profissional? E se fôssemos fazer um exame (por exemplo, o vestibular para uma grande faculdade), qual ortografia deveríamos utilizar? Pode ser muito difícil encarar uma reforma ortográfica para nós estudantes e para todos os que se comunicam em português. Advogados poderão cometer equívocos ortográficos em documentos importantíssimos, médicos poderão errar em relatórios de exames, e até donos de lojas poderão errar seus documentos fiscais. Claro que mencionei casos extremos, mas imagine: se um estrangeiro quissesse aprender português, ele teria que escolher entre o 'verdadeiro português', e o 'português brasileiro'. A única língua dividida entre duas grafias é o português. Se este texto fosse para eu dar uma opinião subjetiva, ou seja, dizer que os dois lados têm vantagens, e responder que não consegui definir minha escolha, eu diria isto e acabaria o texto aqui mesmo. Mas não, tenho que dar uma resposta objetiva, pelo menos suficientemente boa para ser assim chamada. Então, minha resposta será clara e simples: sim. Sim, eu acredito que mudar a nossa língua de novo pode ser difícil de tolerar, mas depois de certa confusão inicial, teremos uma língua cada vez mais uniformizada, com uma ortografia igual em todos os países no mundo onde o português é língual oficial. Será perfeita esta uniformização porque teremos cada vez mais pessoas se entendo. No final, poderíamos ter um mundo lusófonofeliz, unificado por uma língua (a exemplo do que propunha o esperanto). Aqui já estou fugindo um pouco do assunto, e então lembro bem do assunto original: será que devemos mudar a língua portuguesa? A minha resposta já foi dita, e eu acredito que esta seria a melhor solução. Para concluir esta redação: a reforma só mudará entre 0,5 e 2% da língua portuguesa que usamos hoje. Isto é quase nada, tornará a língua mais fácil e talvez até mais accesível para pessoas menos afortunadas que ainda não tiveram a oportunidade de estudar adequadamente o idioma e, portanto, não dominam suas regras ortográficas. E você, o que acha desta Reforma? Discuta em casa e com seus professores. IB Diploma Examination Results The graduating class of 2007 received their IB Diploma examination results over the winter holiday. I am very pleased to report that all the students sat the diploma passed and received a Bilingual IBO Diploma. The scores ranged from 25 to 41 points. We are very proud of these students but we must also remember the IB Diploma is more than just examination results. IB Students create a better world through action. The graduating year of 2007 were a very special year group and embodied the IBO Learners profile in many ways and below are some photos of them helping less fortunate children at last years inter CAS event . Talent Show I’m Julia Herzog from the Action ECA, and a talent show is our first activity for this term. It will be held in the Hall on Wednesday the 17th of September from 12:10pm to 12:45pm. We will choose three winners taking first, second and third places. This will be decided by six judges, who will be represented by two parents, two teachers and two Senior pupils. We will be passing around a sign-up sheet so don’t forget to look for us and sign up! Good luck! Come and share your talents!!! Yearbook 2007 Will be on sale as from September. A discount is offered to parents who reserve the Yearbook in advance. Normal price : R$ 30,00 / Booked in advance : R$ 25,00 To reserve : [email protected] Saving Paper If you would prefer copies of the newsletter sent to your e mail account rather than in paper format could you please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the following information: name of pupil, class or form, name of parents, e-mail address. PTA Committee 2007-8 LIBRARY CORNER The School would like to thank the parents who volunteered to sit on the PTA committee this year: James Kirsten, Anna Kirsten, Alexandra Pfister, Stephen Eagles, Laura Falsztyn, Andrea Toffoli, Karina Saccomanno Ferreira, Ana Watanabe, Constanza Pico Estrada, Carla Ferreira Dawson, Ana Maria Sodré, Jeremy Austin, Roberta Rosenburg, Sandra McMahon,Teresa Santiago, Priscilla Amad, Sandra Marangoni and Debora de Barros. If you too would like to volunteer it is not too late and you can contact the PTA through the School office or at [email protected]. The first meeting was held on Friday 24th and the new committee was be elected at the meeting held on the 4th September. School would like to thank the outgoing president Mrs Geraldine Gentil. Geraldine returned to Argentina with her family in June and the school community will miss them all. NEW