Roberto Giannetti da Fonseca
 Born in 1950 in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, he graduated in
Economy by the University of São Paulo in the early seventies, having
started its career as a Director and Shareholder of Silex Mineração (a
Brazilian owned mining company then associated to RTZ of England),
he eventually joined Cotia Group (one of the largest livestock producers
in the country). In 1976 he was one of the founders of Cotia Trading
S/A, the first pure and diversified Brazilian trading company, of which
he was appointed Executive Vice-President and Chief Commercial
Officer, becoming its Executive President and CEO in the middle
 His principal achievements at that time were the establishment of a
regular supply of imported (from Malaysia and Nigeria) natural rubber
for the local tires manufacturers in Brazil, the promotion of pioneering
Brazilian ethanol exports to the US market, and the promotion and
negotiation of the Brazil-Nigeria Trade Agreement, a US$ 2.0 billion
trade agreement signed in 1985 between Cotia Trading S/A and the
Federal Government of Nigeria.
 He left Cotia Trading late in the eighties and started his own trading
business ( Silex Trading / 1990, Mineração São Francisco (Tin Mining)
/ 1990, Brex America / 2003, Brasilis Comércio Exterior /2003,
Ethanol Trading /2004) as well as his trade-finance consulting company
(Kaduna Consultoria / 1990), and at same time served as President of
the Brazilian Trading Companies Association – ABECE – from 1989 to
1991, and as member of the National Foreign Trade Council –
CONCEX – from 1987 to 1990.
 During the second term of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (19992002) he was appointed head of CAMEX (Câmara de Comércio
Exterior), the branch of the Federal Government in charge of
international trade policies, negotiations, and regulations. During his
term as Executive Secretary of CAMEX he set the grounds for a fast
growing of the Brazilian foreign trade business, as well as to enlarge the
participation of Brazilian companies in the international trade.
 The re-structuring of the Government export-import finance
(COFIG / SBCE, PROEX and BNDES Exim) , the
implementation of the Agencia Brasileira de Promoção às Exportações
(APEX -Brazilian Trade Promotion Agency), the REPORTO (a
program of special tariffs over port equipment aiming the
modernization of the Brazilian Ports) and his persistent meetings with
the business community aiming to enlarge the Brazilian economy share
in the world trade in this era of Globalization, ended up to produce
unquestionable results as we could easily observe today. The fast
growing of the external sector of the Brazilian economy since 2000
(from 15% to 26,5% of the GDP) is a clear evidence that those efforts
have been extremely successful.
 In the present days, Mr. Roberto Giannetti da Fonseca is also an
Executive Director of FIESP (the São Paulo State business industrial
association with more than 130.000 associates, being the largest and
most powerful Brazilian business association), in charge of the
International Relations and Foreign Trade Department. From 2003 t0
2010 he acted as well as President of FUNCEX- Fundação Centro de
Estudos de Comércio Exterior, the most reliable Brazilian institution
concerning foreign trade research and studies, and Vice President of the
Brazilian Chapter of CEAL (Consejo Empresarial de América Latina).
 He is also President of ETHANOL Trading S/A, an emerging ethanol
exporter and producer in the international market, which is expanding
its activities to the USA , Latin Ameican, and African markets.
 He is also President of KADUNA - Consultoria e Participações Ltda.
which provides an extensive service as Business Adviser to more than
50 Brazilian and Multinational companies, suggesting
implementing best commercial strategies and achieving meaningful
cost savings and tax benefits for imported equipments aiming to
upgrade of industrial technology in Brazil.
 He is also President of BRASILIS - Comercio Exterior, an active
Trading Company in Brazil, focusing mainly in export business.
BREX AMERICA is an American company, which he is one of the
shareholders, that import and distributes Brazilian food stuff to USA
He is author of the best seller book “Memórias de um Trader”
(3rd edition - 2002), and co-author of the current proposal for the
Reform of the Brazilian Foreign Exchange Legislation (Lei 11.371/06).
