Brazilian Monthly Overview ELECTRICITY MARKET Year IV :: Number 41 :: 2011 February January Electricity Consumption Brazil Total Consumption 2011 TWh Non-captive Var.% TWh Var.% In January ▲ 35,8 6,5 ▲ 9,3 14,2 12 months ▲ 421,3 7,6 ▲ 110,7 17,2 In January, total electricity consumption increased by 6.5% In January 2011 Brazilian national electricity consumption (on the national grid) reached 35.812 GWh, 6.5% higher than the same month of the previous year. Over the last 12 months, the growth rate was 7.6%. Indeed, high 12-month growth rates, more than 5.5%, were observed in all (relevant) consumption sectors, as showed in the graph. Nevertheless, the performance of industrial electricity consumption suggests stabilization of its growth rate, mainly due to the fact that the momentum of strong industrial production after the crisis has already ended. It is worthwhile to mention as well that electricity consumption in the residential and the commercial sectors are still showing significant 12-month growth rates, around 6.5%, which shows that domestic demand continues to be an important drive for the evolution of total electricity consumption. Brazil. Consumption by class. Growth rate over the last 12 months Industrial Sector. In January 2011, industrial electricity consumption reached 14.6 TWh – an increase of 6.6% over the same month of the last year. This result supports the argument that the growth rate of industrial production has converged to the same levels of the other sectors after increasing at higher growth rates in 2010. By region, the highest growth rate of industrial consumption occurred in the Southeast region (+9.6%), with an overwhelming 26% increase in Rio de Janeiro. Over the last 12 months, industrial electricity consumption in the region increased by 12.7%. Only in the Northeast region, consumption fell in January, partially explained by a temporary shutdown of industrial plants of the chemical sector and one aluminum plant in Bahia. As a result, the industrial electricity consumption decreased by 11.3% in the region. Residential Sector. Household electricity consumption reached 9.8 TWh in January 2011, being 6.5% higher over the same month of the previous year. Over the last 12 months, electricity consumption in the residential sector has increased over 6.3% and 2.1 million of new houses have been connected to the grid, which represents, on average, 172 thousand new residential consumers by month. Sustained expansion of residential electricity consumption in Brazil is consistent with higher sales of “furniture and appliances” (+18.3%, according to IBGE) and personal computers (23.0%, according to International Data Corporation) in 2010. By region, the biggest growth is occurring at the North and Northeast Regions, where the expansion of new residential connections has been relevant in the last years. In particular, the state of Bahia, which represents 30% of Northeast electricity residential consumption, the consumption increased by 16.2%. Commercial Sector. Electricity consumption in the commercial sector reached 6.2 TWh in January 2011, rising 7.0% over January 2010. Accordingly, in 2010, the commercial economic activity grew 10.9% and sales of “offices devices and materials, informatics and communication” increased by 24.1% (IBGE). Furthermore, passenger use of Brazilian airports (a good indicator of tourism and business activities) increased 20.4% in 2010, according to Infraero. By region, it should be highlighted the increase of almost 11% in energy consumption by commercial consumers in Brasilia and in Bahia. ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION STATISTICS (GWh) REGION/CLASS IN JANUARY 2011 35.812 2010 33.640 RESIDENTIAL 9.834 9.237 INDUSTRIAL 14.632 13.726 COMMERCIAL 6.254 OTHERS NORTH 12 MONTHS 6,5 2011 421.254 2010 391.401 6,5 107.758 101.408 6,3 6,6 184.715 167.722 10,1 5.847 7,0 69.493 65.734 5,7 5.091 4.830 5,4 59.288 56.536 4,9 2.199 2.049 7,3 26.094 24.150 8,0 494 460 7,4 5.952 5.279 12,7 1.138 1.053 8,0 13.183 12.385 6,4 COMMERCIAL 287 267 7,5 3.509 3.162 11,0 OTHERS 281 269 4,3 3.449 3.323 3,8 NORTHEAST 5.987 5.734 4,4 71.276 65.638 8,6 RESIDENTIAL 1.756 1.577 11,3 19.459 17.350 12,2 INDUSTRIAL 2.300 2.388 -3,7 29.365 27.688 6,1 901 834 8,1 10.353 9.506 8,9 1.030 935 10,2 12.099 11.094 9,1 SOUTHEAST 19.216 17.876 7,5 226.444 209.295 8,2 RESIDENTIAL 5.256 4.941 6,4 57.096 54.708 4,4 INDUSTRIAL 8.273 7.550 9,6 104.450 92.641 12,7 COMMERCIAL 3.483 3.263 6,7 38.337 36.655 4,6 OTHERS 2.204 2.122 3,9 26.560 25.290 5,0 SOUTH 6.222 5.911 5,3 71.114 67.293 5,7 RESIDENTIAL 1.603 1.573 1,9 17.108 16.464 3,9 INDUSTRIAL 2.382 2.222 7,2 31.045 28.500 8,9 COMMERCIAL 1.111 1.048 6,1 11.786 11.200 5,2 OTHERS 1.125 1.068 5,4 11.175 11.129 0,4 MIDWEST 2.188 2.070 5,7 26.326 25.026 5,2 RESIDENTIAL 726 685 6,0 8.143 7.607 7,0 INDUSTRIAL 539 514 4,9 6.672 6.508 2,5 COMMERCIAL 472 436 8,4 5.507 5.211 5,7 OTHERS 450 436 3,3 6.004 5.700 5,3 BRAZIL RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL OTHERS % % 7,6 Publicação da Diretoria de Estudos Econômico-Energéticos e Ambientais da Empresa de Pesquisa Energética— EPE Coordenação Geral Empresa pública, vinculada ao Ministério de Minas e Energia, criada nos termos da Lei nº 10.847, de 15 de março de 2004. A EPE tem por finalidade desenvolver estudos e pesquisas destinados a subsidiar o planejamento do setor energético brasileiro, envolvendo energia elétrica, petróleo, gás natural e seus derivados, carvão mineral, fontes energéticas renováveis e eficiência energética, dentre outros temas. Esta resenha mensal se insere nas atividades de monitoramento e análise de mercado de energia elétrica. Mauricio Tiomno Tolmasquim Amílcar Gonçalves Guerreiro Coordenação Executiva Ricardo Gorini de Oliveira Equipe Técnica Carla Achão (coordenação de economia e estatística) Gustavo Naciff de Andrade Inah Rosa Borges de Holanda Luiz Claudio Orleans Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa Sede: SAUN—Quadra 1—Bloco B Sala 100-A CEP 70041 903 Brasilia—DF Brasil Escritório Central: Av.Rio Branco, 1 11º andar CEP 20090 003—Rio de Janeiro—RJ Brasil Sede: SAUN—Quadra 1—Bloco B Sala 100-A CEP 70041 903 Brasilia—DF—Brasil OldonComissão Machado Fonte: Permanente de Análise e Acompanhamento do Mercado de Energia Elétrica—Copam/EPE. Dados preliminares. Esta Resenha pode ser obtida em Esta Resenha pode ser obtida em