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UFRN  Exame de Proficiência 2015_2  Inglês
As questões de 01 a 05, cujas respostas deverão ser redigidas EM PORTUGUÊS, referem -se
ao texto abaixo.
Kimberly S. Adams
Abstract: W omen in Latin America are rapidly moving up the political ladder against the odds.
Currently, the regional average for women serving in the lower chambers of parliament in Latin
America exceeds the worldwide average. In slightly over one decade, the percentage of women
serving in the lower chambers of Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica increased by large margins
(IPU, 2012). W hile numerous factors can possibly explain this increase, thi s paper examines
three political factors that may help to explain the increased presence of women serving in the
national parliaments of Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica from 2001 to 2012. Using the
comparative analysis approach, this work investigates e ach country based on: 1) the role and
influence of feminist groups; 2) the adoption and implementation of gender quotas; 3) the
country’s level of democracy. The findings indicate that all three political factors have some
influence on the presence of women in parliament.
Numerous political, socio-economic and cultural factors impact the share of women in
national parliaments worldwide. The purpose of this work was to use a comparative analysis to
investigate political factors that may help to explain the marked increase in the percentage of
women in the parliaments of Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica from 2001 -2012. W hile not
quantitative, and, thus, more speculative, the systematic comparison of the country’s feminist
advocacy groups and gender-sensitive legislation, the adoption and implementation of gender
quotas and the democratic rights and freedoms afforded its citizens, does shed a positive light on
the role that these political factors may have played in the increased presence of women in their
respective parliaments in the years under study.
Given its history as a region rife with governmental corruption, longstanding dictatorships,
and a deep devotion to Catholicism, the status of women in the political arenas in Latin American
countries is certainly worthy of inquiry. In a few short decades, Latin America has overcome steep
barriers that excluded women in the public sphere, to become the regional world leader in the
number of countries that have elected female presidents or prime ministers.
In Ecuador, the adoption and the implementation of the 50 -50 parity law in 2008 as a
result of the fierce women advocacy groups, seems to be the most compelling reason for the
increased presence of women in the Ecuadorian parliament from 2001 -2012. In Nicaragua,
women’s longstanding political involvement, first with the overthrow of the Somoza government
and then with feminist organizations, may be the single most influential political factor for
Nicaragua’s high percentage of women in parliament. Finally, i n Costa Rica, the adoption and
revised implementation of 40% gender quotas, coupled with its longstanding history of legal
recognition of women’s democratic rights before the law, seems to be the most compelling
political factors influencing the high perce ntage of women in parliament over the last decade.
While not perfect in its approach, this works does delve into three of the major political
factors that influence female representation worldwide. Future works should include a cross national quantitative approach to discern with greater certainty which political factors significantly
impact the percentage of women in parliament. Secondly, a discussion of socio -economic and
cultural factors such as female access to education and the paid workforce, religi on, the level of
corruption and/or transparency in government, could enhance the scope of the research by
providing more possible explanations for the increase presence of women in the parliaments of
Latin America.
Despite the apparent shortcomings, the current research does demonstrate that Ecuador,
Nicaragua, and Costa Rica have all made the election of women to national parliaments, a major
priority. This decade of progress with regard to women, should not be mired by the looming
economic and societal challenges that continues to plague the region. Perhaps the election of
more women within the region could help to curtail many of these problems.
Journal of Humanistics and Social Sciences [2009-4612]. [Adaptado].
UFRN  Exame de Proficiência 2015_3  Inglês  Ciências Humanas e Sociais
Questão 1
Discorra sobre a situação política das mulheres na América Latina, apresentada pela autora, e
sobre os três fatores políticos que, segundo ela, podem explicar essa situação.
Espaço para Resposta
Questão 2
Explicite os aspectos históricos que justificam, segundo a autora, a impo rtância de se investigar
o status político da mulher na América Latina.
Espaço para Resposta
UFRN  Exame de Proficiência 2015_3  Inglês  Ciências Humanas e Sociais
Questão 3
Descreva, com exemplos, como se deu a inserção da mulher na política no caso do Equador,
Nicaragua e Costa Rica.
Espaço para Resposta
Questão 4
Segundo a autora, quais contribuições os estudos futuros podem trazer para a investigação da
presença da mulher nos parlamentos na América Latina?
Espaço para Resposta
UFRN  Exame de Proficiência 2015_3  Inglês  Ciências Humanas e Sociais
Questão 5
 Traduza o fragmento textual abaixo no espaço reservado para isso.
 Seu texto deverá apresentar clareza e estar bem articulado tanto em termos estruturais
quanto de sentido.
Despite the apparent shortcomings, the current research does demonstrate that Ecuador,
Nicaragua, and Costa Rica have all made the election of wome n to national parliaments, a
major priority. This decade of progress with regard to women, should not be mired by the
looming economic and societal challenges that continues to plague the region. Perhaps
the election of more women within the region could h elp to curtail many of these problems.
UFRN  Exame de Proficiência 2015_3  Inglês  Ciências Humanas e Sociais

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