Scientific registration no : 1734 Symposium no : 40 Presentation : poster Urban solid waste compost application in sandy soil: micronutrients and heavy metals in the soil and plants Epandage de compost d’ordures ménagères en sol sableux : oligoéléments et métaux lourds dans le sol et les plantes ALVES LOPEZ William, MELO Wanderley, FERREIRA Manoel FCAV/UNESP Departamento de solos e adubos, Rodovia Carlos Tonnani, km5, 14870000 Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil. Introduction The urban garbage recycling is a practice which objectives the environmental preservation and improvement of life quality in the urban centers, besides allowing the return of nutrients to the alimentary chain (Matiazzo-Prezotto, 1992). The chemical composition of the urban garbage gather three main materials groups: plastics, metals and glasses; biodegradable organic materials and no recycled materials, contain heavy metals and another materials, all with highly power pollution. Organic materials, by specific process as compost pile process, can originate stable products (garbage compost) whose composition suggests that their incorporation to agricultural soils can generate benefits as conditioning soil properties and source of nutrients to plants. The objective of this research was verify the behavior of the urban garbage compost when incorporated to soil cultivated with sugarcane. Material and Methods The experiment was installed in March, 1996, under greenhouse conditions, in Jaboticabal county, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The soil was Typic Haplorthox. Two weeks before the planting, soil was limed with calcium carbonate p.a. (3.12 Mg ha-1) to increase the basis saturation to 70 %. The garbage compost was obtained in a Plant treatment garbage, Assis county, State of São Paulo and presented the following chemical characteristics: moisture = 29.20%; N total = 15.5 g kg-1; P = 0.1 g kg-1; K = 4.85 g kg-1; Ca = 17.8 g kg-1; Mg = 3.1 g kg-1; Fe = 28.7 g kg-1; Cu = 220 mg kg-1; Mn = 381 mg kg-1; Cr = 32 mg kg-1; Zn = 592 mg kg-1; Ni = 22 mg kg-1; Pb = 159 mg kg-1; Cd = 3 mg kg-1. The treatments tested were 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 Mg ha-1 garbage compost rates. The experimental design was a completely randomized with four replication. The experimental plot consisted of a lisimeter constructed with a PVC tube with diameter of 1 14.4 cm and height of 29.0 cm. The evapotranspirated water was compensated with distillated water added daily at 100 ml day-1 pot-1 (6 mm day-1). The sugarcane variety was a SP80-4445. The plants were obtained from a clone by tissue culture technique, supplied by Association of Sugarcane Suppliers from Paranapanema Valley, State of São Paulo. Samples of shoot and root were taken when the experiment was over (eighty days after planting). This materials were washed with water, 1N HCl solution (only roots), distillated water and deionized water, oven-dried (60-70o C), grinded and analyzed in relation to N, S, Ca, Mg and K contents (Sarrurge & Haag, 1974). The soil samples were air-dried, sieved (< 2 mm) and analyzed in relation to fertility level (Van Raij et al. (1987). The results obtained were analyzed by statistical polynomial regression according to Banzato & Kronka (1995). Results and Discussion At the time experiment was over (80 days after planting) the dry matter production by shoot (R = 0.90**) and root (R = 0.79*) was significantly correlated with the urban garbage compost rates (Figure 1). The largest dry matter production was obtained with 80 Mg ha-1 urban garbage compost rate. 9 8 7 g 6 shoot dry matter 5 y = 0,0377x + 5,3934 4 root dry matter 3 y = 0,0208x + 5,462 2 1 0 0 5 10 20 40 80 compost rates (Mg ha -1) Figure 1. Dry matter production by the shoot and root of sugarcane cropped in soil tested with urban garbage compost. The result of dry matter production was according to Hallmark & Brown (1993) and Hallmark et al (1993) for sugarcane and Moraes et al (1997) for corn and oat. Nitrogen, sulfur and potassium contents in the roots showed statistical linear correlation with compost increasing rates (Table 1). The lack to response of sugarcane to N mineral fertilizer (Sampaio et al, 1984) and the data have obtained suggest that the main source of nitrogen to the plant is the organic matter mineralization. 