8a Série
Ensino Fundamental
Semana 28
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Disponível em: <http://io9.com/howsoviet-artists-imagined-communistlife-in-space-1558140402. Acesso
em: 09 out. 2014.
Chances are, at some point you’ve looked up at the stars
and asked this question: Is there life in outer space? So far,
we haven’t found any proof that life exists anywhere else
besides Earth. However, just because no one’s discovered it
yet doesn’t mean we have cause to think there can't be life
out there. Over time, scientists have developed ideas about
what a planet needs to support life. First of all, it needs to
be near a star, like we’re near the sun. Many planets
________ are too close to stars are too hot, while many
other ________ are far are too cold. A planet with life probably also needs water and air.
Thanks to science, when a new planet is discovered, we can tell if it’s a warm, wet planet like ours, or just a cold rock.
Even if we just find a few tiny cells, proof that life exists on another planet or its moon would be the biggest discovery in
Disponível em: <http://www.gcflearnfree.org/reading/learnenglish/simpleenglish>. Acesso em: 09 out. 2014.
1) O pronome relativo que completa corretamente as lacunas no texto é: _________________________________
2) Cite, no mínimo, duas características necessárias (citadas no texto) para que se tenha vida em outro planeta.
3) What is this text about?
a) The question one scientist has about life in space.
b) The life in space we’ve already found.
c) The life of an astronaut.
d) The possibility of life in space.
4) Why don’t scientists think we’ll find life on planets that are far away from stars?
a) There’s not enough daylight.
b) They don’t have air.
c) They’re too cold.
d) Those planets are hard to find.

Atividade de Língua Inglesa - 9º ano