Let not men then in the pride of power, use the same arguments that tyrannic
kings and venal ministers have used, and fallaciously assert that women ought
to be subjected because she has always been so.
Novelista britânica, considerada a pioneira do feminismo, porque virtue can
only flourish among equals.
Compara a situação das mulheres à dos escravos, com ambos a precisarem de
emancipação ou libertação: slavery to monarchs and ministers, which the world
will be long freeing itself from, and whose deadly grasp stops the progress of the
human mind, is not yet abolished.
Vindication of the Rights of Men, 1750.
A Vindication of the Rights of Women, 1792. Cfr. Ed. De M. Kramnick, Harmondsworth,
Penguin, 1982.

Let not men then in the pride of power, use the same arguments that