2 Table 1 - N, S, Ca, Mg e K root content in sugar cane cropped in soil added of urban garbage increasing rates. Treatments N S Ca Mg K -1 -1 Mg ha ----------------------------------------- g kg -----------------------------------0 11.3 2.73 3.26 1.00 13.33 5 9.9 2.39 2.75 0.95 12.68 10 9.9 2.56 2.81 1.04 11.60 20 9.8 2.52 2.70 0.86 12.69 40 11.5 2.76 2.70 0.90 15.55 80 13.0 3.07 2.45 0.93 17.96 Regression (1) L L C C L v.c. % 15.65 11.46 20.79 11.85 13.15 R 0.80* 0.83** 0.92ns 0.68ns 0.92** L = linear; C = cubic; ns = no significance; * (P < 0.05); ** (P < 0.01). Potassium content in the shoot increased with increasing rates of compost (Table 2) while nitrogen and magnesium content were not significantly affected. Increasing compost rates reduced calcium and sulfur content. This behavior probably was caused by the demand to these nutrients by bigger plants (Anderson & Bowen, 1992). Table 2 - N, S, Ca, Mg e K shoot content in sugar cane cropped in soil added with urban garbage increasing rates. Treatments N S Ca Mg K Mg ha-1 -------------------------------------- g kg-1------------------------------------- 0 8.8 2.51 6.15 2.20 5 7.3 2.52 6.59 2.29 10 6.4 2.48 5.70 1.91 20 7.3 2.47 6.04 2.10 40 7.5 2.24 5.28 2.08 80 8.5 2.10 5.31 2.06 Regression C L L C v.c. % 15.76 13.30 10.39 16.76 R 0.85ns 0.97* 0.77** 0.56ns L = linear; C = cubic; ns = no significance; * (P < 0,05); ** (P < 0,01). 10.24 8.93 11.75 11.95 13.25 16.36 L 26.92 0.95** The chemical characteristics of soil samples were influenced by different compost rates; pH, P, K, Ca and Mg available contents were increased with compost increasing rates, but H+Al was reduced (Table 3), what is according to Mazur et al (1983) and Parra et al (1997). 3 Table 3 – Soil chemical properties when the experiment was over (80 days after the urban garbage compost incorporation to the soil. K Ca Mg H+Al Treatments P resin Organic pH Matter CaCl2 Mg ha-1 mg dm-3 g dm-3 --------------------mmolc dm-3 --------------------0 25.8 15.0 5.9 0.80 32.5 2.0 16.0 5 29.8 15.0 6.1 0.75 36.0 2.0 15.5 10 25.5 13.5 6.0 0.90 35.0 2.0 16.0 20 27.5 14.0 6.2 0.95 34.0 2.0 15.3 40 29.3 14.0 6.3 1.23 36.8 3.0 15.0 80 34.3 15.0 6.5 1.95 41.8 4.0 14.0 Regression L Q Q L L C L v.c. % 15.96 5.42 1.05 21.69 5.26 1.88 3.70 R 0.86* 0.74* 0.97* 0.99** 0.92** 0.99** 0.96** L = linear; Q = quadratic; C = cubic; * (P < 0,05); ** (P < 0,01). Organic matter content decreased when rates from 0 to 10 Mg ha-1 was incorporated to the soil, maintained from 10 to 40 Mg ha-1 and increased when the rate was 80 Mg ha-1. The reduction observed was consequence of organic matter mineralization process during the period of plant development. The increase observed is an indicative that 80 Mg ha-1 supplied organic matter in amounts bigger than the soil mineralization capacity, especially in the studied period. In relation to control, the potassium was increased 144% in the soil, 35% in the roots and in the shoots. With 80 Mg ha-1 rate of urban garbage compost, potassium was uptake in amounts bigger than the best levels to sugar cane plants ( Anderson & Bowen, 1992). Conclusions 1. The addition of urban garbage compost to soil increased the dry matter production by the sugarcane variety SP80-4445. 2. Increasing urban garbage rate increased N, S and K root and K shoot contents, but decreased S and Ca shoot contents. 3. P, K, Ca and Mg available content in the soil were increased with the urban garbage compost increasing rates and reduced H+Al. 4. K was the nutrient which more increases with the different rates of compost (pant and soil). 5. The best results were obtained when 80 Mg ha-1 of urban garbage compost was incorporated to the soil. References Anderson, D.L. and Bowen, J.E. 1992. Nutrição da cana-de-açúcar. 40 p. POTAFOS, Piracicaba. Banzato, D.A. and Kronka, S.N. 1995. 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