CERTIFICADO DQSdo Brasil Ltda. certiÍicaque a empresa DE MOVEISLTDA. HOIZ INDUSTRIA RuaBentode SouzaBorges,1-OO O6276-OL6Osasco- SP Brasil com o escooo Projetoe fabricaçãode móveispersonalizados implementou e mantémum Sistema de Gestáo da Qualidade. documentada em um relatório, Atravésde umaauditoria, que essesistemada qualidade cumpre foi comprovado os requisitos da seguintenorma: ISO9001 : 2000 2000 ediçãodezembro Estecertificadoé validoaté 25-t1_-201r Númerodo certificado 416268QM São Paulo,Brasil 26-11,-2008 M. Drechsel Membrodo Conselho DQSdo BrasilLtda.: Escritório Central: Av.AdolfoPinheiro,1001 - 30 andar- 04733-100 - Sáo Paulo- SP - Brasil 21 - Alemanha DQSGmbH,D-60433 FranKurtam Main,August-Schanz-Stral3e Deutscher 6 .***. dh. & n* t*fFf ãi ** *f f&i 6. r f f i d G **f*l ë W&*Éfu ìÍ* W frE IMRMINI CERNFEANONNryOÂK TGA-Z[A-'t 1-01-00 TGA-Z|VI-11-01-60 CERTIFICATE DQSdo Brasil Ltda. herebycertifiesthat the company DE TUÓVEIS LTDA. HOIZ INDÚSTRIA Rua Bentode SouzaBorges,100 O6276-OL6Osasco- SP Brasil for the scooe furniture Designand manufacturing of customized has implemented and maintainsa QualityManagementSystem. in a report,hasverifiedthat this An audit,documented qualitymanagementsystemfulflllsthe requirements standard: of the following ISO9001 : 2000 December 2000 edition Thiscertificate is validuntil 20L1,-11,-25 No.: Certificate Registration 41_6268 QM São Paulo,Brazil 2008-1-t-26 M. Drechsel Memberof the Board DQSdo BrasilLtda.: Headquarters: - Av.AdolfoPinheiro,l-001 - 30 andar- 04733-100 - São Paulo- SP - Brazil 21 - Germany DQSGmbH,D-60433 FranKurtam Main,August-Schanz-Stra13e X ,r***t âX ;qCtt - tllrls; I '*f*l I f tÉú tú TGA-ZM-íí-01-00 TGA-ZM-1 1-01-60 et !{*a ** * * *^* @ NETWORK CERTIFICATION THE INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATE zur Gesellschaft lQNet andDQS GmbH Deutsche von Managementsystemen ZertiÍizierung herebycertifythattheorganization DE MOVEISLTDA. HOIZ INDUSTRIA RuaBentode SouzaBorges,1-OO O6276-OL6Osasco- SP Brasil for the scooe Designand manufacturing of customizedfurniture has implemented and maintainsa QualityManagementSystem. in a report,hasverified that An audit,documented systemfulfillstherequirements thisqualitymanagement of thefollowing standard: ISO9001 : 2000 This certificateis valid until 2011-11-25 Frankfurtam Main, Berlin 2008-11-26 Number:DE-416268 Registration QM hl^A S. Heinloth Ass. iur. M. Drechsel Managing Directors of DQS GmbH IQNet Partners*: re AENORSpaÍn AFAQAFNOR France AlB-YinçottelntemationalBelgium ANCEMexico APCERPortugal ClSQhaly CQCChina CQM China CQSCzechRepublic Cro Cert Croatia DQS Germany DS Denmark ELOT Greece FCAY Brazil FONDONORMA VenezuelaHKQAA Hong Kong Chzra ICONTEC Colombìa IMNC Mexico InspectaCertifrcationFinland IRAM Argentina IQA Japan KFQ Korea MSZT Hungary Nemko AS Norway NSAI Ireland PCBC Poland QMI Canada Quality Austria Áustria RR RersslaSAI Globallastalia SII Israel SIQ Slovenia SIRIM QAS IntemationalMalaysia SQSSwitzerland SRAC Romania TEST St PetersburgRzssla YUQS Serára IQNet is representedin the USA by: AFAQ AFNOR, AlB-Vinçotte Intemational,CISQ, DQS, NSAI Inc., QMI and SAI Global * The list of IQNet partnersis valid at the time of issueof this certifrcate.Updatedinformation is availableunderwww.iqnet-certification.com