Roberto Giannetti da Fonseca
Diretor e Presidente da Cotia Trading S.A. (1977/1988);
Fundador e Diretor da Broadcast Teleinformática (1988/1992);
Presidente da Silex Trading S.A. (1989/2000, 2002- );
Presidente da Brex América - Miami/USA (desde 2003);
Presidente da ETHANOL TRADING S/A (desde 2004);
Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Lazarus Metals Ltd.
em Londres, Reino Unido (1993/1999);
Membro do Conselho Nacional de Comércio Exterior - CONCEX
Membro do Conselho de Comércio Exterior da FIESP (1987/1999,
Presidente da Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Comércio
Exterior - ABECE (1990/1991);
Diretor e atual Vice Presidente - Associação Brasileira de Comércio
Exterior-AEB (1990/2000, 2002- );
Vice - Presidente da FUNCEX - Fundação Centro de Estudos de
Comércio Exterior (1994/2000); e seu atual Presidente desde julho
de 2003;
Diretor e atual Vice Presidente do Capítulo Brasileiro do CEALConselho Empresarial da América Latina (1995/2000, 2006-);
Membro do Conselho Empresarial Permanente do Ministério de Relações
Exteriores (1995/2000);
Chairman do British-Brazilian Business Partnership (1998/2000);
Vice-Presidente da ABDIB- Associação Brasileira da Infraestrutura e Indústrias de Base (1999/2000);
Secretário Executivo da CAMEX – Câmara de Comércio Exterior da
Presidência da República – 2* mandato do Governo FHC (2000-2002)
Membro do Conselho Empresarial Brasil – China (2003- );
Membro do Conselho de Administração da Calçados Azaléia S/A
no Rio Grande do Sul (2003- );
Diretor Titular de Relações Internacionais e de Comércio Exterior da
Fiesp (2004- ).
No setor de mineração e metalurgia, foi também Diretor da Silex
Mineração S.A. (1973/1976), a qual atuou em pesquisa de ouro na
Amazônia em conjunto com a empresa britânica Rio Tinto Zinc Ltd., e
Presidente da Eletrosilex S.A. (1992/1998), produtora de silício
metálico no Estado de Minas Gerais. É sócio controlador das empresas
Mineração Canopus e Mineração São Francisco, as quais detém
importantes reservas de estanho na região amazônica (São Felix do
Xingú, estado do Pará).
Em 1987 atuou como Assessor do Comitê Negociador da Dívida Externa
durante a gestão do Ministro Bresser Pereira no Ministério da Fazenda, tendo
sido um dos formuladores da proposta de securitização da dívida externa
brasileira, a qual precedeu a aplicação posterior do Plano Brady.
Em 1992 atuou como Membro do Conselho Consultivo de Financiamento às
Exportações junto ao Ministério da Indústria e do Comércio, que criou o
PROEX- Programa de Financiamento a Exportações.
Em 1984 foi eleito "Trader do Ano" pelos integrantes da ANTRADER Associação Nacional de Profissionais de Comércio Exterior.
Em 1987 foi condecorado como Comendador da Ordem do Rio Branco pelo
Ministério de Relações Exteriores, tendo sido promovido ao grau de Grande
Oficial em 1999.
○ Na qualidade de Vice-Presidente da FUNCEX atuou, em Outubro de 1997, no
grupo coordenador que instituiu o Programa Especial de Exportações - PEE,
junto a CAMEX - Câmara de Comércio Exterior da Presidência da República.
Em 2002 foi eleito “Personalidade do Ano” pela ABICALÇADOS, entidade
nacional de classe do setor calçadista.
Nos anos de 1998, 1999 , 2002 , 2003 e 2005 foi eleito Líder Nacional do
Setor Comércio Exterior pelos leitores da Gazeta Mercantil.

Roberto Giannetti da Fonseca - Organization of American States