202 Environmental impact on surface water, stream sediments and macrophytes from a mining area: the case study of the Água Forte and Roxo streams at the Aljustrel mine (Portugal) aAlvarenga P, b*XHUUHLUR1cPalma P Aljustrel is a mining district located in Portugal, at the SW sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. The exploitation started during the Roman occupation and the environmental impacts of that activity are evident in the area. The main potential problem comes from the tailings deposited at the site that contain large FRQFHQWUDWLRQV RI WUDFH HOHPHQWV QDPHO\ $V &X 3E DQG =Q DQG DUH SURQH WR UHDFWLRQ ZLWK R[\JHQ DQG ZDWHU DW WKH VXUIDFH 5DLQZDWHU FLUFXODWHV DQG percolates easily over and through the deposited materials, causing the production of acid mine drainDJH $0' ZKLFK ZLOO UHDFK WKH GRZQVWUHDP DUHDV DIIHFWLQJ WKH TXDOLW\ RI VXUIDFH ZDWHU JURXQGZDWHU and stream sediments. That impact is evident at Água )RUWHVWUHDPZKLFKUHFHLYHVWKHGUDLQDJHZDWHUIURP the Aljustrel mine area. 7KH DLP RI WKH VWXG\ ZDV D WR HYDOXDWH WKH H[WHQW RISROOXWLRQLQVWUHDPZDWHUVDQGVHGLPHQWVDWÉJXD )RUWH DQG DW 5R[R ZKLFK UHFHLYHV ZDWHU IURP ÉJXD )RUWH VWUHDP DQG E WR DVVHVV WKH SRWHQWLDO RI WKH macrophyte Scirpus holoschoenus, collected along the stream banks, for phytoremediation of AMD. 9th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry 7KUHH VDPSOLQJ VLWHV ZHUH VHOHFWHG DW ÉJXD )RUWH VWUHDPDQGIRXUVDPSOLQJVLWHVDW5R[RVWUHDPWZR XSVWUHDP IURP WKH FRQÁXHQFH RI WKH ÉJXD )RUWH VWUHDP DQG WZR GRZQVWUHDP IURP WKDW FRQÁXHQFH :DWHU TXDOLW\ ZDV DVVHVVHG FRQVLGHULQJ SK\VLFR chemical characteristics and ecotoxicological paramHWHUVOXPLQHVFHQFHLQKLELWLRQRI9LEULRÀVFKHULDQG K LPPRELOL]DWLRQPRUWDOLW\ DVVD\ ZLWK 'DSKQLD PDJQD6HGLPHQWVDPSOHVZHUHDQDO\]HGFRQVLGHUing general physico-chemical characteristics and a VHTXHQWLDO H[WUDFWLRQ SURFHGXUH ZDV XVHG WR DVVHVV trace element pool in the sediments. Scirpus holRVFKRHQXVVDPSOHVZHUHDQDO\]HGLQRUGHUWRDVVHVV trace element concentrations in the aboveground plant material. %RWK VXUIDFH ZDWHU DQG VHGLPHQWV ZHUH H[WUHPHO\ DFLGLF DW ÉJXD )RUWH VWUHDP ZLWK S+ YDOXHV IRU VXUIDFH ZDWHU DQG IRU VHGLPHQW VDPSOHV 6XUIDFH ZDWHU DW 5R[R VWUHDP SUHVHQWHG S+ YDOXHV !DSSDUHQWO\QRWDIIHFWHGE\WKHFRQÁXHQFHRI WKH ÉJXD )RUWH VWUHDP EXW WKH VDPH ZDV QRW WUXH ZKHQ FRQVLGHULQJ WKH S+ YDOXHV RI WKH VHGLPHQW 203 (FRWR[LFRORJLFDOELRVVD\VHYLGHQFHGWKDWZDWHUVDPSOHV FROOHFWHG DW WKH ÉJXD )RUWH VWUHDP ZHUH H[WUHPHO\WR[LFZLWKYHU\ORZ(&50 values. Interestingly, ZKHQWKHS+RIWKHZDWHUZDVFRUUHFWHGWRQHXWUDOLW\ the same toxic response is eliminated, evidencing the high contribution of the acidity to the toxic response. $OWKRXJKKLJK$V&X3EDQG=QFRQFHQWUDWLRQVZHUH IRXQGDWÉJXD)RUWHVWUHDPWKHVDPHZDVQRWWUXH a DTCA LQ 5R[R VWUHDP 7UDFH HOHPHQW FRQWHQW $V &X 3E DQG=QLQZDWHUVHGLPHQWVDQG6FLUSXVKRORVFKRHQXVVDPSOHVZDVDQDO\]HGDQGFRUUHODWHGLQRUGHUWR DVFHUWDLQLIWKLVSDUWLFXODUPDFURSK\WHZKLFKVHHPV adapted to the extreme conditions found at Água Forte stream, can be potentially used for metal rePRYDOLQFRQVWUXFWHGZHWODQGVWRWUHDW$0' - Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Escola Superior Agrária, Rua Pedro Soares, 7800-295 Beja, Portugal ([email protected]) b DTCA - Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Escola Superior Agrária, Rua Pedro Soares, 7800-295 Beja, Portugal c DTCA - Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Escola Superior Agrária, Rua Pedro Soares, 7800-295 Beja, Portugal 9th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry