Vestibular1 – A melhor ajuda ao vestibulando na Internet
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01) (Mackenzie - SP) …. Rhine is ….. longest river in ……. Germany.
a) f - a - f
b) f - the - f
c) The - the - f
d) f - the - the
e) The - the - the
Resposta: c
02) (U. Mackenzie - SP) "….. Mayor Paulo Maluf said that in …… southeast of ….. São
Paulo, lots of …… crops have been grown by … people interested in … development of …
new plantation method used by … Chinese."
a) The - the - f - f - the - the - the - f
b) f - the - f - f - f - the - a - the
c) The - f - the - the - f - f - a - the
d) f - f - the - f - the - f - f - the
e) The - the - f - the - f - the - the - a
Resposta: b
03) (FMU/FIAM/FAAM - SP) On my last vacation I visited … England, … USA and …
Soviet Union.
a) f - f - the
b) f - f - f
c) f - the - the
d) f - a - a
e) the - the - the
Resposta: c
04) (FMU/FIAM/FAAM - SP) My friend comes from … Switzerland.
He is … Swiss man and speaks with a charming accent. … Swiss are very nice.
a) the - the - The
b) f - f - f
c) the - a - f
d) f - a - The
e) the - a - The
Resposta: d
Vestibular1 – A melhor ajuda ao vestibulando na Internet
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05) (UFSC) We use … telephone mainly for sending and receiving … information.
a) a - an
b) the - the
c) the - f
d) a - the
e) the - an
Resposta: c
06) (U. Mackenzie - SP) Paulo, … doctor, was … first person in … his city to swim in …
Mississippi River, on … tenth of … October 1970, and in … Lake Michigan, in … 1960's.
a) a - the - x - the - the - x - x - the
b) a - a - the - the - the - the - the - x
c) the - the - x - the - x - x - x - the
d) a - x - x - x - the - the - the - x
e) x - the - x - x - the - x - the - x
Resposta: a
07) (PUC - PR) Fill in the blanks with the definite article:
…….. Brazil is ……. most industrial country in ……. South America, while ……… United
States holds ………. same position in ……… North America.
Choose the correct alternative:
a) x - the - the - x - the - x
b) x - the - x - the - the - x
c) x - the - the - the - the - x
d) The - x - x - x - the - the
e) The - the - the - the - the - the
Resposta: b
08) (ITA - SP) We know that ……. mankind is facing a lot of social problems. I think
that ……. my sister wants to go to .......... university in Europe.
a) x, x, a
b) x, x, an
c) the, x, a
d) the, the, an
e) the, the, the
Resposta: a
09) (MACK - SP) men need to accept that ....... life and ....... death are always
Vestibular1 – A melhor ajuda ao vestibulando na Internet
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a) the, the, a
b) a, an, the
c) an, an, an
d) a, the, an
e) x, x, x
Resposta: e
10) (UFPI) university course is ....... usual requirement.
a) a, the
b) the, an
c) a, an
d) an, an
e) an, the
Resposta: a
11) (FMU/FIAM/FAAM - SP) Everybody ….waiting, because the American people …..
working on the project.
a) is - are
b) is - is
c) are - are
d) are - is
e) was - is
Resposta: a
12) (CESESP - PE) "The news we received from our father last night …. very bad."
a) are
b) were
c) was
d) will be
e) n.d.a.
Resposta: b
13) (FUC - MT) ........ Peter and I right or wrong?
a) has
b) is
c) am
d) was
e) were
Resposta: e
14) (Fund. Carlos Chagas - SP) While I ….. looking that way he ……. running away.
Vestibular1 – A melhor ajuda ao vestibulando na Internet
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a) am - was
b) was - is
c) were - was
d) was - was
e) were - were
Resposta: d
15) (FUVEST) Transcreva, completando os equivalentes a 'havia'.
a) ............................. plenty of room in the hotel.
b) ………………….. fruit, …………………… milk and ……………… trees, but he refused to buy the
Resposta: a) There was
b) There was, there was, there were
16) (F. M. Santa Casa - SP) Where …….. life, there is hope.
a) there is
b) is there
c) will be
d) there would be
e) isn't
Resposta: a
17) ………… a few community self-help groups here in Brazil at present.
a) There isn't
b) There is
c) There was
d) There were
e) There are
Resposta: e
18) (ITA) Assinale a alternativa correta.
a) Both he and I teach English.
b) Both him and I teach English.
c) Both he and me teach English.
d) Both him and me teach English.
e) N.d.a.
Resposta: a
19) (Fund. Carlos Chagas - SP) I promised ... a nice present at Christmas.
Vestibular1 – A melhor ajuda ao vestibulando na Internet
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a) themselves
b) they
c) their
d) theirs
e) them
Resposta: e
20) (FMU/FIAM/FAAM - SP) It was the widow … who told … not to go there.
a) herself - our
b) itself - me
c) itself - him
d) myself - me
e) herself - me
Resposta: e
21) (F. C. M. Sta. Casa - SP) The miracles of modern medicine can prolong life beyond
the point at which … has meaning.
a) it
b) its
c) she
d) they
e) their
Resposta: a
22) (UA) She didn't buy the furniture because … was too expensive.
a) it
b) its
c) they
d) them
Resposta: a
23) (Fund. Carlos Chagas - BA) I've seen … books on the table. Have you seen … ?
a) your - my
b) yours - mine
c) your - mine
d) your - me
e) yours - my
Resposta: c
24) (CESESP - PE) Peter and Anne are friends of …. I like … very much. I suppose …
also like me.
Vestibular1 – A melhor ajuda ao vestibulando na Internet
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a) me - they - she
b) mine - them - they
c) yours - her - she
d) them - them - they
e) him - him - he
Resposta: b
25) (F. C. M. Sta. Casa - SP) Complete as frases corretamente:
"Whose shoes are these?"
"They are …. shoes. They belong to …. They are … ."
a) his - he - him
b) yours - you - your
c) their - theirs - them
d) our - us - ours
e) hers - she - her
Resposta: d
26) (UFSCar - SP) You like my car, but I prefer … .
a) my
b) yours
c) mine
d) your
e) her
Resposta: b
27) (Cesupa - Cesam - Coperves - PA) The relative pronoun who can be used in only
one of the following sentences. Wich one is it?
a) Pulsars are strong radio stars …….. send radio signals.
b) It comes from a planet …….. does not belong to the solar system.
c) That's the scientist ……. discoveries are very important.
d) Anybody else ……… wants the information must ask the scientists for it.
e) The signals ………. are made by intelligent beings are usually regular.
Resposta: d
28) (OSEC - SP) She wants ….. to stay here …… .
a) me - by myself
b) I - all by myself
c) they - by themselves
d) us - by herself
e) we - alone
Vestibular1 – A melhor ajuda ao vestibulando na Internet
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Resposta: a
29) (UFS) " ……….. is the person sitting next to your cousin?"
"Oh! That's my other cousin, Sammy."
a) Where
b) When
c) Whose
d) Whom
e) Who
Resposta: e
30) (OSEC - SP) He is the farmer … we talked about last night.
a) of whom
b) what
c) whom
d) which
e) whose
Resposta: c
31) (OSEC - SP) That is the girl …. name I can't remember.
a) whose
b) wich
c) that
d) what
e) whom
Resposta: a
32) (VUNESP) Qual alternativa corresponde à pergunta para a seguinte resposta: For
two weeks.
a) How long have you had it?
b) How many time do you have it?
c) How long did you had it?
d) How much time you have got it?
e) There is how long you've got it?
Resposta: a
33) (FATEC - SP) Bob: ____________ have you worked here?
Ann: For about three months.
a) Why
b) When
Vestibular1 – A melhor ajuda ao vestibulando na Internet
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c) Whatever
d) How long
e) Which time
Resposta: d
34) (ITA) _________ are these shoes and _________ is this hat?
a) Who; whom
b) Those; that
c) These; this
d) Whose; whose
e) What; which
Resposta: d
35) (UFRN) "_________ tall students are there in your school?"
"There are 50 tall students."
a) How much
b) How old
c) How many
d) How high
e) How long
Resposta: c
36) (M. Aer. - RJ) Peter: __________ shall we go? By bus or by train?
Fred: By train. __________ do you want to know?
Peter: __________ do you call your family on?
Fred: Twice a year.
a) When - Where - Why
b) What - Where - When
c) How - What else - How often
d) How far - What about - How many
Resposta: c
37) (FUVEST) Reescreva completando com that, which, whose.
…………………… one of the girls is your sister, the one ……….. eyes are green or …………..
one at the corner?
Resposta: Which, whose, that
38) (FUVEST) Na sentença " … who apparently was not used to all this traffic",
podemos substituir who pelo equivalente:
Vestibular1 – A melhor ajuda ao vestibulando na Internet
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a) which
b) she
c) whom
d) that
e) whose
Resposta: d
39) (FMU/FIAM/FAAM - SP) The Titanic was going very fast, …… was dangerous.
a) what
b) that
c) it
d) which
e) who
Resposta: d
40) (ITA - SP) The man … came here and … you talked to is my relative.
a) whom - who
b) which - whom
c) that - which
d) who - whom
e) none of these
Resposta: d
41) (ITA - SP) Assinale a opção correta.
a) The dance which you saw last night was a traditional one.
b) The dance what you saw last night was a traditional one.
c) The dance that you saw it last night was a traditional one.
d) The dance which you saw it last night was a traditional one.
e) None of these.
Resposta: a
42) (FUVEST) Complete com os correspondentes em inglês a 'o que'.
a) I told her to stop, …………………… she did immediately.
b) The boy said he had done what was right, ………………… was true.
Resposta: a) which
b) which
43) (UFGO) Help … to a chocolate.
a) myself
b) himself
Vestibular1 – A melhor ajuda ao vestibulando na Internet
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c) herself
d) yourself
e) itself
Resposta: d
44) (FMU/FIAM/FAAM - SP) Who made the cake? I made it … .
a) by alone
b) myself
c) itself
d) mine
e) my
Resposta: b
45) (F. C. M. Sta. Casa - SP) Why don't they enjoy …. instead of watching that dull TV
a) yourself
b) ourselves
c) yourselves
d) themselves
e) himself
Resposta: d
46) (F. C. M. Sta. Casa - SP) I've already taken my vitamins, have the children taken
…. ?
a) its
b) it's
c) our
d) their
e) theirs
Resposta: e
47) (Fund. Carlos Chagas - SP) Rivelino is a good football player; any team will be
happy to have … .
a) his
b) him
c) he
d) himself
e) it
Resposta: b
Vestibular1 – A melhor ajuda ao vestibulando na Internet
Acesse Agora!
48) (F. C. M. Sta. Casa - SP) Are you looking for Dr. Getwell? … office is on the 2nd
a) He's
b) Her
c) Hers
d) Your
e) Yours
Resposta: b
49) (Fund. Carlos Chagas - SP) I'm Mary's godmother so I'm going to leave ….. all my
a) hers
b) their
c) her
d) him
e) his
Resposta: c
50) (Vunesp) He said he was going to pass ………. exam.
a) his
b) her
c) its
d) their
e) our
Resposta: a
51) (F. M. ABC - SP) Complete with suitable possessives.
Tell him not to forget … homework; she mustn't forget … either.
a) he's - her
b) him - hers
c) its - her
d) him - her
e) his - hers
Resposta: e
52) (FUVEST) Complete com pronomes possessivos.
a) I left my pen at home. May I borrow ………. for a moment?
b) My son was on time for his class, but my daughters were late for ……… .
Resposta: a) yours
b) theirs
Vestibular1 – A melhor ajuda ao vestibulando na Internet
Acesse Agora!
53) (F. C. M. Sta. Casa - SP) I don't think this wheelchair belongs to ….. .
a) my
b) our
c) her
d) your
e) their
Resposta: c
54) (F. M. Jundiaí - SP) These are … pens, not … .
a) my - yours
b) my - your
c) me - you
d) mine - yours
e) mine - your
Resposta: a
55) (Fuvest - SP) Complete com o pronome possessivo adequado.
a) Is this Mary's book? - Yes, it is …………… .
b) Is this your brother's house? - Yes, it is ……………. .
Resposta: a) hers
b) his

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