BOOKS AND DVDs At the first meeting the following monies were distributed for teacher and student projects: Mr. Anderson Costa - Promoting Brazilian Culture in school- R$ 1.500,00 Music Department - Electronic drum kit for the music department - R$ 2.000,00 Heads of Houses - House Badges - R$ 300,00 Library - DVDs and soft furnishings - R$ 600,00 PYP Exhibition Group - Reclycling bins - R$ 500,00 A Perfect Machine As part of our unit “A Perfect Machine”, Year 4 have welcomed two visiting speakers. Gustavo Borges, father of Gustavo in 4X, explained how our muscles work and talked about the importance of exercise and a healthy diet. Andrea Goldman, mother of Nina in 5X, shared her knowledge of dental hygiene and encouraged pupils to take responsibility for looking after their teeth. Come to the library and check out the new books and DVD titles. DVDs: Back Yardigans : festa na caverna Duplex Grease Hello Kitty O diabo veste Prada Os Infiltrados Patch Adams St Nicholas student helps Brazil to a bronze at the PAN The Brazilian dressage team (adestramento), comprising of Rogério Clementino, Renata Costa and St. Nicholas student, Luiza Tavares Almeida won the Bronze medal at the recent PAN American Games in Rio. This result guaranteed Brazil a place in the Olympic games in Beijing next year. Luiza will spend 6 months training and studying in Germany and then returns to St. Nicholas to start her IB Diploma in January. She has set her sights on Beijing in the summer and we wish her luck. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us! ALUNOS DO YEAR 12 VISITAM RÁDIO 107.3 FM Professor Anderson Costa Os alunos do Year 12 estão estudando, no Módulo Meios de Comunicação e Cultura do curso do IB,o tema Rádio. Para terem uma experiência prática do tema, fizeram uma visita, no dia 30 de agosto, à Rádio 107.3FM (antiga Brasil 2000). Acompanhados pelos professores Anderson Costa, Sílvia Lima e Fiona Creagh-Osborne, foram recebidos pelo comunicativo locutor Rubens Vianna e ouviram uma interessante palestra sobre a História do Rádio (desde Hertz e Marconi) na Europa até a chegada do rádio no Brasil, com Roquete Pinto. Também conversaram sobre o rádio digital, uma revolução na radio difusão, que fará parte de nossas vidas em um futuro bem próximo. Rubens Vianna falou sobre temas como medição de audiência (IBOPE) no rádio, que usa um método diferente da televisão, e também sobre o perfil do ouvinte da 107.3. Por fim, todos foram ao estúdio da rádio e viram Rubens Vianna fazer de maneira brilhante sua locução AO VIVO. Alguns alunos ainda receberam convites gratuitos para assistir ao show da banda americana Living Colour, que tocou naquela mesma noite no Via Funchal, em São Paulo. Depois desta visita, nenhum deles irá ouvir rádio da mesma maneira. Students’ comments: “really cool, interesting and educational” ... “I was surprised to see how few people are needed to run a quality radio station” ... “it helped us understand how radio works and what it means in the media world” ... “I loved the part when he went on air while we were in the studio!” Shana Tova! By Naama Silverman Forner Rosh Hashanah is literally translated as "head of the year" and idiomatically refers to the Jewish New Year. The term first appears in the Bible, in Ezekiel 40:1. The Torah (first part of the Bible), refers to the day as "The Day of the Blowing of the Shofar". This has two principal meanings: to express happiness and, on the other hand, to remind the people of the forthcoming “Day of Judgment". The Shofar is a trumpet made from a ram's horn. It is blown in traditional communities every morning for the entire month preceding Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah meals often include apples and honey, to symbolize a "sweet new year". Various other foods with a symbolic meaning may be served, depending on local custom. Another custom, relatively new, is sending greeting cards wishing a good, happy year: SHANA TOVA! !שנה טובה ומתוקה ALUNOS DO YEAR 10 ESTUDAM OBRA ÉPICA Professor Anderson Costa Os alunos do Year 10 estão estudando, nas aulas de Português, os diversos gêneros literários (lírico, épico e drama). Leram partes do texto considerado o marco zero da literatura ocidental: A Ilíada, de Homero. Também assistiram ao filme “Tróia”, inspirado na obra. Com 16 mil versos, A Ilíada concentra-se apenas em 52 dias da Guerra de Tróia – que durou dez anos. O enfoque desta obra é a narração da briga entre Agamenon e Aquiles. O professor de literatura grega da USP André Malta foi convidado a conversar com a turma sobre a obra de Homero e a adaptação cinematográfica feita por Hollywood. André criticou o fato do Blockbuster ter abordado eventos não retratados por Homero, o que, segundo ele, esvaziou a riqueza dos personagens. Os alunos fizeram perguntas a André Malta e aprofundaram seus conhecimentos sobre e gênero épico. Depois da conversa com o professor da USP, levaram duas sugestões para casa: ler alguns Cantos da obra e assistir ao filme novamente. Pelo jeito, Brad Pitt não é sinônimo de qualidade. Alguém aí discorda? Lunch cards: Are they a s w e N good or a bad idea? Nose for By Su Ji Lee and Jessica Van den Brink The lunchroom before lunch cards: Children did not eat properly, nor behave properly and were treating the Sodexho workers badly. To improve this confusion, the teachers came up with an idea of having lunch cards, which should have been a simple way of helping them, ensure that the children ate healthy. The card gives some simple rules about healthy eating and respecting your environment while eating. After the meal, it is stamped to ensure that all pupils have a proper meal. Was this a good idea or a bad one? We want to know what you think about the lunch cards. Please send your comments to: [email protected] / [email protected]/ [email protected] LOST & FOUND NOSSO RECANTO (NR) – before the winter holidays, large bags of items left at Nosso Recanto were handed in at School and many of the items were never collected. These items include bathing costumes, towels, etc. We have many, many other unnamed uniform items in Reception. COULD PARENTS & PUPILS PLEASE COME AND COLLECT. ITEMS WHICH ARE NOT COLLECTED BY HALF TERM WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY COMMEMORATIONS AND CELEBRATIONS AROUND THE WORLD Action Committee / International Committee SEPTEMBER 3rd September – Every first Monday of September, the United States celebrate Labour Day compared to the May 1st Labour Day celebrations of most countries including Brazil. It is a day of rest, and many Americans travel to visit friends or family during the long Labour Day weekend. Some cities celebrate it with picnics, barbecues, fireworks and parades. 7th September – Brazilian Independence Day is a day to commemorate Brazil’s independence from Portugal in 1822. It is a public holiday, and is celebrated with local commemorative events. (See related article.) 8th September – International Literacy Day is observed to raise awareness of worldwide literacy needs. More than 780 million of the world’s adults do not know how to read or write, and between 94 and 115 million children lack access to education. On this day, UNESCO awards literacy projects worldwide, and this year’s five winners are China, the United States, Nigeria, Senegal, and the United Republic of Tanzania. 13th September – First Day of Ramadan takes place every ninth month of the Islamic (Hijri) calendar, which has been happening since the year 638 CE. It is the holiest month of the Islamic year, and it is observed with prayers, fasting, charity, and atonement. – Rosh Hashanah is when the Jewish celebrate their New Year. This day marks the beginning of the Jewish year 5768 and opens the ten days of Penitence which ends with Yom Kippur. (See related article.) 22nd September – Yom Kippur is the Jewish holiday of the Day of Atonement when people repent their sins against both God and one's fellow man. It is one of the holiest and most solemn days of the year. On this day, five prohibitions are traditionally observed: eating and drinking, wearing leather shoes, bathing or washing, anointing oneself with oil and marital relations. 23rd September – Autumnal Equinox Day (Shūbun no hi) in Japan, this is an official national holiday, and is spent visiting family graves and holding family reunions. 24th September – Heritage Day is a public holiday in South Africa. People regardless of race are encouraged to celebrate their cultural heritage and the diversity of their beliefs and traditions. The day is meant to remember their past and the struggles of Apartheid. 25th September – the Mid-Autumn Festival is an important Chinese festival that dates back over 3,000 years ago. This festival is celebrated every 15th day of the 8th lunar month of the Chinese calendar, which is usually around September in our calendar. The moon is at its fullest on this night, and families enjoy it drinking tea and eating mooncakes. 29th September – Michaelmas, so called after Archangel Michael, is a Christian holiday especially observed in the United Kingdom and Ireland. This day falls near the equinox, and signals the beginning of autumn and the shortening of days.